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Karma was re-imagined in our eyes as a support-mage. Think Lux, Morgana, Orianna -

>lists three of my favorite champions


Edit: On a less capslock note

>Singed nerfs


(sorry Batl)

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I was having a conversation with my brother, a hardcore competitive player. He went on this extremely long rant about how overpowered Jarvan IV is. I played a level 30 game with him and Jarvan ate alive everyone who went top at any point.

Surely, he's not that overpowered...right?

Side note, got Nocturne. He's sooooooo fun to play as.

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Jarvan is dumb because there's no way he won't be useful throughout the entire game, and he's as hard to stop as Irelia once he gets going.

You can build him AD, Bruiser, or tank, and he'll still poop on everything with a pulse

Reading league judgements and wishing there were more these are soooooo gooooooooooood http://na.leagueoflegends.com/learn/lore/champion-judgments/vladimir

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I don't mind Jarvan too much... I mean, he's tanky and can be kinda annoying to take down, but- I prefer dealing with that than someone like Xin who, I know if he jumps on me I'm pretty much about to be dead.

or, you know, say, akali.



*blood proceeds to drip from eye sockets*

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but, apparently there are nerfs for her incoming, which i guess is whatever n' stuffs

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Theoretically. I get the AoE thing, but, I don't have a problem with her shroud. My problem is with how much raw damage her combo does coupled with her sustain meaning it's very difficult to trade her when she's on the offensive, or harass her out on the defensive.

Pre-6, yeah, she's weak, but seven potions tend to go a long way and she still has shroud and flash to bail her out of ganks.

In lane, once she jumps on you, if she's got enough health, she's going to kill you. Tower doesn't matter because she isn't -that- squishy, even if you flash she can catch up- Even Ahri, the queen of #gone with three flashes will not escape.

Even if she is killed early, she's still going to get a triple kill mid-game because she does that much damage inherently.

Alternatively, I'm just bad, but also as someone who has her now, for instance, I went 12/0 in my last game with her, basically without really trying or giving fucks.

I feel like there's a problem there.

In any case, if there are nerfs, I feel justified and relieved- prayers answered, etc, but is there a sauce on this?

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Jarvan is really good right now. I'm not sure about OP though.

Akali doesn't seem like she needs nerfs to me. If she doesn't snowball she really doesn't do anything. Just an annoying champ.

She will probably end up getting nerfed anyway though

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In other news, support Veigar with ADC runes/masteries worked. Good job on the others for cleaning up my mistakes >>

#why anything is possible with a skilled team

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Hiiiiii Ikaaaaaaru. :3

Anyway...J4 really isn't any sort of broken - the issue is that he used to mix so well with Taric [both can give aura Armor that is around 50 at max ranks for both skill] and that he has a huge mobility alongside the lockdown he can afford in the same skills. In my opinion, it's the same general thing as Malphite ult with a wall at the end of it to hit people with that takes 3 buttons, not one. This meta is all about mobility; and not knowing when J4 is going to come out of nowhere scares more people than it should.

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jarvan isn't broken or anything it's just that he does very well in literally every position/lane, and can bounce back from a bad early game while still being very safe/tanky and doing a ton of damage-- most champions can boast 1, 2, or maybe 3 of these qualities, but he manages all of them.

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I'm a little disappointed she still has to use Mantra get any damage from E... That means she still only has two abilities to regularly damage with, which I feel like is going to hurt her mid viability... But I guess we'll see.

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