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Brand should be taking Ignite imo.

TP for mid is good on splitpushers like Yasuo, Akali or Yi. They are also good on assassins to apply global pressure, although this is a niche used primarily for aggressive mid-game compositions.

Long-range/utility mages such as Ziggs, Lux, etc. will usually want Barrier or Heal unless against Twisted Fate, then Teleport is a consideration for sure. There are also some that will prefer Ghost, such as TF, Karthus and Varus.

i do the complete opposite of almost everything u said.

I take ignite most of the time on split pushers, I always take ignite on assassins, the long range or utility champs really depend on who your vsing like if i vs a assassin ill take barrier but if its a champ that is not gonna 100 to 0 me in seconds then ill take tp.

I also always take tp on tf and im pretty sure same goes for karthus.

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Karthus really has no business taking Teleport anymore now that Revive has been axed.

Also Barrier should be the pick the vast majority of the time on utility mages. There really isn't much reason to sacrifice durability for map pressure given that you are usually one of the most pivotal people on the team. Teleport should only be taken in this case to counter global pressure comps that involve champs like TF, Eve, Shen or Nocturne.

On assassins it is on a case-by-case basis and is largely dependent on what you can kill, but always take Ignite if your champion is named Zed, Annie, Leblanc or Ahri, otherwise only consider Ignite against high-sustain mids like Swain and Vladimir and you're not planning to take Morello's. A couple examples I can think of here include Karthus, Kennen / other manaless APs, Swain and potentially Orianna.

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Karthus really has no business taking Teleport anymore now that Revive has been axed.

Also Barrier should be the pick the vast majority of the time on utility mages. There really isn't much reason to sacrifice durability for map pressure given that you are usually one of the most pivotal people on the team. Teleport should only be taken in this case to counter global pressure comps that involve champs like TF, Eve, Shen or Nocturne.

On assassins it is on a case-by-case basis and is largely dependent on what you can kill, but always take Ignite if your champion is named Zed, Annie, Leblanc or Ahri, otherwise only consider Ignite against high-sustain mids like Swain and Vladimir and you're not planning to take Morello's. A couple examples I can think of here include Karthus, Kennen / other manaless APs, Swain and potentially Orianna.

Just going to throw this out there, Zed with TP, isn't really that bad because of how good Zed is at split pushing. However I prefer ignite

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This is a long thread on a high written way (based on experience of the players, i guess?^^) and I'm not that good of a player in LoL,

so I decided to turn to you guys and ask how to be a good tank.

I know most of the basics from the basics of LoL, although I'm not that good at them yet (summoner lvl 11) and I got myself Braum (bought with lp),

and I can now play more or less good with him.

And I know that a tank has to absorb the hits which teammates should take, so Braum is kinda ideal for that.

My main question here is, what can I do to fulfill that task if I got no mana or spells left to use.

Retreat to fountain?

Just auto-attack champs?

Or back off to the next bush?

(and although I posted to not write my LoL name until someone pm's me to do so, I thought about it and now decided to do otherwise^^')

BrutaLotus - SavageLotus

Forum Name - Summoner Name

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This is a long thread on a high written way (based on experience of the players, i guess?^^) and I'm not that good of a player in LoL,

so I decided to turn to you guys and ask how to be a good tank.

I know most of the basics from the basics of LoL, although I'm not that good at them yet (summoner lvl 11) and I got myself Braum (bought with lp),

and I can now play more or less good with him.

And I know that a tank has to absorb the hits which teammates should take, so Braum is kinda ideal for that.

My main question here is, what can I do to fulfill that task if I got no mana or spells left to use.

Retreat to fountain?

Just auto-attack champs?

Or back off to the next bush?

(and although I posted to not write my LoL name until someone pm's me to do so, I thought about it and now decided to do otherwise^^')

BrutaLotus - SavageLotus

Forum Name - Summoner Name

Hellu there o/ On supports in general, you don't want to spam your abilities but peel and help your carry in lane. Mana management is key in a bot lane because not having any skills to use in a small fight can result in lost fight. Regardless, Braum has a pretty great passive, so we can let it pass, but generally, you want to use skills moderately. In the case you DO run out mana, it's best to play more on the safe side and regen mana in case of the next fight. You should only back when your adc backs, because if you back when your adc is still in lane, they're probably going to die since they don't have the pressure or cc of a support to back them up.

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k, thx, yeah I do kind of spam abilities, mostly W and E.

If I should prefer one to save mana, should I take W? with E it is possible to shield against projectiles, I heard.

But with W the defense is upped for both me and target...

And, do you got a ts for Reborn/LoL?

(btw, who is reponsible for Member Title? ^^' Or how does it work? I don't want to be a bug catcher, at least a dragon tamer :D )

Edited by BrutaLotus
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It's not a question about which ability to spam less, it's about using your abilities at the right time. You can use q to engage on an enemy caught out of position, or to peel from an approaching enemy. W can be used to jump to an ally champion or minions when you need to escape or catch up to them, or when you want to give them a bit more durability in a fight. E can be used to block projectiles from hitting your team. Ult can be used as a great disengage or follow up engage in a team fight.

Also, member titles change with your post count, but also with an item you can buy in the shop with your reborn rupees. Reborn rupees can be acquired by making more posts.

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  • Support Squad

My friend tried playing Braum a little while ago, he likes playing bulky melee champs and since the thing said Braum could tank he was all "Yeah, let's go!"

He immediately hated it, what with Braums lack of real offense. Didn't help we were both bot and I was janna but, hey, whaddya gonna do?

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First, I got to thank Pocky^^

Just not spamming around helped a lot, I played like a different player (or maybe it was my matchup with garen, top? :rolleyes::lol:).

((someone wanted mid alone...))

Maybe I should watch a video how to peel right, just in case...

Well, that is the reason I wanted Braum, Offense is needed, sure, but my focus is/was it to become a tank in the classic sense, to be a shield (or a great obstacle for the enemy).

And Braum personifies that^^

Or to say it with Braum: "Float like ice berg, sting like thrown ice berg."

I couldn't handle offense or offense support, but with braum it is different :)

(and some do forget that "tank" and "fighter" are two different things)

And thx for infos, Tacos.

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My friend tried playing Braum a little while ago, he likes playing bulky melee champs and since the thing said Braum could tank he was all "Yeah, let's go!"

He immediately hated it, what with Braums lack of real offense. Didn't help we were both bot and I was janna but, hey, whaddya gonna do?

Braum is really fun (and my main for that reason) tho it's true that he doesn't really have that great offense. His Q is a slow that also works with his passive, W grants armor and iirc also Mr to you and the ally you jump to, his E is really nice projectile protection for your adc and your ultimate works as either an engage (especially if you have a Yasuo on your team) or a disengage when you gotta run away from the enemy team and use the knock up as extra time to run away. BRAUM himself does little damage with basic attacks so yea... don't be like me and 1v1 the enemy adc (tho I did win) unless you want to give the enemy a nice kill or are keeping them busy until reinforcements arrive~

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Braum is really fun (and my main for that reason) tho it's true that he doesn't really have that great offense. His Q is a slow that also works with his passive, W grants armor and iirc also Mr to you and the ally you jump to, his E is really nice projectile protection for your adc and your ultimate works as either an engage (especially if you have a Yasuo on your team) or a disengage when you gotta run away from the enemy team and use the knock up as extra time to run away. BRAUM himself does little damage with basic attacks so yea... don't be like me and 1v1 the enemy adc (tho I did win) unless you want to give the enemy a nice kill or are keeping them busy until reinforcements arrive~

ADC Braum hehehehe

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Teemo, hm? Some hate him, some love him, I myself say that he's a fox, so what do you expect? Fairness from an assassin?

Isn't it only that he can do his job (if played right)?


(btw you forgot to write where you play, important for queueing up, I guess)

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