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  On 1/15/2016 at 4:37 AM, KosherKoneko said:

TBH I thought Shen was fine as-is, there's a couple other champions that need it more and aren't in the "complete overhaul" bucket that takes years to get to

Speaking of favorite champs tho: Solo lane Morde is playable again, happyface

Also RIP new champ select 1/14/2016-1/14/2016. May you be reborn soon

Same dude. Shen was in a fine position before this whole rework thing. Champs like Galio + Taric need it more,

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  On 1/15/2016 at 6:42 PM, Dark Desire said:

okay boys with all the hate about the new dynamic queue going around, it's been rumored that curse has been working with riot to implement an in-client voice com and is apparently going to be announced within a month

I honestly do not see the problem with new champ select besides the few bugs can someone explain why they think its bad?

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  On 1/15/2016 at 6:42 PM, Dark Desire said:

okay boys with all the hate about the new dynamic queue going around, it's been rumored that curse has been working with riot to implement an in-client voice com and is apparently going to be announced within a month

Oh lovely, another game where people will rage at me for not wanting to use Curse with random strangers

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If this catches on everyone then anyone not in Curse is going to be shooting themselves in the foot in terms of communication. Go try climbing the 5v5 ranked ladder in Smite without Curse, if you get past Gold people will consider it a miracle. Voice communication is literally that powerful. And Smite has a far superior ping system to League

Now, take the importance of communication to winning the game and add to it the extreme competitiveness of League... I'm sure you can see where that's going

And then mute your teammates to solve your communication issues, that will definitely help

Oh, also, we have "refusing to communicate with team" as a legitimate offense. And while I have enough faith in Rito to believe they wouldn't take reports for not using Curse seriously, it's not entirely out of the question

It's going to take a lot to convince me that this is a positive thing

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  On 1/15/2016 at 10:50 PM, KosherKoneko said:

If this catches on everyone then anyone not in Curse is going to be shooting themselves in the foot in terms of communication. Go try climbing the 5v5 ranked ladder in Smite without Curse, if you get past Gold people will consider it a miracle. Voice communication is literally that powerful. And Smite has a far superior ping system to League

Now, take the importance of communication to winning the game and add to it the extreme competitiveness of League... I'm sure you can see where that's going

And then mute your teammates to solve your communication issues, that will definitely help

Oh, also, we have "refusing to communicate with team" as a legitimate offense. And while I have enough faith in Rito to believe they wouldn't take reports for not using Curse seriously, it's not entirely out of the question

It's going to take a lot to convince me that this is a positive thing

If you don't want to talk that's fine. If you're being a cock ignoring calls in chat and pings, then you get reported for refusal to communicate. Super simple stuff.

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The voice chat rumor was already deconfirmed by a Rioter on reddit.

EDIT: If Riot really wanted Voice Chat in their game, they've defs got the manpower to do it and someone would do it during one of their Thunderdomes. As enticing as bringing in a third party to do the dirty work sounds, I seriously doubt they would do that. That'd be a huge slap in the face to the dev teams and their interns.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 9:31 PM, foovy10 said:

I honestly do not see the problem with new champ select besides the few bugs can someone explain why they think its bad?

new champ select is not the dynamic queue, it's the ranked queue where you can queue up with as much as 5 of your friends

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  On 1/15/2016 at 11:27 PM, Neo said:

If you don't want to talk that's fine. If you're being a cock ignoring calls in chat and pings, then you get reported for refusal to communicate. Super simple stuff.

You say that as if people actually think like that when sending reports...

Like I said, right now I trust Rito to work properly with their report system. But it's not entirely impossible for that to change if people consistently complain about thing enough

But hey, it got noped anyways so it doesn't matter anymore how I feel about it. If it comes up again I'll worry about it then

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  On 1/16/2016 at 1:02 AM, KosherKoneko said:

You say that as if people actually think like that when sending reports...

Like I said, right now I trust Rito to work properly with their report system. But it's not entirely impossible for that to change if people consistently complain about thing enough

But hey, it got noped anyways so it doesn't matter anymore how I feel about it. If it comes up again I'll worry about it then

When was the last time you heard of someone getting banned for not talking in their games? The rules for chat would apply to voice comms.

  On 1/16/2016 at 12:01 AM, Dark Desire said:

new champ select is not the dynamic queue, it's the ranked queue where you can queue up with as much as 5 of your friends

I'm having a harder time finding games outside of dynamic queue and it's pissing me off. Finding a game at my normal game MMR shouldn't be hard.

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  On 1/16/2016 at 1:08 AM, Neo said:

When was the last time you heard of someone getting banned for not talking in their games? The rules for chat would apply to voice comms.

I'm having a harder time finding games outside of dynamic queue and it's pissing me off. Finding a game at my normal game MMR shouldn't be hard.

Same as the last time I heard about someone getting banned for intentional feeding

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The reason they reworked Shen from my understanding is that it was a simpler, low resource rework, (Maokai sized update compared to say, Sion/Poppy) and also because versing Shen in lane is basically a stat-check lane. You either win or lose based on who has the better stats, and the biggest interaction in lane you had to play around was dodging Shadow Dash, seeing as there was no playing around Q and W.
Honestly, new Shen seems a lot of fun after some playing on the PBE, and I'm sure old Shen players will enjoy the new one just as much as the old one. Just gotta give it some time.

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I really hate new Shen. He feels like an even bigger "wall of thorns" in the top lane than before, especially vs autoattackers like Trondo and Irelia who are just screwed outright in many trades. I honestly hope it does not make it to live in this state.

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His W has a pretty substantial cooldown, and only lasts for 1.75 seconds. Just gotta get used to playing around it. Also keep in mind he only gets his shields if he hits with his Q or E, and he won't have his sustain through Q now as well.

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I've spent the past day or so watching some games with Jhin, and I've even gotten in a couple of games playing as Vega with a gun. After my journey across the realms of the PBE this is what I've dug up and have to offer.

Jhin's Niche

Sniper caster-carry hybrid with long-range cleanup capability. A literal marksman.


  • Huge early-game trades
  • Good snowballer
  • Safe farming and lane harass
  • Generous Attack Damage scalings on all abilities
  • No qualms with farming under tower
  • Good for a solo lane or duo
  • Easy champion to pick up


  • Susceptible to falling off late
  • Base 325 movement speed
  • Squishy without lifesteal
  • Very little self-peel
  • Bad duelist past level 6

Jhin's Damage

It's no secret that, being a caster/carry combo, Jhin deals largely physical damage. He indeed deals high-scaling physical damage on Dancing Grenade (Q), Deadly Flourish (W) and Curtain Call (ult). Both his passive fourth hit and all hits of Curtain Call scale with the target's missing Health.

Lotus Traps (E), though, do magic damage that scales generously with total AD, making backline snipes exceedingly rewarding in the late game.

Deadly Flourish

This is Jhin's W spell and it is deceptively good. It's a 2500 range ability that hits through minions and snares if your target has recently taken damage from an ally, and gives you a speed boost if the snare lands successfully. It will generally see more use in a duo lane than a solo lane, since ally damage procs it, but at the mid to late levels it sets up quick clearing of a marching wave via Dancing Grenade. Always be mindful of where you use it from, however, as with 2500 range it can easily give away your position via ward.

Jhin, Jhin, Jhin of the Jungle

Watch out for that creep! ...uh, if you didn't catch that 90's Disney reference, pay it no mind. Anyway, Jhin in all likelihood won't be considered a viable jungler by any stretch, as a lack of sustain and mobility hurts him dearly in early jungling when he otherwise would actually have competent clear speed between his spells and crit autos. One notable thing though, is that he can gank...without actually ganking. Aggressive laners will love having the support of a long-range snare from well out of ward range thanks to Deadly Flourish, and the potential threat of the equally long-range executes, which are devastating with lockdown applied from a laner. Even so, I don't recommend trying this without at least running it through a bot game or two first.

Power spike

Jhin can be a tremendous early-game force, even for a ranged AD. Dancing Grenade's damage is amped up with each unit it kills as it bounces, so when it finally boinks an enemy champion, they can really feel the pain. When Jhin's abilities are on cooldown, the threat of his crit auto can discourage trades, and vice versa. As mentioned before, if facing an enemy like Graves or Malzahar who is going to shove the wave in, not a problem. Jhin's early damage can make life absolute hell for melee champs in lane, such as Talon, who will constantly get whacked with everything Jhin has and may be driven straight out of lane early on. Said damage also makes farming under tower deceptively easy; however, he doesn't have much of an answer in this situation vs long range utility mages like Orianna and Lux, so it's up to him to assert lane dominance...which he really won't have much of a problem doing with his early-game power.

Example build 1

Wanna give Jhin a run soon? Try doing this build...

  • Infinity Edge
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Death's Dance
  • Lord von Dominik's Regards
  • Defensive item (Guardian Angel, Zhonya's Hourglass, Mercurial Scimitar, etc.)

Infinity Edge and Rapid Firecannon are pretty much no-brainers. The synergy between Jhin's kit and these two items is beautiful, especially if Jhin can proc Rapid Firecannon with the fourth shot. Ionian Boots of Lucidity has been my preferred choice for boots, but Jhin doesn't do too badly with Berserker's Greaves as that does tack a little more onto his lackluster mobility for 300 gold.

The optimal choice for third item has made for a very heated debate on the PBE chats; Essence Reaver for some, The Bloodthirster for some others, but for me and a few other peeps, Death's Dance. This item can give you so much health back when clearing waves and camps that it's nuts, and you can keep chucking out Grenades and Deadly Flourishes while having an easier time surviving thanks to its other passive.

As for the last item, go with what you think you need, but a lot of people have been theorizing that the benefits of a sixth offensive item outweigh the need for a defensive one. Personally, I disagree given how immobile Jhin can be, but hey. We'll see in time if it really is worth sacrificing survivability.

Jhin's been quite a bit of fun so far! Looking forward to getting more time to play as him this weekend.

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One thing I've noticed about playing against Jhin is that he's very hard to catch up with. I've yet to play him, but every time I played against one, I chose a lane dominant champ like Kalista or Draven and steamrolled them the entire game. That low mobility and squishiness makes him very vulnerable.

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right now it's looking like jhin mid>jg>bot, unless you're running an adc in another lane your team's dps without a traditional adc bot is horrendous

and although running full damage is nice against certain champions you can't really duel anyone with a gap closer so once he hits live we're probably going to see a lot of frozen gauntlets rushes into ghostblade, it gives the most ability to kite others while still dishing out dps

although this guy has some really broken aspects about him i really can't see him being that popular unless you ban out literally every assassin or gap closing champion, his only redeeming factor is that you'll still be able to burst hard while behind going the crit build

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If Jhin is having duelling problems that he must largely try to deal with on his own,?he probably buys Phantom Dancer (over Rapid Firecannon). Maybe a Sterak's Gage for a defensive item against bursty champs (Vi, Rengar, etc) since Jhin's abilities scale with both base and bonus AD.

A Gauntlet/Youmuu's combination is pretty unlikely to work well on Jhin when it comes to duelling/kiting. That's too big an overall damage sacrifice.

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