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I got an idea. Everyone but shaco gets trickster's glass, then you all use that glass on shaco, then shaco uses his ult! Now there are 7 shacos!?! Which one is the real one? NO BODY KNOWS... until after 30 seconds or when you attack that is..

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Orri: made to help in teamfights and that all this game

Ori is a fairly safe pick into LB imo. I don't see her dominating lane, but she can stay safe and farm up for teamfights. LB can easily get out of her ulti, so I would save that for defensive use rather than all-in (when she tries to burst you down under tower, use ult to disrupt her, she'll either have to back out or die)

Anyways, new featured gamemode is whoa, so much things... I kinda hope some of the items are sticking around

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I got an idea. Everyone but shaco gets trickster's glass, then you all use that glass on shaco, then shaco uses his ult! Now there are 7 shacos!?! Which one is the real one? NO BODY KNOWS... until after 30 seconds or when you attack that is..

That'll be fun!
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Ok guys, speculation time!

Riot Socrates has just confirmed on the League of Legends subreddit that the Victorious Skin for this year is a Marksman! (I guess I gotta hurry up and try to get to gold soon).

If I had to take a stab at it, I'd assume it's between Sivir, Ashe, Kalista, or possibly Jinx.

Kalista sticks out to me the most though. While Sivir and Ashe could probably fit the more elegant and regal theme that the Victorious Skins have, they both received skins at the same time in February, being Warden and Marauder respectively. Jinx doesn't exactly fit the theme, and in general, lost her popularity recently, in addition to also having received a skin in February. Kalista has risen in popularity as quite a bit and has remained a solid pick in Solo Queue and competitive, having a rather large pick/ban rate for quite a while. In addition, of these four rather popular marksmen, Kalista has gone the longest without receiving a skin, being Blood Moon Kalista, which was her default skin at her release in November. If Kalista does end up receiving a skin in the next few patches, (which would be likely if she wasn't in the running for the Victorious Skin) then we would know for sure that it's probably going to be Sivir. That's my opinion, but I'm curious to know all of yours.

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Definitely going to be either Sivir or Kalista. They've both been huge forces in competitive this year, Sivir especially, she's been meta all season.

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Sivir: Possible, but unlikely. She already has an assortment of skins and chances are it'd turn out too similar to Warden or PAX. She might have seen a ton of competitive play recently, but I just don't see it happening.

Kalista: By far the most likely recipient. Kalista has been a force for as long as she's been out and she's destined to get the Victorious Skin unless the nerfs make her fall off hard towards the end of the season (unlikely).

Ashe: With the Queen of the Freljord being out as long as she has been, as well as a recent return to competitive prominence, Ashe is probably the dark horse candidate for the Victorious skin (Championship maybe?).

Jinx: Least likely of your choices, and probably tied with Miss Fortune for the most unlikely marksman overall. Doesn't fit the character at all, and she hasn't seen much pro play as she doesn't fare very well in tank meta.

Personally, I would add Corki, Graves and/or Ezreal to the mix as they typically show up around the end of the season. I will elaborate further later.

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Sivir: Possible, but unlikely. She already has an assortment of skins and chances are it'd turn out too similar to Warden or PAX.

Skin amount didn't stop Morgana from gettinng it last year, and worrying about skins being similar is silly. Remember when there were concerns about DJ Sona being too similar to Arcade?

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Kalista: By far the most likely recipient. Kalista has been a force for as long as she's been out and she's destined to get the Victorious Skin unless the nerfs make her fall off hard towards the end of the season (unlikely).

Speaking of the Kalista "nerfs", in my opinion, they're more of a balance. I play a lot of Kalista, enough where I would probably coin her as my current main, and I can say, that often, the basic attacks do stack up, but what's more important is building up those stacks of Rend on multiple enemies and tearing them out for big damage. With her base AD up as well as the AD per level, her basic attacks will still be doing a little less, but it's not like it's 90% of what she currently has for AD. Additionally, this extra AD will also end up scaling with her damaging abilities like Rend, and the only thing still with a 1:1 ratio on her, Pierce. And let's not forget her ult can easily change the tides of a fight, especially if used in a team with a lot of easy follow-up (Malphite, Orianna, Leona, etc.) Additionally, I don't think the small nerf to Pierce will be that noticeable. Most of the time, if you know how to kite correctly, you won't require that extra length onto Pierce to finish off someone. From experience, I generally would use this mid-dash cast as a way to basic attack, hop away, and during that hop, throw out a Pierce in hopes of getting a little extra poke. But since I generally only use that in the laning phase, and more often than not, I find myself maxing Rend, it's not too noticeable. If they really wanted to leave a dent with this nerf, they'd do something about her Sentinel damage, especially at level 1.

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Skin amount didn't stop Morgana from gettinng it last year, and worrying about skins being similar is silly. Remember when there were concerns about DJ Sona being too similar to Arcade?

Well, Morgana had 5 skins at the time, and hadn't had a new skin for over a year. Sivir has a total of 7 skins and has received one in the past 5 months. Maybe I'm just determined because I really want to have Victorious Kalista.

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Sivir: Possible, but unlikely. She already has an assortment of skins and chances are it'd turn out too similar to Warden or PAX. She might have seen a ton of competitive play recently, but I just don't see it happening.

Kalista: By far the most likely recipient. Kalista has been a force for as long as she's been out and she's destined to get the Victorious Skin unless the nerfs make her fall off hard towards the end of the season (unlikely).

Ashe: With the Queen of the Freljord being out as long as she has been, as well as a recent return to competitive prominence, Ashe is probably the dark horse candidate for the Victorious skin (Championship maybe?).

Jinx: Least likely of your choices, and probably tied with Miss Fortune for the most unlikely marksman overall. Doesn't fit the character at all, and she hasn't seen much pro play as she doesn't fare very well in tank meta.

Personally, I would add Corki, Graves and/or Ezreal to the mix as they typically show up around the end of the season. I will elaborate further later.

Victorious skins are usually made for champions that had a huge impact in the meta at for the season, had huge win rate, basically a huge factor for a lot of games. The reasons why Jarvan, Janna, Elise, and Morgana got victiorious skins because they gave a new look in their role, or shifted the meta in a way, or became a huge contested pick. Sivir qualifies heavily for that. Sivir allowed the otherwise slow tanks to run rampant with her ult, and is probably why we are currently in the tank meta atm. Not to mention that she's heavily contested. I feel like sivir will get the skin, but hey! Just my 2 cents.

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Victorious skins are usually made for champions that had a huge impact in the meta at for the season, had huge win rate, basically a huge factor for a lot of games. The reasons why Jarvan, Janna, Elise, and Morgana got victiorious skins because they gave a new look in their role, or shifted the meta in a way, or became a huge contested pick. Sivir qualifies heavily for that. Sivir allowed the otherwise slow tanks to run rampant with her ult, and is probably why we are currently in the tank meta atm. Not to mention that she's heavily contested. I feel like sivir will get the skin, but hey! Just my 2 cents.

Graves probably no because of his nerfs. Once Graves' nerfs came in he kinda died off in lcs play

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Graves was hurt more by the shift in meta than anything. He can't do shit to pure tanks late game unless he goes BoRK, which can cause him to lose his signature burst power and with it, his dominant mid-game. Thus tank busting is definitely done better by a slew of champions; most notably Vayne, Kog, and Varus.

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Graves was hurt more by the shift in meta than anything. He can't do shit to pure tanks late game unless he goes BoRK, which can cause him to lose his signature burst power and with it, his dominant mid-game. Thus tank busting is definitely done better by a slew of champions; most notably Vayne, Kog, and Varus.

Kog'Maw may get the victorious treatment since AP Koggles has been all the rage recently. Varus mid too... it's all speculation but my top 4 for that is Kog, Sivir, Varus, and Kalista

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Definitely not Victorious Quinn kappa

I do love me some Quinn.

Speaking of Quinn, there's a bug with her Corsair skin on the PBE at the moment where instead of switching to Valor, it's just Quinn getting all the boosted stats and abilities of Valor running at you at the speed of light. Fucking vroom vroom Quinn.

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I do love me some Quinn.

Speaking of Quinn, there's a bug with her Corsair skin on the PBE at the moment where instead of switching to Valor, it's just Quinn getting all the boosted stats and abilities of Valor running at you at the speed of light. Fucking vroom vroom Quinn.

Oh please Riot make that live. I would love to see Quinn just running around and trying to peck people xD

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Well... Azir is a Marksman, and I wouldn't put it past Rito to try to trick us but... VICTORIOUS URGOT THO

:| uhhh I think not. Urgot probably won't get it because he just is kinda there. Varus is just better than him unfortunately... although I do think it'd be hilarious if they tried to make a pretty Urgot skin

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Battle Bunny Urgot.

Popstar Urgot.

But how do you think the Sated Devourer will aftect the Jungle? I expect to see a healthy buff to Aatrox since it's confirmed it procs his W every two attacks instead of three (Aatrox main here) and Riot is already talking up Jungle Kayle.

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