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I'm just starting out and I already love Ashe.

For tips just try to learn the game mechanics and learn what playstyle you like(for example I like to kill ppl in secs and burst so im a mid main and play assassins a lot.) Just cchill and explore and see what champs you like.

Also just for a side note once u hit lvl 6 you get free champs of the week instead of the ones you start with. What this is is that every week on tuesday a set of free champs are available for a week and changed every week to let you explore new champs. DONT FORGET TO TRY THEM OUT.

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I'm a Nunu main, love Draven and 4th wall breaking, and am a massive fan of Sly Cooper. I don't think their overrated.

As Nunu skins go, Nunu bot isn't that great, and Primetime Draven is pretty cool but Soul Reaver is just as nice, and Pool Party is down right lretty awesome as well. For a 750 skin Pickpocket Twitch is really nice.
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Most people forget that Primetime Draven is a Legendary Skin that only costs 975. It meets every qualification for a 1820, but Riot decided to sell it for less.

well soul reaver just looks nicer.

THE COLORS :feelsgd:

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Most people forget that Primetime Draven is a Legendary Skin that only costs 975. It meets every qualification for a 1820, but Riot decided to sell it for less.

I am actually aware of this fact, and I do have the skin. I also have Nunu Bot, I just feel that those champions have better skins.
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Starting to realize Kalista nerfs didn't actually hit her that bad. Rushing blade of the ruined king seems to be an optimal start now. Attack speed is always good on Kalista, not to mention you get that percentage health damage to help with your rather poor basic attack damage at the time. Life steal also gives decent sustain in lane. Every time I've played Kalista, I've come back into lane with Bork and 1v1'd the enemy ADC without them even leaving a scratch.

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Starting to realize Kalista nerfs didn't actually hit her that bad. Rushing blade of the ruined king seems to be an optimal start now. Attack speed is always good on Kalista, not to mention you get that percentage health damage to help with your rather poor basic attack damage at the time. Life steal also gives decent sustain in lane. Every time I've played Kalista, I've come back into lane with Bork and 1v1'd the enemy ADC without them even leaving a scratch.

Im pretty sure people are doing hurricane bt or bt hurricane atm in lcs and stuff

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Im pretty sure people are doing hurricane bt or bt hurricane atm in lcs and stuff

That would be because they haven't used the current patch until this week I think? Bt hurricane was always my standard rush but it's just not as effective in my opinion with the nerfs.

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That would be because they haven't used the current patch until this week I think? Bt hurricane was always my standard rush but it's just not as effective in my opinion with the nerfs.

Well both sneaky and piglet play kallista with the bt into hurricane this weekend and played well, and they play a good 10 hours per day so im pretty sure the bt rush is still the best build.

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You gotta find what works for you. People build differently based off of what they're comfortable with. There's no such thing as a "best build." There are multiple optimal builds with different build paths. No one build is going to work perfectly for every person playing that champion. I was simply stating that I feel as if Bork is an optimal rush for me and that people should give it a try as well to see if they like it.

Also, another thing to consider, is how passive the early game tends to be for the ADC's in LCS. They're not making crazy duo kills with their support early. They're just farming up for big items like IE or BT. On the contrary, in a lower ELO in solo queue, you're gonna be looking for duo and solo kills a lot in lane, so a bit-by-bit build path to bork guarantees you're getting stronger with each back considering all items that build into bork are rather cheap. In the C9 vs. CLG game, you'll notice Sneaky had 0 kill participation until after BT was finished. TL vs. NME showed Piglet with a really nice early game, but he picked up a lot of these kills with only a Vamp Scepter and Greaves. This build could have easily gone into Bork considering Vamp goes into BT and Bork, so either way, the pieces of Bork still can do you well.

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Starting to realize Kalista nerfs didn't actually hit her that bad. Rushing blade of the ruined king seems to be an optimal start now. Attack speed is always good on Kalista, not to mention you get that percentage health damage to help with your rather poor basic attack damage at the time. Life steal also gives decent sustain in lane. Every time I've played Kalista, I've come back into lane with Bork and 1v1'd the enemy ADC without them even leaving a scratch.

Rushing BORK on Kalista is extremely good with the way the meta has shifted right now. The attack speed the item gives with runnans gives her an insane 2 item spike that can help you to secure almost anything. Freeze from Copenhagen Wolves did that with her in the spring split and did extremely well
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Rushing BORK on Kalista is extremely good with the way the meta has shifted right now. The attack speed the item gives with runnans gives her an insane 2 item spike that can help you to secure almost anything. Freeze from Copenhagen Wolves did that with her in the spring split and did extremely well

I agree with this.

I've never been one for more-mobile adcs, but when I do play her, I've always rushed bork. Especially now.

By the 20 minute mark I usually have these two items, and I find myself ripping through the front lines of the enemy teams with ease.

Truthfully, I find most all the adcs are actually in quite a balanced spot right now.

The only thing I wish is that there'd be a bit easier itemization for the mixed damage ones.

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I agree with this.

I've never been one for more-mobile adcs, but when I do play her, I've always rushed bork. Especially now.

By the 20 minute mark I usually have these two items, and I find myself ripping through the front lines of the enemy teams with ease.

Truthfully, I find most all the adcs are actually in quite a balanced spot right now.

The only thing I wish is that there'd be a bit easier itemization for the mixed damage ones.

Agreed, Ez, Kog, and Corki need cheaper items
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i really dislike botrk rush on kalista, your AAs literally do no damage until you get BT and since kalista is one of the more squisher ADCs with meh base hp and one of the lowest base armours, not to mention having short AA range and having to get close up in teamfights to actually use your hurricane, having the lifesteal and shield from BT gives you a much heavier impact to mid-game teamfights

only reason i would ever rush botrk would be so i could out duel other strong dueler ADCs or if the enemy team has 3+ tanks to help kite/percent damage, but it looks like we're starting to shift away from that meta

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i really dislike botrk rush on kalista, your AAs literally do no damage until you get BT and since kalista is one of the more squisher ADCs with meh base hp and one of the lowest base armours, not to mention having short AA range and having to get close up in teamfights to actually use your hurricane, having the lifesteal and shield from BT gives you a much heavier impact to mid-game teamfights

only reason i would ever rush botrk would be so i could out duel other strong dueler ADCs or if the enemy team has 3+ tanks to help kite/percent damage, but it looks like we're starting to shift away from that meta

But the thing is, with the meta shift, most ADC's that are chosen nowadays consist usually of Jinx, Graves, Ez, or Vayne. Sometimes you'll get Twitch or Kog f the teamcomp calls for them, and Cait if a teampoke comp is made. But this, I find, usually isn't the case.

The thing with all of them is, Kalista has nearly the same or only a smaller range than these champs. [Minus Cait, Kog's w, and Jinx and Fishbones, but I believe she's getting another nerf {kill me}.] But Kalista has a very unique kit that sets her apart from all the above champions. She requires teamwork to get some maximum health damage, which if done correctly, can wreck any of the above. [i've found Graves' true grit to be rather annoying with this passive however.]

However, what all of these champs above [minus Cait] have is an attack speed steroid. In order to deal damage and to duel effectively, Kalista needs attack speed and attack damage and maybe even a bit of survivability. What gives these things? Bork. (Not to mention you can jack your runepage up with damage reds, armor yellows, and attack speed blues. I personally choose damage quints, and it helps enormously for me.)

If you were to rush runaan's first, you get attack speed, but your damage is lack luster. You get bt, you get survivability and some unf into your autos, but at this point your opponent has most likely also finished an item and still has that attack speed steroid over you. So unless you make an outplay, the odds are stacked against you. [unless of course rngesus wants to love you.]

Which kind of brings us back to bork. With it's passive and it's attack speed and damage and life steal, I honestly find it to be the best choice, especially given your usually opponents and how tanks these days are beginning to stack more health than anything. {especially if you're against AP tanks like Vlad [who is getting immensely popular due to the item changes.]}

Of course everything also dies down to your team comp, your support, your opponents, your skill level, and your play style.

I personally, with the information above, find bork route to be affective. However, that's just me and my play style and from my experience.

Edited by The Mistress
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Kalista almost always rushes BoRK now after the nerfs to her AD scalings. BT's not as efficient of a buy as it used to be with the cutback on her upfront damage.

I expect her to get nerfed again soon, tbh.

Moving on, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, Gangplank's Champion Spotlight has come early! I'll do a little write up on the Saltwater Scourge's update when I get home.

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Kalista almost always rushes BoRK now after the nerfs to her AD scalings. BT's not as efficient of a buy as it used to be with the cutback on her upfront damage.I expect her to get nerfed again soon, tbh.Moving on, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, Gangplank's Champion Spotlight has come early! I'll do a little write up on the Saltwater Scourge's update when I get home.http://youtu.be/3kysDbC-NTo

she literally only needs one nerf, her W passive when she and her support attack the same target. It does to much damage, so they should just nerf the ammount of damage that does

In other depressing news for those of us who like to play the game. Fiora will be getting a champion rework... which gives her true damage >:(http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-update/champion-update-fiora

Edited by xXNasDavXx
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Really? It makes perfect sense to me. Have you seen the videos of how they work?

Not yet.

Oh, I see now. I thought it was still going to work like her old ult for some reason. Passive makes sense to me now too.

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