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well, i doubt sated will bring anything more then just more variety to the jungle, devourer jungles still suffer from the issues they had in the past and next patch i hear they're changing runeglaive to work only on jungle camps so we probably won't be seeing lane smites in the future

Thank god. I don't want my top lane opponent taking away half of my damage potential >.< or my mid lane opponent living because of purple smite. Smite should stay in the jungle

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well, i doubt sated will bring anything more then just more variety to the jungle, devourer jungles still suffer from the issues they had in the past and next patch i hear they're changing runeglaive to work only on jungle camps so we probably won't be seeing lane smites in the future

the amount of times i see 5 smite and im just like what

they got dat rly secure baron and drag tho its k

No, but seriously, what they're doing with Smite is incredibly ridiculous and I can not honestly believe they didn't see these issues before they went live. They had to have known the damage some things would cause? And why do so many of their recent fuck ups involve the jungle. The wolves smite bug, Smite, certain junglers (Feral Flare too good) it seems like a role that just never settles down for long and whenever it does settle down it's because Lee Sin Vi and X Jungler (Kha, Elise, Jarvan) said hi.

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the amount of times i see 5 smite and im just like what

they got dat rly secure baron and drag tho its k

No, but seriously, what they're doing with Smite is incredibly ridiculous and I can not honestly believe they didn't see these issues before they went live. They had to have known the damage some things would cause? And why do so many of their recent fuck ups involve the jungle. The wolves smite bug, Smite, certain junglers (Feral Flare too good) it seems like a role that just never settles down for long and whenever it does settle down it's because Lee Sin Vi and X Jungler (Kha, Elise, Jarvan) said hi.

I mean they gave Kalista a smite essentially... now they could put another smite on her??? they gotta stop this

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1. Which support should i use to carry ranked games ? I can play all support champs, but i've had the most success with Blitz, Nautilus and Thresh.

2. Which champion should i use to practice top lane with ? I can play Maokai, Rumble and to an extent, Ryze. I don't mind practicing with a different champ than those 3.

3. So my best friend is usually cool and all, but when he gets killed like 2+ times in lane, he starts to have a semi meltdown, and it usually wouldn't end until he gets some more kills and doesn't die.. He's a nice guy overall, but he can really be stressed out playing LoL and he's actually flamed and raged in chat for a lot of times, he's even raged at me once. I tried my best and was able to get him to calm down, and he somewhat learned his mistake. But every now and then, he just goes back to his old state. I really want to help him with this, and just remind him that LoL (to us) is just for fun. Heck, he flamed other people in Normal, let alone Ranked. He's an ok ADC, and sometimes he can make some really sick plays. But with him like this, i really can't find an interest in duo - ing with him.

Edited by biboo195
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Anyone knows some mid lane champs I can carry games with?

I made a goal for myself to get to gold by the end of the season and im in silver 2 so I wanna get to gold soon.

Right now im trying to get better at yasuo and im gonna try to get good at viktor(he can one shot ppl...literally)

EDIT: also to anawer biboos #3 question play games with other friends in a normals or if u can get 10 ppl in a custom. With everyone being friends try to just chill out and just play around and not try hard(but if the enemies are competitive then call me up and ill burn their nexus to the ground for you <3)

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EDIT: also to anawer biboos #3 question play games with other friends in a normals or if u can get 10 ppl in a custom. With everyone being friends try to just chill out and just play around and not try hard(but if the enemies are competitive then call me up and ill burn their nexus to the ground for you <3)

Thanks for your help mate, but i only have like 2 best friends that play LoL with me. And the guy in question #3 is 1 of them.

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Thanks for your help mate, but i only have like 2 best friends that play LoL with me. And the guy in question #3 is 1 of them.

Well we have a Lol general chat and Lol ScreenShots Thread for a reason...(if u didnt find out the reason already its because we have a ton of lol players here)Everyone here is chill(I think) So ask around and add some ppl or go in the ign thread

If you want you can add me

My two league accounts:

Void D3stroyer (main)

Dont Lantern Me (Smurf)

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Anyone knows some mid lane champs I can carry games with?

I made a goal for myself to get to gold by the end of the season and im in silver 2 so I wanna get to gold soon.

Right now im trying to get better at yasuo and im gonna try to get good at viktor(he can one shot ppl...literally)

EDIT: also to anawer biboos #3 question play games with other friends in a normals or if u can get 10 ppl in a custom. With everyone being friends try to just chill out and just play around and not try hard(but if the enemies are competitive then call me up and ill burn their nexus to the ground for you <3)

Ekko, Yasuo, and Fizz are amazing carries. The latter two seem to get fed just by existing.

Anyone have any tips for Draven? He so much fun to play as, but so hard.

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Anyone have any tips for Draven? He so much fun to play as, but so hard.

Pretty much the only thing i can say is practicing and having god like positioning so u dont get caught be skill shots when catching axes.

Ekko: Not that strong mid anymore but im pretty sure hes still alright jg

Fizz:Its a stretch but its possible

Yasuo: I agree

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Ekko, Yasuo, and Fizz are amazing carries. The latter two seem to get fed just by existing.

Anyone have any tips for Draven? He so much fun to play as, but so hard.

don't get caught up on catching axes

Anyone knows some mid lane champs I can carry games with?

I made a goal for myself to get to gold by the end of the season and im in silver 2 so I wanna get to gold soon.

Right now im trying to get better at yasuo and im gonna try to get good at viktor(he can one shot ppl...literally)

EDIT: also to anawer biboos #3 question play games with other friends in a normals or if u can get 10 ppl in a custom. With everyone being friends try to just chill out and just play around and not try hard(but if the enemies are competitive then call me up and ill burn their nexus to the ground for you <3)

1. Which support should i use to carry ranked games ? I can play all support champs, but i've had the most success with Blitz, Nautilus and Thresh.

2. Which champion should i use to practice top lane with ? I can play Maokai, Rumble and to an extent, Ryze. I don't mind practicing with a different champ than those 3.

use champs you actually know inside out and can play well

simple advice but it's the best advice there is. there's no shortcut. sure some champs are stronger than others, but that's not going to help you when you don't realize all the neat tricks you could do if you had played the champs you enjoy, played a lot and know. people have got to challenger playing on a trackpad, so don't sweat it.

Edited by Anethia
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Anyone knows some mid lane champs I can carry games with?

Annie, Orianna, LeBlanc, Zed


Annie is one of the easiest mids to learn and can carry just about any game if she wins lane

Ori is a super duper safe lane (my personal pick if I don't know the champ I'm facing too well) very few things hard counter her laning phase so as long as you stay safe and farm, you'll destroy midgame teamfights. She's especially good against dive happy champs like Fizz and Zed

Most people don't know shit about countering LB so if you can play her well (which is hard) you're pretty guaranteed to win your lane

Whether he wins lane or not, Zed is bound to be of use so long as he doesn't actually feed. His 1v1 potential and splitpushing power absolutely destroy everything pre-Plat

Alternatively, if you have a mid champ you've played a bit and are good at/enjoy (like my Rumble, or more recently Varus), just spam those in normals for a while until you feel comfortable carrying. Just about any champ can carry, so if you're truly good at them, it doesn't really matter what kind of natural carry potential they have

And always remember that climbing isn't about just winning games, it's about improving your own play and learning to deal with other players properly

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Annie, Orianna, LeBlanc, Zed


Annie is one of the easiest mids to learn and can carry just about any game if she wins lane

Ori is a super duper safe lane (my personal pick if I don't know the champ I'm facing too well) very few things hard counter her laning phase so as long as you stay safe and farm, you'll destroy midgame teamfights. She's especially good against dive happy champs like Fizz and Zed

Most people don't know shit about countering LB so if you can play her well (which is hard) you're pretty guaranteed to win your lane

Whether he wins lane or not, Zed is bound to be of use so long as he doesn't actually feed. His 1v1 potential and splitpushing power absolutely destroy everything pre-Plat

Alternatively, if you have a mid champ you've played a bit and are good at/enjoy (like my Rumble, or more recently Varus), just spam those in normals for a while until you feel comfortable carrying. Just about any champ can carry, so if you're truly good at them, it doesn't really matter what kind of natural carry potential they have

And always remember that climbing isn't about just winning games, it's about improving your own play and learning to deal with other players properly

Annie is super flexible so learn to build her for more than just mid. For mid carries I'd recommend learning Azir, Akali, Ahri and Viktor. It's a very challenging role to carry on, but those 4 can get insanely strong really easily. Viktor gains ap per level, Azir gets a tower, Akali is just snowbally, and Ahri gets true damage and a heal every 8 abilities
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If you want something snowbally, don't learn Akali. Akali is just bad right now so if you're going to learn something brand new, don't pick her. Go Diana. Diana is like Akali, but better (Of course if you already play Akali a little then feel free since, as I said, anything can carry. She's just sub-optimal if you wanna learn something brand new)

Also, I wouldn't recommend Azir if you're focused on carrying. I mean, he's a great champ, but he needs a really good team to get proper use, something you're not gonna find in Silver

Also, if you aren't worried about bans, learn Kata or Donger. Kata is insanely good at low elo. And as long as you properly escape ganks and stun all-ins like Zed and Annie, Donger can end up being like Lb where people don't know how to deal with him. I recommend taking Heal or Barrier to be safe, not like you're often in range to Ignite. Teleport is also viable on him even mid since he's all about pushing lane... Also, last I checked (which was a couple months ago but still noteworthy since I don't think he's had any nerfs) he had a near 55% win ratio, AKA the highest at the time

Another one in the "people can't deal with" category is Malzahar. He's a lot like Donger with crazy pushing power, but instead of being an insane annoyance in sieges and lane, he has crazy splitpush and 1v1 potential (like Zed) however, he lacks escapes so splitting can be dangerous

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If you want something snowbally, don't learn Akali. Akali is just bad right now so if you're going to learn something brand new, don't pick her. Go Diana. Diana is like Akali, but better (Of course if you already play Akali a little then feel free since, as I said, anything can carry. She's just sub-optimal if you wanna learn something brand new)

Also, I wouldn't recommend Azir if you're focused on carrying. I mean, he's a great champ, but he needs a really good team to get proper use, something you're not gonna find in Silver

Also, if you aren't worried about bans, learn Kata or Donger. Kata is insanely good at low elo. And as long as you properly escape ganks and stun all-ins like Zed and Annie, Donger can end up being like Lb where people don't know how to deal with him. I recommend taking Heal or Barrier to be safe, not like you're often in range to Ignite. Teleport is also viable on him even mid since he's all about pushing lane... Also, last I checked (which was a couple months ago but still noteworthy since I don't think he's had any nerfs) he had a near 55% win ratio, AKA the highest at the time

Another one in the "people can't deal with" category is Malzahar. He's a lot like Donger with crazy pushing power, but instead of being an insane annoyance in sieges and lane, he has crazy splitpush and 1v1 potential (like Zed) however, he lacks escapes so splitting can be dangerous

I'm just saying in terms of learning it Akali can snowball really hard. She was hit fairly hard by nerfs recently, Diana benefited from Runeglaive

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don't get caught up on catching axes

use champs you actually know inside out and can play well

simple advice but it's the best advice there is. there's no shortcut. sure some champs are stronger than others, but that's not going to help you when you don't realize all the neat tricks you could do if you had played the champs you enjoy, played a lot and know. people have got to challenger playing on a trackpad, so don't sweat it.

Well that doesnt really help cuz wut if im good at cho? Yeah cho is a tank and does good dmg but he cant really carry. I wanna learn some new stuff mid besides leblanc and learning a champ that has the capability to carry out of low elo if u know how to use that is pretty good in my opinion.

Annie, Orianna, LeBlanc, Zed


Annie is one of the easiest mids to learn and can carry just about any game if she wins lane

Ori is a super duper safe lane (my personal pick if I don't know the champ I'm facing too well) very few things hard counter her laning phase so as long as you stay safe and farm, you'll destroy midgame teamfights. She's especially good against dive happy champs like Fizz and Zed

Most people don't know shit about countering LB so if you can play her well (which is hard) you're pretty guaranteed to win your lane

Whether he wins lane or not, Zed is bound to be of use so long as he doesn't actually feed. His 1v1 potential and splitpushing power absolutely destroy everything pre-Plat

Alternatively, if you have a mid champ you've played a bit and are good at/enjoy (like my Rumble, or more recently Varus), just spam those in normals for a while until you feel comfortable carrying. Just about any champ can carry, so if you're truly good at them, it doesn't really matter what kind of natural carry potential they have

And always remember that climbing isn't about just winning games, it's about improving your own play and learning to deal with other players properly

Annie:Gets destroyed by cc and in tank meta that pretty popular but i still play her once in awhile so i understand why u said her

Leblanc:yeah im good with her atm shes what im playin the most.

Orri: totally forgot she existed, if i see the team comp works well with it ill do it i guess since ik how to play her.

zed:I mained him for a long while i cannot be asked to play him atm i just played him to much this season

If you want something snowbally, don't learn Akali. Akali is just bad right now so if you're going to learn something brand new, don't pick her. Go Diana. Diana is like Akali, but better (Of course if you already play Akali a little then feel free since, as I said, anything can carry. She's just sub-optimal if you wanna learn something brand new)

Also, I wouldn't recommend Azir if you're focused on carrying. I mean, he's a great champ, but he needs a really good team to get proper use, something you're not gonna find in Silver

Also, if you aren't worried about bans, learn Kata or Donger. Kata is insanely good at low elo. And as long as you properly escape ganks and stun all-ins like Zed and Annie, Donger can end up being like Lb where people don't know how to deal with him. I recommend taking Heal or Barrier to be safe, not like you're often in range to Ignite. Teleport is also viable on him even mid since he's all about pushing lane... Also, last I checked (which was a couple months ago but still noteworthy since I don't think he's had any nerfs) he had a near 55% win ratio, AKA the highest at the time

Another one in the "people can't deal with" category is Malzahar. He's a lot like Donger with crazy pushing power, but instead of being an insane annoyance in sieges and lane, he has crazy splitpush and 1v1 potential (like Zed) however, he lacks escapes so splitting can be dangerous

kata gets banned a lot in low elo

I dont like playing champs like malz and heimer that do nothin but farm and stuff its just not my style

I dont have diana yet RIP

What u mean when u say whats up with riv and zed?

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>>>Can't carry

You're kidding, right?

Cho is insanely good right now (though he's banned a lot) Just build him AP and kill things while never dying. Takes a bit of snowballing so you can keep your stacks up but still crazy powerful right now. Maybe if you'd said like... Um... Actually I literally can't think of anyone who can't carry. I mean, even supports and full tanks can carry if you play them right. But, seriously, Cho is freelo right now

Also, Annie isn't anymore destroyed by CC than the next squishy. Just build Zhonya's and you're fine. I did mostly mention her because she's easy (unlike Zed or LB)

And yeah, that's why before mentioning Kata I said "if you aren't worried about bans" :P Though, she's banned less now because of other champs being considered more dangerous and few people actually playing her outside Blind Pick, so she's actually a worthwhile pickup if you have the time to learn an extra champ

Also, "nothing but farm" champs are actually some of the best carries, since they're usually crazy good in the mid to late game (see: Nasus, Vlad). So if you're just worried about your elo that's defs the way to go

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Not sure what you mean about Akali being bad? I've picked her up recently and snowballed hard as hell every time, being able to 1v2/3 almost immediately after getting 6. People complain about how her ult passes through people now, making her risky near towers or whatever. But honestly, that has allowed me to dodge Riven ults and Leblanc distortions to easily win a 1v2. She still has insane damage, her e has such a low cooldown now that it's basically free wave clear and activates Lich Bane, she's got insane sustain after getting Hextech Gunblade, and can even reposition in a duel easily by just placing down her shroud, finding a better position, restoring some energy, and jumping back in. She's still incredibly good right now in my opinion.

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Zed has a bug where you hit b in combo you can recall instantly xD Riven idk

literally right after i posted i ran into a riven and she should everyone the glitch yeah riven can do it aswell.

Well that explains why zed has been disabled say bye to riven for a bit

to answer kosher kitten forget what i said about cho xD (my brain went dead for a minute)

But when i asked the question i wanted to know champs that are good at carrying so i can learn them and carry my games(example viktor)

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And when I answered I recommended good carries like Annie and LeBlanc

But, I mean, you can literally carry with almost every midlaner so there's really no point to that question

And no, Akali is very bad right now. Diana and LB both easily outclass her as assassins. Yes you can still snowball and carry on her, but she's still suboptimal and there's no real point to picking her up when you can pick up Diana instead

I guess, it's not so much that she's bad as she's not as good as other stuff

I mean, I love playing Orianna support, but I don't recommend picking it up if you don't already play Ori, because things like Karma and Sona already do almost everything she does but better

EDIT: Oh, though is worth noting that Akali is a better toplaner than Diana just due to how that meta works right now

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