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The Fush

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probably should opt for titanic over ravenous now otherwise i agree with these choices

also if people are still wondering about the new champ's passive, you get to choose the person you place the mark on, and after 8 seconds after you place the mark, then you can get the stack off of a kill or assists, now for jungle monsters i think its random whether the mark shows or not

I think Wolf is the one who marks jungle camps periodically, Lamb marks champions to my knowledge, the gameplay I saw wasn't Kindred in there correct position so I didn't witness what they are supposed to do. Thanks RobertXLee for confirming that Kindred is best suited for jungle play
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I see

Can you change who the mark is on later or does it stay on one person? Also in case it is the former can you wait to select your target until later in the match?

I believe it stays on a target until that target is killed, then it shifts if I understood Robert's video correctly

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Although you probs don't know the answer or you would have said, do you know if you can choose the next target after killing one?

Also sorry for all the questions, I don't have the time to go watch videos myself right now

I think so, the surrender@20 post isn't entirely helpful. It appears that the mark automatically resets if your enemy is killed by either you or your teammate. I don't think you get to choose again, but then again, I haven't played Kindred so I'm no expert

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The menu for changing the mark appears once you've killed the marked person. It is a small bar showing circular, small champion portraits. Think the ones that show up upon kill or assist. You simply click the person you wish to mark.

You cannot mark the same person until 4(?) minutes have passed.

If you do not kill the person in a certain amount of time, you may change the mark.

It stays on the marked person until death, or forever.

It cannot be used in combat, and will take a moment to 'get ready'.

You may choose the next person to mark after the first one dies/enough time has passed.

Jungle camps are completely random.

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The menu for changing the mark appears once you've killed the marked person. It is a small bar showing circular, small champion portraits. Think the ones that show up upon kill or assist. You simply click the person you wish to mark.

You cannot mark the same person until 4(?) minutes have passed.

If you do not kill the person in a certain amount of time, you may change the mark.

It stays on the marked person until death, or forever.

It cannot be used in combat, and will take a moment to 'get ready'.

You may choose the next person to mark after the first one dies/enough time has passed.

Jungle camps are completely random.

Thank you, I understand it now

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The menu for changing the mark appears once you've killed the marked person. It is a small bar showing circular, small champion portraits. Think the ones that show up upon kill or assist. You simply click the person you wish to mark.

You cannot mark the same person until 4(?) minutes have passed.

If you do not kill the person in a certain amount of time, you may change the mark.

It stays on the marked person until death, or forever.

It cannot be used in combat, and will take a moment to 'get ready'.

You may choose the next person to mark after the first one dies/enough time has passed.

Jungle camps are completely random.

Thank you for clearing up my confusion as well

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Can someone tell me how to fight Orianna as Ahri? She too freaking safe and I can't even farm under turret due to that stupid ball.

Orri is supposed to be a safe lane so i suggest maybe farming and roaming or ask for ganks since she doesn't have any escapes.

She is like the jinx of mid where even if u mess up in lane u can still do good in team fights.

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Can someone tell me how to fight Orianna as Ahri? She too freaking safe and I can't even farm under turret due to that stupid ball.

Pay attention to where her ball is. You can abuse the travel time to avoid poke and help trade with her better since her shield isn't instant

Ori's probably going to win that lane if you try to be aggressive, so just play passively and stay out of her zone. Once you get to where you can instant-clear waves with your Q (or even earlier, but you have to be very careful with your wave management so I recommend being safe and just waiting) you can start roaming to pick up kills and then once you're ahead you can come back and start killing the Ori

In a 1v1 scenario, Ori definitely has the advantage so you have to find ways to get around that

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Just realized that a Fox McCloud costume would be nice on Ahri. Both are top tier (apparently) and both have insane wavedashes.

Something about me just doesn't feel right picturing Ahri yelling "Fiyah!" and "To-Yah!" every time she casts something

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Welcome to play with us, most of us have differing schedules and the summoner names of some of us are on the first post. I probably post my summoner names. Lvl 30 account Avatar of Grima

Smurf lvl 5 The Luciantania

Sent a friend request to the lvl 5 account. See ya there!

Edited by Ringabel
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