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The Fush

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You're right Doj, your opinion is not off topic and is placed in the right topic. You're free to discuss it, just remember that your words have a rather negative connotation and have already put a slight damper on the current mood. You're free to continue, just perhaps in a more respectful manner.

Let's respect each other's gaming choices guys. Ok?

Anyway, throwing myself back into the Project skin discussion, there are many rumors going around about how the pony tail man linked to the site is supposed to be Yasuo's brother Yone. Now, the problem with this theory is that Yone is currently deceased. Some can argue that Sion is technically deceased, but he's more undead than anything. Some people are theorizing that Yone might be the next champ, but he might have been sort of reborn in this "Project." If the next champ is linked to the first node: "Trace Lost," it could possibly be Yone. The trace could be referring to his life and how Yone was technically lost in battle. Comparing pictures of Yone and the pony tail man linked to the site has me thinking this theory could easily be possible.

However, the jumbled text on the mobile version can be translated to "Corrupted Memories, Do Not Trust." This poses the question, could Yone possibly be alive? Could Yasuo's memories have been corrupted and he might not have actually killed Yone? I'm not sure, but I'm interested to hear some theories on the topic.

What i thaught is that maybe the people that yasuo and yone lived with found yone and did sciency stuff with his brain or heart or something?

seems the most logicall thing to me because i dont think riot will change yasuos lore and be like just kidding he got a concussion or something on his adventure and thauhgt he killed his brother when he saw something that was his.

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You're right Doj, your opinion is not off topic and is placed in the right topic. You're free to discuss it, just remember that your words have a rather negative connotation and have already put a slight damper on the current mood. You're free to continue, just perhaps in a more respectful manner.

Let's respect each other's gaming choices guys. Ok?

Anyway, throwing myself back into the Project skin discussion, there are many rumors going around about how the pony tail man linked to the site is supposed to be Yasuo's brother Yone. Now, the problem with this theory is that Yone is currently deceased. Some can argue that Sion is technically deceased, but he's more undead than anything. Some people are theorizing that Yone might be the next champ, but he might have been sort of reborn in this "Project." If the next champ is linked to the first node: "Trace Lost," it could possibly be Yone. The trace could be referring to his life and how Yone was technically lost in battle. Comparing pictures of Yone and the pony tail man linked to the site has me thinking this theory could easily be possible.

However, the jumbled text on the mobile version can be translated to "Corrupted Memories, Do Not Trust." This poses the question, could Yone possibly be alive? Could Yasuo's memories have been corrupted and he might not have actually killed Yone? I'm not sure, but I'm interested to hear some theories on the topic.

Hmm, that would be a most interesting twist. I'd like to see that

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Dota 2 has a development team of 2 (two) people and has maybe half as many players as League of Legends. How come they are capable of handling a game perfectly?

Checkmate, shill.

Funny, imo Doto isn't an enjoyable game at all so I'd hardly say they're handling it perfectly. League is an amazing game compared to Doto #opinionsOP And I mean, if you really hate Riot so much, why do you continue to support them by playing their game? Seems very counterintuitive

As for the new skins and stuff, I find Tacps theory quite intriguing and wouldn't be surprised to see it be true. Though TBh I don't play any of the champs people have suggested so yeah...

Though I was hoping the next champ would be what's his face that wrote the letters/diary/whatever during Rek'Sai's release :P

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Funny, imo Doto isn't an enjoyable game at all so I'd hardly say they're handling it perfectly. League is an amazing game compared to Doto #opinionsOP And I mean, if you really hate Riot so much, why do you continue to support them by playing their game? Seems very counterintuitive

As for the new skins and stuff, I find Tacps theory quite intriguing and wouldn't be surprised to see it be true. Though TBh I don't play any of the champs people have suggested so yeah...

Though I was hoping the next champ would be what's his face that wrote the letters/diary/whatever during Rek'Sai's release :P

That could have been Yone after his miraculous escape from Ionia. You never know
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Unlikely, but I wouldn't count it out.

PROJECT skins most likely take a lot of work, so I doubt there being skins of this caliber for multiple champions. Might be a release skin for the forthcoming champ. Might actually be a champion, the one behind the PROJECT. Who knows.

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The teaser made it out as if there were multiple project skins in the works or ready to be released next patch. I'll put down below what my previously stated thoughts were.

My guesses are

1: New Champion with a Project Skin going along with it. (Theory that it could be Yone, too lazy to copy and paste though)

2: Leona

3: Lucian

4: Yasuo

5: Zed

6: a bit of a tossup but my guess on this one is Diana. A lot of it points to top lane bruiser champs like Irelia and Akali, but sicne they've already gotten skins somewhat recently, I'm putting my money elsewhere. Blades gleaming honestly makes me think of her blade when she has her passive ready and orbiting makes me think of the spheres around her with her W. Dashing cause you know her ult and stuff I guess.

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I'll boost you to gold if you'll buy me Red Faction Armageddon on Steam :^)

:D I meant some normal games, I already proved everything I wanted to proof to myself in ranked last year and it isn't a experience I'm eager to repeat.

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Hmm. So there are multiple PROJECT skins after all.

Also, note that the first one says "TRACE LOST", but the picture on the promo is of a broad-shouldered figure with a plumed, multi-eyed helmet.

That, in all likelihood, would heavily imply that the first PROJECT skin is for Jax, although people are saying it could be for Master Yi (I dunno about that).

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K, so, after a bit, Ima largely have to agree with Tacps. Zed, Lucian, Leona, Diana

Also, for the record, all of them say TRACE LOST if you leave them too long, so I don't really feel like that really gives any clue at all as to who the last one is outside it being a surprise (which does heavily imply a new champ)

Little disappointed they tossed Riven in the Arcade theme instead of PROJECT, was kinda hoping for that. Oh well

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K, so, after a bit, Ima largely have to agree with Tacps. Zed, Lucian, Leona, Diana

Also, for the record, all of them say TRACE LOST if you leave them too long, so I don't really feel like that really gives any clue at all as to who the last one is outside it being a surprise (which does heavily imply a new champ)

Little disappointed they tossed Riven in the Arcade theme instead of PROJECT, was kinda hoping for that. Oh well

Riven made sense with both themes to be honest, Arcade Riven was a fan made drawing that Riot like so they decided to make it a skin. On surrender at 20 you can see the new login theme associated with the new skin releases, and boy is Blitzcrank biiiigggg
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Hmm. So there are multiple PROJECT skins after all.Also, note that the first one says "TRACE LOST", but the picture on the promo is of a broad-shouldered figure with a plumed, multi-eyed helmet.That, in all likelihood, would heavily imply that the first PROJECT skin is for Jax, although people are saying it could be for Master Yi (I dunno about that).

Well, I guess I'll go into detail as to why that seemed a bit strange. The first one is the only one to by default say "Trace Lost." If it were master yi or max, or any other currently available champion, why not just include another description. Now, the theory sort of begins with the fact that the first mode and yasuo's node have the same numbers to them, which could point to a relation between yasuo and the champ the first node is for. Secondly, if you were on mobile, you were unable to access the site and instead got a picture of the character you were describing. Some people believe this plume not to be a plume, but actually a ponytail. Additionally, on the mobile version, there was a bunch of jumbled text, that when flipped upside down, spelled out "Do Not Trust, Corruped Memories." Now considering the unexplained link between the first node's numbers and yasuo's numbers, I and many other believe that this first node is of yasuo's brother yone. Now I know what you're going to say, "Yone's dead, that's impossible." Well, if we listen to what the mobile site said about corrupted memories, it could easily be determined that yasuo's memories of killing his brother were false, and yone is actually alive. Also, after comparing the picture of the project champion and Yone's silhouettes, some believe that plume to actually be Yone's ponytail.

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I'm genuinely surprised none of you decided to put Fiora for number 6.

>reworked recently, this gets her more publicity and more people to try her

fiora is a duelist who WEAVES around the fight. Duelists DANCE, her passive. Blade WALTZ, her old ultimate. Orbiting - circular. Fiora's ultimate requires you to move or weave around the opponent to hit all 4 vitals. dashing forward is lunge. her blade shines when you use Bladework. unraveled defense aka undo defense. fioras passive requires hitting weak spots to do lots of damage aka find the weak points in their defense. its possible its diana but this is literally less of a stretch.

Edited by Anethia
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I'm genuinely surprised none of you decided to put Fiora for number 6.

>reworked recently, this gets her more publicity and more people to try her

fiora is a duelist who WEAVES around the fight. Duelists DANCE, her passive. Blade WALTZ, her old ultimate. Orbiting - circular. Fiora's ultimate requires you to move or weave around the opponent to hit all 4 vitals. dashing forward is lunge. her blade shines when you use Bladework. unraveled defense aka undo defense. fioras passive requires hitting weak spots to do lots of damage aka find the weak points in their defense. its possible its diana but this is literally less of a stretch.

I definitely thought Fiora was a possibility, and she's probably the most likely candidate, but I was honestly just hoping for Diana to get another skin.

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Fiora seems like a very high possibility, even above Diana - she doesn't have any available skins Outside of her release skins (Royal Guard and Nightraven) so this will be a welcome addition, especially since it's easy to make new Fiora's VFX and SFX really cool.


i'd believe the theory about Yone, but I question it after the next champion's designer, RiotWrekz (Braum's designer) has said that the next champion is not an Assassin. (They aren't a Support either.)

That's just me though. We'll find out tomorrow.

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Fiora seems like a very high possibility, even above Diana - she doesn't have any available skins Outside of her release skins (Royal Guard and Nightraven) so this will be a welcome addition, especially since it's easy to make new Fiora's VFX and SFX really cool.

i'd believe the theory about Yone, but I question it after the next champion's designer, RiotWrekz (Braum's designer) has said that the next champion is not an Assassin. (They aren't a Support either.)

That's just me though. We'll find out tomorrow.

I mean, we don't exactly knwo what type of champion Yone would be. The most likely would be a fighter, and who's to say he wouldn't be more on the tanky side of things. Sure he's Yasuo's brother, but that doesn't mean his kit's gonna be identical.

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There's a pretty crazy theory circulating around that the Yasuo in the League is Yone. The basis of the theory goes like this.

-Yasuo refuses to kill Yone.
-Yone, still believing Yasuo killed the elder and this would redirect the attention of his family back to him, kills Yasuo.
-Yone finds out Yasuo was innocent.
-Yone, crazy with the grief of killing his innocent brother, takes on Yasuo's identity to 'keep him alive'.

The reasoning for this theory coming around is due to the PROJECT teaser. Number one and number four having the same number, corrupted memories, et cetera. Some people also picked apart some of Yasuo's quotes, and some noted some of them don't even fit Yasuo's role.

"Death is like the wind; always by my side." - He took his brother's identity, so dead Yasuo is always with him.
"My honor left me long ago." - Killing his brother removed his honor.
"Follow the wind, but watch your back." - Following Yasuo's trail as a wind master, afraid that his past will come back to haunt him.
"Sleep is for the guiltless." - Have you ever seen him sleep? He's never seen sleeping. Illuminati confirmed.
"Honor is in the heart - not the name." - He's attempting to regain his honor through being Yasuo in mind and spirit; it doesn't matter if he was Yone before.

The theory is, naturally, completely outlandish and is to be taken completely with a grain of salt. I enjoyed reading it. A flaw off the top of my head would be how did Yone learn wind techniques, but now that I think about it, Riven has a wind technique completely unrelated to Yasuo, so maybe it's people that Yone learned a different wind technique, as Yasuo was stronger.

Edited by Anethia
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I'm genuinely surprised none of you decided to put Fiora for number 6.

>reworked recently, this gets her more publicity and more people to try her

fiora is a duelist who WEAVES around the fight. Duelists DANCE, her passive. Blade WALTZ, her old ultimate. Orbiting - circular. Fiora's ultimate requires you to move or weave around the opponent to hit all 4 vitals. dashing forward is lunge. her blade shines when you use Bladework. unraveled defense aka undo defense. fioras passive requires hitting weak spots to do lots of damage aka find the weak points in their defense. its possible its diana but this is literally less of a stretch.

Fiora's ultimate is Grand Challenge...
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The PROJECT weapon diagrams have been posted on the LoL site.


Seems the new skins are for Leona, Lucian, Zed, Fiora, and...one last character. Someone that wields a double-bladed weapon...could even be a spear. It is designed for multi-target combat, as the build suggests.

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