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Some examples of each:

390: White Mage Veigar, Assassin Master Yi

520: Woad Ashe, French Maid Nidalee

750: TPA Orianna, King of Clubs Mordekaiser

975: Bioforge Darius, Foxfire Ahri

1350: Lion Dance Kog'Maw, Pool Party Graves

1820: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, Brolaf

3250: DJ Sona, Pulsefire Ezreal

There are some notable exceptions however.

One of them is Primetime Draven, which should be 1820 but is 975 instead.

The Magnificent Twisted Fate, a legacy skin, sells for 1820 when it only meets the standards of a 520 skin.

There's more examples than that though.

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Some examples of each:

390: White Mage Veigar, Assassin Master Yi

520: Woad Ashe, French Maid Nidalee

750: TPA Orianna, King of Clubs Mordekaiser

975: Bioforge Darius, Foxfire Ahri

1350: Lion Dance Kog'Maw, Pool Party Graves

1820: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, Brolaf

3250: DJ Sona, Pulsefire Ezreal

There are some notable exceptions however.

One of them is Primetime Draven, which should be 1820 but is 975 instead.

The Magnificent Twisted Fate, a legacy skin, sells for 1820 when it only meets the standards of a 520 skin.

There's more examples than that though.

The ones that got me were Primetime Draven and Magnificent TF. I own most of those skins listed, however I normally get them from mystery gifts or on sale. That's the main reason I don't remember skin pricing but this is very informative.
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The Ekko Champion Spotlight is out! No Puns of Damage this time.

EDIT: League of Legends' YouTube page releases sixty-two videos of past Login Screens


Is it bad that I'm disappointed Ekko didn't get a lyrical song associated with him like the other members of the Zaun gang did? (Vi: "Here Comes Vi", Jinx: "Get Jinxed")

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Is it bad that I'm disappointed Ekko didn't get a lyrical song associated with him like the other members of the Zaun gang did? (Vi: "Here Comes Vi", Jinx: "Get Jinxed")

He might get one.. in due time. HAHAHAHAHAHA

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i was going to be disappointed too but i've had the login theme on loop for the past three hours now so i really can't be

why is this champion so cool

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No offense, but I don't think you have the skill to perform well on Nid yet. If you want to play a relatively easy gank-heavy JG, try Shaco. He's not the best champion in the world, but he's easy as junglers go and is basically all about ganking

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I would NOT suggest Shaco at all. He's probably the hardest champion in the game to play.

Anyway, before starting the game, in champion select, you need to take a close look at your team composition before picking Nidalee.

Things Nidalee wants on her team

  • Crowd control (especially on solo laners). Example: Renekton top, Ekko mid, Leona support. If her teammates do not have CC, she will not be able to gank early on and will be relegated mostly to farming until mid-game.
  • Teams with a large mid-game power spike. Usually, champions with ability to make and/or follow up on pick-offs go hand in hand with Nidalee and her cougar form's execute. Some examples would be Morgana, Ashe, and the champs listed above.
  • A strong front line. Nidalee isn't a tank, she isn't meant to be one. She is an assassin; she goes in and kills a primary target while the tanks, bruisers and the like serve as a distraction. She is what is known as a "carry-jungler", very much unlike Nunu.

Jungle build

Start Machete, a Health Potion, and a Mana Potion (Nidalee can heal herself). The choice of trinket is up to you but I personally prefer Sweeping Lens in most cases.

As for the jungle item that you buy on first back, the preferred choice is Ranger's Trailblazer for clearing ease and HP/mana sustain, but you can switch to Stalker's Blade later on to make your executions and pick-offs more effective. The rest is basically the same as standard AP Nidalee but with the Magus enchantment. That is the only viable jungle enchantment on Nidalee; any other enchantment and you'll become next to useless after two items.

Now for clearing the jungle. For first time jungle Nidalee players, the first clear can be a little daunting. It doesn't have to be. Just remember this:

  • Take Javelin Toss/Takedown (Q) at level 1, Primal Surge/Swipe (E) at level 2, then Bushwhack/Pounce (W) at level 3. Max Q first after that.
  • Toss your spear at the monster from max range to do the most damage to it. This will make clearing the camp easier.
  • Spearing or Bushwhacking camps from across walls allows you to jump to them much quicker. Do this to speed up clears and escape bad situations.
  • As a ranged champion, Nidalee can play this to her advantage by buying herself some time before the melee monsters finally reach her.
  • Keep switching between human and cougar forms so that you can keep using all of your abilities as they come off cooldown.
  • Remember that the attack speed bonus from Primal Surge carries over to cougar form, and that Takedown resets the auto-attack timer.

On The Prowl

If you wanna gank, make sure you attempt to get the laner's attention by pinging on the enemy champion. If you've done it right something like this should appear:

StudentOfArceus (Nidalee) has targeted Abbey Street - (Lux)

Now that you've signalled your intention, there are some things you need to be wary of:

  • Where the attention of your laner is at, and the CC they possess (check at 6 if their ult is up)
  • The possibility of your route being warded by the enemy (they will usually back off if they see you)
  • The location of the enemy jungler
  • The position of the target (near his tower? Behind minions?)
  • The enemy's capabilities (Can they CC you? Block or dodge your abilities? Strengthen their defenses? Are they fed?)
  • The possibility (or lack thereof) of losing key objectives elsewhere if you commit

If you can't hit the enemy with your first spear, the gank will often end in failure, so take these factors into consideration, and sweep river brush if you can.


If your laner has the CC, it can be beneficial to let them make the first move.

Whatever the case, if you think you'reready, chuck the spear towards where you think they're headed.

If it lands, go in ASAP assuming it's safe and do your thing. You may need to back off if the enemy jungler says hi (countergank), if he's close to tower, or you are not getting followup.

If it doesn't land, assess your options. You may still be able to go in depending on your laner's lockdown, so consider that option. Otherwise, the best choice is often to retreat - don't bother taxing because that's when you'll get counterganked. Don't take that risk.

Outside of Laning Phase

This AP assassin is actually an easy champion to play when she isn't trying to pull off early-game ganks or struggling through her first clear. You'll get the gist of it after about three or four games. Remember to Bushwhack key brushes, heal your ADC in teamfights, keep key spots warded if your support doesn't, and have fun!

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No offense, but I don't think you have the skill to perform well on Nid yet. If you want to play a relatively easy gank-heavy JG, try Shaco. He's not the best champion in the world, but he's easy as junglers go and is basically all about ganking




Ryan here did a pretty great job of laying out Nidalee for you, fam. Tbh, I don't play FanserviceCat often, but I can tell you that if you ever wanna learn how to play a champ, don't hesitate to either watch VoDs of pros playing the champ, or even spectate games of people in elos above yours to get an idea of how to play the champ.

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For those of you unaware about the HUD updates, there are some coming in what I assume will be 5.12.


Not too much word yet on customization and such, but you're pretty much looking at all there is to be seen right now.

It's been removed from the PBE as of June 4, but will be back after 5.11 hits live.

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For those of you unaware about the HUD updates, there are some coming in what I assume will be 5.12.


Not too much word yet on customization and such, but you're pretty much looking at all there is to be seen right now.

It's been removed from the PBE as of June 4, but will be back after 5.11 hits live.

ots pretty. However that screen shot of the items kinda belongs on Taric. Gems everywhere
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AP Varus is barely viable.

An AD Varus mid might do okay against a Kog mid, but not against most other mid laners.

I can't imagine AD Kog mid being good against anyone except maybe like Chogath.

AP Kog mid is fairly underrated and excels in poke comps, however the laning phase is very rough until Kog hits level 6 and has the mana to sustain regular ults.

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AP Varus is barely viable.

An AD Varus mid might do okay against a Kog mid, but not against most other mid laners.

I can't imagine AD Kog mid being good against anyone except maybe like Chogath.

AP Kog mid is fairly underrated and excels in poke comps, however the laning phase is very rough until Kog hits level 6 and has the mana to sustain regular ults.

As I said very situational. AP Kog's laning is sub optimal until you have tear, the mana useage is hard to go through. He struggles alot until 6 as you said unless it's against someone like Malphite where he can sit behind minions and auto with ooze to make Malphite's life miserable. Varus mid is normally a manamune into penitration station.

TL;DR Don't play Kog mid against any champion that can push him hard

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Varus mid vs Kog mid ? Who would do better and be overall more useful for the team ?

I feel like ap kog is just all around a better poke champion then varus and is more aoe centralized with some burst if you can land your other abilitys, so he's perfect in siege comps

but with varus, you have a decent level 1-6 but end up having an awkward mid-game due to the manamune build path everyone's been doing but once you get your completed manamune/last whisp/ghost blade/bloodthirster you can start doing 40%+ of a carry's health every Q if you're not behind, you also have aoe cc that works in your favor

i personally think varus is better all around for your team and that he's more flexible to put in comps then kog but you'll probably lose your lane vs a kog as varus

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Varus mid is exceptional in both the early- and late-game, but junglers with high early pressure (Jarvan, Pantheon, etc) wreck him. His mid-game weakness is also easily exploited.

Jungle pressure sways all matchups. Same can be said against Kog. At least Varus doesn't require ghost flash like Kog. The immobility of both champs is highly exploitable. That's why I feel Kog'maw passive helps him on those ganks you can't avoid dying on like if Vi ults you into a wombo you can at least do damage after the fact :/. Tbh it's all down to preferences on what you want to play
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