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The Fush

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that's a bit of a lie... I've seen Morg banned plenty of times

Have u been in ranked this patch?

everyone and i mean EVERYONE(maybe besides does dummies in bronze that think kat is op) are banning the op jungles: shyv, yi, udyr, kayle, diana and elise while im still banning ryze.

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Have u been in ranked this patch?

everyone and i mean EVERYONE(maybe besides does dummies in bronze that think kat is op) are banning the op jungles: shyv, yi, udyr, kayle, diana and elise while im still banning ryze.

yes I have. My ranked 5's team, Mediocre Gaming House bans Morgana almost every game. Look, I'm not stupid, I maybe in bronze for solo que but I do know my way around the rift quite well and I do have an extensive knowledge of picks and bans that are good. I'm just saying to say Morgana never gets banned isn't a wise statement, it can alos be a target ban, people can very easily look up what chanpions you are good at and ban them.
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yes I have. My ranked 5's team, Mediocre Gaming House bans Morgana almost every game. Look, I'm not stupid, I maybe in bronze for solo que but I do know my way around the rift quite well and I do have an extensive knowledge of picks and bans that are good. I'm just saying to say Morgana never gets banned isn't a wise statement, it can alos be a target ban, people can very easily look up what chanpions you are good at and ban them.

can ppl see the enemy teams name in ranked 5s in champ select? If they can then mb i guess.

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if you ever need a support main/ adc, I can be of assistance. I play often and definitely looking for a 5's team, or people to play with.

LoL name is Critical Clitdmg

I'm S1 in my 3's (gold 5 last season) and S1 in solo queue if that matters at all.

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if you ever need a support main/ adc, I can be of assistance. I play often and definitely looking for a 5's team, or people to play with.

LoL name is Critical Clitdmg

I'm S1 in my 3's (gold 5 last season) and S1 in solo queue if that matters at all.

problem is almost everyone who wants to join is a main of what is filled. XD what we honestly need is a top lane and jungle main... although I can do most anything in the game... i just prefer bot lane
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I left LoL about half a year ago since it was only bringing me frustration and desire of kicking 5 butts (or nine, If you catch my drift) every hour or so, due to the stupid and absurd competitiveness promoted by the game and the community in general. Reaching Platinum 3 was enough for me to kick it out of my life.

Has anything changed around there or do people still rage at you at the minimal mistake?

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I left LoL about half a year ago since it was only bringing me frustration and desire of kicking 5 butts (or nine, If you catch my drift) every hour or so, due to the stupid and absurd competitiveness promoted by the game and the community in general. Reaching Platinum 3 was enough for me to kick it out of my life.

Has anything changed around there or do people still rage at you at the minimal mistake?

It depends on what rank you play at

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I left LoL about half a year ago since it was only bringing me frustration and desire of kicking 5 butts (or nine, If you catch my drift) every hour or so, due to the stupid and absurd competitiveness promoted by the game and the community in general. Reaching Platinum 3 was enough for me to kick it out of my life.

Has anything changed around there or do people still rage at you at the minimal mistake?

Only those who main certain champions are that way consistently. Two that come to mind immediately are Riven and Vayne mains. If they don't get their champion/ they play badly it's never their fault or they will start to troll. It's not a fun situation

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