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manage your shadows, your w increases your damage by 6%. combo goes W, E, Q, once you are 6, make sure you have an escape shadow incase you get stunned, then e and q. More damage to targets below 50%, don't be stupid with your damage, if you think you can don't, know you can.

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Well after waiting a long-ass time for my computer to be repaired, I can proclaim that I had the opportunity to watch a number of games involving the new champion Kindred (as well as play a couple myself). After my endeavors on the PBE, here's what I can conclude.

Kindred's Niche
ADC-style jungler with scout-like and assassin-like properties.


  • Clears camps fairly quickly at level 2 and beyond
  • Great area-of-effect DPS
  • High base damage; scales well with both Attack Damage and Attack Speed
  • Crazy-good in-combat mobility
  • Can infinitely stack her passive's % current health damage
  • Ability to save teammates from death, giving them something of a mini Undying Rage
  • Snowballs immensely hard if fed


  • Squishy as fuck.
  • Deals entirely physical damage
  • No poke, and no good answer to it either
  • Susceptible to falling off super hard if behind
  • Hard as hell to play if you're not used to her

Kindred's Damage
Unlike most if not all standard junglers, Kindred is not meant to soak up damage on the front lines. She is meant to function in a fashion similar to that of an AD carry in fights; thus, a heavy investment in damage is necessary. She has no AP scalings, and all of her abilities deal physical damage that scales pretty well with AD. She also has pretty impressive base damage, which includes a % current health ratio (passive and W) and a % maximum health ratio (E).

Marking an enemy Champion
If you intend to mark an enemy before or during a gank, make sure to do it just as you approach your target. Do it too early, and you'll give your enemy too early a warning; do it too late, and you won't get a treasured passive stack as Kindred can not mark enemies or change her marked target while in combat.
It can also be very tricky to remember that the Mark is a thing. So make sure somehow that you remember it's there!

Power spike
Kindred is a champion suited to skirmishes, and as such is strongest in the mid-game. The targeted slow is surprisingly strong, even if for one second, if you have a teammate nearby. The % health damage Kindred has is also good for taking out the Dragon quickly (although I wouldn't count on soloing it early).

Example build 1
The following build is the one that, from my observations, has yielded the most success:

  • Skirmisher's Sabre w/ Devourer ench.
  • Berserker's Greaves
  • The Bloodthirster
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Last Whisper
  • Guardian Angel

Generally, Skirmisher's Sabre is the best fit for Kindred unless very far behind. Your autos deal true damage, you take 20% reduced damage from someone, it's great. As far as enchantments go, you will usually go Devourer, but Warrior is a nice fallback. However, if you go Devourer, you're not exempt from needing to do your part around the map. If you relegate yourself to hard-farming jungle too much and neglect your teammates, you will miss out on plenty of opportunities to stack your passive, and of course losing valuable pressure on key areas of the map. You will need to find a balance of those amongst adaptation to your opponents to succeed.
After that it's pretty straightforward ADC stuff. With your jungle item taking up space on your inventory, you will kind of need to play around it and that's where the double life steal, often seen on champs such as Kalista and Vayne, comes in. Buying an early Bloodthirster was something that I felt was better than BoRK at that point not because of the increase in sustain, but because of Kindred's AD scalings. After Bloodthirster, BoRK is a wise investment as you can kite tanks with it fairly easily, the % current health damage stacking on top of that from her passive. Attack Speed also allows you to proc Mounting Dread (the slow + mark) more easily.

Kit misconceptions

  • Dance of Arrows (Q) does not apply on-hit effects. That'd be crazy, especially with how low its cooldown is under Wolf's Frenzy. In addition, all three targets have to be within a single coned area.
  • As mentioned before, Lamb's Respite (ult) keeps both allies and enemies from dying. Think about the choice you make when you cast it, before you cast it.
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I'm gonna be that guy to break up the championship hype and ask a few questions. One:I'm saving IP for a champion called "Kennen", I like his lore, he seams cool, and he looks like my sweet Teemo-kun. What more could I want? Knowing for sure if he's worth saving up for, that's what. So, is he? Second, I tried asking this but I got overclouded by pre-season hype. So forgive for repeating. But I'm trying to get some of my friends into League. Got any tips for that? I really want to have friends I can play League while talking over a skype call, ya know? So I thought I should start with the friend I already have! But, if any of you want to join my on the NA sever, my summoner name's "ZettaNerdDavid". Sent me a message and friend request with me, and I'll see ya in Summoner's Rift hopefully.

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Kennen is totally wurf

I mean, he's a Yordle lightning ninja owo

Okay, but for srs, Kennen is solid. He's not amazing or overpowered, but he gets the job done. Just build Zhonya's and Flash-ulti all the things

Kennen needs a vit more than just hour glass and flash, tp can help you get into foghts you can only do it once every 5 minutes. His kit is fairly forgiving, hitting skills correctly can reward you with a stun. Overall play style will be a bit different but you should be fine
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I'm gonna be that guy to break up the championship hype and ask a few questions. One:I'm saving IP for a champion called "Kennen", I like his lore, he seams cool, and he looks like my sweet Teemo-kun. What more could I want? Knowing for sure if he's worth saving up for, that's what. So, is he? Second, I tried asking this but I got overclouded by pre-season hype. So forgive for repeating. But I'm trying to get some of my friends into League. Got any tips for that? I really want to have friends I can play League while talking over a skype call, ya know? So I thought I should start with the friend I already have! But, if any of you want to join my on the NA sever, my summoner name's "ZettaNerdDavid". Sent me a message and friend request with me, and I'll see ya in Summoner's Rift hopefully.

Kennen's oriented about managing stacks and doing lots of damage, combined with some great stuns. He's a more mobile Annie; but does less damage usually, and has more range/utility or at least equal utility; both have stuns, but Annie's one is instant and doesn't require the three stacks, not to mention it can be instant and AoE while giving you summon to block skillshots and yadayadayada that's Annie's pros not Kennen's.

If Kennen gets ahead, hello lane bullying. You have to be super careful because he can stun you incredibly quickly and burst you down; against melee's he has a lot of poke which you can take advantage of. His w aa proc I BELIEVE does extra damage with AD, but could be wrong; so you usually start Doran's Blade. If Kennen gets behind, he farms safely with q, waveclears if there's a safe opportunity, can be virtually ungankable and roams. Fun times.

He can be played top or mid, and is usually always a consistent and viable pick. Worth the investment, go crazy.

Edited by Anethia
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Thanks for the feedback on Kennen. Most fo' sho' gonna save up for him. He's seams flat out awesome. Although I find his voice kinda to child-like. I think he's a teen around 15 or 14, but he sounds about 9 or 10. (Still need tips on getting my friends into League, I know my asking over and over again is kind of annoying, but if I could get some answers I would love to then stop asking)

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Well Kennen is a yordle so...

I'm also getting really impatient waiting for at least a teaser for the Victorious skin. Only reason I can think it's taking so long is because there are going to be Chromas based on the rank.

That would be interesting if they did a chroma for the ranks above gold

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Well Kennen is a yordle so...

I'm also getting really impatient waiting for at least a teaser for the Victorious skin. Only reason I can think it's taking so long is because there are going to be Chromas based on the rank.

It's nearly a month passed since the time we got a teaser last year. I'd buy the chroma excuse if it was being released; it's only for a fucking teaser. The Elise and Morgana teasers were on August the 28th and 25th respectively. So, at the end of today, we'll be a month passed the S4 one and in three days, past the S3 one. Literally all we have to go on is "marksman" which isn't super helpful considering the choices; but it's better than nothing, I guess.

I mean, I guess we are being a bit impatient; but a month overdue for just a teaser image? It's pretty annoying, I agree. Just something would be nice; unless they want to hold it off because it's really obvious, but that's still weird. Two months until the end of Season, since it's most likely ending in November. We can expect something soon, I hope.

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It's nearly a month passed since the time we got a teaser last year. I'd buy the chroma excuse if it was being released; it's only for a fucking teaser. The Elise and Morgana teasers were on August the 28th and 25th respectively. So, at the end of today, we'll be a month passed the S4 one and in three days, past the S3 one. Literally all we have to go on is "marksman" which isn't super helpful considering the choices; but it's better than nothing, I guess.

I mean, I guess we are being a bit impatient; but a month overdue for just a teaser image? It's pretty annoying, I agree. Just something would be nice; unless they want to hold it off because it's really obvious, but that's still weird. Two months until the end of Season, since it's most likely ending in November. We can expect something soon, I hope.

Worlds may bring the teaser this year, or Riot just plain forgot which marksman they were going to do and now are scrambling because they gave Kalista the Championship skin

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It's called being where you're supposed to be. To climb higher you're gonna have to improve your play

Yes, it's my fault I've been going with people who are complete retards. It's always one person's job to carry the entire team in a team based game. It's not like I was fed, but then my team is completely f***ing incompetent. Yes, I have bad games. However, it's completely my fault my team is full of shitty speds. Jungler dying during his own ganks, top getting completely destroyed for no apparent reason, Blitz support being low on health with no other teammates around him pulling in the tank. Yup, completely my fault.

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Yes, it's my fault I've been going with people who are complete retards. It's always one person's job to carry the entire team in a team based game. It's not like I was fed, but then my team is completely f***ing incompetent. Yes, I have bad games. However, it's completely my fault my team is full of shitty speds. Jungler dying during his own ganks, top getting completely destroyed for no apparent reason, Blitz support being low on health with no other teammates around him pulling in the tank. Yup, completely my fault.

Look, this is the reality of ranked, don't need to be hostile when half the time it falls on one person to get fed. Teammates can be incompetent and feed the crap out of carries, however it not your job to blame others, it is your job to HELP them. If they get behind, camp them, if your team can't win in solo lanes, group up. It is a TEAM game.

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