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mmm idk if you can call it a "rework" but I guess by definition it could be? I heard they're just gonna change her ult so she's free to use different combos as opposed to obliged to level Q and combo it with R or she never does anything

poor Edge, Viktor's rework is being built up only to be changed again because of tech limits ):

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I see you people have gotten to see the patch before me, but there are still people that will be too lazy to look at the site. That's where I come in!

Spoilers contain quotes from Pwyff about related subjects.


I'm starting with the items because they are such a big part of the patch.

"We’ve lowered the price on a number of starting items to give players more options with consumables and general builds."

  • Boots of Speed now costs 325 gold (25 cheaper). In addition, all recipe prices for "Tier 2 Boots" increased by 25 (meaning that their total price is still the same).
  • Doran's Ring now costs 400 gold (75 cheaper), but boasts less health and restores less mana upon killing a unit.
  • Doran's Shield now costs 440 gold (35 cheaper), but no longer boasts Armor, has increased Health Regen, and blocks less damage from basic attacks.
  • For Madred's Razors and Wriggle's Lantern, their Rend passives have been dropped and they gain "UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks deal X bonus magic damage on hit to monsters." (X varies by item, ex. 100 with Wriggle's Lantern)
  • Wriggle's Lantern now grants more Life Steal and Attack Damage, but the ward now lasts for 90 seconds (its cooldown has been reduced to 90 as well) and the item grants a little less Armor. The item now costs 2000 gold instead of 1600 (recipe cost is now 500 instead of 100).
  • Spirit Stone upgrades now deal more bonus damage to monsters, but the AD that Spirit of the Elder Lizard provided has been nerfed, as has been the AP yielded by Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

    "A few patches back we buffed a number of jungle items to make them more enticing for junglers. The changes, however, made these items so efficient that even lane champions were buying them with no regard for the Butcher passive. We still want lane champions to consider these in strategies that center on poaching jungle camps or helping with map objectives, but we ultimately want these to feel like the optimal choice for junglers first."

  • The Hunter's Machete, Spirit Stone, and all Spirit Stone upgrades are now available on the Twisted Treeline and Howling Abyss.
  • Malady has been removed from the game. Its passives have been moved to Wit's End and Nashor's Tooth.

    "We've moved Malady's passives to the two other Attack Speed on-hit items to further solidify Nashor's Tooth's niche role as an Ability Power focused auto-attacker item, while moving the magic shred onto Wit's End to better synergize with magic damage based fighters (Sunfire Cape combines quite well with Wit’s End even for champions that don’t deal magic damage). Malady has been removed as it has been a poor fit in the current space that it was in."

  • Nashor's Tooth's price has been jacked up, but it gains "Passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) as bonus magic damage on hit."
  • Wit's End has a new recipe:

    Recurve_Bow_item.png + Null-Magic_Mantle_item.png + Dagger_item.png + 700 gold = 2400 gold

  • Recurve Bow now costs 900 gold (50 cheaper). This adversely affects all items it builds into, including Wit's End.

Summoner's Rift: The jungle

"We’ve increased the initial spawn times of jungle creeps to get rid of the frustrating experience advantage players could get by killing certain jungle camps before laning phase. This was a much requested change from a lot of pro teams around the world, as the only real counter was to switch lanes or to try to prevent it altogether.

The other changes are to reassure junglers since they won’t be able to start wolves or wraiths before heading to their buffs. Faster spawns will also help some champions who have exceptionally high clear times and want to just stay in the jungle. Overall, this will be a buff for junglers across the board as we’ve opened up additional jungle route options for them.

On that note, junglers traditionally have high impact in the early game, so there is some concern that these changes may be making them too strong in that area. We will be closely monitoring the situation to see if we need to balance further."

  • All non-buff jungle monsters now spawn at 1:55 (15 seconds later than before), but spawn 50 seconds after their death instead of 60.
  • The Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder now grant more experience, and graphics have been updated to better illustrate buff transfers to their killers.
  • Young Lizards now grant less experience.

Champions - Important Stuff

  • Aatrox: "Aatrox, the Darkin Blade is in this build but will be turned on at a later date." Not a bad idea to assume he comes on almost right away given the apparent general feedback from PBE.
  • Annie's Tibbers got stronger. Much, much stronger. His health at rank 3 has been upped by 50%, he has more Magic Resist, and the Mana cost is now a flat 100, a reduction at all ranks. "We’ve made some changes to Tibbers to make him a tankier and more threatening presence in late game team fights beyond his initial burst damage."
  • Ashe's passive has been retooled. Only when at 100 stacks can Focus be activated (think Statikk Shiv). It doesn't lose its stacks before then, and builds while she is out of combat.

    "This change allows Ashe players to use her passive in more strategic ways beyond a level one poke or incidental crit."

  • Hecarim got a lot of tweaking. If his Devastating Charge target is on the other side of narrow terrain, Hecarim will jump to them (ex. ledge across the river from Dragon). Also, Hecarim himself no longer does damage with his ultimate; just his riders, who now deal way more damage than before.

    "As a strong sustain fighter, Hecarim was blowing up squishy targets with Onslaught of Shadows’ high damage and on-impact fear. To balance the ability out, we’ve taken away the landing damage and shifted it to the riders that travel with Hecarim. The Devastating Charge buff should let Hecarim jump over small walls and ledges to his opponents when he dashes to them. Keep in mind that when we say small ledges, there are only a few in the game like the river ramp ledges and very thin jungle walls."

  • Karma got generous buffs, namely to her Inner Flame and Focused Resolve spells.

    "Focused Resolve was impractical because whenever players wanted to use it, they needed the healing up front, not over time. This change still emphasizes the “leash break” gameplay, but now appropriately rewards Karma for using Mantra on her W and keeping her enemies close."

  • Kha'Zix got lots of changes, with focus on Void Spikes. They now slow his targets, have a reduced mana cost, and has higher AD scaling. However, it no longer consumes the passive, and can't be cast during Leap anymore. In addition, Taste Their Fear now deals more damage all around, especially to isolated targets.

    "The changes to Kha’Zix are ultimately about giving him more viable choices when picking evolutions. Evolving Void Spikes granted such huge damage, high poke, and great utility that it was crowding out his other evolutions. Now Void Spikes gets a slow as part of the base skill, so its utility is there even at level one. Taste Their Fear’s evolution was previously reliant on having targets isolated. Now it works whether they are isolated or not, but does more damage against isolated targets, making it a more reliable choice. We also increased Void Assault’s damage reduction while in stealth to make it a slightly more enticing choice and to remind players of its additional utility."

  • Lissandra got a few changes. Her cooldowns on Ring of Frost (and indirectly, Glacial Path) have been reduced, and Ring of Frost's mana cost has been slashed. In addition, Frozen Tomb lasts longer when she casts it on herself, and the slow has been increased at higher levels; however, it does less damage.

    "For a control mage with the kit she has, Lissandra was throwing out a lot of front-loaded damage. The intention of these changes was not only to lower her damage, but to also better highlight her in-fight control as her core strength."

  • Nautilus's Titan's Wrath now does more damage earlier on, but less damage at rank 5 than previously.

    "If Nautilus gets ahead in levels, he ends up with both high damage and high tankiness when leveling Titan’s Wrath first. As a strong initiator tank with high crowd control, we’ve reduced some of that mid-game damage output so he’s less overwhelming when he snowballs."

  • Sejuani, that bitch. Good riddance. She deserves every ounce of nerfing that Riot gives her. Sincerely, Shanco, Avarosan.

    "Sejuani’s rework left her incredibly powerful in terms of overall damage and crowd control potential. We’ve tuned back some of those strengths to bring her more in line with other initiator tanks."

  • Sona got a lot of changes. Now she has more health and armor, but her offensive qualities have taken a hit.

    "Sona is a consistently strong support, so after we fixed a long-standing bug with Power Chord: Diminuendo we felt she would be a dominant pick without additional balancing. On that note, we’ve reverted some of our older changes to Sona. These changes are designed to maintain her parity with other supports by lowering her early game burst and her late game durability while making her a little more forgiving in the early game."

Champions - Insignificant Stuff:
These champions received very minor stuff that I didn't mention before, mainly bug fixes:

  • Alistar
  • Corki
  • Gangplank
  • Jayce
  • Karma
  • Kog'Maw
  • Lee Sin
  • Lulu
  • Lux
  • Miss Fortune
  • Nautilus
  • Poppy
  • Singed
  • Skarner
  • Sona
  • Thresh
  • Varus
  • Vayne
  • Vi
  • Viktor
  • Vladimir
  • Volibear


  • Enhanced versions of the items Tear of the Goddess, Manamune, Archangel's Staff and Rod of Ages are now available.

ARAM / Howling Abyss

  • Poros have gone through an 80s action movie training montage and now have some resistance to lasers.
  • The shop close distance is now calculated from spawn, not from the shop itself. In addition, the distance from spawn in which you will be able to shop has increased.

Other stuff

  • Your nameplate always appears above others' nameplates.
  • You may search for items based on their abbreviations and nicknames (ex. bork = Blade of the Ruined King, spooky ghosts = Twin Shadows, dblade = Doran's Blade, etc.)
  • You will no longer lose your Custom Item sets when you change your summoner name.
  • Oh, and those sets have been re-enabled.
  • You have lost access to the Freljord Allegiance summoner icons if you did not complete your ten wins since patch 3.6.
  • The Key Binding page has been reorganized so it's easier to use.
  • In the leagues menu, you will now have the option to spectate players and teams in the Challenger tier.
  • When playing ranked, you will be notified when close to having LP decay for inactivity.
  • A couple fixes have been made for players playing in windowed clients, as well as players using the Logitech Monochrome keyboard.

And that should...pretty much cover it! The jungle's gonna be the talk of the town for weeks, but apparently so is Teemo, who my brother says is going to be OP with the new changes, but quite frankly, I think that's probably an exaggeration... anyway, let's give these new jungle strategies a shot.

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Champions with high burst can slash right through his sustain, I've been told.

He's also reliant on AA's so buying a Thornmail late-game can hurt him pretty bad.

Yeah, it's pretty common knowledge-

Burst > Sustain

Sustain > Poke

Poke > Burst

And he's not obligated to attack the one with a thornmail :P

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The point is not to let him fill his blood well to the brim. Scare the shit out of him whenever you can. And if you can't do that, take him late-game where he can't do too much aside from initiate (his range isn't THAT fantastic under his ultimate).

I got a chance to toy with Aatrox on my friend's PBE, and this is the "knowledge" I have to share about fighting him

  • I would say that Aatrox's hardest counter is Teemo. I say this due to the blind and constant harass, Teemo can Move Quick to dodge the knockup from Dark Flight as well as Aatrox's skillshot, and Teemo can stand on a mushroom, bait a Dark Flight and Aatrox is probably dead or forced to burn his passive.
  • Aatrox is overall pretty weak to lane bullies (ex. Rumble, Darius) because they deny his farm, and if he can't farm properly, Aatrox will fall off rather quickly.
  • That said, don't expect laning against Aatrox early to be a bloodbath even though he's fairly aggressive and pushy.
  • Dark Flight's health cost is rather high - if he misses it, you can pounce on him.
  • All of his abilities barring his ultimate scale off AD. A Ninja Tabi in lane is not a bad idea.
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  • All of his abilities barring his ultimate scale off AD. A Ninja Tabi in lane is not a bad idea.

True and false; false because the scaling does not affect the damage type- in fact, half of his damage is magic (his E and ultimate) and armor won't stop that. True because yes, he is primarily auto-attack based and Ninja Tabi is good against that.

  • That said, don't expect laning against Aatrox early to be a bloodbath even though he's fairly aggressive and pushy.


And I agree, although I imagine it could be based on what he decides to max first. I know Edge and Inuki maxed his W first which made direct fights much easier (or tougher, depending on the perspective) and his sustain is actually kind of high once he's below 50% health since the healing from the, well, healing half of his W is actually tripled in that situation. Personally I tried maxing E first for the extra ranged damage and slow duration, keeping them in auto-attack range longer; that would likely result in more a more pushy thing, but, at the same time your damage isn't limited to being in their face. Admittedly, it did seem kind of underwhelming. I don't know, I don't care much for him anyway.

But Erick, Sona's Powerchords don't do shit early anymore

It wasn't that big of a change...

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IMO you should only max W when you're jungling, to sustain yourself against them monsters (obviously). In lane I always max Blades of Torment (E) first because that serves as my poke. That's just me though.

Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen this yet, as well as to give this otherwise irrelevant post some significance, here you go.

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>People say that Jax dosen't do much until late game

>Plays a game with Jax

>>Gets First Blood and two other kills being the opposing top laner again and there jungler before the 5min mark

Lesson learned by the opposing team, never underestimate a guy with a lamppost as a weapon

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  • I would say that Aatrox's hardest counter is Teemo. I say this due to the blind and constant harass, Teemo can Move Quick to dodge the knockup from Dark Flight as well as Aatrox's skillshot, and Teemo can stand on a mushroom, bait a Dark Flight and Aatrox is probably dead or forced to burn his passive.

Teemo counters just about every top laner without some way to stop his blind, or keep him at bay altogether.

>People say that Jax dosen't do much until late game

>Plays a game with Jax

>>Gets First Blood and two other kills being the opposing top laner again and there jungler before the 5min mark

Lesson learned by the opposing team, never underestimate a guy with a lamppost as a weapon

Jax uses the lamppost as a handicap. He'd be 2stronk otherwise.

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Well, most of his other skins have a different weapon...does that mean I should actually buy Jaximus like I was gonna do before?

NOTE: in case you didn't notice, they dropped Talon's price in the store (he's now 4800). I've heard the line "talon is a cheap khazix" four times already e_e

Also, for Ame, I read something about a new Zyra skin being released soon (probs not before the Udyr one but we'll see)

EDIT: I found the link http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/06/commentary-on-upcoming-sona-changes-and.html?m=0

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Nemesis Jax or go home, best real weapon

Talon actually has higher burst than Zed and Kha'Zix (I saw the calculations somewhere idr where), and a silence to boot, so as an anti-AP mid he's technically the best, but as for overall imo it's a toss-up between Zed and Kha'Zix (and I'm actually working on getting Zed now but tbh with each passing day he just sounds less and less interesting). There's not really anything I want anymore.

Also, for Ame, I read something about a new Zyra skin being released soon (probs not before the Udyr one but we'll see)

I can second this- it's been said she's basically first in line for a new skin

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I'm excited for free this week, I get to try out xerath and quinn this week.


+Jarvan -Quinn and you have me

but only because i own quinn and she is my preciousssssssss

blitz ain't scurry tho

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