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I think it stops his W, but the passive itself still does a lot of damage. And you've got a Tahm controlling it so he can get in close just because, well, Tahm does that. And if Sol has Rylai's, Tahm can auto them as well (bonus points if he's got a Sunfire Cape or Cinderhulk) for the slow from Sol and then the stun from Tahm's passive and Q. Granted, this is from Bronze, but it seems like it could work really well.

Hell, throw in a Shen and Orianna and Tahm becomes a f***ing UPS delivery truck.

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No, if your W stops that effect will stop your passive as well. It can't only turn off the W unless you click. It's either on or it's off with CC type stuff. SO the W should still function fine if it's allowed to be on. To be fair... Tahm's interaction might be funky... but I've not really had the combo in my games on him so no idea. However... I'd rather be able to position my stars on my own XD.

Also Sol... really doesn't want to be in an engage comp. He needs peel around him or poke champs that give him space. ((he gives them some in turn.

Honestly having an Ez around with Sol is a godsend. Reason being you provide a beefy body and a lot of ugly damage and zone control options to protect Ez while Ez can ((if Blue Ez anyway.)) cna pell for you and help you keep them at a istence. Basically Sol feels godly in Poke Comps.

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No, if your W stops that effect will stop your passive as well. It can't only turn off the W unless you click. It's either on or it's off with CC type stuff. SO the W should still function fine if it's allowed to be on. To be fair... Tahm's interaction might be funky... but I've not really had the combo in my games on him so no idea. However... I'd rather be able to position my stars on my own XD.

Also Sol... really doesn't want to be in an engage comp. He needs peel around him or poke champs that give him space. ((he gives them some in turn.

Honestly having an Ez around with Sol is a godsend. Reason being you provide a beefy body and a lot of ugly damage and zone control options to protect Ez while Ez can ((if Blue Ez anyway.)) cna pell for you and help you keep them at a istence. Basically Sol feels godly in Poke Comps.

That is if the Ezreal can hit skill shots and doesn't cancel autos. I honestly don't know much about Aurelian Sol's interactions, but I think Kench stops it, but idk

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It's if you can;t cast spells, your passive turns off. ((Silence... stuns etc.. not all CC does though.)) Stasis doesn't for whatever reason. Basically Zhonya's but I'm sure anything else that stops spellcasting Should turn it off.

That is if the Ezreal can hit skill shots and doesn't cancel autos. I honestly don't know much about Aurelian Sol's interactions, but I think Kench stops it, but idk

It's still a good synergy... just cause your teammate is horrible doesn't mean that it's not a good synergy between the champs lol.

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I'm fairly certain enemy Tahm Kench devour is a unique form of disabling crowd control and I'm fairly certain does disable Aurelion Sol's passive. At least, I recall seeing that be the case in a game I played a while ago.

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Oh... so it works differently for on one's team, and as an enemy. That's... that's rather inconsistent I feel but it's probably so Sol doesn't feel like it's bad for Tahm to devour him. I can imagine that's why.

probably. Only Riot truly knows what they wanted to do. These new champions and the redesigns are really cool. I'm excited to play the new Taric and to see what they plan on doing with Yorrick
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Reactions as I read through the summaries

Hmm... No Ori changes and the Annie things don't look too drastic. So all I'm worried about is whether or not they're killing Zyra JG

The Catalyst changes I'm not expecting to be a fan of. I really like playing around level ups with it before. New Chalice is kewl, and Athene's is even kewler if it works on self-casts (I shall be playing a lot more Ori now if it does). Happy to see Lost Chapter around again, that was a really good midstage item. The hextech upgrades seem useful, the belt is OP

Zhonya's build path got easier :o:O:O:O:O (This is definitely a Kennen buff and nothing more, definitely just for Kennen owo )

Also more CDR around in general it seems

Earth dragon seems super good for maintaining dragon control overall. Getting the first one of those that pop up could be P huge

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I don't get really how they'd kill Zyra Jungle. The only thing on her that is really changing is the Targeting of Q and the passive which the previous passive you had to die to use so... that won't effect much. Unless the targeting on the Q is that big a deal I don't see it really affecting that at all.

I'm not surprised there is 0 Ori changes. Her kit is... pretty damn solid and fair already. She's probably the healthiest mage in the game gameplay wise. It's not surprising they targeted mages who needed some help. As to the Annie change... it was really vague so I have no idea how I'd comment on that other than that she will be still be 100% unfun to play against as there will be 0 way to react to anything she does.

Itemwise, it's... hard to say something is OP if we've not seen it yet. The stats and the numbers on that thing are hardly know and it could easily be a noobtrap item due to it's effect... though knowing Riot they will over tune the hell out of it at first. I'll wait to see the items in action before I deem any of them crazy or op lol.

Also, personally... I really don't agree on the Catalyst change. The current level thing makes RoA's passive absolutely useless at 18 and it's not really a fun mechanic to play around at current imo. It's just stupid amounts of sustain that happen whenever you level which might as well be semi-random. Catalyst of Aeons has a clear goal and way to use it. It also further solidifies RoA where it's supposed to be. AP Brusier types, or Mages that have to be in the thick of things, rather than jsut the "I'll just get generally tanky" item. Mages that can;t use it's passive quite as well don't get butt tons of free sustain for doing nothing but laning anymore. So, it's much better in this state than at current. Not saying you can't like old Cata, but eeeeh, it's such an unhealthy item that has a bunch of invisible gameplay around it. ((like your opponent having to keep track of your exp gain to know when it'll pop.))

Also... anyone notice that Veigar's passive gives him AP for just... HITTING enemy champs? No? Cause uh... that's sorta a big deal.

Also... did Zhonya's... really need CDR on it? I feel like something's got to give if they are giving it another stat otherwise it's just way to freaking efficient. It's already kinda a must-buy at times... does it really need to be more of one?

Also Malz Passive. DMG Reduct and CC immunity... all in a passive that regenerates when you are out of combat. That's just... how is this not going to cause serious issues? A Character that nearly always has free DMG reduct whenever you try and pick him out... gank him etc... I realize the guy is immobile, but this kinda negates that weakness. It makes collapsing on him kinda not possible without a rengage. I guess I need to see the numbers but I still hate the idea of this passive. It just seems really unhealthy and easily abusable... like pretty much most instances of DMG Reduct have been in the past. Basically, it's just not possible to stop Malz from walking in to a fight ulting your carry and watching them jsut explode. I guess QSS and those effects will just be mandatory when playing against this champ now. I guess I need to see hard numbers and jsut how forgiving on Malz this passive is for him... but it seems like it will potineally just make him broken and about 0 fun to play against. I just hate how Riot was talking about how they hated how his ult was "Click on guy and kill them" and basically didn't change it at all. You just kill them with different sources of damage and on top of that... now it's easier than ever to get off with this super generous passive. DUnno it jsut seems the oppisite of what they were saying they wanted with him... least just looking at it from a glance. Bleeeeh. It bugs me.

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For the veigar passive, before it was the equilibrium "regen more mana per missing mana" thang. See, that was nice on him early cuz you could use your spells more and not be afraid of having no mana. Now, early game you'd have to be more conservative and farm much more intensely so you can scale later and not be as aggressive. Which is like, veigars whole point. Kinda like Nasus with the Q stacks. Bear in mind Veigar gets utterly shit on by a lot of aggressive mids like Lissandra, Fizz, Zed, ekko, 4 off the top of my head who see Veigars arena are are like "lolno".

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For the veigar passive, before it was the equilibrium "regen more mana per missing mana" thang. See, that was nice on him early cuz you could use your spells more and not be afraid of having no mana. Now, early game you'd have to be more conservative and farm much more intensely so you can scale later and not be as aggressive. Which is like, veigars whole point. Kinda like Nasus with the Q stacks. Bear in mind Veigar gets utterly shit on by a lot of aggressive mids like Lissandra, Fizz, Zed, ekko, 4 off the top of my head who see Veigars arena are are like "lolno".

Yea... I know what Veigar's passive was. Consdiering he was the first champ I learned lol. But keep in mind they are also lowering his ability costs. Riot said that his passive really jsut was there to be able to give his bascis stupid high mana costs and not have anyone question them. So they are putting those down as well. On top of this... keep in mind that it's probably the removal of Mana regen from his core items that is worse for him. Tear mostly lol.

Honestly the removal of his old passive isn't going to hurt, it was trash to begin with.

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Yea... I know what Veigar's passive was. Consdiering he was the first champ I learned lol. But keep in mind they are also lowering his ability costs. Riot said that his passive really jsut was there to be able to give his bascis stupid high mana costs and not have anyone question them. So they are putting those down as well. On top of this... keep in mind that it's probably the removal of Mana regen from his core items that is worse for him. Tear mostly lol.

Honestly the removal of his old passive isn't going to hurt, it was trash to begin with.

season one passive I think. So yeah kinda is
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I don't get really how they'd kill Zyra Jungle. The only thing on her that is really changing is the Targeting of Q and the passive which the previous passive you had to die to use so... that won't effect much. Unless the targeting on the Q is that big a deal I don't see it really affecting that at all.

Reading summaries, I didn't know what they'd changed yet, just the stuff about getting set up or whatever

Having read the whole thing this is really just an all-around Zyra buff

Itemwise, it's... hard to say something is OP if we've not seen it yet. The stats and the numbers on that thing are hardly know and it could easily be a noobtrap item due to it's effect... though knowing Riot they will over tune the hell out of it at first. I'll wait to see the items in action before I deem any of them crazy or op lol.

Belt is OP (Obvs they've tuned it, but the main thing is how extremely powerful the dash is)

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Personally I already think there's too much mobility in this game adding more seems like a horrid idea... so this item will probably be nerfed a lot... and be one of those items that's either useless because they have undertune it so much because the active is too powerful etc... I dunno It's hard to tell it's impact right away in a game this complex. It's hard to see all the ripples it can an will make. We'll see. I dunno... I think this item needs a CD adjustment. 30 secs... is way... WAY... to fucking low. Like that's probably usable twice a flippin' fight. and it's definitely always up. At current, yea... it will be. My point is more that it's not going to be by the time it hits live. It's on PBE for a reason. It's going to be tested quite a bit. Then again... we all remember preseason FQC and that stupid thing was allowed into the game at it's insane form at first as well. Let's hope they don't release another one of those on us. ((also I'll just say now... I will love this item on Sol, it's going to be pretty helpful for repositioning. I'd probably not rush it... the greedy items would still be important but I can see getting it third or 4th. Hell, maybe second if you decide to drop RoA or Rylai's. I still think both of those are pretty mandatory on Sol honestly...))

Also... that other Hextech item is going to need that slow active to be hella stupid strong... otherwise there's no way in hell people will use it over Rylai's. I honestly don't even understand why it's being made.

And yea, Zyra's kit was mostly just straight buffed. Honestly... she could've been a minor rework imo((it feels similar in scope to the Veigar changes it a bit bigger but not an awful lot I don't feel.))... and let another mage get a major one buuuut whatevs...

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