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Anyone knows how to deal with AD Varus mid as a Nautilus support ? My mid laner couldn't handle him enough in the early and mid game, while i couldn't properly dive him without getting my carries killed in the process. Everytime i saw a Varus mid on the other side, it was almost a 90% lost for me. Maybe i'll try Thesh, but i like Nautilus the most out of the hook brothers.

Edited by biboo195
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Anyone knows how to deal with AD Varus mid as a Nautilus support ? My mid laner couldn't handle him enough in the early and mid game, while i couldn't properly dive him without getting my carries killed in the process. Everytime i saw a Varus mid on the other side, it was almost a 90% lost for me. Maybe i'll try Thesh, but i like Nautilus the most out of the hook brothers.

Thresh would probably do you better in this situation, considering you don't have to come to Varus once you hook him, as well as the fact that you have 3 instances to pull him out of the tower and towards your carry (two tugs of Death Sentence and one pull from Flay). Additionally, you can hook him through the tower instead of just hooking the tower as he kites you around it.

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Anyone knows how to deal with AD Varus mid as a Nautilus support ? My mid laner couldn't handle him enough in the early and mid game, while i couldn't properly dive him without getting my carries killed in the process. Everytime i saw a Varus mid on the other side, it was almost a 90% lost for me. Maybe i'll try Thesh, but i like Nautilus the most out of the hook brothers.

A jungler with good cc and bring high damage instaburst champs like Talon to deal with Varus mid. Naut support bring something like Morgana or Sivir to negate his ult and pull. Other than that not much I can say about Varus mid... he is hard to counter....

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Anyone knows how to deal with AD Varus mid as a Nautilus support ? My mid laner couldn't handle him enough in the early and mid game, while i couldn't properly dive him without getting my carries killed in the process. Everytime i saw a Varus mid on the other side, it was almost a 90% lost for me. Maybe i'll try Thesh, but i like Nautilus the most out of the hook brothers.

Teemo /shot

But seriously, just cc him where he can't attack to give your carries time to kill him. Thresh hook and flay should do nicely assuming you can land them. If you can't get Thresh, Leona is also an option and she's easier to play as well.

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I actually played a Nautilus against a mid Varus the other day. I forget what role I was tho. Basically, he's gonna site back and poke, so either your carries need to dodge that (yeah right) or you need to lock him down long enough for your hopefully more mobile carries to get to him. The best way to do this is to Flash Ulti>Hook>E(for damage)>AA>W (cancels animation)>AA>E (for slow and damage). So basically your normal combo. You'll most likely get his Flash and/or ulti and he'll be out of position and thus out of the fight. Or possibly he'll try to stay put in which case all you have to do is keep him focused on you so your teammates can cut through his team and clean him up after the fight

In other news, more people need to see this and then become unable to un-see it owo


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I actually played a Nautilus against a mid Varus the other day. I forget what role I was tho. Basically, he's gonna site back and poke, so either your carries need to dodge that (yeah right) or you need to lock him down long enough for your hopefully more mobile carries to get to him. The best way to do this is to Flash Ulti>Hook>E(for damage)>AA>W (cancels animation)>AA>E (for slow and damage). So basically your normal combo. You'll most likely get his Flash and/or ulti and he'll be out of position and thus out of the fight. Or possibly he'll try to stay put in which case all you have to do is keep him focused on you so your teammates can cut through his team and clean him up after the fight

In other news, more people need to see this and then become unable to un-see it owo


At least Taric isn't there ._. May end up getting backdoored
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Also, people forgot bout them, so Chromizzle Packizzles on the P B Izzle.

  • Bardizzle: Yellow / Orange, Green / Teal, Blue / Purple

  • Dreadknizzle Nasizzle: Grey / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

  • Grim Rizzle Karthizzle: Black / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

  • Shockblizzle Zedizzle: Red / Silver, Purple / Gold, Yellow / Bronze

EDIT: Fixed Shockblade Zed's youtube link

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Also, people forgot bout them, so Chromizzle Packizzles on the P B Izzle.

  • Bardizzle: Yellow / Orange, Green / Teal, Blue / Purple

  • Dreadknizzle Nasizzle: Grey / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

  • Grim Rizzle Karthizzle: Black / Red, Green / Purple, White / Blue

  • Shockblizzle Zedizzle: Red / Silver, Purple / Gold, Yellow / Bronze

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why dizzle talk died out after 5 minutes.

That being said, I love the Bard Chroma pack. Definitely gonna pick that one up.

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Probably yes, DD

I'm starting to get annoyed at how OP Smite is outside the jungle. Like, I like diversity, but instead of diversity we're just getting Smite everywhere

They should nerf Challenging Smite, that'd help a lot imo

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Probably yes, DD

I'm starting to get annoyed at how OP Smite is outside the jungle. Like, I like diversity, but instead of diversity we're just getting Smite everywhere

They should nerf Challenging Smite, that'd help a lot imo

I agree the damage reduction is a little insane.... plus you get true damage.... a wee bit to strong imo

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So I've been playing around with Twitch lately (One of the few costumes I want to get is the Sly Cooper one for him). A lot of build guides say to get Blade of the Ruined King first. It may just be me sucking, but I don't like this item. Anyone think going for Static Shiv and then Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster may be a decent alternative?

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Bork is almost definitely the way to go first

It helps you a ton in early skirmishes (which you would otherwise lose painfully because Twitch) and since Twitch scales so well with attack speed, it stays relevant throughout the game. In addition, with the current tank meta, Bork's passive really helps you cut through the enemy team

I'm pretty sure that Bloodthirster is bad on Twitch, but I honestly don't play him much so I don't know for certain

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Bork is almost definitely the way to go first

It helps you a ton in early skirmishes (which you would otherwise lose painfully because Twitch) and since Twitch scales so well with attack speed, it stays relevant throughout the game. In addition, with the current tank meta, Bork's passive really helps you cut through the enemy team

I'm pretty sure that Bloodthirster is bad on Twitch, but I honestly don't play him much so I don't know for certain

Bloodthirster isn't that great on Twitch because of his passive. You want the attack speed to spread poison faster. Normally Bork into PD and attack speed boots should be the first 3. it's almost like building Vayne... normal adc build on Twitch just doesn't give you the chance to effectively use your passive

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So I've been playing around with Twitch lately (One of the few costumes I want to get is the Sly Cooper one for him). A lot of build guides say to get Blade of the Ruined King first. It may just be me sucking, but I don't like this item. Anyone think going for Static Shiv and then Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster may be a decent alternative?

Well, first of all, Statikk Shiv has never really been a viable start on any AD Carry. I've seen it a few times on Tristana and maybe Vayne, but that's generally if you're very behind and need the gold from the early avarice as well as the waveclear Statikk Shiv provides. Twitch doesn't exactly have an oppressive laning phase, but he's far from having the worst, so unless you're playing poorly, you shouldn't be too behind in lane. Additionally, W, and auto here and there, and then E is decent waveclear for twitch.

I can give you a few reasons as to why Bork is an effective rush on him. First of all, the attack speed just synergizes excellently with him. You generally won't have an optimal item, especially Infinity Edge, completed before level 6. Twitch also, scales incredibly well with attack speed, being able to apply many stacks of his passive, and also being able to get more attacks in while his ult is activated, thus effectively, hitting more enemies. Add this onto the fact that the more stacks he gets, the more amplified his E becomes, and attack speed just seems to make sense. Twitch is far from a caster ADC, focusing more on his auto attacks to do damage than anything else, so the percent health damage on each auto attack in addition to the true damage from his passive, makes shredding tanks a breeze. (Plus, a little life steal in early skirmishes never hurt anyone except the enemy). To add on to the tank shredding capabilities, a second item, Youmuu's Ghostblade is also effective. Early on, when it's a bit more difficult to secure CS, an avarice blade is effective for making every Creep kill count, increasing your gold income. In addition, the Brutalizer's armor penetration helps also in fighting tanks. After that, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster or PD, and a Mercurial Scimitar should be good to round out your build.

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