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The PROJECT weapon diagrams have been posted on the LoL site.


Seems the new skins are for Leona, Lucian, Zed, Fiora, and...one last character. Someone that wields a double-bladed weapon...could even be a spear. It is designed for multi-target combat, as the build suggests.

It could be Draven's axes reading the description as causing multiple Lacerations. (Cuts)
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Well, a red post has confirmed that the Project skin that people seem to not be able to identify is actually not a new champion. Still not sure exactly who it could be though.

Boards and reddit are torn between Yi, Jax, and Xin Zhao.

Could be Renekton too.

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im gonna get zed and yas project at least maybe lucian as well depends on how he looks.

EDIT: im watching ptl and they just said the coca cola is sponsoring the finals so u can watch the games in selected MOVIE THEATERS. Esports is growing holy shit

Edited by foovy10
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im gonna get zed and yas project at least maybe lucian as well depends on how he looks.

EDIT: im watching ptl and they just said the coca cola is sponsoring the finals so u can watch the games in selected MOVIE THEATERS. Esports is growing holy shit

...that was on the client last week. I'd go, but the closest one to me is in Seattle and I work thise 2 days
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So, I'm gonna bring the discussion of carry potential that began in the Screenshots thread to here to prevent any further derailing.

As an ADC main (you know, the one claimed to have the most carry potential by many), find that carrying your game depends on many factors. While you can carry in any scenario, some situations are easier than others.

Was I up to par with my opponents CS? Above? Below?

Did I leave the lane with kills? Deaths? Did I give anyone kills in the process (JG, AD, Sup, Mid)?

Did I end the laning phase with my core items (IE, SS or PD. Bork and Greaves. TriForce and optimal boots. Bloodthirster and Greaves)?


Does my team contain an optimal amount of peel? Does my team have a solid front line to protect me?

Is my team mechanically up to par? Can I rely on my team to do their job if I do mine?

Can my team apply any buffs to me so I can carry easier (Help, Pix!, Blood Boil, Eye of the Storm, Whimsy, etc)?

-My Champion

Am I a low mobility hyper carry (Jinx, Kog'maw, etc.)?

As a hyper carry, your laning phase isn't going to be too great. Unless you're against another hyper carry, you're probably going to leave lane with lower farm unless you have an aggressive or zoning support. Because of this, your laning phase is going to be extended a bit. You won't have much of an impact in team fights just yet, so you're better off pushing a wave either top or bot to get farm, and then going to group with your team. Do this until you've gotten your core items and can provide more to a team fight. As a low mobility hyper carry, your job is to stay in the backlines and use your range and damage to your advantage. Focus their frontline if it is the only thing you can reach. If a champion from their backline is caught out, aid your team in collapsing. Especially if you are Jinx, you should be able to reposition yourself after killing this enemy, so you should be safe if their front line jumps you. If you do get caught, you better hope your QSS is off cooldown or your team is ready to help you, because if not, you're probably not getting out alive unless you've got a lot of life steal.

Am I a high mobility hyper carry (Vayne, Kalista, Tristana, etc.)?

The same laning phase advice applies for these champions as the low mobility hyper carries. As a high mobility hyper carry, your job is to safely deal as much damage as you possibly can from the backline. Just because you have mobility does not mean your are invincible. Use your mobility to your advantage if you get caught or to outplay the enemy. Your single target damage is nothing to be laughed at, so if your team catches a target, immediately collapse. As these three champions, you bring a lot to a teamfight. Vayne's attack damage and movement speed steroid allows her to pick of a champion with ease when tied in with her pick potential with condemn. Kalista and Tristana have self peel of their own with Martial Poise and Rocket Jump respectively. In addition, if you are in a rough situation, you can use Fate's Call or Buster Shot to peel them off of you. While they are CC'd focus them down or change your position to be safer. Your kit synergizes well with attack speed and because of that, getting a lot of auto attack on your target is key to taking them down. Silver Bolts, Rend, and Explosive Charge all require you to get as many auto attacks off as you can for optimal damage. Use your range to your advantage and try to kite anyone who jumps on to you.

Am I a lane bully with a weaker late game (Miss Fortune, Draven, Ezreal, Corki, etc.?)

Honestly, any champion can carry the late game if they're mechanically skilled enough, but these champions require a little more effort. Your main goal is to use your oppressive early game to try to force an early surrender. Your champions will often have a spammable ability or damage steroid in Draven's case, that will do decent damage in lane and will zone your enemies from farm. Get them behind enough and it will take them a while to get their necessary items to carry. While you have them backing frequently or cowering in the tower with low health, you can pressure the tower or go get dragon. The global gold or the buff can be very essential to snowballing your early game and keeping you as a nuisance. If you can snowball well enough, the enemy team will surrender or tilt, and you can easily take the game from that.

Am I a lane bully with a weak mid game, but a decent late game (Caitlyn, Varus, etc.)?

Hello my least favorite AD carries to play. These AD carries definitely have impacts in teamfights in the late game, but generally need a little extra effort to get there. These guys have a really nice laning phase, being able to bully the enemy AD carry out while getting a farm to accelerate their build. However, once that laning phase ends, your impact isn't too high. You don't have enough items yet to do damage to tanks and your peel tools are either high cooldown or generally only take immediate effect on a single target. Like the other late game carries, you're going to extend your laning phase to get a bit more farm. Once you're reached 3 or 4 items, you're of far greater use. Your damage is high enough to impact fights and you can use your poke pressure the enemies if they're hiding under tower. If the enemy team gets poked down enough they'll be too afraid to engage. If your team has a decent dive comp, you can sweep up the low health enemies with ease afterwards.

Why the fuck am I playing this champion (Urgot, Lucian)?

Sorry, but I just don't play these champions and I honestly think there are much more optimal champs to carry a game with.

Am I an assassin oriented carry (Quinn, Twitch)?

These champions don't have a strong laning phase. They're more meant for their ability to pick off lone enemies. Just try to play lane safe and farm up as much as you can. When the mid game comes, try to help your team in gaining vision control. If you can pick off the enemy carries while they roam in the jungle, you'll become enough of a nuisance to make them refuse to enter the jungle, or you can then pressure a lane as it'll easily become a 4v5. Quinn and Twitch are excellent at this as Quinn can ult and easily hop onto a single target, bursting them down with ease. If she doesn't recast ult to finish off the enemy, she can use her boosted movement speed and her W for increased vision to find safer get aways. Twitch excels in being able to go into stealth, find the perfect opportunity, break the stealth, and use his Youmuu's and increased attack speed from Q to just go insane on his enemy.

Am I a utility ADC (Sivir, Ashe)?

These champions kind of have it easy. It's kind of hard to screw these guys up. Both are rather big lane bullies. They can farm up and become strong. Now, these guys might not end the game with the most kills, but they'll more than often end the game having made an impact. Their ultimates are excellent tools to assist their team. Sivir's ult can allow her team to go wild. With their increased movement speed, they can chase down enemies, position better in fights, or escape a hard engage. Ashe's ult is an insane pick tool. The stun increases with range, so if you're a sharpshooter, you can lock down a target for quite a while if you land a good ult. Even if you completely wiff the ult, your passive slow will make it hard for an enemy to escape once you focus them. You're going to carry the game with your sheer utility rather than your damage.

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There's unfortunately a lot here that I am in disagreement with, but the apparent notion that there are better champs to carry with than Lucian or Urgot is what bugs me the most.

I'll apply Doj's argument that "everyone is viable" here because there's definitely truth to that. In Lucian's case, he is extremely mobile, almost to the point where some of the Attack range deficit can be forgiven. Urgot is just as capable of massive DPS as the next Marksman, and outranges all of them as well. Of course, Lucian has no CC, while Urgot lacks pushing power and waveclear. These discrepancies are what usually turn people off them, and for those reasons people choose other champs to cater to their strengths, weaknesses, preferences and overall needs of the team.

Other quick notes:

- Neither Ashe nor Sivir are lane bullies when referring to Marksmen; especially not Ashe. Their strengths lie outside of the laning phase. Sure, they can be a pain to deal with in the early game sometimes, but Sivir lacks the range to be a bully, while Ashe lacks the early game damage especially with the removal of her old passive.

- Ezreal's late game is definitely better than MF's, Draven's, or Corki's. I can understand why he'd be seen that way, and it's that he has mixed damage and not much else to bring to the team. If he's itemIzed right he can poke like a monster and/or outDPS a lot of ADC's. Also, he isn't a lane bully either. He's considered to have a strong early game, but this is because of his relative safety.

- I hesitate to call Tristana a hypercarry. After her relaunch she fits in better with the assassin-type group of champs, and is in fact probably the most Assassin-like ADC in the pool. Her mid game is batshit crazy, but her late game leaves something to be desired. She doesn't scale as well as Vayne by any means, and Attack Speed doesn't serve her that well - Explosive Charge, and her kit in general, promotes build Attack Damage-heavy builds, in a similar vein to what Graves and/or Draven would build.

I'd write up a lot more on this, but I ran out of time...

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There's unfortunately a lot here that I am in disagreement with, but the apparent notion that there are better champs to carry with than Lucian or Urgot is what bugs me the most.

I'll apply Doj's argument that "everyone is viable" here because there's definitely truth to that. In Lucian's case, he is extremely mobile, almost to the point where some of the Attack range deficit can be forgiven. Urgot is just as capable of massive DPS as the next Marksman, and outranges all of them as well. Of course, Lucian has no CC, while Urgot lacks pushing power and waveclear. These discrepancies are what usually turn people off them, and for those reasons people choose other champs to cater to their strengths, weaknesses, preferences and overall needs of the team.

Other quick notes:

- Neither Ashe nor Sivir are lane bullies when referring to Marksmen; especially not Ashe. Their strengths lie outside of the laning phase. Sure, they can be a pain to deal with in the early game sometimes, but Sivir lacks the range to be a bully, while Ashe lacks the early game damage especially with the removal of her old passive.

- Ezreal's late game is definitely better than MF's, Draven's, or Corki's. I can understand why he'd be seen that way, and it's that he has mixed damage and not much else to bring to the team. If he's itemIzed right he can poke like a monster and/or outDPS a lot of ADC's. Also, he isn't a lane bully either. He's considered to have a strong early game, but this is because of his relative safety.

- I hesitate to call Tristana a hypercarry. After her relaunch she fits in better with the assassin-type group of champs, and is in fact probably the most Assassin-like ADC in the pool. Her mid game is batshit crazy, but her late game leaves something to be desired. She doesn't scale as well as Vayne by any means, and Attack Speed doesn't serve her that well - Explosive Charge, and her kit in general, promotes build Attack Damage-heavy builds, in a similar vein to what Graves and/or Draven would build.

I'd write up a lot more on this, but I ran out of time...

your right everyone can carry but its much harder with select champs

im gonna disagree with some of what u said.

Assassins can be carrys. yi can carry he a assassin. fizz can carry. i dont know how being a assassin stops her from being a carry.

corkis mid-late game i believe is better then ez. if ez had a better mid to late game as a adc then he would be played in lcs but corki is in the lcs atm stealing barons and doing dmg.

sivir is only good early game in my opinion if she has a initiator supp or gets ganks cuz she makes it so ez to initiate and destroy them even in laning phase. same thing as ashe.

also to talk about lucian he saw a little bit of play in lcs this year but now that he getting a buff i believe he can carry easier now and will be at worlds like last year.

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There's unfortunately a lot here that I am in disagreement with, but the apparent notion that there are better champs to carry with than Lucian or Urgot is what bugs me the most.

I'll apply Doj's argument that "everyone is viable" here because there's definitely truth to that. In Lucian's case, he is extremely mobile, almost to the point where some of the Attack range deficit can be forgiven. Urgot is just as capable of massive DPS as the next Marksman, and outranges all of them as well. Of course, Lucian has no CC, while Urgot lacks pushing power and waveclear. These discrepancies are what usually turn people off them, and for those reasons people choose other champs to cater to their strengths, weaknesses, preferences and overall needs of the team.

Other quick notes:

- Neither Ashe nor Sivir are lane bullies when referring to Marksmen; especially not Ashe. Their strengths lie outside of the laning phase. Sure, they can be a pain to deal with in the early game sometimes, but Sivir lacks the range to be a bully, while Ashe lacks the early game damage especially with the removal of her old passive.

- Ezreal's late game is definitely better than MF's, Draven's, or Corki's. I can understand why he'd be seen that way, and it's that he has mixed damage and not much else to bring to the team. If he's itemIzed right he can poke like a monster and/or outDPS a lot of ADC's. Also, he isn't a lane bully either. He's considered to have a strong early game, but this is because of his relative safety.

- I hesitate to call Tristana a hypercarry. After her relaunch she fits in better with the assassin-type group of champs, and is in fact probably the most Assassin-like ADC in the pool. Her mid game is batshit crazy, but her late game leaves something to be desired. She doesn't scale as well as Vayne by any means, and Attack Speed doesn't serve her that well - Explosive Charge, and her kit in general, promotes build Attack Damage-heavy builds, in a similar vein to what Graves and/or Draven would build.

I'd write up a lot more on this, but I ran out of time...

I'll admit my entry on Lucian and Urgot was a bit satirical, but it's honestly because I don't have much to say for them. I've had little to no success on either so I generally don't have much helpful advice.

1. Sivir and Ashe are both lane bullies from my experience. One or two good Q's from Sivir are enough to intimidate someone if they don't have much life steal or many health potions. Additionally, if the enemy carry is standing too close to the wave while Sivir shoves it, you can't underestimate how much damage her W can actually do to people. Ashe's volley is a very reliable, low mana cost poke that sets her up for crit damage if she chooses to follow with auto attacks soon after. Once they hit 6, both can pressure the lane a lot. Neither are supreme lane bullies, but they're definitely up there in my books.

2. Only reason I put Ezreal into this group is because he's got a somewhat oppressive lane, but also isn't your average carry. He's very reliant on his spells and can easily run out of mana, even with the manamune build. If he's out of mana, he's unable to escape easily and must get in a rather close range to attack enemies. I will say it was a bit of a poor choice in my placement of him. Also am kinda tired right now so yeah.

3. I don't understand how Tristana isn't a hyper carry? She does insane damage in any aspect of the game. She builds basically identical to Jinx, who happens to be one of the most infamous hyper carries right now. She has an attack speed steroid to pump out more auto attacks and get a greater chance of crits post IE and PD, as well as the fact that the more auto attacks she pumps out, the more damage explosive charge does. She shreds tanks and towers so damn easily, it's not even funny. She was considered an insane hyper carry pre-rework, so I don't see why she can't be considered one now. She actually has an AD scaling spell now that synergizes incredibly well with her attack speed steroidl The most assassin like? Sure, she can easily be an assassin, but I'm not sure you've seen Valor hop out of a bush and 100-0 you in 2 seconds flat.

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I'll admit my entry on Lucian and Urgot was a bit satirical, but it's honestly because I don't have much to say for them. I've had little to no success on either so I generally don't have much helpful advice.

1. Sivir and Ashe are both lane bullies from my experience. One or two good Q's from Sivir are enough to intimidate someone if they don't have much life steal or many health potions. Additionally, if the enemy carry is standing too close to the wave while Sivir shoves it, you can't underestimate how much damage her W can actually do to people. Ashe's volley is a very reliable, low mana cost poke that sets her up for crit damage if she chooses to follow with auto attacks soon after. Once they hit 6, both can pressure the lane a lot. Neither are supreme lane bullies, but they're definitely up there in my books.

2. Only reason I put Ezreal into this group is because he's got a somewhat oppressive lane, but also isn't your average carry. He's very reliant on his spells and can easily run out of mana, even with the manamune build. If he's out of mana, he's unable to escape easily and must get in a rather close range to attack enemies. I will say it was a bit of a poor choice in my placement of him. Also am kinda tired right now so yeah.

3. I don't understand how Tristana isn't a hyper carry? She does insane damage in any aspect of the game. She builds basically identical to Jinx, who happens to be one of the most infamous hyper carries right now. She has an attack speed steroid to pump out more auto attacks and get a greater chance of crits post IE and PD, as well as the fact that the more auto attacks she pumps out, the more damage explosive charge does. She shreds tanks and towers so damn easily, it's not even funny. She was considered an insane hyper carry pre-rework, so I don't see why she can't be considered one now. She actually has an AD scaling spell now that synergizes incredibly well with her attack speed steroidl The most assassin like? Sure, she can easily be an assassin, but I'm not sure you've seen Valor hop out of a bush and 100-0 you in 2 seconds flat.

problem is that the Jump can be interrupted halfway through, don't screw up your positioning and 3 with Trist is making sure you don't tank tower, yes she does some decent dps, but explosive charge can get you into alot of trouble real fast if it goes off on a tower and damages opponents.
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problem is that the Jump can be interrupted halfway through, don't screw up your positioning and 3 with Trist is making sure you don't tank tower, yes she does some decent dps, but explosive charge can get you into alot of trouble real fast if it goes off on a tower and damages opponents.

The first one can be applied to almost any gap closer, the second is a staple of any adc, and the third is just common sense. Not sure how any of that invalidates her as a hyper carry.

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I'm not sure if the Garen changes can be considered a buff or nerf. On one hand, he does more damage, especially to villains. On the other hand, he lost a decent amount of tankiness with the change of his W passive. Yes, it's still good. But having an extra percentage of armor based on what you've already built, which is usually tank items, made him a pretty heavy wearing down threat.

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The first one can be applied to almost any gap closer, the second is a staple of any adc, and the third is just common sense. Not sure how any of that invalidates her as a hyper carry.

i never said that invalidates her as a hyper carry. It is my opinion that she isn't a hyper carry. You can believe what you want, I just have a differing opinion
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And I'm with NasDav, as stated before.

I'm not sure if the Garen changes can be considered a buff or nerf. On one hand, he does more damage, especially to villains. On the other hand, he lost a decent amount of tankiness with the change of his W passive. Yes, it's still good. But having an extra percentage of armor based on what you've already built, which is usually tank items, made him a pretty heavy wearing down threat.

I'd say it's a buff, especially to his mid/late game. Oftentimes if he built a little damage like Black Cleaver or Infinity Edge, the tank stats he built in addition would often see him falling short of 150 bonus Armor and/or Magic Resist, even if he got to full build. Of course, 20% of that being 30, it's handy to have those now-guaranteed stats into the mid game and teamfighting phases.

Decisive Strike nerfs suck, but the buffs elsewhere more than compensate.

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>Trist most Assassin like

Yeah, I'm with Tacps there, Quinn is way more Assassin than Trist

However I also wouldn't call her a hypercarry, she's not like Vayne or Jinx where getting to late game with her is practically an automatic win so long as you don't try to 1v5 or anything. She does a ton of damage yes, but it's all centered around her E, which doesn't exactly have the smallest cooldown. Imo her strengths are primarily in the early and midgame where her insane tower taking ability can give your team an early gold advantage and vision control

Also, side note: I really hate Quinn and Varus in the actual ADC position. While they can play it adequately I feel like they perform better as a secondary ADC on a team that can fit them in than the primary one (or in Varus's case a poke-monster-thing since you don't really build him ADC when you go mid) Quinn's insane assassination potential comes at the cost of being weak as a traditional ADC. And Varus is just kind of a generally meh ADC


The best supports in silver and bronze are AP mids who just steal the ADC's farm. Support is a deathsentence if you play with braindead retards.

Imo the best supports at low elo are the ones that are best at getting their teammates to safety after they dive in 1v3. Whether that be a Thresh lantern or a Karma shield. since you can expect your team to make stupid moves, the best way to carry on support is to fill in the gaps and make up for their mistakes

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If a rengar isn't shit, he will use his ult in a proper fashion and burst down any squishy in an eyeblink, then still probably get away due to his speed boost. You can't pink this either.

Dying is never an excuse. Dying is bad. Every time you die, you give 300 gold to someone, or more if you're on a spree. Yasuo is not an initiator, so don't try to intiate with him. That's why you die a lot.

The only sense you can make out of dying a lot is that you're bad. Nothing else.

You also completely misunderstood the reason why I posted that image. That was a typical 1v9 game in Silver. Because I'm actually good at this game, I know how to win games singlehandedly regardless of how bad the rest of my team is. I'm also NOT good at Vayne. That was my first time playing her while she's a marksman; my worst possible role. But that didn't stop me from singlehandedly carrying the game, because game knowledge and strategic ability is a hundred times more important than the champion you play, which is another point I'm making with this, considering you insisted only certain champs are capable of carrying, even insisting you have to be good at them.

I haven't seen a single statement from you regarding League of Legends that wasn't downright incorrect.

if the players are good they will pink as soon as they see the ! over their heads and cc him.

also in that Yasuo game there was a before nerf Viktor with a rabadons and ludens. enough said. On top of that the only good cc engage we had was a yasuo ult or a lee kick into a yasuo ult

so if i die a lot its cuz I'm bad is what your saying. the enemy team cant possibly be good your saying. you dont always give 300 gold if u die like 2 or 3 times in a row without getting kills then I'm practically worth no gold.

your also saying that if i play nautilus support and go like 0/13/30 in a hour game that means im bad is what your saying? cuz i died 13 times. that is false. if i do nothing for the team that i did bad but i had good kill participation and having the 10 deaths shows i tanked a lot for the team so the backline can do dmg.

and about me misunderstanding im bout to quote a little bit of what you typed under the image

"If you can't recreate a score like this(31/6) on a champ your familiar with you have a lot of improving to do."

Almost all of my statements i believe are correct.

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PBE update is out.

The PROJECT skins are for Fiora, Master Yi, Zed, Lucian, and Leona.

I'll update this post in a bit when pictures are more readily available. All skins are 1350 RP.

EDIT: PROJECT: Yi is 1820 RP due to a new voiceover.

EDIT 2: Pics of skins are here!











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