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I decided that what im gonna do while i wait for the season to end is practice a few champs including Fiora, Gangplank, Twisted Fate, and a few others. I also wanna get better on some adcs because of the new adc items that are gonna be revealed around after worlds.

and to answer about soraka i dont like support at all because i like to go 30/0 but i cant do that cant I? barely can get one kill.

Edited by foovy10
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  On 10/21/2015 at 12:31 AM, foovy10 said:

I decided that what im gonna do while i wait for the season to end is practice a few champs including Fiora, Gangplank, Twisted Fate, and a few others. I also wanna get better on some adcs because of the new adc items that are gonna be revealed around after worlds.

New ADC items are confirmed? Source please. Just the mention of it has me shivering with excitement.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 12:33 AM, TacosAndFlowers said:

New ADC items are confirmed? Source please. Just the mention of it has me shivering with excitement.

it was on a redpost a while ago that riot know that adc are stale and are building almost the same stuff so the items should be revealed around the end of worlds. I forget which one said it but im sadly not gonna go through like 20 redposts looking for it lol.



it is at the very bottom

Edited by foovy10
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  On 10/21/2015 at 12:36 AM, foovy10 said:

it was on a redpost a while ago that riot know that adc are stale and are building almost the same stuff so the items should be revealed around the end of worlds. I forget which one said it but im sadly not gonna go through like 20 redposts looking for it lol.



it is at the very bottom

I'm practically squealing right now I'm so excited. Finally some justice to Riot's dumpster champs.

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They're also planning on doing a bunch of small scale updates to some of the ADCs. Some of the confirmed champs getting some work done are Caitlyn, Quinn, and Miss Fortune. Might be a few more that have been confirmed to have plans for, but those are the ones I remember them confirming. This whole thing is gonna be similar to the juggernaut update.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 12:49 AM, Talkla said:

They're also planning on doing a bunch of small scale updates to some of the ADCs. Some of the confirmed champs getting some work done are Caitlyn, Quinn, and Miss Fortune. Might be a few more that have been confirmed to have plans for, but those are the ones I remember them confirming. This whole thing is gonna be similar to the juggernaut update.

In other news Demon Vi is amazing

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  On 10/21/2015 at 3:03 PM, Generalguy64 said:

They need to do something with the BF Sword so you aren't stuck just trying to get 1500 gold at any one point.

There was a point where Nedlessly large rod was 1600 gold, but now that it's 1250, they should drop BF swords proce by like a hundred or something like that
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  On 10/21/2015 at 5:50 PM, KosherKoneko said:

Yeah, giving ADCs a similar item buff to mages could be good

Although BF sword is a huge AF spike for ADCs, whereas mages usually spike with the upgrade of the Rod rather than the Rod itself, so keep that in mind

Many a time before the change Rod was a huge spike for mages, if you were able to go back to lane with needlessly you had a huge advantage over your opponent. Needlessly over Blasting Wand would often be the tipping point for AP vs AP matchups mid, that is until they lowered the price

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  On 10/21/2015 at 6:00 PM, Avatar of Grima said:

Many a time before the change Rod was a huge spike for mages, if you were able to go back to lane with needlessly you had a huge advantage over your opponent. Needlessly over Blasting Wand would often be the tipping point for AP vs AP matchups mid, that is until they lowered the price

I didn't say it wasn't a spike at all, but it's not nearly as huge as BF sword. I'm much more likely to buy an Armguard/Chalice/Morello piece than a Needlessly Large Rod

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  On 10/21/2015 at 7:18 PM, KosherKoneko said:

I didn't say it wasn't a spike at all, but it's not nearly as huge as BF sword. I'm much more likely to buy an Armguard/Chalice/Morello piece than a Needlessly Large Rod

that I agree with now. However last season I'd disagree
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Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 11:07 PM, foovy10 said:

Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

if I play AD, I like having Morgana for her utility snares and her black sheild to protect against cc
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  On 10/21/2015 at 11:07 PM, foovy10 said:

Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

Probably Thresh, the support that kinda has everything you'd want.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 11:07 PM, foovy10 said:

Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

Well, since the only support I ever play is Nautilus, I kinda have to say Nautilus

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  On 10/21/2015 at 11:07 PM, foovy10 said:

Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

Hm, this is a tough one for me. Can't decide between Blitzcrank, Braum, Leona, Thresh, and Nautilus. If I really had to choose one, I'll probably go with Thresh. I don't play support much, but when I do, I'll play Thresh most of the time. Still, I really like the others I've listed.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 11:07 PM, foovy10 said:

Ok so this just poped up in my mind so im just gonna say it. Which support do you prefer over all? If you had to pick 1 support champ and that would be the only support u play with when u adc which would it be? I would say tahm cuz good tahms are just amazing and its really nice to be taken out of danger with a click of a button.

My favorite Support will always be my bae Sona.

But if I had to pick one to always support me when I ADC it'd be Soraka. If I fuck up and fail a trade, she erases it immediately and I have an advantage

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Im surprised no one said tahm D: but i guess it makes sense cuz i prefer tahm over morg if i play jinx and i play her a lot so yeah. and aparently tahm still uses his ult even if he gets cced while casting it( or thats a bug) so its really good for escaping if u and ur adc r on like skype or something and u dont have your w.

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I love having a good Braum support. Protects me, engages when there's an opening, and disengages when things get rough. Tanky enough for my liking, and let's not forget that ult is gonna make them blow flash if they have it, and if they don't, they're dead.

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