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>Looks at the list on first page for servers

>>EUW almost no people

xD tho I don't really play with a lot of people sadly cause no one ever wants to play with me ;c or I do ranked cuz supp getting carried to Gold by everyone else on the team and just placing good ults and protecting dah ADC \OoO/

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My summoner name is Angelic Buster, I play on NA.

Umm, my mains are Fiora, Gnar, Lux, Tristana and Kindred.

Feel free to add me if anyone wants to play some games.

Edited by Talkla
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hmm, I don't play either of the two, but I know a bit about them from instalok B)

so, if I had to compare both videos, "Frog or Fish" and "The wolf in frenzy", I'd take Tahm Kench for being a better block.

No offense against kindred, can kick ass, but i didn't get that "You shall not pass"-Feeling from Kindred like I did from Tahm Kench :D

look at the picture at about 49sec

And I do know some abilities from Fiora, but why should someone be a "dirty Fiora picker"? ^^

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No, death mark can still proc and kill when someone is swallowed by Tahm Kench. Tahm isn't a cock block at all

Except if the Tahm Kench is able to, he'll just swallow your target before you deal any damage to him to amplify the damage and you'll be useless.

Meanwhile Kindred only prevents you from actually KILLING them. Tahm Kench doesn't let you deal any damage apart from Death Mark meaning your target can still fight, while you've wasted your ult and possibly more if you didn't react/predict the Devour fast enough.

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Except if the Tahm Kench is able to, he'll just swallow your target before you deal any damage to him to amplify the damage and you'll be useless.

Meanwhile Kindred only prevents you from actually KILLING them. Tahm Kench doesn't let you deal any damage apart from Death Mark meaning your target can still fight, while you've wasted your ult and possibly more if you didn't react/predict the Devour fast enough.

Ignite/Death Mark, your target still has 3 or 4 seconds of doing nothing, while you can just pour out damage on someone else. Kayle, Zhonya's, and Kindred prevent you from killing them out right, which is downright annoying, especially when you know that death mark will kill them. Kench can be dealt with pretty handily, and shadow swapping should prevent nomming. Where Kayle, and Kindred can just go and deal damage possibly leading you your death when the ult is up. Especially with the heal on the Kindred ult

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Kindred's ultimate only does so much to stop Zed. A smart Zed will hold onto things like Cutlass, Ignite, etc. to allow him to follow the target after the ult and finish them off through Kindred's flat heal. In addition, Zed is protected from dying when he's in the zone, nullifying one of the things that plagues him in teamfights.

Death Mark also has 30 seconds lower cooldown than Kindred's ult at all ranks, so Zed can even bait it out of Kindred.

I dunno how good at stopping Zed Kench is, since Ignite and red buff all persist through Devour, and it's got a high cooldown for a standard spell too. Great bait against a dumb Zed though.

Wanna stop Zed? My preferred counterpick is Lissandra, but Kayle also does wonders.

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