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hmm, first learning other basics with Thresh, difficult to land that hook...

But to play him is a lil bit more flexible than with Braum (still like Braums Bulky Defense Skills^^)

That lantern is funny.

try to look at a different opponent when u try to hook someone because that throws ppl off a lot of times.

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Ok, can I get some tips for fighting Yasuo? Because he rocks my shit every time.

as someone who also FUCKING hates yasuo

always bait out wind walls before engaging!

dumb yasuos will constantly e on the wave but not be smart about it; i.e they put themselves in dumb situations (such as dashing right into you)

aa him before doing anything else to damage him and wait out the shield. you will lose.

try to freeze around your turret. he cant chase you far if he does engage on you, and he cant e the wave constantly since he's at risk of dashing into the turret

alternatively, push then roam.


edit: also this new nidalee skin fucking kills me because i have every nid skin and im not about to lose that

but money

but it looks amazing

and i need it

kill me

Edited by Anethia
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patch notes came out and there are 2 changes im looking forward too:


More azir players after this bugfix


Can't wait to see those baby rockets

And of course the new poppy



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Are you kidding? That change seems great to me. It can AoE non-monsters again and doesn't look like it messes with the damage too much, just makes it spell-based instead of AA based. I suppose you can't use it quite as often, so clear might suffer a bit, but overall it seems P good

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nidalee nerfed, Elise nerfed,Diana nerfed, fizz nerfed, ap Amumu nerfed, ap Blitzcrank jg nerfed, and evelynn kinda nerfed.I play most of those champions and all the other ones aren't as good for specific reasons(fiddle, ap Shaco, Nunu, Cho'gath, etc.)

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3rd AP jungle item rework since it's released, now it's a baby Luden's echo? I feel like this is a good way to bring benefit to all AP junglers, and not just the auto-attack ones. Still has the mana regen, still has the damage(works on champions now???), would really just depend on how similar to Luden's the stacking works. I see this rework as nothing but good for all AP junglers.

Edited by Talkla
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Pobelter, Huni, Turtle, Reignover, and Adrian.... holo holo holy crap

This could be the NA Elements. Looks good 1st split and then does terrible at anything else.

Edited by biboo195
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nidalee nerfed, Elise nerfed,Diana nerfed, fizz nerfed, ap Amumu nerfed, ap Blitzcrank jg nerfed, and evelynn kinda nerfed.I play most of those champions and all the other ones aren't as good for specific reasons(fiddle, ap Shaco, Nunu, Cho'gath, etc.)



The champions you listed are (mainly) assassins. Sheen related items such as Runeglaive - while helpful with burst somewhat - are much more situated to longer duels and fights where you're able to proc them multiple times. Champions like Nidalee and Diana have low enough cooldowns that their entire burst combo is pretty much fully done in the Sheen's cooldown time. No champion that benefit from Runeglaive will benefit any less from Runic Echoes thanks to the AoE still being there in the form of a Ludens Echo, which will work on minions unlike Runeglaive. There's the added movement speed! There's the mana back from proccing it on a Large Monster. It gives 20 MORE AP.

Nidalee, Diana, Fizz and Evelynn are not nerfed. They're buffed.
AP Amumu is bad. Fun, but bad.
Blitzcrank AP jungle is fun, but bad.
AP Shaco jungle is an autoloss. Fun, but bad.
Nunu doesn't build AP in the jungle unless you're having a bad meme.
Cho'gath gets free health so the tank enchantment will always be better.
Fiddle doesn't care about jungle items. He rushes Zhonyas no matter what.
Elise is Elise. Item changes don't faze her.
That leaves us with.. Oh look. Not a single legitimate AP jungler.
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nidalee nerfed, Elise nerfed,Diana nerfed, fizz nerfed, ap Amumu nerfed, ap Blitzcrank jg nerfed, and evelynn kinda nerfed.I play most of those champions and all the other ones aren't as good for specific reasons(fiddle, ap Shaco, Nunu, Cho'gath, etc.)

Not sure how it works with Nidalee since IDK if both Echos work together. She may start building something else so she can run Luden's for better poke in poke comps but generally this buffs her since she's mostly an assassin

Elise's midgame clear will suffer slightly (emphasis on slightly), but overall she'll be fine since she primarily does burst damage when ganking

P sure this actually helps Diana since her clear is great anyways and it gives her heavier burst

Slightly bigger issue for Fizz since his clear isn't very good, but overall same as Elise

Bigger burst=AP Amumu sucks less, but you should play tank Amumu anyways

I didn't even know AP JG Blitz was a thing, but Iceborne is a better Sheen for him anyways

Eve is fine, I didn't even think AP Eve was the primary build right now but she'll be fine with this change no matter what

This will help Fiddle more than hurt him, but overall it won't change much for him

AP Shaco will suffer, but why are you playing AP Shaco JG seriously anyways?

Why aren't you building Cinderhulk on Nunu???

Even AP Cho JG always builds Cinderhulk, the free health is just too good to pass up

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Ok so I said i was gonna get Dragon Trainer Trist on the 23(i think) so I can get the mystery skin with it like a lot of people are BUT on the 16 firefighter trist will be available and 50% OFF and I really like the blue visual affects in the skin so i'm gonna get that. Look at the list to see if there is a legacy skin you wanna get. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/caution-snowstorm-sale-incoming

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Ok so I said i was gonna get Dragon Trainer Trist on the 23(i think) so I can get the mystery skin with it like a lot of people are BUT on the 16 firefighter trist will be available and 50% OFF and I really like the blue visual affects in the skin so i'm gonna get that. Look at the list to see if there is a legacy skin you wanna get. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/caution-snowstorm-sale-incoming

Riot Please let me look at the page

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