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I'm a bit confused about the passive. It says that it's a choice which champ is marked, but it doesn't say how the choice is made >_>

It doesn't say it's a player's choice. It's Lamb's choice. If you got to choose then you could basically just go towards a lane, mark the target and gank immediately, completely nullifying the mindgame aspect to Kindred's passive.

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That, still doesn't explain how the choice is made. It's clearly stated that it isn't random

Can you point out where? Because while it doesn't specifically say it isn't random, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be assumed that it's random. There's nothing that declares "Mark of the Kindred does not mark randomly."

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Something to note about Kindred's ult that people have been missing is that it prevents EVERYONE inside from dropping below 10% health, including enemies. So don't think this is a get out of jail free card every time you cast it.

I have yet to see how it interacts with true damage, maybe it blocks that as well. We'll see.

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Something to note about Kindred's ult that people have been missing is that it prevents EVERYONE inside from dropping below 10% health, including enemies. So don't think this is a get out of jail free card every time you cast it.

I have yet to see how it interacts with true damage, maybe it blocks that as well. We'll see.

I'm pretty sure it negates all damage, including true damage.

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Can you point out where? Because while it doesn't specifically say it isn't random, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be assumed that it's random. There's nothing that declares "Mark of the Kindred does not mark randomly."

Kindred should always keep an eye on the enemy team’s jungle, too, because while the twin beasts choose the champions they apply Mark of the Kindred to, the enemy jungle camps that suffer the same mark are picked at random.

This right here contrasts the fact that the camps marked are random from the fact that the champions marked are not random

Also, the ulti even says units meaning that it's more than just champions which is kind of crazy

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Traditional would be my favorite Karma skin if it wasn't for the terrible voice acting.

So I'd have to go with either Order of the Lotus or Sun Goddess.

My biased list of favorite skins for each champ:

Aatrox: Justicar

Ahri: Dynasty or Challenger

Akali: Crimson or Stinger

Alistar: Sweeper

Amumu: Sad Robot

Anivia: Bird of Prey or Blackfrost

Annie: Reverse or Goth

Ashe: Amethyst or Heartseeker

Azir: Galactic

Bard: Elderwood

Blitzcrank: Piltover Customs

Brand: Cryocore or Zombie

Braum: El Tigre

Caitlyn: Safari

Cassiopeia: Jade Fang

Cho'Gath: Gentleman

Corki: Urfrider or Dragonwing

Darius: Dunkmaster

Diana: Dark Valkyrie

Dr. Mundo: Mr. Mundoverse

Draven: Primetime

Ekko: Academy

Elise: Blood Moon

Evelynn: Tango or Safecracker

Ezreal: Frosted or TPA

Fiddlesticks: Risen

Fiora: PROJECT or Nightraven

Fizz: Fisherman

Galio: Commando

Gangplank: Captain or Sultan

Garen: Rugged or Rogue Captain

Gnar: Gentleman

Gragas: Santa or Superfan

Graves: Mafia or Jailbreak

Hecarim: Arcade

Heimerdinger: Blast Zone or Hazmat

Irelia: Order of the Lotus

Janna: Frost Queen or Fnatic

Jarvan IV: Warring Kingdoms

Jax: Jaximus

Jayce: Forsaken

Jinx: Firecracker

Kalista: Blood Moon

Karma: Sun Goddess or Order of the Lotus

Karthus: Pentakill

Kassadin: Pre-Void

Katarina: Mercenary

Kayle: Unmasked or Riot

Kennen: Arctic Ops

Kha'Zix: Mecha

Kog'Maw: Reindeer

LeBlanc: Ravenborn

Lee Sin: Knockout or Traditional

Leona: Valkyrie or PROJECT

Lissandra: Blade Queen

Lucian: Hired Gun

Lulu: Wicked or Winter Wonder

Lux: Imperial

Malphite: Mecha

Malzahar: Snow Day

Maokai: Festive

Master Yi: Ionia

Miss Fortune: Road Warrior

Mordekaiser: King of Clubs

Morgana: Ghost Bride

Nami: River Spirit

Nasus: Archduke or Infernal

Nautilus: Warden or Astro

Nidalee: French Maid

Nocturne: Haunting

Nunu: Bot or Grungy

Olaf: Pentakill or Brolaf

Orianna: Winter Wonder or TPA

Pantheon: Ruthless or Dragonslayer

Poppy: Noxus or Battle Regalia

Quinn: Corsair

Rammus: Full Metal or Guardian of the Sands

Rek'Sai: Eternum

Renekton: Pool Party or Scorched Earth

Rengar: SSW or Night Hunter

Riven: Dragonblade or Arcade

Rumble: Super Galaxy

Ryze: Professor or Pirate

Sejuani the pig: Traditional

Shaco: Royal or Wild Card

Shen: Yellow Jacket or Warlord

Shyvana: Championship or Ironscale

Singed: Augmented or Snow Day

Sion: Hextech

Sivir: Warden or Huntress

Skarner: Battlecast Alpha

Sona: Guqin or DJ

Soraka: Order of the Banana

Swain: Tyrant

Syndra: Atlantean

Tahm Kench: Master Chef

Talon: Crimson Elite

Taric: Armor of the Fifth Age

Teemo: Cottontail or Omega Squad

Thresh: Blood Moon

Tristana: Buccaneer or Firefighter

Trundle: Constable

Tryndamere: Warring Kingdoms or Demonblade

Twisted Fate: Red Card or Underworld

Twitch: Vandal or Medieval

Udyr: Spirit Guard

Urgot: Giant Enemy Crab

Varus: Arctic Ops or Blight Crystal

Vayne: Arclight

Veigar: Superb Villain or Final Boss

Vel'Koz: Arclight

Vi: Officer

Viktor: Creator

Vladimir: Blood Lord or Soulstealer

Volibear: Captain or Runeguard

Wukong: General or Underworld

Warwick: Marauder or Urf

Xerath: Runeborn or Guardian of the Sands

Xin Zhao: Secret Agent or Viscero

Yasuo: High Noon

Yorick: Pentakill

Zac: Pool Party

Zed: SKT T1

Ziggs: Mad Scientist or Master Arcanist

Zilean: Groovy

Zyra: SKT T1

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This right here contrasts the fact that the camps marked are random from the fact that the champions marked are not random

Also, the ulti even says units meaning that it's more than just champions which is kind of crazy

I don't really have a clue then. When I get the chance to play them, I'll post something in regards to how I think the champion feels. Can't guarantee it will be tonight, but I'll try.

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Playing on the PBE is a pain in the ass. Bronze players that get a big head because Riot needed fodder for their skin showcase server.

Indeed. People are saying "report this (insert name of new champ that has not been on the PBE long enough for a single person to be comfortable with them yet) for being a fucking feeder. I should have played (insert name of new champ.)"

Half the time if people don't get the champ they just dodge. I generally go by the mentality, If someone on my team has it, I'll do my best to apply pressure for and be with that champion. (If the champion is a solo laner, I play jungle. If the champion is an adc or jungle, I go support. If the champion is a support, I go adc.)

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I like the idea behind Kindred lore-wise, but I'm not so hyped for a jungle ADC tbh. I don't see him having much impact until late-game unless Wolf's passive has huge numbers on it or their clear speed is insane but yeh, being squish early is begging for hard invade.

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I haven't played Pantheon in a while but I do know that black cleaver, ravenous hydra, and last whisper are good offensive items. Defensive wise, banshee's veil, maw of malmortius, guardian angel, and randuins would be good.

Essence Reaver is also a nice offensive item for him, from what I've heard. I haven't used it on him yet.

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I haven't played Pantheon in a while but I do know that black cleaver, ravenous hydra, and last whisper are good offensive items. Defensive wise, banshee's veil, maw of malmortius, guardian angel, and randuins would be good.

Essence Reaver is also a nice offensive item for him, from what I've heard. I haven't used it on him yet.

probably should opt for titanic over ravenous now otherwise i agree with these choices

also if people are still wondering about the new champ's passive, you get to choose the person you place the mark on, and after 8 seconds after you place the mark, then you can get the stack off of a kill or assists, now for jungle monsters i think its random whether the mark shows or not

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