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okay friends the official reborn club has been made, if you haven't already been invited and want to be you may PM either me, dan, ame, or ikaru on the forums with your summoner's name and we'll add you

and to speed up the process, here's the summoner's names of those people that you'll need to add to get an invite:

me: MrFameMonsta

dan: Dastan

ame: Amieamyame

ikaru: IkaruKazuna

note: because the club system sucks there's a limit to how many pending invites we can have so you might not get added right away

edit: added this to the OP

Is there a European club too?

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Hey !

I'm curious to know, what is the level of people here on LOL :P - Silver here, I was never able to climb up to gold hehe ^^

Name is razkarkapat on lol in case someone wants to play in a funny-way not so seriously (but actually trying to win)

also, I have a question: Do your favorite lol champ and your favorite pokemons look like each other ?

For example in my case that would be Wukong/ Infernape, so yeah they do :P

I'm currently Diamond 4 on the NA server, looking to climb a little higher.

Favorite champion is Fiora, pokemon is Mawile... I guess they both have something sharp?

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I just reached IV after placements and was Gold V in preseason the day after the deadline for that Sivir skin OTL

My favorite champion iiiiis... Ahri atm I think and pokemon's Espeon I guess they're both foxy?

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Hi friends! It's me, Shiri! Wow, I wonder who else it could possibly fucking be.

This is literally just a small post to say that the EUW Reborn Club is now up and running. To get added, add;

Shirinui (Me)

Wen161 (Wendel)

There's not that many people on EUW so there shouldn't be an overwhelming about of players, but feel free if you want to.

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Hey !

I'm curious to know, what is the level of people here on LOL :P - Silver here, I was never able to climb up to gold hehe ^^

Name is razkarkapat on lol in case someone wants to play in a funny-way not so seriously (but actually trying to win)

also, I have a question: Do your favorite lol champ and your favorite pokemons look like each other ?

For example in my case that would be Wukong/ Infernape, so yeah they do :P

Heh that's actually kind of funny. My favorite champ and pokemon are Wu/Infernape also, I never thought about how similar they both were though.

I've stayed in silver most of my league career, though I'm unranked atm as I haven't gotten around to playing rank since I'm trying to get back in the groove of playing League.

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Maybe it's just me but I like the programs skins more than the mecha one. Sion's ult is extremely cool with that skin but other than that I can't see a reason why I'd buy it. It's definitely the coolest Sion skin but it just feels underwhelming. The Soraka skin is pretty sweet though.

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Ay yo.

So Aurelion Sol's been on the PBE, he's now out on live, and I've watched him played quite a bit, as well as played a few games of him myself. After toying around with him a bit, here are some initial thoughts about this dragon dude.

Aurelion Sol's Niche

AoE DPS mage with great out-of-combat mobility. Situational initiator.


- Great laning phase with big base damage

- Extreme synergy with Rylai's Crystal Scepter

- Has a toggle to quickly charge Tear

- Very mobile out of combat

- High sustained damage

- Good scout champion

- Has no problems kiting large groups of champions


- Most of his item core builds both Health and AP, making him weak to % health damage

- Immobile in combat

- Can't hide in brush

- Almost nonexistent poke, and no good answer to enemy poke either

- Confusing character to play at first

Aurelion Sol's damage

Aurelion Sol deals almost entirely AP-scaling magic damage that comes mainly from his passive. Many of his skills, rather than doing immense damage, work to help Aurelion Sol continuously apply the passive damage.

The Outer Limit

Much of Aurelion Sol's kit revolves around this and it's quite a confusing concept. Think of it as a magical ring, around Aurelion Sol (that is bigger than his passive normally is), inside which foes are subject to Aurelion Sol's mystical magicks. The ring has a radius of 650 units, aka twice the range as his non-toggled passive, and equal range to Caitlyn's autoattacks; if you can autoattack it, they're definitely within your Outer Limit by at least a Teemo.

Aurelion Sol players succeed by properly spacing his passive (through his W toggle, which when toggled on expands the passive orbit to his Outer Limit). Movement items help with this, but if you buy a Rylai's Crystal Scepter you can control the area around you almost effortlessly.


Aurelion Sol's Starsurge pops when its center reaches his Outer Limit, or when recast.

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, Aure-lion sleeps tonight...

Nah. Aurelion doesn't sleep in the jungle, but if you play him there, you might be lulled to sleep from the dullness of his clear speed, especially taking into consideration the lack of sustain he has. That said, he can take unusual and often unexpected gank paths which can scare side laners pretty harshly if they're not paying utmost attention. Runic Echoes is a very generous damage spike and can make Aurelion Sol's post-6 ganks very effective if the stars align for him and his laner(s). Prepare to suffer farming up that enchantment, however.

What does he do in teamfights?

Unlike many other DPS mages such as Karthus and Swain, Aurelion Sol doesn't like being on the front lines in the middle of the enemy team. He takes a defensive role in teamfights, kiting with his passive and spells. This is where knowing and working with the Outer Limit is extremely key as you may want to dip as far up to the front lines as safely possible to pick someone off with Starsurge.

You can use your ultimate on reaction since you can do a mini teamfight reset if someone slipped through your front line (and you need them off you or your ADC immediately). The powerful slow gives it offensive use, but it is best to keep it for defensive maneuvers and then use it in cleanup if you still have it on the ready.

Example build 1

Is this the best build for Aurelion Sol? Hell if I know, but it's what I like the most after the games I played.

  • Rod of Ages
  • Sorcerer's Shoes (Alacrity or Distortion Enchantment)
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Archangel's Staff
  • Liandry's Torment
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
Rod of Ages is the first major item you should be after, as Aurelion Sol can make great use of all the stats it provides. From here you should look into buying a Tear as it can charge quickly with the W toggle, not to mention the fact that I just found out Starsurge's both casting and reactivation counts as an ability use, which may or may not affect Tear growth. I admit I wasn't paying attention to that. Anyway, don't buy Archangel's Staff second though; Rylai's is just too awesome on Aurelion Sol to skip on. Seriously, Sol with Rylai's is just bonkers.

With Rod of Ages, Rylai's, tier 2 boots (preferably Sorcerer's Shoes) and maybe a Tear, it is here where your build begins to get more flexible. Archangel's Staff is nice to have, with the AP, extra mana and a nice shield in case things go south. Zhonya's Hourglass provides some armor which will help fend off physical poke and help get Sol out of a sticky situation. Finally, with Sol's high DPS, he can keep reapplying the %health burn with Liandry's while using the item's flat penetration to hammer away at squishies. Only buy Void Staff against heavy magic resist (ie. your team is 3 sources of magic damage, or there's hexdrinkers coming out left and right, etc.).

Really looking forward to a potential addition to my mid lane champ pool!

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since we're talking about ranks: I don't have one.

I honestly don't have the time to really get good at league, so i mainly just play aram, the rotating modes and dominion rip.

when I do actually play league, I main mostly support or top, with taric, tahm, rumble, and ad malz don't judge me being my favorites.

yeah, not exactly the most meta of picks.

ad malz is honestly really interesting because of how he interacts with other mages--you go from "who bursts first" to "i have hexdrinker and cc-ing me doesn't stop my damage I win" you're a squishy jungler who for some reason nobody gets close to after six; you're an incredible pusher with epic 1v1 potential, but only once every ult cooldown. and while your first clear is slow and dangerous, at level 3 he can solo dragon.

taric is my support main mostly because he has a really funky power-curve. early in the game, you're mostly just a stunbot, with a little burst for skirmishes. when midgame hits, though, iceborn gauntlet you actually get a decent rotation, along with some decent self-sustain. being 3 levels down hurts, though.

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since we're talking about ranks: I don't have one.

I honestly don't have the time to really get good at league, so i mainly just play aram, the rotating modes and dominion rip.

when I do actually play league, I main mostly support or top, with taric, tahm, rumble, and ad malz don't judge me being my favorites.

yeah, not exactly the most meta of picks.

ad malz is honestly really interesting because of how he interacts with other mages--you go from "who bursts first" to "i have hexdrinker and cc-ing me doesn't stop my damage I win" you're a squishy jungler who for some reason nobody gets close to after six; you're an incredible pusher with epic 1v1 potential, but only once every ult cooldown. and while your first clear is slow and dangerous, at level 3 he can solo dragon.

taric is my support main mostly because he has a really funky power-curve. early in the game, you're mostly just a stunbot, with a little burst for skirmishes. when midgame hits, though, iceborn gauntlet you actually get a decent rotation, along with some decent self-sustain. being 3 levels down hurts, though.

Well, after the rework his early game power may go up a bit.

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Mecha Zero Sion looks insane.

I like the fact he turns into a FUCKING TRAIN, but I feel it suffers from the same thing I disliked about Mecha Malphite. It looks like it's made out of plastic, like a crappy cosplay or a toy. I wish it just looked more like... well, an actually real terrifying and hulking monstrosity made of metal. It looks like a plastic MegaZord rip off.

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I like the fact he turns into a FUCKING TRAIN, but I feel it suffers from the same thing I disliked about Mecha Malphite. It looks like it's made out of plastic, like a crappy cosplay or a toy. I wish it just looked more like... well, an actually real terrifying and hulking monstrosity made of metal. It looks like a plastic MegaZord rip off.

Could be worse, he could be a copy of Thomas the Tank Engine >.>

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Example build 1

Is this the best build for Aurelion Sol? Hell if I know, but it's what I like the most after the games I played.

  • Rod of Ages
  • Sorcerer's Shoes (Alacrity or Distortion Enchantment)
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Archangel's Staff
  • Liandry's Torment
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
Rod of Ages is the first major item you should be after, as Aurelion Sol can make great use of all the stats it provides. From here you should look into buying a Tear as it can charge quickly with the W toggle, not to mention the fact that I just found out Starsurge's both casting and reactivation counts as an ability use, which may or may not affect Tear growth. I admit I wasn't paying attention to that. Anyway, don't buy Archangel's Staff second though; Rylai's is just too awesome on Aurelion Sol to skip on. Seriously, Sol with Rylai's is just bonkers.

With Rod of Ages, Rylai's, tier 2 boots (preferably Sorcerer's Shoes) and maybe a Tear, it is here where your build begins to get more flexible. Archangel's Staff is nice to have, with the AP, extra mana and a nice shield in case things go south. Zhonya's Hourglass provides some armor which will help fend off physical poke and help get Sol out of a sticky situation. Finally, with Sol's high DPS, he can keep reapplying the %health burn with Liandry's while using the item's flat penetration to hammer away at squishies. Only buy Void Staff against heavy magic resist (ie. your team is 3 sources of magic damage, or there's hexdrinkers coming out left and right, etc.).

Really looking forward to a potential addition to my mid lane champ pool!

I really... really don't agree with Tear. It's jsut not worth it. Like... I've never run out of mana to warrent needed a second mana item... or... even a mana regen item. Only having Meditation from the Cunning tree sustained me pretty much through all fights. Keep in mind Sol has 1 ability in his kit he rarely uses, and it doesn't even cost that much ((60 all ranks.)) His Q and W also aren't crazy expensive either as his Q is only 60 at rank 1 and by the time you get RoA the 100 mana cost at rnak 5 isn't very steep. Further his W is the cheapest toggle ability in the game. Even if maxing it, it's pretty cheap compared with all other effects like this are a pretty low cost 40 per second. So... I just don't find Tear to be a worthwhile stopping point. You get MOOOORE than enough mana and should just go into Rylai's IMMEDIATELY after picking up RoA instead of dumping the gold on Tear. imo I just... don't really like tear personally. Not saying it's wrong or anything it just feels like extreme levels of overkill in the mana department. Like imo Seraph's is just a super greedy item choice when there's much saer and more synergistic items that are cheaper and don't take 8 years to ramp up into their full potential. I mean you already got one item that has to do that... why get another unless you are planning on deep late game to occur?

I also prefer SWifties. Having more movespeed is good as it allows you to manipulate your Q easier without needing to use E. It also allows you to resist slows pretty effectively which, when Sol is getting hit his Escape Velocity isn't giving you movespeed so it's important to ahve that speed when you need it. It's personal preference entirely here though. I just like the cheaper stopping point of Swifties and that they give Sol Movement speed. Also, he's got pretty high Base damages so I don't think you need Magic Pen unless they are super stacking MR which I prefer to pick up a Void.

Everything else is situational. Hourglass is definitely good into very physical teams or say... an AD assassin, but I don't think it's anywhere near a required purchase. it's a pretty luxury item on Sol.

Liandry's is best versus Tanks or team with large line-ups. I'd say it's probably the third item you wanna pick up most cases especially if you opt for Deathfire Grasp as your Keystone. ((I tend to use Thunderlord's to add a pinch of more burst to my kit mostly to make the Ult combo do even more damage on a single target. Which is, ult person on you through a star, then turn on W to have the star move through them and damage them again which then triggers Tlords. Add Q in here to stun them and keep them there longer.))

Abyssal Scepter is imo a much better Magic Pen item. It's range is quite long and it's cheap as heck compared to Void Staff ((staff is better for stacking enemies though.)) however this gives you a nice chuck of MR giving you a bit of leverage aginst enemy mages. It a worthwhile pick-up and is worth considering in a lot of match-ups. I tend to pick it up forth, espically if they have a dive happy AP assassin like Leblanc as it protects me and helps me to kill them. ((and they don't have the luxury of building a buttload of MR without sacrificing damage potential.))

Most CD items are a tad meh on him since his main damage source is always active, therefore it's a bit overkill to use it... it only really helps the Ult and Q which... considering their effects are on pretty generous CDs. It's a pretty lacklustre stat on Sol, but Luxury items are really more about effects than stats. So... if you need Grievous Wounds really badly... I guess pick up Nomicon? Same thing goes with other CD items if you want their effect, but you'll rarely touch these items. SOl already is pretty survivable with how well he scale with HP?AP items, and he has better survivability options then these unless he really needs to focus on defense and somehow Zhonya's isn't your go to or won't work in a situation. I don't know what that situation would be though it's never come up for me XD>

Keystones... You'll probably only ever run Tlord's/Deathfire in lane. Ages would probably be the Jungle go to as it always is. Other Keystones don't really synergize at all with his kit so they aren't worth considering really. Maybe Undying if you want a suuuper survivable buld but that feels like a lacklustre choice since it doesn't synergize well enough but... who knows? Maybe it's okay jsut since he likes buying health.

Just my two cents since I've been playing him. That and I've done pretty dang well thus far. He's definitely a new champion in my pool. ALso... I will say I don't agree with the fact that he has no poke, you can poke with your W pretty easy once you get RoA. I do it all the time. It's jsut not "safe" poke. WHich probably one would say defeats the purpose of poke, buuuut you can really whittle down a foe before a fight ((especially around the bases if you hang around outside the walls and ping them with your W where they can't reach you. I do it to get pressure while sieging a looooot.))

Also, either I jsut naturally get Sol... or he's really not that difficult at all. I got an S- by carrying suuuuper hard the first game I palyed him since the kit felt 100% natural and intuitive to use. Like his Outer Limit didn't confuse me at all personally. But, maybe that's jsut cause my brain really works with positioning based things since I used to have to predict how my enemies would reposition since i was a Cho main, to hit my Q. Really though nice overview. Sol is... probably one of my favourite new champs to some out in a long time. One of the only ones I actually bought. ((Jhin is an exception but like... everyone since Braum was released I've jsut not been interested in really.))

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Like Hukuna said, it's not really worth it to get tear during mid game or late game since you'd still have to build it up, so getting it 4th item would probably be somewhere in the middle of middle game to maybe early late game, where any team could win. That's why champions like Ezreal get tear immediately since they want it by somewhere in mid game, maybe even earlier.

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It's only worth if you know it's going 100% deep late game ((this is a biiiiiiiit strict a call, but yeeea. remember imo.)). Cause then you can possibly afford pushing back that Rylai's spike 750 gold to get Tear stacking ((so Tear sets you back a little over Rylai's combine cost of 515.))

It's a question of whether this is worth it. Personally, I don't think so jsut because it's difficult or... more difficult to get Tear stacking on Sol as he doesn't really have an easily spammable kit. W is good yea, but about the level of Karthus's E... but without Karthus's easily spammable Q. Sol's other abilities are very long down time ((relatively.)) Sol only has issues with mana if your poorly manage W ((like leave it on infinitely in a fight.)) but if you do manage it by toggling it off when out of range and toggling it back when you are closer or if you pull it through or push it through the enemy ((since remember, if you toggle and the star hits the, while moving out or in, it still applies damage and spell effects.))

I'm not saying Tear will always be a bad pick up, but... in the current meta I think it's a bit too slow to get two super scaling items. In a Season 3 or 4... I'd say it'd probably be the correct path for certain just cause games were muuuuuch longer then. Heck it might even be okay still fi your absurdly ahead. ((I almost built it into this Darius I killed top 3 times in the first 7 minutes or something crazy like that, but still didn't lol.))

But yea, Tear is situational. Not a disaster area of a purchase ((it's not like... you picked up Recurve bow or something... XD)) and I honestly say if you feel that it curves out better for you or you like it keep buying it. Straight rushing Rylai's second is mine XD. But not saying your build is wrong etc... I mean I even build different boots lololololol. There's always room to try out and use different things. I'll defintily keep Tear in mind to pick up sometimes.

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But not saying your build is wrong etc... I mean I even build different boots lololololol.

Speaking of which, I kind of want to get others opinions on the current boots. Lately I been building Swiftness on almost every single champ just because of the high movement speed and the low cost seems to make it much more worth than the other boots. The only other boots I pick up are Merc Treads when the enemy team has a shit ton of CC or Berserkers Greaves on my ADC's (but even then, I been leaning more towards Swiftness than Berserks).
I was wondering what everyone else is building, and if you still prefer to go other boots rather than Swifties.
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mercs are probably the worst boots right now, they'd have to have a team full of ap and cc to warrant picking them up, otherwise swiftness are probably the best go-to boots for everyone but supports/apcs

I still prefer to go greaves on my late game hyper carries. Greaves give a lot more attack speed than people give them credit for and the movement speed also given from at least one crit item and boots is good enough to help you survive later. And if there's one big slowing spell that scares you to the point where you feel swiftness is necessary, it's not hard to invest in a qss. I just feel like there's a lot of dps you're missing out on by trading 30% attack speed for some extra speed and slow resistance. If you can kite or stutter-step well enough, it's not a big deal.

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I still prefer to go greaves on my late game hyper carries. Greaves give a lot more attack speed than people give them credit for and the movement speed also given from at least one crit item and boots is good enough to help you survive later. And if there's one big slowing spell that scares you to the point where you feel swiftness is necessary, it's not hard to invest in a qss. I just feel like there's a lot of dps you're missing out on by trading 30% attack speed for some extra speed and slow resistance. If you can kite or stutter-step well enough, it's not a big deal.

Unless your Jhin.... well actually some may argue due to the AD you get that Zerks might be even better on him. However, I prefer Swifties since if your Jhin and you get slowed even slighty suddenly... it gets very hard to regain that spacing, especially pre-100% crit mode since the AA that boosts your speed... is only the last one and then you are defenseless while reloading and then it takes 3 other shots to get back to the sure Movespeed boosty boost. It's jsut a safer option imo.

Anywho, here's how I break it down for boots.

Boots of Swiftness- Generally good on everything can be bought by nearly all champions and you won't be having a regret picking them up. More than half the Champ Roster has access to a Slow of some sort so nearly every game you'll get some use out of them. Their increased Movespeed is also very nice for slower Champs though... due to the amount that are being bought right now... this perk is overshadowed juuuuust a teeny bit. ((since half the melee butt heads are buying these too now which means they outspeed you still.))

Berserker's Greaves- most look at the Atk Spd here and scoff, but as Tacos said it is quite the boost in the right places. If you know you can successfully kite the enemy team or that your team will be able to peel easily for you these really help your damage output. They are still reeeeeally cheap and a good pick-up. ONLY... GET... ON... MARKSMEN. Please XD. I see plenty an AA-based melee pick these up and regret it due to the lack of movespeed or... vulnerability to CC

Ninja Tabi- On champs that extremely benefit from armour ((Rammus, Malphite etc...)) or in a veeeery heavy AA based match-up. If you want to pick these up it's most effective to start Cloth 5 as the Cloth transitions nicely into this item once you can pick it up. However, these... are highly situational.

Mercury Treads- Once probably one of the best boots in the game... they've really fallen from grace. They are just... way to expensive to justify unless the enemy team is CHOCK FUUUUULL of CC or Magic Damage Dealers.. ((which is possible given Corki exists... I've seen full Magic damage comps as a result of him.)) problem is... there's jsut better ways of dealing with CC. Most AD based characters can justify picking up QSS ((and even AP champs as the item is an okay stop gap as it's not overly expensive and doesn't set you bac too much if you need it for that piiiinch cleanse effect.)))) as adding a bit more damage and Lifesteal to it's upgrade Mercurial Scimitar really beefed up that item and made it a viable choice for your Lifesteal item. Also, Elixir of Iron exists for Tanks ((the guys who really love Tenacity, a.k.a the main users of Mercs.)) which... really hampers it's style as it cuts inot it's strategic niche a lot.

Mobility Boots- For Supports or suuuuper roamers. If you need to be around the map these guys are a worthwhile pick up. Just remember that in battle... they are easily the worst boot as they are now a tiny bit worse then other tier 2's and don't have an effect otherwise. Choose wisely here.

Sorcerer's Shoes- For safe mages, or at least they are the easiest thing to justify it on. Poke Mages really love this item to boost their pokes damage even higher. ((oh and Corki... since he does Magic damage. just as an aside.)) AP assassins also love it for the Mpen that makes it easier to vaporize a dude. Sorc Shoes will probably be the most commonly seen Offense boot you still see today.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity- Ever have trouble getting that last 10% of CDR? Well, LOOK NO FURTHER!!! Seriously though Lucid Boots are a great stop gap item from Champs that have trouble picking up CDR in their main item builds. Due to how cheap they are ((same as Swiftes)) THis is most common on AD casters who want CDR as it more beneficial than the Atk Spd of Zerkers Greaves, since they have trouble finding CDR at times since that pool is very shallow for them. Supports that really benefit for CDR like them as well if they just can;t pick up other items with CDR. The 10% reduct on SUmmoner's Cooldowns is a lovely little bonus that does indeed stack with Distortion Enchant. Keep that one in mind, might come in handy sometime lololol. For example, Flash wiothut reduction ((as well as TP.)) are 300 seconds. With both Lucid Boots and Distortion... that becomes 225. that's an 75 second reduction. Nothing to scoff at.

So hopefully that helps a bit... of course it'll still take a bit of thought to figure out which boots are best for you, but it's definitely not as cut and dried as "Always get Swifties" even if it seems like it XD.

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