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Yorick if you want a fun top laner, or just want to make your opponent have no fun whatsoever.

Yorick is fun? That's news to me...

Anyway. If you have le moneys you should invest in Tahm Kench. Good for both top and support.

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So with Darius I have an easy answer: Oh heeeeeeell no can't play him at all.

Yorick I would just for that hilarious walk xD

Illaoi neh cause I don't really like how she plays

Thresh is on my maybe list cause even tho I like him I kinda suck at hitting people with hooks

Tahm... I have no idea I should wait till he's ftp to try him cause I haven't played him enough for that

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The funnest supports in my opinion are:



and TAHM KENCH IS UNBENCHED(you gotta love eating people am i right?). They are all also pretty good.

The funnest top laners in my opinion are:


Jax(at the moment anyway)

and Tahm(still gotta love eating people am i right?),

Another fun one is Riven but you gotta dedicate A LOT of time to learn and get good at her and then it gets fun.

Im just gonna list champs for the other roles also because why not.



Zed(takes time to learn)

Leblanc(takes a little time to learn)

and this one is kinda pretty bias but i believe Lulu mid is really fun





Quinn( at the moment anyway)

and this one is also pretty bias but Malphite jg is fun for me


Jinx(Slightly OP)


And Lucian(OP)

Oh and all the champs that i put in all caps are my favorite from that lane.

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Really like Blitz, tfw you have more than 4 times the kills as your adc has 8/3/8 first time summoner's rift was pretty much 1v2 bot cause my adc kept d/cing and only came in around 5 minutes to give a few kills to enemy Graves then d/c again till 15 minutes

Thresh: The god damn hooks are even harder for me to hit than Blitz's grabs tho I like him

Tahm I have no clue tho I do like eating people


My top lane's pretty solid for me with champs I know how to play like Olaf, Gnar, Nasus who is also my go to jungler if I'm stuck in jungle xD aura tank Nasus ftw Renekton since today cause of that snowdown event thing, Renekton+PPRenekton for 565RP and Kennen when I'm feeling ballsy or we're lacking an AP on our team


Can't play Zed

Can't play LeBlanc

Never really liked Lulu


Lee Sin's mechanics feel odd for me

Nidalee I have her for a while, got a shit ton of skins for her from mystery gifts and all and used to know how to play her pretty well, now can't play her for shit

Kindred no clue how she is

Quinn is an adc which are too squishy for me ;c

I suck as ADC so this always is a big nooooooope for me xD

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Oh boy time for favorite champs to lane as?

Top: Darius, Lulu, and Morgana

Mid: Zed (hard for some, but easy when you learn from a great zed, then

beat him 1v1 with it

Orianna (very high difficulty, but a ton of fun when you get her down)

LeBoink (because bouncing is fun)


Zilean (Bombs away, also he's gonna show up twice)

Jungle: Vi, Elise, Sejuani

If it isn't one of these 3, I'm pretty worthless

Marksman: Fun for me to play, not entirely op but here goes: Lucian, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Ashe, Graves, and my ever favorite Sivir

Supports: Have fun counting those who come up twice now.

Morgana, Zilean, Lulu, Braum, Blitz, I'm terrible at him but Thresh, Leona <3, and Bard, even if I do suck as him,

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hmm, haven't played that many champs (and own only 1 atm), but I try mine...

(And I don't know / care if those champs aren't normally played that way or not)

Top: I'm worst playing alone ^^' (maybe 'cause 1 vs 2?), but played a few times as Braum, Nunu, Cho'Gath, Kog'Maw,

or Volibear (kinda disappointed with Volibear, thought he was more interesting, but that ult is kinda boring)

Mid: Singed, Thresh, Nunu, Cho'Gath, Kog'Maw,

(it's been a while since I played mid...)

Bot/Sup: Braum (I like to play with him the most, bought him with ip),

Nautilus (maybe I have to play a bit more often with him, buying him next), Thresh, Singed,

Nami (didn't like her that much 'cause I can't play squishy support, I like tanks / offtanks),

(I'd like to try out Galio or Tahm Kench),

Jungl: (I don't like being Jungler, but played it a few times) Skarner, Kog'Maw,

(maybe try it again with Rammus, when it is his time for the rotation tryout)

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Oh fun favorite champions


Olaf, I fucking LOVE Olaf

Gnar, cuteness overlooaaad \o/

Shyvana, tho I haven't played her in a looooong time

Malphite, cause he's a rock solid choice against full AD teams :3

Kennen when there aren't any AP champs on my team

Fizz same reason as Kennen

Renekton cuz am a crocodile


Tho I really don't like being a jungle at all almost as bad at it as ADC xD

Yi cuz I sorta know how to play him in Jungle actually doing sorta decent

Nasus cuz aura tank Nasus ftw and I love it when I pick him and people are like "please pick a real jungler" and then I lock in and they go "..." and then I rek ingame :3

Tryndamere cuz crits galore


Ahri cuz fox and balls

Veigar cuz waaaaay too much AP when good

Viktor tho I don't have him he's kewl

TF cuz I believe in the heart of the cards and attack speed TF is fun too

When I get stuck with it we always lose for some reason~ that and I suck at it but




BRAUM carried me all the way to Gold V with only 1 loss as him :3 it's fun when you're on a Skypecall with a friend doing duo bot and everytime you W over to him you yell BRAUM

Blitz: Q+E+R+W nuff said

Thresh tho I don't have him yet

Alistar cause you can't milk those

Leona cause first champ I could decently play and she's also the first one I bought <3

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Favorite champs to play by lane

Top: Nautilus, Rumble, Shaco, Cho'Gath, Kennen

Jungle: Elise, Shaco, S5 Quinn, Shyvana, Illaoi, Cho'Gath, Zyra

Mid: Orianna, Rumble, Corki, Kennen, Ekko, Varus

ADC: Corki, Twitch

Support: Nautilus, Orianna, Karma

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I guess I'll join in too

Top: Poppy, Fiora, Gnar

Jungle: Kindred, Vi

Mid: Zyra, Annie, Diana, Vel'koz

ADC: Jinx, Miss Fortune, Tristana

Support: Zyra, Braum, Thresh

Are you me? Besides some of your Mid/Support favorites and Vi, that's almost exactly mine, haha.

Top: Fiora, Gnar, Poppy, Ryze

Jungle: Kindred, Poppy

Mid: Annie, Katarina, Ryze, Twisted Fate

ADC: Jinx, Miss Fortune, Tristana, Vayne

Support: Alistar, Bard, Blitzcrank, Thresh

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I bought Dragon Tamer Tristana today, got Ryze Whitebeard which would be nice if I didn't have Pirate Ryze already.

Then I broke and bought Nunu Bot because that's the best skin in the entire game (Eat shit, laugh, walk away while under fire) and got Bewitching Nidalee, who I can't play for crap.

I have all but one legendary skin now. Will have to post the elophant link later. But this snowball thing is interesting.

From the snowball, Toxic Mundo, Undertaker Yorrick, El Tigre Braum, Academy Ekko,Master Chef Tahm Kench, Frelijord Rammus, Bear Calvary Sejuani, and Recon Teemo.


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