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The Fush

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Anyway, just found this random champ at the store, named Sejuani (at least random to me). I have NEVER seen her before but apparently she's been around for a while...what gives?

If no one else will play as her, I might as well spend a few extra IP and give her a shot.

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Anyway, just found this random champ at the store, named Sejuani (at least random to me). I have NEVER seen her before but apparently she's been around for a while...what gives?

If no one else will play as her, I might as well spend a few extra IP and give her a shot.

Sej is rarely played because she's not... as good as the other ones. She's getting her abilities reworked so c:. But it's really advised to have runes before trying her.

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Anyway, just found this random champ at the store, named Sejuani (at least random to me). I have NEVER seen her before but apparently she's been around for a while...what gives?

If no one else will play as her, I might as well spend a few extra IP and give her a shot.


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She's a tank that only really belongs in the jungle but she clears it so very slowly that she's extremely open to counter jungling; for that reason she's not all that great because she can potentially be slowed down even further. Just as a champion though she's pretty good at keeping people slowed for basically forever, and her ult is a super strong initiation assuming it hits.

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So how about that new champion coming out soon?
I think her name was Karma?

No really does anyone even care about Zac? I don't understand him at all or what he's supposed to do or how he does it or well anything really... First new champion I haven't cared about in the least since probably Darius or Draven ._.

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Apparently all my teammates don't know how to build magic resist when the whole enemy team plays some AP champ.

I don't even know.

Am I playing with level 5 people ???? ?? ?? ? ???

Zac looks pretty awesome to me.

When he's free, I'm probably gonna try him.

If I like him and I can play him I will probably buy him and his purple awesome spiky skin what's it called. :3

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I guess maybe it's just me that doesn't find him interesting; I haven't seen him do anything notable in the few PBE games I've played, idk

Doesn't help that I haven't tried him myself either

his purple awesome spiky skin what's it called. :3

Special Weapon

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For those who can't be bothered leaving the site to check out the deets, the most recent update includes the following: (Anything in pink is a quote from Morello)

  • Zac's launch, judging by the files included in the patch.
  • Karma's highly anticipated relaunch.
  • Hecarim's cooldown on his W spell increased by just over 20% (who here plays Hecarim, anyway?). "The previous version of Spirit of Dread did not offer enough opportunities for tactical decision-making. With higher cooldowns, our goal is to reintroduce strategic choices other than merely activating the ability whenever it is available."
  • Rumble's ultimate was rewired with the elimination of impact damage in favor of increased burn damage. Said burn damage now has no delay, to compensate for the loss of immediate pain infliction. "Rumbles ultimate was intended to be an area control effect but, with the large upfront damage it deals, it tends to be used more as a long-range nuke instead. With this patch, were adjusting The Equalizer to better match its original intent."
  • Udyr got a big overhaul, including but not limited to: decreased cooldowns on all of his stances, numerous changes to Bear Stance, and some other little things. "Our goals were to make changing stances feel more impactful, transfer power from passive stats to actual noticeable effects and reduce problematic lane issues."
  • Master Yi's Double Strike now gets faster based on Attack Speed rather than being a fixed 0.6 seconds.
  • Akali's stealthing/revealing under Twilight Shroud is now immediate, and she reveals herself as she attacks or casts a spell (rather than upon doing damage). "Akalis Twilight Shroud was behaving inconsistently before this patch, so weve adjusted it to better match its visual and theme, and to provide greater opportunity for counterplay."
  • When playing as Warwick, you can now see the range of a couple of your spells before you cast them (as you couldn't before)
  • Nashor's Tooth costs more money. (now 2500G from 2270G)
  • Turrets are now considerably more powerful. "In Season 3, we made a few changes that made turrets feel less like a
    safe haven for defenders especially in the early parts of the game. Specifically, with turrets attacking minions in a set order and some champions itemizing for health earlier on, its become easier for teams to push aggressively and even dive turrets with low risk. These changes should give defending players more of a fighting chance when under their own turret.

A biggie about this patch, and my favorite part of it, is the champion select / AFK detection addition. If there are any players who fail to choose a champion in a match-made game, their match is terminated (as opposed to being given a random champion), and they are given a queue dodge penalty and removed from queue. This applies to both Blind Pick and Draft Pick games; however, in a Draft Pick Game, the only person assigned a queue dodge penalty is the player whose turn it was to pick when their timer runs out, even if that player is in an arranged team. In these games, players who had already picked a champion when the match was terminated (or were waiting for their turn to do so in a Draft Pick game) are automatically returned to the matchmaking queue. If the player who failed to choose is on an arranged team, the team is returned to the arranged team lobby (and removed from queue) but only the AFK player will be assessed a queue dodge penalty.

I like these changes. Makes it easier for a common ADC like myself when my supporter is shit (which will happen a lot with all the free Sonas). I also really wanna see what Zac does. I've been intrigued by Flubber On Steroids and I wanna see what that thing can do. Like I said before, sounds like a really annoying harassing champion that jungles / plays top. Being able to counterplay Akali somewhat easier doesn't hurt either

Lookin forward to it. No seriously, I am.

EDIT: Karma has been disabled for now due to a bug.

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There's already an ability preview of Zac on youtube.

Basically, he punches things

And then blobs out hurting things around him

And then slingshots himself forward, stunning where he lands

His ult is three bounces, the first one knocks up enemies

Each ability knocks off a bit of slime which he can collect to regain HP

When he dies he splits into four pieces that try to rejoin. Think Anivia's egg.

I'm a huge fan of any nerfs to Akali, and I think I'll appreciate the Rumble and Hecarim changes too.

The changes they made to turrets are pretty extensive though. Being that I tend to take a more defensive playstyle, and do try NOT to go diving scrubs, I'm mostly okay with this, but I think the minion changes might affect how sieges are handled. I think it'll mean it's going to take longer in general to pull down turrets... Which might be okay.

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In any case, it looks like Zac isn't available just yet. Eh, someone mentioned that it'll be out in a couple days if it follows usual trends for new champions after patches. I'm taking their word for it.

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