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Gangplank: Ever since his rework came out, he's been very fun for me all around.

Gnar: His playstyle is fantastic and he's pretty damn adorable.

Vladimir: One of my go-to top laners ever since I started playing League.


Gragas: I prefer pre-rework Gragas, but the fat man is still very fun to play.

Zac: I don't know, he's just always been a very appealing character to me.

Vi: I pretend that she's Captain Falcon sometimes.


Ziggs: He's an insane furry creature that throws bombs. Need I say more?

Twisted Fate: To me, he's incredibly fun. I also enjoy the whole magic card shtick.

Jayce: A lot of people consider him a top-laner, but I think he's better (and more fun) mid.


Tristana: Was a tie between her and Lucian, but with the new dragon trainer skin she just leaped to number 1 in my heart. <3

Lucian: Always fun to play...unless it's Graves you're facing.

Draven: I enjoy a difficult champion to play from time to time, and Draven maintains to be difficult while also fun.


Braum: I always just feel so good playing him.

Thresh: Something something I FEEL LIKE MADLIFE.

Tahm Kench: Annoying to play against, but damn if he isn't fun to play.

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Top :

Shen : I love supports and tanks, so naturally he fits my playstyle

Maokai : Looks above

Lulu : What ? You're looking at a support main

Jungle :

Jarvan IV : My personal to-go jungler for a while, even though i don't play as a jungler that much

Nunu : Tanks and supports are what i love to be in every game, also he can punish the other jungler really well

Gragas : Tanky, and easy to play. Also he doesn't need that many items to be useful.

Mid :

Lulu : What ? You're looking at a support main

Xerath : You can poke from really far away.

Velkoz : I love him since release. His only weakness is low mobility.


Caitlyn : Safe, has long range, and great for noobs like me

Jinx : Has a strong laning phase pre nerf, and great all around.

Sivir : Safe, has an awesome ult, and great overall.

Support : (Now we're talking)

Blitzcrank : Hook city

Thresh : Hook city

Nautilus : Hook city

Lulu : Her playstyle is really really fun. You can afford to be aggressive and passive whenever you want.

Braum : Very tanky, and just fit with a lot of ADCs.

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All appear to be dead or unconscious. An interesting thing to note is that Sona has something on her throat which could be a nod to her being mute. I've no clue what the others could be; Garen's is on his eye, Vi's is most likely on her chest or fist/gauntlet and Zed had something in the eye during the initial reveal.

These champions have seemingly nothing in common; the most plausible theory is that they've all either hurt someone they loved/close to them or are orphaned. Which makes absolutely no sense for either, if you ask me; as what person would hunt specifically orphans? Kalista also does a similar thing in killing betrayers, which is close to what hurting someone they love would entail but not necessarily.

Edited by Anethia
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All appear to be dead or unconscious. An interesting thing to note is that Sona has something on her throat which could be a nod to her being mute. I've no clue what the others could be; Garen's is on his eye, Vi's is most likely on her chest or fist/gauntlet and Zed had something in the eye during the initial reveal.

These champions have seemingly nothing in common; the most plausible theory is that they've all either hurt someone they loved/close to them or are orphaned. Which makes absolutely no sense for either, if you ask me; as what person would hunt specifically orphans? Kalista also does a similar thing in killing betrayers, which is close to what hurting someone they love would entail but not necessarily.

Some things I've seen is that they all used to or currently have an allegiance to one place but abandoned/are betraying it. Zed went from his traditional ninja training to the shadows, Sona from Ionia to Demacia, Vi from Zaun to Piltover, and Garen being a Demacian soldier having an affair with Katarina.

Additionally, Sona's throat is accentuated to symbolize that she is mute. Garen's eyes are missing to symbolize how he is blinded by his desire for justice. I don't really know what else. Vi has a fiery personality? Or she's always very aggressive and seems to have died in peace? The cherry blossom petals are often indicative of Ionia, which could refer to Zed's roots? I don't know but I'm very interested to learn more about this.

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Garen never betrays his affiliation to Demacia; Katarina was in fact briefly enlisted by Demacia to investigate corruptions of the Institute of War (is this still canon? I have no idea).

In addition, Sona's departure from Ionia was not by choice.

Here are some things I compiled about the four champions. Go nuts.

  • All four champions currently reside in normally peaceful city-states.
  • All champions have strong current or former ties with someone of the opposite sex. Garen has Katarina, Sona has Xin Zhao, Vi has Ekko, and Zed has Akali.
  • All four champions had killed someone prior to joining the League of Legends (Vi being a possible, albeit unlikely, exception).
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  • Support Squad

So, new eyes on what's happening, if this is to do with a new champ, rumors says a marksman from what I've seen(?), wouldn't these deathly images of these champs indicate a hitlist from someone without an affiliation to Ionia, Demacia or Zaun/piltover, whichever one Vi is from

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Bringing the Sona build topic over here because we don't want to derail the Screenshot thread. (how many times have we had this conversation anyway?)

Yes, but as a support scaling isn't important. Your job is to bring utility, not damage. You can easily hit max CDR with support items (which are notably cheaper than AP items) Meanwhile you'll get a lot of more important things like defensive stats and utility actives that a support needs to carry their team. At lower levels building full AP can work, sure, but it's a bad habit to get into

You should be getting Zeke's, Locket, Mikeal's, Frozen Heart, Iceborne Gauntlet, or CDR boots if you need cooldowns

As a support I actually tend to struggle with not overcapping my CDR since every utility item ever has it. And you shouldn't be worrying about AP as your kit is likely built to have plenty of utility even without a ton of AP

I'd like to tweak that build a bit because it's leaving out a few essential things for a support honestly, especially Sona. Some of them are good, some a little less.

FQC (Great for gold generation, gives a bit more power to your poke, and has one of the most powerful actives in the game currently).

Sightstone (With the removal of stealth wards, sightstones are incredibly vital and are a must-buy on any support, additionally, the ruby sightstone upgrade is great for lowering the cooldowns of your active items. By having sightstone, you also can switch your trinket to a sweeping lens to have further control over vision on the map)

Mobi Boots (Only other type of boot you might want is Lucidity Boots, but you're going to reach your CDR cap by full build anyway. Excellent choice if you plan on roaming.)

Zeke's (Excellent item if your ADC is auto-attack reliant or if you have a mage on your team that's already strong. Sona's already frequently casting a lot of spells, so the passive should stack up fairly quickly, and the damage spike received from it is excellent if timed correctly. Also gives her a bit of armor and AP for her scalings while still packing the necessary utility for a support item.

Mikael's (Gives excellent mana regen, can save your ADC from some sticky situations with the active, and also can be used as a heal in close duels and teamfights.)

Locket (Interchangeable with Banner. Locket is a good item for its magic resist given to allies as well as the shield capable of covering the entire team, which is incredibly useful in explosive teamfights to soak up some damage.)

Banner (In my opinion, this item should only be used if you feel that sidewave control could be the key to winning the game. This item also has the magic resist aura that locket has, but instead allows you to upgrade a minion, which, if left alone, can push incredibly well.)

This would normally be my final build in a sona game. Frozen Heart is really only necessary if the enemy team has a lot of attack speed-reliant champions, and Iceborn isn't really that necessary if you can make use of Sona's E power chord.

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Bringing the Sona build topic over here because we don't want to derail the Screenshot thread. (how many times have we had this conversation anyway?)

I'd like to tweak that build a bit because it's leaving out a few essential things for a support honestly, especially Sona. Some of them are good, some a little less.

FQC (Great for gold generation, gives a bit more power to your poke, and has one of the most powerful actives in the game currently).

Sightstone (With the removal of stealth wards, sightstones are incredibly vital and are a must-buy on any support, additionally, the ruby sightstone upgrade is great for lowering the cooldowns of your active items. By having sightstone, you also can switch your trinket to a sweeping lens to have further control over vision on the map)

Mobi Boots (Only other type of boot you might want is Lucidity Boots, but you're going to reach your CDR cap by full build anyway. Excellent choice if you plan on roaming.)

Zeke's (Excellent item if your ADC is auto-attack reliant or if you have a mage on your team that's already strong. Sona's already frequently casting a lot of spells, so the passive should stack up fairly quickly, and the damage spike received from it is excellent if timed correctly. Also gives her a bit of armor and AP for her scalings while still packing the necessary utility for a support item.

Mikael's (Gives excellent mana regen, can save your ADC from some sticky situations with the active, and also can be used as a heal in close duels and teamfights.)

Locket (Interchangeable with Banner. Locket is a good item for its magic resist given to allies as well as the shield capable of covering the entire team, which is incredibly useful in explosive teamfights to soak up some damage.)

Banner (In my opinion, this item should only be used if you feel that sidewave control could be the key to winning the game. This item also has the magic resist aura that locket has, but instead allows you to upgrade a minion, which, if left alone, can push incredibly well.)

This would normally be my final build in a sona game. Frozen Heart is really only necessary if the enemy team has a lot of attack speed-reliant champions, and Iceborn isn't really that necessary if you can make use of Sona's E power chord.

overall that's the best support build I've seen so far. FQC is overall too good this patch seeing midlaners rush it just for its godly active. Locket albeit good, is generally rushed by junglers now (if they want to play for the team that is) and Sightstone does have alterations but I don't think you can get them if you get FQC.

Back to this Deadeye business, it seems that Deadeye will be affiliated with Zaun or Noxus seeing as the champions targeted are Ionian, Demacian and Vi currently resides in Piltover. It's extremely interesting that those 4 in particular were chosen, do they possibly have a tie in later on?

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Played two games and I'm addicted, what am I getting myself into.

Wow, usually people get turned off on the first few games since they don't know what they are doing.

Oh and you are gonan lose a lot of money from this "free to play game".

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I don't think this game is truly free-to-play anymore. You want to be competitive in this game that has over 100+ characters in its roster? You better be willing to put some money into it to buy the champions because by the time that you earn enough IP to buy those all of those champions it will more than likely have been at LEAST a year and a half and by then more champions will have been released. Sure, from a casual stand-point, it is free-to-play excluding the cosmetic stuff, but if you want to be slightly competitive you better be willing to spend a bit of cash.

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To be competitive you hardly need to own every champion

In fact it's generally better to go for runes>champions unless you're just playing casually

The 1% is the couple of skins that actually give a competitive edge (IDK if that's what DD meant, but that's the only thing I can think of. Rune pages can be bought with IP) And Rito usually trues to avoid making those as far as I know

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