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And no, Akali is very bad right now. Diana and LB both easily outclass her as assassins. Yes you can still snowball and carry on her, but she's still suboptimal and there's no real point to picking her up when you can pick up Diana instead

I guess, it's not so much that she's bad as she's not as good as other stuff

There's the fact that Akali is unique with her hybrid damage, great sustain, stealth, high damage mark ability, an ultimate gap closer with three charges that resets upon kill or assist and doesn't rely upon a skillshot to reset, and zero mana issues as opposed to Diana. That's a pretty big difference in my opinion. Sure she is better top, but that's only because it's easier for her to survive lane up there and farm up until six. She still can carry and snowball just as well as everyone else. I haven't seen one good argument as to how she's suboptimal aside from "that's just how the meta is." Not to be harsh, it just doesn't make sense to me.
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And when I answered I recommended good carries like Annie and LeBlanc

But, I mean, you can literally carry with almost every midlaner so there's really no point to that question

And no, Akali is very bad right now. Diana and LB both easily outclass her as assassins. Yes you can still snowball and carry on her, but she's still suboptimal and there's no real point to picking her up when you can pick up Diana instead

I guess, it's not so much that she's bad as she's not as good as other stuff

I mean, I love playing Orianna support, but I don't recommend picking it up if you don't already play Ori, because things like Karma and Sona already do almost everything she does but better

EDIT: Oh, though is worth noting that Akali is a better toplaner than Diana just due to how that meta works right now

If you're gonna make a point about a champion at least back it up like otherwise it means all of shit. While Diana IS strong right now, she's being taken in the jungle, as that's where her strength comes from. Comparing a champ that's primarily jungle based to a champ that goes either mid or top is silly. Yeah, if you look it up you'll see that most of Diana's games in Plat+ ranked are played mid, but those numbers are also skewed towards Diana mains. Secondly, LB is in a really shitty spot right now. She's hovering at a nice 44% winrate as the meta just isn't in her favor. Not saying Akali is doing much better (Her winrate fucking DOVE this patch thanks to the changes), but backin' your shit up with facts is hella important for discussions regarding meta.

TBH, Anivia is a really good AP carry to learn if you're willing to put in the time. Galio's also not doing so bad atm. Taking advantage of Runeglaive Ez is probably the easiest way to carry, though since he's still a broken piece of shit.

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I can support the notion of Anivia but I only really played her excessively way back in the day (she was the second champion I bought while she was still 6300 (two days before she got reduced to 3150 (GRUMBLE))). Gotta be able to hit that Q, though.

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If you're gonna make a point about a champion at least back it up like otherwise it means all of shit. While Diana IS strong right now, she's being taken in the jungle, as that's where her strength comes from. Comparing a champ that's primarily jungle based to a champ that goes either mid or top is silly. Yeah, if you look it up you'll see that most of Diana's games in Plat+ ranked are played mid, but those numbers are also skewed towards Diana mains. Secondly, LB is in a really shitty spot right now. She's hovering at a nice 44% winrate as the meta just isn't in her favor. Not saying Akali is doing much better (Her winrate fucking DOVE this patch thanks to the changes), but backin' your shit up with facts is hella important for discussions regarding meta.

TBH, Anivia is a really good AP carry to learn if you're willing to put in the time. Galio's also not doing so bad atm. Taking advantage of Runeglaive Ez is probably the easiest way to carry, though since he's still a broken piece of shit.

Don't forget the darn, Vel'Koz has been pretty strong recently with the item changes. However mid Ezreal maybe your best bet as it sits right now in the meta
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However mid Ezreal maybe your best bet as it sits right now in the meta

Taking advantage of Runeglaive Ez is probably the easiest way to carry, though since he's still a broken piece of shit.

Do yourself a favor and don't pick up the thing that's already set to get nerfed.

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Do yourself a favor and don't pick up the thing that's already set to get nerfed.

Abuse -> Gain LP -> It gets nerfed -> Move to next fotm -> Abuse -> repeat

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Abuse -> Gain LP -> It gets nerfed -> Move to next fotm -> Abuse -> repeat

A beginners guide to ranked... aka my Morgana ab00se

In other news. Rest in Pepperonis ranked. That Riven bug got you real good.

Edited by xXNasDavXx
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Don't forget the darn, Vel'Koz has been pretty strong recently with the item changes. However mid Ezreal maybe your best bet as it sits right now in the meta

ezreal is hard to play since you gotta be very careful for the whole game and you will probably get destroyed by bursty stuff like viktor so you need to practice him before playing him in ranked.

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ezreal is hard to play since you gotta be very careful for the whole game and you will probably get destroyed by bursty stuff like viktor so you need to practice him before playing him in ranked.

the thing is he cam arcane shift away from most of the burst, he's very mobile and can survive fairly easily and with two items can almost one shot a carry with ult. If you want a laner who isn't susceptible to high burst your best bet would be taking someone like Lulu mid or another champion with some type of sheild
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It's really funny because the Riven bug affects all champions that have a spell that affects the casting bar you see when you recall which is damn near all if not all Champions in this god forsaken game. I can't really imagine how this happened, but I'm assuming they use the same bar for recalls and the channels so every champ may now instantly recall good job.

Have fun abusing this on every champ as soon as you learn how to do it.

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Abuse -> Gain LP -> It gets nerfed -> Move to next fotm -> Abuse -> repeat

That IS one way to do it sure, but if he's looking for something to pick up and learn, I'm not sure that's the way he wants to go about it.

Let's change my previous statement to include "get used to," then.

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the thing is he cam arcane shift away from most of the burst, he's very mobile and can survive fairly easily and with two items can almost one shot a carry with ult. If you want a laner who isn't susceptible to high burst your best bet would be taking someone like Lulu mid or another champion with some type of sheild

Well... If you get counter picked into a diana or a pantheon or something withh cc and burst then have fun #pigswag

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That IS one way to do it sure, but if he's looking for something to pick up and learn, I'm not sure that's the way he's wants to go about it.

Let's change my previous statement to include "get used to," then.

I've been told by some diamond+ friends that it's not a bad way to learn, granted focusing on one something until you master it is obviously better. You pick up a bunch of champs, you experience a bunch of roles, and you gain general game knowledge. That being said, I can also see why you wouldn't want to do that.

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#pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag #pigswag

Sry i had to

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Ya know what? I'm gonna try this game (hopefuly) today. I'll post my info when stuff's set up. Oh! And any beginner tips would be nice.

EDIT: The name's DavidTheZettaNerd . PM me your LOL names!

Edited by Ringabel
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Ya know what? I'm gonna try this game (hopefuly) today. I'll post my info when stuff's set up. Oh! And any beginner tips would be nice.

EDIT: The name's DavidTheZettaNerd . PM me your LOL names!

Tips eh? Here's some tips that'll help you fit right in:

  1. Don't die
  2. Kills are more important than anything else, always go for the kill even if it will get you killed too
  3. It's not your fault you lost lane, the jungler should have ganked you
  4. You have no map awareness
  5. Fuck off
  7. Focus Master Yi
  8. Stop stealing the support's CS
  9. It was lag
  11. Dodge any game where you don't get to play the role you want
  12. Focus Teemo
  13. It's not your fault, [insert champion that just killed you here] is OP
  14. Tryndamere takes no skill
  15. Master Yi is so broken
  16. My four year old sister plays better than you
  17. If someone makes a mistake, yell at them until they ragequit
  18. That support that's going 0/2/19? They're bad and a feeder (Kills are all that matter)
  19. Let your ADC farm, even when there's an important teamfight going on at Dragon
  20. Always go for objectives without vision control, it never backfires
  21. They got a First Blood? GG
  22. Take the red buff while your team dies
  23. Backdooring is badass AF, always backdoor if you can
  24. Always pick the new champion (when there is one) even if none of the roles they can be played in are open
  25. Alexus is probably trolling you right now

Okay, but srs:

  1. Play champs you like and try to have fun. Winning isn't that massively important outside ranked (and even then try not to freak out when you lose)
  2. Generally it's best to try champs on free and make sure you like them before buying them
  3. You see that Riven that just got a pentakill in a 2v5? Riven is not OP, the person playing her is just really skilled mechanically. Don't go buy Riven just so you can get a penta, because you won't get it
  4. Teemo is adorable (Yes, this is a serious tip)
  5. Teemo is Satan (as is this)
  6. You're new, realize that at least half the people you're playing with are better than you (AKA Smurfs) and know what they're doing. If they yell at you it's because they're used to better players and are frustrated, but what they're saying is likely to be true. Try to pick out the advice and ignore the rage
  7. The meta isn't everything, however some things are more optimal than others. So keep that in mind when deciding to pick up a new champion to fill a gap in your pool
  8. Try to focus on CSing well. It's generally much better to have good CS numbers than a good KDR, at least early on in the game. And it's also something that only gets better with practice, so starting sooner rather than later is best

I recommend you start by trying to pick up someone with little mechanics (like Sona or Sivir) and just learn the larger strategy before trying to master any one champ

Actually, related to one of my points up there. I still don't play any AD champs (well, outside Ashe for ADC, and that's sorta iffy) I'm working on picking up Varus and possibly Jarvan, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other recommendations? (Esp since Varus is like super niche) I mostly play midlane but my toplane pool is equally lacking. I won't play Yasuo, ever. And I'm bad at Zed and don't have the energy to work on mastering him (generally just not an assassin person, only assassins I really like are Akali and Diana)

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