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He has the second highest win rate (currently at 55.7%), and used to be the highest actually, before Janna moved above him- I think he's just not very popular. I usually do well whenever I play him, so it's definitely not something with the champion himself.

...Although he IS getting a nerf with the next patch, so if he was going to be popular, it'd probably have to be before then >>

Wow, I looked at the charts and Fiora is the 8th least popular champion... ;~;

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What? Seriously?

EDIT: Fiora is the 8th least used champ? That's kinda surprising.

...anyway, while this is more aimed at April / Aquamarine, the rest of you might find this interesting.

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What? Seriously?

Which part? Win rates are kind of misleading, as can be any statistic- say you play one game and you win, you have a 100% win rate, good job, go tell all your friends but conveniently leave out the part where it's skewed by lack of data. Of course, there's no way that's the case here, but the same rule applies on a larger scale. Sometimes lesser-played champions have a higher win rate simply because the few who play them know what they're doing. Less opportunities for losses in that scenario as well.

As for the nerf, it's just to his E, dropping the ratio and base damage by a bit; and in the case of Fiora, yeah, I know, it's sad since I really like her. Unfortunately melee carries as a whole aren't very competitively viable, so they're kind of automatically less popular.

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"Well, our animator CaptainLx made a death animation, and we wanted to

find a way to use it, so naturally it turned into "how many awful ways

can Poros die". We threw around ideas like "what if the Poros got

squished when the turrets crumbled over them" and "what if they ran

really quickly, so if you actually caught them, you would step on them

and they'd explode."

I think I would be right at home on this design team.

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Don't give us that face, you were willingly letting it count up for the sake of counting up at that point

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This new champion has been revealed!


Aatrox is his name.

TL;DR: Champion whose abilities cost health (like Vladimir), melee, and lots of sustain, so he's the third top-laner in a row to be released (if you're going by the suggestions in the revealing threads).

The reveal post is here.

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TL;DR: Champion whose abilities cost mana (like Vladimir), melee, and lots of sustain, so he's the third top-laner in a row to be released (if you're going by the suggestions in the revealing threads).


>Abilities Cost Mana

I feel as if something is dreadfully wrong here.

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I think Lissandra is a tad overpowered, considering her relatively good CC combined with mobility.


Granted, she's hard to play, but that doesn't justify her monstrous power when she's used well, which is nigh unstoppable.

After playing both as her and against her, I've noted that the only way to really stop her from using her E to catch up is to interrupt her in the middle of it; and since she really only uses it to chase, and since the E is relatively fast..., yeah that's a problem. Once she's gained on you, she only needs to land her slow/stun with her Q and ultimate and then you're a sitting duck; sometimes literally. Her ult seems balanced when self-casted, but when it's used on you in a teamfight, you're a frozen chicken for the enemy team to slaughter, and the ice pool around you is only causing trouble for your team.

I think the problem is that at later levels, her ultimate and Q have low cooldowns considering their power, which means it's easier for her to stun and slow you, which, combined with her E, makes it so that she's able to engage far more often than she should be able to.

It's the sort of problem there was with Darius on his release (although FAR less extreme; since Darius's case is... yeah...); once she gets a couple of kills, she starts rolling into, ironically, a pretty big snowball that can engage and disengage on a whim.

This might be only a problem for me, but that's just my opinion.

Is there any actual way to counter her?

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Idk, i've never had to much of a problem laning against her and i didn't find her so op after buying her at her release and playing her some. But yeah, the only thing i could really complain about is her ulti, it's just to dang op in teamfights

and yay, Rengar free week <333333

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Early game, she's weak. A longer-ranged opponent should be able to establish lane dominance.

Late game, where she shines, perhaps not. But if she's diving into your team (which is kind of necessary if she wants to do anything other than press Q once every three seconds) then she makes herself vulnerable to focus. Act accordingly. If you force her to ult herself then you've burned a stun. If she doesn't, then she should die soon.

Ideally, anyway.

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Is there any actual way to counter her?

Sure there is. Anyone who outranges Lissandra and has a getaway spell (like Shunpo or Arcane Shift) should have a field day with her, juking almost all of her spells for days.

However, I prefer solo top with Lissandra, as most melee units can't touch her if she predicts correctly. I have trouble with Jax, Nidalee and Darius, but aside from that I can stop any pathetic attempts others make to take a swing at me. By the time they can buy a Mercurial Scimitar to counter me, It will almost be at the team fighting phase if not there already.

Speaking of the Scimitar, it is a very effective item-counter to Lissandra IMO. Try that out.

EDIT: you're playing Veigar so scratch the Scimitar idea. Invest in some Mercury's Treads and combo that bitch!

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Lissandra has such pitiful range though and can easily be counterplayed by a plethora of champions, and Darius had considerable damage and I complained about him too but it's the same exact thing in that nobody knew how to deal with him effectively (same for Lissandra, and most every other new champion that isn't automatically labeled UP) when in reality he's pretty easy to counter if you play conservatively and way easy to kite if you're not a melee with no ranged skills/CC.

I haven't had any trouble with Lissandra (though she IS scary as hell in teamfights when used effectively) and Darius hasn't been an issue since I learned to play him myself.

She performs the role of an AP carry as well as most any other champion of the same role, it's just that her dynamic and approach is alien and harder to deal with because of the unfamiliarity surrounding her.

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