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Battle Bunny Urgot.

Popstar Urgot.

But how do you think the Sated Devourer will aftect the Jungle? I expect to see a healthy buff to Aatrox since it's confirmed it procs his W every two attacks instead of three (Aatrox main here) and Riot is already talking up Jungle Kayle.

Alright scroobs, today is Pocky's Freelo guide.

Featuring Fizz!

Sated Devourer + Wit's End + Maxed W. Let that sink in for a while. Insane damage right? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

But I seriously expect Fizz's win rate to spike so hard after this patch goes in.

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As a Jungler main, I would say I hate Nunu.

..But I play Shaco sometimes so I can't really complain. I'm loving the Shyv VU but most of all with this new patch, the Aatrox Sated Devourer. His W procs every two hits instead of three and it's so so powerful. Aatrox Jungle is definitely my favourite role atm.

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Kalista nerfs hit her a lot harder than I expected. I feel like I do no damage with my auto attacks and I get blown up easily because I can't life steal nearly as much. Also, it's of note that Kalista now has the lowest win rate of any ADC.

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Kalista nerfs hit her a lot harder than I expected. I feel like I do no damage with my auto attacks and I get blown up easily because I can't life steal nearly as much. Also, it's of note that Kalista now has the lowest win rate of any ADC.

Good. You should not that level of upfront DPS and be as passively mobile as Kalista is.

Now to buff the other ADCs...Caitlyn, Tristana, Graves, Draven...the ADC meta is looking real fine right now. Maybe buffs for those four and this'll be close to my favorite meta

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Good. You should not that level of upfront DPS and be as passively mobile as Kalista is.

One could easily say the same about Katarina and how easily she hops from enemy to enemy, bursting them down instantly. But just like Kalista, she's really weak to CC, especially targeted CC.

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One could easily say the same about Katarina and how easily she hops from enemy to enemy, bursting them down instantly. But just like Kalista, she's really weak to CC, especially targeted CC.

Yea but Kalista hopped after every auto which really just made it annoying to try to kill her if she was isolated, she could just run away and kite you to death. Where as all Kat can do is hop away and hope no cc hits her
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Yea but Kalista hopped after every auto which really just made it annoying to try to kill her if she was isolated, she could just run away and kite you to death. Where as all Kat can do is hop away and hope no cc hits her

My point in general is that she most definitely has counterplay in the farm of targeted CC. One Nautilus ult and the whole enemy team can collapse on her if she doesn't have QSS. She's meant to be a teamfight menace because she can hop around the battlefield, dodging skillshots and dealing damage. But if she's hopping around and doing nothing, then there's no point at all.

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finally got my first S+(haven't played as much as I used to) as Leona, opposing draven and shen(as support) got salty, said Leona's burst is too high, and called me a Leona main, I don't even have level 3 with Leona yet, I have higher level with bard

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finally got my first S+(haven't played as much as I used to) as Leona, opposing draven and shen(as support) got salty, said Leona's burst is too high, and called me a Leona main, I don't even have level 3 with Leona yet, I have higher level with bard

I can be called a main of what ever champion I do well with... I don't have lvl 5 masteries with any champions :/

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I can be called a main of what ever champion I do well with... I don't have lvl 5 masteries with any champions :/

I don't have any on main account, but I guess my Yasuo lvl 5 doesn't account for anything if it's on PBE... I need to stop always going there first

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Battle Bunny Urgot.

Popstar Urgot.

But how do you think the Sated Devourer will aftect the Jungle? I expect to see a healthy buff to Aatrox since it's confirmed it procs his W every two attacks instead of three (Aatrox main here) and Riot is already talking up Jungle Kayle.

With the sated devourer i see the wriggle flame (dont remeber the item name) meta of aa junglers coming back. I play alot of udyr and nocturne, its already pretty good. I might be wrong though because of all the variety there is now for the junglers.

That said with all the shenanigans going on in the jungle i prefer solo lanes these days.

Edited by ChikkenChaser
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With the sated devourer i see the wriggle flame (dont remeber the item name) meta of aa junglers coming back. I play alot of udyr and nocturne, its already pretty good. I might be wrong though because of all the variety there is now for the junglers.

That said with all the shenanigans going on in the jungle i prefer solo lanes these days.

Not even slol lanes are safe from the smite menace. Runeglaive is insanely broken, and it really bugs me that Riot keeps moving for smite to be in every lane.... just let it stay in the jungle
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Not even slol lanes are safe from the smite menace. Runeglaive is insanely broken, and it really bugs me that Riot keeps moving for smite to be in every lane.... just let it stay in the jungle

They're not even moving for it to be in every lane. They're going the wrong way with balancing the jungle items in my opinion by just making each one more powerful. These effects like the bonus health and AOE Lich Bane tend to synergize well with other champions who can replace it with other items that aren't 100% core on them.

They basically made cinderhulk a powerful force and decided, instead of nerfing it so it wasn't such a dominant item, they'd make every single jungle item a lot stronger so junglers are suddenly the strongest members of every team.

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They're not even moving for it to be in every lane. They're going the wrong way with balancing the jungle items in my opinion by just making each one more powerful. These effects like the bonus health and AOE Lich Bane tend to synergize well with other champions who can replace it with other items that aren't 100% core on them.

They basically made cinderhulk a powerful force and decided, instead of nerfing it so it wasn't such a dominant item, they'd make every single jungle item a lot stronger so junglers are suddenly the strongest members of every team.

I have to agree with this 100%.

Not that I don't think Junglers should be strong, as they are an important aspect to the team, but I feel as though at the moment they're far too strong.

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well, i doubt sated will bring anything more then just more variety to the jungle, devourer jungles still suffer from the issues they had in the past and next patch i hear they're changing runeglaive to work only on jungle camps so we probably won't be seeing lane smites in the future

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