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we must try this

On another note. TSM Yellowstar CONFIRMED

Im sry i have to borrow your video Ikaru

As I play this 1000 times in a row I will laugh my ass off cuz tsm has won at everything and nothing has started yet.

Edited by foovy10
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I'm guessing it has something to do with how recalling on Howling Abyss works. Normally you aren't able to recall on that map, so I guess it was never accounted for in regards to cancelling recalls when they added the summoner spell.

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Well if you watch pros and see what they do and why that will help you learn. If you can figure out which items are useful for what and why you will almost never need a guide unless your confused between two items or something.

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hmm, k.

And as outdated the guide may be, some of it is still actual, 'cause it is mirrored on certain champs I played and build what was written in the guide, without knowing of it, and my build was in no order. And I wondered, why my build was sometimes overwhelming and sometimes weak as hell (even though I almost always built the same build, but in no order, the choices were accidential), whether I got good opponents or not (mostly bots).

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hmm, k.

And as outdated the guide may be, some of it is still actual, 'cause it is mirrored on certain champs I played and build what was written in the guide, without knowing of it, and my build was in no order. And I wondered, why my build was sometimes overwhelming and sometimes weak as hell (even though I almost always built the same build, but in no order, the choices were accidential), whether I got good opponents or not (mostly bots).

You could always just put the name of the champion here and one of us will help you with the item build.

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well, my brother is a hell lot better than me and he takes mostly a look on this for champion builds: http://champion.gg/

And it does sound logical, what is written there, but anywhere I look, it is not recommended to only build the same thing.

It even goes as far as to describe those who do "Noobs".

And I wanted to get a generall idea on what to use in which situation.

(mostly for tanks or supports)

Or are tanks quite unaffected 'cause they have to build the same thing every game?

For example for Braum, Blitzcrank and Thresh.

Maybe Nautilus but I haven't played him yet.

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well, my brother is a hell lot better than me and he takes mostly a look on this for champion builds: http://champion.gg/

And it does sound logical, what is written there, but anywhere I look, it is not recommended to only build the same thing.

It even goes as far as to describe those who do "Noobs".

And I wanted to get a generall idea on what to use in which situation.

(mostly for tanks or supports)

Or are tanks quite unaffected 'cause they have to build the same thing every game?

For example for Braum, Blitzcrank and Thresh.

Maybe Nautilus but I haven't played him yet.

Tanks : Sunfire/Randuin/Mercury or Ninja Tabi/Deadman/Spirit Visage/Banshee/Iron Solari/Thornmail/Frozen Heart (Pick 5 + Boots and you're done)

Supports : * Tanky kind (Blitzcrank, Braum, Thresh, Leona, Nautilus, .....etc) : Equinox + Boots (I usually go for Ionian or Ninja Tabi) + Zeke's Harbinger + Righteous Glory + 2 items from the "Tanks" part (I prefer Randuin/Frozen Heart and Solari, since it helps your ADC as well)

* Squishy kind (Lulu, Janna, Sona, Nami, ....etc) : Talisman or Frost Queen's + Sightstone + Boots (I mostly go for Ionian) + Zeke's Harbinger + Mikael's + random (mostly your choice, but i'd put Banner of Command)

Of course you're gonna want to build items based on your enemies, but for us tanks + supports, the item path is pretty straight forward with very little changes.

Edited by biboo195
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Tanks: build hp, armor, or magic resist. If a team has a lot of magic damage buy mr, if they have a lot of attack damage build armor. If the team have 1 very strong champ thats ap build mr, if a team has one strong ad champion which should be pretty much every game build armor.

Tanks are very simple and common but other roles make you have to think more about what you buy. I used to use mobafire.com. Just search your champion and make sure the guide has a lot of votes and is updated to season 5/6( usually you would search season 6 but its preseason so a lot of ppl still keeps their guide as season 5). After using it a lot you will understand and get a general idea of what every champion builds and why.

Oh and btw firefighter trist is 50% off today so if you want it this is your chance

Edited by foovy10
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So yea I'm currently thinking about what new champ to buy but can't think of anyone, anyone got some advice of who to buy? Champs I own atm are: http://prntscr.com/9gx864 http://prntscr.com/9gx8ku help is very much appreciated indeed \OoO and if you couldn't guess from my champ with the highest mastery I'm a supp main but also do top from time to time ;3

Ps: After 4 attempts, fuck that 2nd link just copy paste it it doesn't like me ;c

Edited by Wendel
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