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The Fush

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Guys, I'm done with this game. I quit. I see the same cheap champs of Master Yi and Garen every time i play, I always lose, and it's just not fun anymore. I don't want to hate this game. Please try to get me back in. But for now I quit. I'm just done, okay?

ok so there are a few things u can do about this. First off is i can just tell u when theres a patch where theres not a lot of op stuff. Second get the fuck used to it cuz it happens. Or you can do what i do and play darius when your bored :D


Trust me its fun as shit still even if i go jg.


Rest In Peace Dyrus


Edited by foovy10
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Second get the fuck used to it cuz it happens.

Saying to get over a game being not fun is very close to, if not just flat out saying to get over the fact that it sucks. Also, I know I can counter Yi but defense items are always my last thing to buy, if I even buy them at all. Which I really don't like %90 of the time. Also, Garen is just... Ugh. I don't really play Teemo as much as I used to. I might do it again but I haven't in like a 2 weeks to a month. So Garen's still a pain in my bum and Master Yi being everywhere weather or not he's op isn't helping much either. I play Volibear and Warwick in jungle, and top lane Sivir as mains right now. I bought Warwick and Sivir when I started out and had to wait to use Warwick until I got smite and I just never used Sivir until now. Which I'm glad I now do cause Sivir is a beast and Warwick is too, at least when you get you're ult. Volibear my new husbando though. I like furry dudes and OH. GOD! DAT VOICE! Also helps that he's fun pretty good as well and his lore's cool. Just as long as I never play a champ with ability power as the main thing you buy items for them with. I just can't wrap my brain around them. Those horror stories of when I tried Fizz (again [sarcasm]Thank[/sarcasm] you, Foozy). Eesh, those were fails of disgusting levels in every way possible. I do want to try jungling with Poppy again after that one time I tried when Poppy was one of my mains. I think it's okay to be iffy with mains, at least when you're at Level 11 like me. Anyways. See ya later, I guess.

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It's weird. Teemo used to s*** on Garen, coming from someone who played both pre-Juggernaut patch. Teemo could out range him and blind him if he ever went in for a Q dunk.

Also, don't get too used to Poppy. She's getting reworked eventually, and she's difficult to use without a strong, reliable team backing her to get past her abysmal laning. Jungle Poppy is also pretty bad unless you can gank like Xin Zhao. If she falls behind, she's doomed.

Edited by Generalguy64
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Saying to get over a game being not fun is very close to, if not just flat out saying to get over the fact that it sucks. Also, I know I can counter Yi but defense items are always my last thing to buy, if I even buy them at all. Which I really don't like %90 of the time. Also, Garen is just... Ugh. I don't really play Teemo as much as I used to. I might do it again but I haven't in like a 2 weeks to a month. So Garen's still a pain in my bum and Master Yi being everywhere weather or not he's op isn't helping much either. I play Volibear and Warwick in jungle, and top lane Sivir as mains right now. I bought Warwick and Sivir when I started out and had to wait to use Warwick until I got smite and I just never used Sivir until now. Which I'm glad I now do cause Sivir is a beast and Warwick is too, at least when you get you're ult. Volibear my new husbando though. I like furry dudes and OH. GOD! DAT VOICE! Also helps that he's fun pretty good as well and his lore's cool. Just as long as I never play a champ with ability power as the main thing you buy items for them with. I just can't wrap my brain around them. Those horror stories of when I tried Fizz (again [sarcasm]Thank[/sarcasm] you, Foozy). Eesh, those were fails of disgusting levels in every way possible. I do want to try jungling with Poppy again after that one time I tried when Poppy was one of my mains. I think it's okay to be iffy with mains, at least when you're at Level 11 like me. Anyways. See ya later, I guess.

Garen and Yi are low elo pubstompers. As you get better, you'll learn to deal with them.

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Garen and Yi are low elo pubstompers. As you get better, you'll learn to deal with them.


I used to think Master Yi was broken AF, now I just kind of laugh in his face. I don't even really know how, he just stopped being an issue. He's still a hypercarry, but it's become a lot easier to deal with him. And I'm not even in any kind of high elo

Now if only I could figure out how to deal with Vlad...

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I used to think Master Yi was broken AF, now I just kind of laugh in his face. I don't even really know how, he just stopped being an issue. He's still a hypercarry, but it's become a lot easier to deal with him. And I'm not even in any kind of high elo

Now if only I could figure out how to deal with Vlad...

Bait his melting

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When i said get used it i meant get used to beating that champs ass cuz thats the only way ur gonna get gud is if you can adapt out and in game.

Yi: build a thornmail if your tanky or if you play ranked u can ask someone to play a cc heavy champ

garen: kite, darius, GG

Your gonna one day say leblanc is op probably #GetUsedToHerAndKickHerAss

You might say soraka is op #LearnHowToKickHerAssAndTellMe

You will one day say im op #YourMomIsOp

Edited by foovy10
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Vlad, harass, get him to sanguine pool and take ignite

See, my issue is that he can harass me and farm consistently with Tides of Blood (assuming he knows how to use it right) Whereas I have to pick one or the other. And even if I try to focus on harassing him instead of farm, he's got stupid sustain so I can't get rid of him

Baiting his pool only works if you're trying to all-in him shortly after, it doesn't help when you just want him to leave you alone long enough for you to get farm

I know what the techniques for fighting Vlad are supposed to be, but when I've tried to put them into practice he's just sat back and waited for that hellish level nine spike (I think nine is when he gets rank 5 Q? Rank 5 Q is the end of fighting him 1v1 for me)

It's not like he's legitimately broken or anything, he's just a lategame champ that I can't figure out how to shut down early

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See, my issue is that he can harass me and farm consistently with Tides of Blood (assuming he knows how to use it right) Whereas I have to pick one or the other. And even if I try to focus on harassing him instead of farm, he's got stupid sustain so I can't get rid of him

Baiting his pool only works if you're trying to all-in him shortly after, it doesn't help when you just want him to leave you alone long enough for you to get farm

I know what the techniques for fighting Vlad are supposed to be, but when I've tried to put them into practice he's just sat back and waited for that hellish level nine spike (I think nine is when he gets rank 5 Q? Rank 5 Q is the end of fighting him 1v1 for me)

It's not like he's legitimately broken or anything, he's just a lategame champ that I can't figure out how to shut down early

Vlad is difficult to deal with but a bit of cc and good all in potential kind of leads to his down fall.

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Go as someone with decent sustain and strong CC. If you hit with CC, he'll likely try to melt immediately afterwards to try and avoid as much followup as possible.

I recommend trying to play him. Usually can get a decent idea of what they can do and what their weaknesses are from firsthand experience.

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Go as someone with decent sustain and strong CC. If you hit with CC, he'll likely try to melt immediately afterwards to try and avoid as much followup as possible.

I recommend trying to play him. Usually can get a decent idea of what they can do and what their weaknesses are from firsthand experience.

This is good advice. However the sustain isn't necessary.
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So. I've never done bot lane and won. We need to fix that. So my question too you is: "Do you know of any cheap on IP bot laners for beginners at the role?". I know it's a little on the nose. But still wanna know what champs ya got for me. And remember, lore is kinda a big thing for me. So no Thresh.

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So. I've never done bot lane and won. We need to fix that. So my question too you is: "Do you know of any cheap on IP bot laners for beginners at the role?". I know it's a little on the nose. But still wanna know what champs ya got for me. And remember, lore is kinda a big thing for me. So no Thresh.

I'm interested as to why Thresh's lore deters you. He's actually got one of the most well-written ones in my opinion.

Anyway, the general meta for bottom lane is to have one ADC and one support.

Low cost ADCs include: Sivir, Ashe, and Tristana.

Low cost supports can include: Annie, Nunu, Soraka, Janna, Alistar, Morgana, Taric, and Zilean.

All of these champions, (except for maybe Alistar) are fairly easy to learn and cost 1350 or less IP.

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I'm interested as to why Thresh's lore deters you. He's actually got one of the most well-written ones in my opinion.

Anyway, the general meta for bottom lane is to have one ADC and one support.

Low cost ADCs include: Sivir, Ashe, and Tristana.

Low cost supports can include: Annie, Nunu, Soraka, Janna, Alistar, Morgana, Taric, and Zilean.

All of these champions, (except for maybe Alistar) are fairly easy to learn and cost 1350 or less IP.

i agree with all of this besides nunu,taric and zilean cuz zilean is a mid laner, nunu is a yeti thats eats stuff, and taric cuz taric

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>Zilean is a midlaner

No, Zilean is a support, who ever gave you the idea he was a mid? He can sort of go mid, but he's not very good there. He's got tons of CC and utility, but next to no damage

I wouldn't recommend Nunu if you're trying to learn support, Nunu support is plausible, but not especially good. While Nunu himself is easy to learn, learning to play him as a support is a bit tougher and not something I'd recommend to someone who's new to the role

Then there's items. as ADC you can generally just get Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and Last Whisper with AS boots somewhere after your BF sword as your core. As you get better you'll start to understand different builds but that's almost always a safe bet

As support get the second tier of your support item and a Sightstone, then grab whatever utility items your team might need. Also keep in mind that there's a few AP items (mainly Zhonya's on Morg and other squishy initiators and Luden's on supports with low waveclear) and some tank items (Randuin's and Frozen heart mostly) that can work for you as well

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Really? But he only has one damage ability and he gets blown up almost instantly by literally anything

He's got plenty of utility, but there's mids like Lulu and Orianna who have plenty of utility as well and don't get instagibbed by the world

And even if he is viable as midlaner, he's still perfectly good as a support

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I'm interested as to why Thresh's lore deters you. He's actually got one of the most well-written ones in my opinion.

Anyway, the general meta for bottom lane is to have one ADC and one support.

Low cost ADCs include: Sivir, Ashe, and Tristana.

Low cost supports can include: Annie, Nunu, Soraka, Janna, Alistar, Morgana, Taric, and Zilean.

All of these champions, (except for maybe Alistar) are fairly easy to learn and cost 1350 or less IP.

I already have Sivir as a top laner and Ashe. Except (I know this really stupid, but) I never figured out to how to get the slow on her attacks I see whenever I face her. As for Thresh's lore, it's because he's worthless, bottom-feeding excuse for a cell-based lifeform. The following spoiler tag is a rant I got where I unleash a lot of my hate on things in the game and the champs you told me about me, to be nice and fair and get past mod watch I thought I should warn everyone that this get pretty damn mad. Read at your own risk.

*Cue Tetris SMBB remix* That same problem is why I can't stand Lee Sin, only somehow Lee Sin does a mass murder and isn't shown to be a villain in the least, even though Thresh and most other pure evil champs and even champs who understandable in their evil actions are. I can't stand how Lee Sin gets away scot free and is almost shown as a good guy even though he KILLED A FULL VILLAGE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE! HELLO? ! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT THIS?! As for Tristana.... Eh. Annie sucks because Tibers is only a dumber, weaker super minion who won't even attack a champ beating the snot out of Annie or himself when their right in front of his face if there's a minion near by(I've fought enough of her to see this every time).Nunu looks bland s tofu, and I know I'm gonna sound like a brat but forgive me, I'm kinda of in a bad mood and want to vent a bit, even when I play League do I try to vent a bit so forgive me when I say, I DON'T WANNA GET KILL ASSISTS, I GET ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY! I WANNA GET MY OWN KILLS! As for the ones you said who CAN get kills, NO THANK YOU! Taric's gems are stupid and illogical when Game Theory's episode on Minecraft diamond suits comes in to play, Morgana is just gross, in the most honest to the word way as possible, Alistar is.. , the only one who I might give a chance, as he looks okay, if only just Minotaur and nothing else to his design, and forgive my words and JonTron quote but WHAT THE FUCK IS A ZILEAN!?

Sorry for being that.... much of an AVGN rant. I just have a lot of bad records with champs who's items are for ability power and I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I will look at and maybe try Alistar though. I'll get back to you on him.

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>Zilean is a midlaner

No, Zilean is a support, who ever gave you the idea he was a mid? He can sort of go mid, but he's not very good there. He's got tons of CC and utility, but next to no damage

I wouldn't recommend Nunu if you're trying to learn support, Nunu support is plausible, but not especially good. While Nunu himself is easy to learn, learning to play him as a support is a bit tougher and not something I'd recommend to someone who's new to the role

Then there's items. as ADC you can generally just get Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and Last Whisper with AS boots somewhere after your BF sword as your core. As you get better you'll start to understand different builds but that's almost always a safe bet

As support get the second tier of your support item and a Sightstone, then grab whatever utility items your team might need. Also keep in mind that there's a few AP items (mainly Zhonya's on Morg and other squishy initiators and Luden's on supports with low waveclear) and some tank items (Randuin's and Frozen heart mostly) that can work for you as well


While his stun is nice, Zilean is far too item dependent to be in the botlane. Keep him mid where he can get gold and then items to not be a walking GA late game.

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He doesn't die as easily as someone like Koggles or Xerath, thanks to his E which doubles his movement speed, as well as his ultimate which can easily restore all of his health.

His main problem is the reliability of his damage and CC on his teammates.

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