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The Fush

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I get the feeling that she'll have the Championship skin, but I can agree that one of those two is going to Kalista.

Also, the new Arcade skin is on the PBE! And it's for... wait, seriously...?


Some other skins coming with it:

  • Academy Ahri (so kawaii desu~ ...am I doing it right?)


  • Academy Darius (There was always that one guy, and this is him)


  • Academy Ekko (that one nerd who got tired of the bullying, I guess)


  • Academy Vladimir (They say that he's an A+ student.)


EDIT: Added Battle Boss Blitzcrank

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Depends on whether or not Kalista has been a big part of ranked gameplay.

Kalista has the one of the highest if not the highest pick/ban rates in lcs i would be surprised if it doesnt get one of the two.

Also, This is the funniest comment i have ever seen on a patch note.(read the teemo changes before this and u will understand.)


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...They made Darius stronger. R.I.P. YoloQ

But in other news GAREN CAN ACTUALLY SMITE CHAMPIONS NOW. Bit late since Jungle updats BUT HE CAN DO IT

And, overall not a fan of the Mordekaiser changes. I much preferred having him as a solo laner... Though I am a fan of the meta smashing Rito's trying to get on. But after watching a support rage over a Teemo APC I'm not expecting that to turn out well


EDIT: Oh, shit, I just noticed, they're going to change Shyvana. Guess I better wait on that before deciding to pick her up again as my jungler

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playing the new morde in a solo lane proved to be very difficult. he doesn't have as much burst as he did before, nor the solo lane safety. especially since they changed his W completely.

Also, after playing the new skarner, i don't find the 6 crystals on the map that obscure (minus the black squares), and gives him more opportunities to make plays before lvl 6. Even his stun is a little better in my opinion, since anyone hit by his E only needs one auto.

Darius, on the other hand, i think had the bigger buffs out of the group and i have yet to be in a game where darius didn't dominate whatever lane he was in. But I do think the buffs were necessary (just on a lesser scale QQ)

I'm not sure of what to think of the new garen, he seems to be the more balanced of the group but I have yet to play him.

I do love the new items though, they allow melee champs who normally don't have good waveclear to clear lanes pretty well.

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...So basically they screwed my second account over QQ

I was perfectly content with Morde as he was. Maybe just slap a slow on his mace for better chasing potential (esp amongst minions where Morde shines)

I honestly really love the idea of a dedicated APC, and Morde certain fits the bill. When he ultis an ADC he can shred towers like nobody's business, though his short range and lack of mobility are gonna make it P impossible for him to fit into the meta right now. I'm just sad that I won't be able to wreck shit midlane anymore

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problem is almost everyone who wants to join is a main of what is filled. XD what we honestly need is a top lane and jungle main... although I can do most anything in the game... i just prefer bot lane

I main botlane, but I can still play jungle effectively. My champ pool is smaller though (Shyvana, Skarner, Evelynn, Elise, Rek'sai, Kha'zix, and Hecarim.)

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Wait what? Doesn't he take Dragon when he kills it with his ult?

he doesn't have to kill it with his ult, his ult now reads, "Dealing damage to the dragon curses it for 10 seconds."

you don't have to activate it (or rather can't, since it's a champion only target ability).

so basically, if you deal damage to dragon and your team kills it while you have it marked by dealing any type of damage to it, you get a 45 second draagon for yourself to siege towers or other players.

and you can still ult another player and get a clone of them >.>

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Whoops, read it wrong. Maybe he'll become a good jungler now with stuff like this?

if he had good camp clear mord jg would be a troll pick like vayne jg and stuff but i doubt he can clear camps fast and effectivly

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Okay the list of skins on PBE are follows: Arcade Riven, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Academy Ahri (schoolgirl fantasy Ahri >.>) Academy Darius (axe is a base ball bat) Academy Vladimir, and Academy Ekko (the images are kinda fuzzy for my computer so I will just link surrenderat20) http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/08/84-pbe-update.html

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if he had good camp clear mord jg would be a troll pick like vayne jg and stuff but i doubt he can clear camps fast and effectivly

Morde has crazy waveclear. It might be a little lower now that his W is different, but even so I bet he'll be fine. The reason he's a bad jungler is because he has neither gap closers nor CC for ganks so basically all he can do is farm farm farm until teamfights

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Morde has crazy waveclear. It might be a little lower now that his W is different, but even so I bet he'll be fine. The reason he's a bad jungler is because he has neither gap closers nor CC for ganks so basically all he can do is farm farm farm until teamfights

That's why jungle ADC's isn't ideal. Vayne and Twitch are decent exceptions because they can close gaps with invisibility. Other than that no cc or gap closers make them not ideal

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Okay the list of skins on PBE are follows: Arcade Riven, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Academy Ahri (schoolgirl fantasy Ahri >.>) Academy Darius (axe is a base ball bat) Academy Vladimir, and Academy Ekko (the images are kinda fuzzy for my computer so I will just link surrenderat20) http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/08/84-pbe-update.html

You got Shen'd by almost an entire day

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