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If you're looking to upkeep your mana in the early-game as Poppy, Crystalline Flask or even a Doran's Ring are great choices. That said, Manamune is not the worst item on Poppy. Muramana can amplify your damage to terrifying levels.

The passive on giving you bonus ad with your mana, as well it's toggle, it would be scary.

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Random thought: Tear of the Goddess on Poppy, possibly into Manamune. Would help a bit with her early game mana costs since Tear is cheap. Probably not the best build path, but you'd probably be able to sell the tear once you get some better items.

It's not a bad choice, but since she isn't casting all that often it's gonna take her a long time to stack it. And it's going to delay your Triforce

Generally with Poppy trying to overcome her weaknesses is a waste, they're just that huge as weaknesses, instead you should play to her strengths. Her laning phase is going to suck, that's just how things are, so build for the mid-lategame where you can wreck things

But that said, a Manamune build wouldn't suck; it does still amplify her lategame damage quite a bit

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It was really just a random thought while tired beyond belief.

And question: How often do Mystery Skins go on sale?

Every big event it seems now a days.

speaking of skins http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/na/53425421/skins (only one missing is Zombie Ryze since I haven't updated it since last night)

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Ahri is a fairly easy champ to play once you get one or two games with her under your belt. Although she has lots of AoE damage, Charm makes it so that you should place your emphasis on a single (squishy) target, like an assassin. Also don't be afraid to exploit Ahri's mobility (Q, ultimate) to escape bad situations and that Charm is just as good defensively as it is offensively.

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Ahri is a fairly easy champ to play once you get one or two games with her under your belt. Although she has lots of AoE damage, Charm makes it so that you should place your emphasis on a single (squishy) target, like an assassin. Also don't be afraid to exploit Ahri's mobility (Q, ultimate) to escape bad situations and that Charm is just as good defensively as it is offensively.

her passive heal is also a nice bonus if you seem to take bad trades often
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idk if u guys know about the slow motion nasus where when ur about to q a minion quickly click a different minion and he will go all slow moe xD

That's pretty buggy and I'm surprised Rito hasnt fixed it yet. I love doing it on the Raptors X]

buy wards don't die

Play really safe and try to buy a ward whenever you can. Stay out of reach from your opponent's attack range but close enough to farm. Don't push out your lane unless you have your brushes warded and your laner is roaming (which you MUST PING OR ELSE). Just remember mid is a fragilelane that gets gank often from all other lanes and junglers

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Ima agree mostly. Play safe, ward up (I usually get by on one vision and two sight before nine, but ocassionally more or less will suffice) But if you're opponent is low and you can see their JG (and against more coordinated teams their support as well) then feel free to go ham. A lot of midlaners snowball wuite well

Or you can be me and play midlane Rumble and go ham constantly and somehow get away with it even though you shouldn't

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i can confirm that cinder>titanic into tank is the best tank/ad build on eve now, the double procs you get from using your e with titanic gives you much more efficient waveclear and the aoe damage can be pretty significant in teamfights, i think it may generally be better then the ap eve variants people are going now

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I don't think there will ever be one all-powerful Eve build. Tank, AD, and AP builds have almost always been viable on her in some form or another. That's one of the awesome things with her, her versatility

Though I have yet to see a Hydra build of either variant, so that one does interest me. If I have the time I will probably try it

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I don't think there will ever be one all-powerful Eve build. Tank, AD, and AP builds have almost always been viable on her in some form or another. That's one of the awesome things with her, her versatility

Though I have yet to see a Hydra build of either variant, so that one does interest me. If I have the time I will probably try it

I don't know how much longer we will see Eve, she's been on a decline of late

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