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it's not that good to go that route on ADCs, laning is so important to ADCs even more now, the health regen, AA dmg reduce and lifesteal boost and health is way too good to pass up, plus that summoner spell reduce tho

Yeah, it's completely a matter of preference. I like to go for the 12 points in cunning because I think dangerous game is such a necessary mastery to have.

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if that's all your investing into cunning for i really don't see a point in it at all, everything in resolve is useful af for ADCs

I mean, merciless is really nice for securing some kills and savagery is definitely useful to help with farming. I like both trees, but i just have a huge bias towards dangerous game.

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Ok so this is the page you should use if you want to make sure you do well in lane.

Also take dorans blade if you really care about the laning phase thats just what i think you should do. Also perseverance and insight is a little tricky to pick from.

Depends if you plays safe and probably wont get caught or if you play very aggressive and might need that flash more often.

Also i dont have it here but fervor of battle is better early because you can just last hit multiple times and then just fight with that extra ad but i like to get some crit chance early and that would help me heal and do more damage.

I would probably use this page on a cait, draven, graves or any lane dominant or reliant champ


And this is what i usually use.

This is a page for players that care more about scaling to team fights like me and dont mind going even against their lane opponent.

I always take cull unless i forget the item exists in the beginning of the game which i still sometimes do.

runic affinity for the longer red buffs. Savagery for easier last hitting but you can go wander if you believe thats better for you.

I always take warlords bloodlust here because again you dont care much about trading in lane and the heals help you live through fights.

This is something i would use on twitch(TRY HIM HES PRETTY GOOD), jinx, kog, or any champs that love scaling.


Edited by foovy10
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i mean with base ad changes on ADs, savagery seems like a wasted point in comparison to the other one, and also when it comes to the buff mastery, you generally won't be getting them from your team so you're better off taking biscuits from cunning since they're pretty darn good

also another thing with the second page is that for the exception of jinx, kog and twitch have pretty terrible laning phases so you're better off going more laning focused mastery route, and since they're all hypercarries having the SS reducing mastery in resolve could be the difference between living or dying in a fight

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i mean with base ad changes on ADs, savagery seems like a wasted point in comparison to the other one, and also when it comes to the buff mastery, you generally won't be getting them from your team so you're better off taking biscuits from cunning since they're pretty darn good

also another thing with the second page is that for the exception of jinx, kog and twitch have pretty terrible laning phases so you're better off going more laning focused mastery route, and since they're all hypercarries having the SS reducing mastery in resolve could be the difference between living or dying in a fight

once again this all comes down to preference.
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They are kinda confusing to me, but that should get better as pre season goes along. The way they have it right now you can't have the same keystones on your team, but I think that was broken. I hope they ended up fixing it

this bug is only present on thunderlords decree zz

the bug works in the way of going by the normal scoreboard order / champ select order, the first person to take thunderlords decree will be the only person able to proc it at all in the team.

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this bug is only present on thunderlords decree zz

the bug works in the way of going by the normal scoreboard order / champ select order, the first person to take thunderlords decree will be the only person able to proc it at all in the team.

i thought it shared a team global cooldown

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IMO Foovy's second page should use Fervor of Battle for their sixth Ferocity mastery, but otherwise they look pretty good

For Jinx you will want to use the first page because massive crits from rockets.

I've been experimenting with Jinx builds, and I find that getting both Stattik Shiv and Rapid Fire Cannon is really strong because the insane amount of crits, the magic damage from both items, and the increased range all do well with her. Not to mention you need less lifesteal than you usually would because Warlord's Bloodlust heals you for a ridiculous amount anyway.

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i mean with base ad changes on ADs, savagery seems like a wasted point in comparison to the other one, and also when it comes to the buff mastery, you generally won't be getting them from your team so you're better off taking biscuits from cunning since they're pretty darn good

also another thing with the second page is that for the exception of jinx, kog and twitch have pretty terrible laning phases so you're better off going more laning focused mastery route, and since they're all hypercarries having the SS reducing mastery in resolve could be the difference between living or dying in a fight

First of all Twitch has a great laning phase and Im good at playing passive and living through the laning phase when it comes to kog.

Savagery for last hitting and a tiny bit more poke damage early game.

I get the red buffs most of the time after 20 minutes and i play with randoms so i take that.

And again the SS mastery is totally based on the situation. If they have a blitz then take the SS mastery but if your confident your gonna live take the other.

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First of all Twitch has a great laning phase and Im good at playing passive and living through the laning phase when it comes to kog.

Savagery for last hitting and a tiny bit more poke damage early game.

I get the red buffs most of the time after 20 minutes and i play with randoms so i take that.

And again the SS mastery is totally based on the situation. If they have a blitz then take the SS mastery but if your confident your gonna live take the other.

twitch, great, and laning phase are somewhat ehhhhhhhhhh. Twitch's laning is okay at best
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i mean, cait lucian sivir quinn trist corki urgot kalista ashe draven Mf vayne graves- i mean pretty much more then half the cast should have a winning MU against him if you play correctly, all his damage early comes from his E and generally these ADs won't let him these extended trades since they can either dash out or just have a better all in then twitch does early

you're suppose to be the assassin ADC meant to catch the enemy off-guard and burst them down, not a pokey rangey ADC like some of the ones i listed are so you're inherently worse off in lane

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No Kalista or Sivir should be beating Twitch in lane imo.

Sivir's range is too short, and Kalista doesn't have the early damage. The others will exterminate him though.

with kalista, it's hard to say since she relys on her support to aid in early trades with her w but from what i've seen on her, her q seems to have a pretty good base for early trading

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Twitch's laning is really bad. He can do some decent damage through trades, but most other champs can trade better than him. And his poison is really, really weak outside of stacked E.

Once he picks up a few kills and some items, then he can roam due to how useful his stealth is.

The best way to get through his laning is to mostly just play safe and throw out a W every so often when opponents try going for CS. He works insanely well with someone you can engage and stun so you can pelt with arrows and stack poison. Best with someone like a good Blitz, Thresh, or my favorite, Leona. You don't want to poke with him, you want to all in.

Most ADCs do beat him though. Sivir, Trist, Jinx, Caitlyn, and really anyone who can trade well with him. I don't know about the Kalista MU, but it may be harder since he kind of needs his support to lockdown them, and Kal seems hard to do that to. He's an AD Assassin marksman, so he can blow up someone quickly, but gets blown up quickly himself.

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i thought it shared a team global cooldown

i see where this assumption came from but its incorrect. its not a team global cooldown, or who procs it first, certain champs or alphabetical order et cetera.

i've tested it myself and was one of the first to come to the conclusion; i've tried everything I could think of, and even made a reddit post to try to draw attention. it was largely ignored, but thankfully another post got fp with it. i might be able to dig it back up; but its probably not necessary.

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ok all of you need to watch a good twitch play or be good at twitch to understand. A lvl 4 combo on twitch is get out of vision, q, then w and auto once or twice and e then back off. lvl 6 combo is same thing but ult before you throw a w. Twitch has a pretty good laning phase besides against champs like blitz and cait(pretty much the poke or pull ones)

To just make it simple, twitch poison is strong enough to win him fights most of the time unless the supp destroys him.

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ok all of you need to watch a good twitch play or be good at twitch to understand. A lvl 4 combo on twitch is get out of vision, q, then w and auto once or twice and e then back off. lvl 6 combo is same thing but ult before you throw a w. Twitch has a pretty good laning phase besides against champs like blitz and cait(pretty much the poke or pull ones)

To just make it simple, twitch poison is strong enough to win him fights most of the time unless the supp destroys him.

read as; go out of vision as a squishy adc then walk right up to them after blowing your stealth and only form of cc (w slow) and giving them a free passage to go in on you. not to mention junglers being there and the fact that twitch relies on extended trades which is something most of the best adc's rn don't like. they're either bursty (such as graves/luc/mf) or meant to outrange you (read as: caitlyn/potentially trist/ashe). Seriously, if you walk right up to an Ashe at level 6, you're going to die. Same as if you walk right up to a Graves, or a Lucian. Caitlyn will have you poked down endlessly, along with her net to escape rendering half the shit you've just blown completely pointless. Twitch isn't meant to have a decent laning phase, and he shouldn't either.

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