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The Fush

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Time to express my views on this.

I. ADORE. The new dragons. It's smart, they have an impact, and if Riot does them correctly this is gonna switch around the meta a fair amount. My prediction? Early game, bot focused meta. I won't be surprised if we circle back to our Season 5 roots and have 5 man ganks bot again, because these dragons are beautiful. You want as many of them as quickly as you can; they stack, last forever, greatly empower you (especially if your - say - a siege team with two earth dragons and one water dragon) and will increase the Elder Dragon buff. But the dragons don't seem like total pushovers, and contesting them's gonna be a big deal; and they're gonna hurt. Water dragon even slows on its auto attacks. The dragons also look amazing. I feel like Earth and Air together will make an incredibly powerful combination; you hurt turrets and epic monsters more and move faster out of combat. Rotating and potentially splitpushing is gonna be a lot better if you have them.

I feel adapting is gonna be huge. Buildpaths included. Not that adapting wasn't big already, but just a lot more. If your a siege comp and the water or earth dragons up next, that's gonna be huge and you NEED that. Get wards, try to time tp's around this. But something else I like is that no dragon is completely useless for any team comp, so your not just denying them getting the buff, you get benefit too. I dislike the random portion, but it's probably the best way. Enforcing an order would be too ridiculous; fire > water > earth > air seems good on paper, but you can just build comps around it and other such things. This forces you to adapt, something Riot clearly likes.

These mage updates are lovable. All of them are good, but a few certainly walk the line. Looking at you, Malzahar. I'm a bit worried about Cass W though. Not the grounded aspect alone; just how large it is. It's the size of the lane, it's gonna be insane. Vel'Koz and Veigar's ult change, along with Malzahar I guess, are literally Riot trying to force out this tank meta and AD itemization (fuck Maw). I'm worried about Vel'Koz though. He does insane damage already, and has true damage on passive as well. Adding this might just make him insane - especially as a support. He's strong early game and now can just melt anybody (which adds to my early game bot focused meta prediction; if Vel'Koz just 2v1's, probably a free dragon). If they fix Syndra's unlimited bugs, with these changes she'll be great. They finally fixed Annie w! Thank the lord. 275% attack speed when Tibbers is enraged, that'll be hilarious to see. I quite like Fiddle's new passive, and sometimes simplicity is best. Veigar's new passive is just going to cement him as a scaling monster. Ziggs w change executing turrets under 25% health just.. scares me. He has to use his escape, so that's great, but it's still very strong.

Rift Herald however complicates things. He never respawns, and is specifically there for splitpushing. I'm honestly not even sure how to feel about this, but strong early game champions that then turn into splitpushers top lane would enjoy this VERY much, since the strength early game helps both their team and them getting Rift sooner denies the enemy team it and helps the top laner so much. While not necessarily strong early game, sure, but a Tryndamere with this will be TERRIFYING. Add in an earth dragon or two, and say goodbye to your base. The removal of Devourer, now replaced by Bloodrazer also means there's going to be less early game farm junglers. 3% of an enemy's maximum health as physical damage is certainly strong if you ask me, but we'll see how it pans out. Guinsoos is now the new sated! Fun. 6 Stacks gives you the sated effect whilst still giving more ap, ad and attack speed in both base stats and per stack.

There might even be more later on, but I've rambled on enough. I adore this new change, and I'm sorry for making you read all that. If you did, thanks. If you didn't, I can't blame you.

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Time to express my views on this.

I. ADORE. The new dragons. It's smart, they have an impact, and if Riot does them correctly this is gonna switch around the meta a fair amount. My prediction? Early game, bot focused meta. I won't be surprised if we circle back to our Season 5 roots and have 5 man ganks bot again, because these dragons are beautiful. You want as many of them as quickly as you can; they stack, last forever, greatly empower you (especially if your - say - a siege team with two earth dragons and one water dragon) and will increase the Elder Dragon buff. But the dragons don't seem like total pushovers, and contesting them's gonna be a big deal; and they're gonna hurt. Water dragon even slows on its auto attacks. The dragons also look amazing. I feel like Earth and Air together will make an incredibly powerful combination; you hurt turrets and epic monsters more and move faster out of combat. Rotating and potentially splitpushing is gonna be a lot better if you have them.

I feel adapting is gonna be huge. Buildpaths included. Not that adapting wasn't big already, but just a lot more. If your a siege comp and the water or earth dragons up next, that's gonna be huge and you NEED that. Get wards, try to time tp's around this. But something else I like is that no dragon is completely useless for any team comp, so your not just denying them getting the buff, you get benefit too. I dislike the random portion, but it's probably the best way. Enforcing an order would be too ridiculous; fire > water > earth > air seems good on paper, but you can just build comps around it and other such things. This forces you to adapt, something Riot clearly likes.

These mage updates are lovable. All of them are good, but a few certainly walk the line. Looking at you, Malzahar. I'm a bit worried about Cass W though. Not the grounded aspect alone; just how large it is. It's the size of the lane, it's gonna be insane. Vel'Koz and Veigar's ult change, along with Malzahar I guess, are literally Riot trying to force out this tank meta and AD itemization (fuck Maw). I'm worried about Vel'Koz though. He does insane damage already, and has true damage on passive as well. Adding this might just make him insane - especially as a support. He's strong early game and now can just melt anybody (which adds to my early game bot focused meta prediction; if Vel'Koz just 2v1's, probably a free dragon). If they fix Syndra's unlimited bugs, with these changes she'll be great. They finally fixed Annie w! Thank the lord. 275% attack speed when Tibbers is enraged, that'll be hilarious to see. I quite like Fiddle's new passive, and sometimes simplicity is best. Veigar's new passive is just going to cement him as a scaling monster. Ziggs w change executing turrets under 25% health just.. scares me. He has to use his escape, so that's great, but it's still very strong.

Rift Herald however complicates things. He never respawns, and is specifically there for splitpushing. I'm honestly not even sure how to feel about this, but strong early game champions that then turn into splitpushers top lane would enjoy this VERY much, since the strength early game helps both their team and them getting Rift sooner denies the enemy team it and helps the top laner so much. While not necessarily strong early game, sure, but a Tryndamere with this will be TERRIFYING. Add in an earth dragon or two, and say goodbye to your base. The removal of Devourer, now replaced by Bloodrazer also means there's going to be less early game farm junglers. 3% of an enemy's maximum health as physical damage is certainly strong if you ask me, but we'll see how it pans out. Guinsoos is now the new sated! Fun. 6 Stacks gives you the sated effect whilst still giving more ap, ad and attack speed in both base stats and per stack.

There might even be more later on, but I've rambled on enough. I adore this new change, and I'm sorry for making you read all that. If you did, thanks. If you didn't, I can't blame you.

I'm excited. Maybe it will change the game up a bit
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about the dragons - just to remind you guys they're still scaling buffs, so when it comes to competitive play, it'll make almost no impact when it comes to making a lane swap or not because they're still not worth grabbing in most scenarios like they were when dragon gave AOE gold, not to mention they're rng based which I feel like it could fuck up a lot of team comps people try to commit too in competitive and soloq

about that belt item - stats seem fine, active timer will probably be nerfed a little, but the dash looks so short and the active damage spray looks pitiful, overall it looks pretty overrated so far

mage champion changes look nice, haven't seen malz too much but overall he looks solid and everyone else seems pretty strong, although I feel zyra/malz/brand are looking out to be the strongest on the pbe atm

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about that belt item - stats seem fine, active timer will probably be nerfed a little, but the dash looks so short and the active damage spray looks pitiful, overall it looks pretty overrated so far

The dash is Tumble length. It's at least enough to be impactful

Maybe this is just Smite spilling over, but I don't like that they're giving champs whose weakness is no mobility a way to acquire it, even in such a seemingly small amount

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It adds 300 range to every single mid-range mage in the games combo. How is that not removing intended weakenesses? It's a pretty spammable tool that not only ADDS DAMAGE to their combo but adds RANGE. It extends the range of normally mid to short ranges mages reach by 300 units which is a huge deal. It makes picks easier, etc etc. And that's just the Offensive capabilities of this item. It can be used for repostioning etc as well. The only good thing is it cannot be used to cross walls.

The dash being short doesn't matter, Movement is movement. I'll note Ekko's Phase Dive's first jump is 325 units, and then has a jump on attack, so... if he'd buy said item, it's double the range he can instatly blink WITHOUT using flash. Not saying it'd be good on him, just... remember that 300 untis is not insignificant and saying "Oh it's a short distance" doesn't mean the item won't be suuuper fucking broken. Mid lane is the shortest lane in the game, it might as well be a Free Flash in that lane. Later game it's still pretty much the same functionality ((I'll also point out that the damage does scale with AP... so it gets more powerful as the game goes on.)) It's going to be an item that is either way too centralizing, or an item that is so undertuned no one will ever buy it. That's all I can see happening with this thing because it's active is stupid powerful and adds mobility to kits where it shouldn't be and adds more to mobile kits already. It's just an item that a has HUGE potienal to add shit loads of unhealthy play.

Mobility PERIOD is powerful. Adding a new dash into basically every mages kit is going to do stupidly wonky things to the game trust me. I really don't like the idea of this item cause it makes Mages have so much extra Reach and even easier times picking people off without them being able to react at all. It only invites more issues and making Mages even more unhealthy to play against I hate that it's being added. Because it has so much potineal to jsut break everything.

On the Elemental Dragons, we'd need to see their numbers to know just how impactful they are. But all of their buffs are useful for any team imo. They all pretty much do the same exact shit... just in slightly different ways. Riot is trying to make it sound like every one of them is completely different, but more or less... each accomplishes more or the less the same things just around different types of objectives etc. Of course some comps would rather a Wind over other things... but that's banking that a Wind Dragon will spawn, sometimes you just have to deal with the 3 Water that did instead etc... Personally, I think they are all pretty impactful as they are basically the dragon buffs now, just on specific dragons. As a result they are probably quite stronger then the buffs we know now, especially when stacked. I ahte that they are random but... eh what can you do?

I'm a bit worried about Cass W though. Not the grounded aspect alone; just how large it is. It's the size of the lane, it's gonna be insane.

I thought so too, until I realized that it is cast at a fixed distance. It will go to it's max range until it hits a wall and you cannot cast it short. It has to be cast at 800 units. If they are on top of you, it's not going to help. Really it gives Cass a way to chase very effectively and perhaps corral a bunch for her ult, but, it's not quite as crazy as it looks. I think it's damage numbers are very low as well.

These mage updates are lovable. All of them are good, but a few certainly walk the line. Looking at you, Malzahar.

Considering he gets... 90% dmg reduct and CC immunity for not only the first thing that hits him, but the next second... yea... his Passive is the dumbest shit I've seen in this game. Like... it basically makes gnaking him pointless unless you Mid can consistantly land poke on him that will half the time do like... no damage. I really don't like this passive as it invalidates half of Malz's weaknesses as he can just float around and do whatever and easily get to targets to lock them down. THe only good thing is the Ult no longer does base damage and instead is just his old W for damage. THis makes it strictly better agsint tanks but otherwise it doesn't really do much but lock someone down with him. I'm not looking forward to this and I'm really tired of Riot at times... Because they keep saying DMG Reduct is a horrible idea on a lot of stuff... and then they pull this shit. Like... if the DMG Reduct on Kha'Zix was an issue... how the hell will this not be one? I'd really like to know...

I'm worried about Vel'Koz though. He does insane damage already, and has true damage on passive as well. Adding this might just make him insane - especially as a support. He's strong early game and now can just melt anybody

Keep in mind, his Ult no longer applies stacks of Deconstruction. So, he needs to apply that debuff to every person he wants to deal True damage too. That means to do that to both bot lane opponents he'll have to hit BOTH with an E a Q etc... without the Ult to do it. So, it's a bit more of a wind-up then it seems. His indicator for Q also now only shows for him... I think that's probably a change that is a bit more crazy then it looks. At current you can judge how or when they might pop it, but now not knowing the range will make playing agisnt that ability harder. To be fair... it was shitty that Vel's Q just broadcast it's range for everyone, but... it'll be interesting seeing how much more they hit now that the indicator is gone for your enemies lol. Vel's other changes were more geared to laning as well, as his Q refunding mana if it kills a unit etc...
anyway, guess enough of me naysayin'...
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Considering he gets... 90% dmg reduct and CC immunity for not only the first thing that hits him, but the next second... yea... his Passive is the dumbest shit I've seen in this game. Like... it basically makes gnaking him pointless unless you Mid can consistantly land poke on him that will half the time do like... no damage.

Throw in a hextech protobelt and bam, even more of a complete waste of time to attempt ganking him. Speaking of that item, now realizing that I play junglers with no form of lockdown whatsoever, makes me pretty upset about it ;_;

Edited by IronWraith
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If you use it for offensively in teamfights, it's akin to a Vayne tumbling into the enemy team, any competent tank is gonna CC you immediately. The item itself won't fit many traditional mages either, and it'll probably only really see use on low-range mages, who would appreciate the CDR and slight bulk the item provides. The REALLY scary stuff is gonna be new Malz and Veigar.

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Except that Vayne hasn't built any tank stats nor does she have very much utility. Or Zhonya's, QSS is close but not near as good

And it can be used for a lot more than just diving into the enemy team

Now, I wouldn't use it on a high-range utility mage like Ori or Lux. But TF, Annie, Lissandra, Morgana, Diana... The extra pick potential and ability to get into the enemy's backline at an opportune time while still guaranteeing yourself a Flash out is just really, really good. It's gonna need trash stats to not be worth the buy on a lot of champions

And yeah, Malz changes are worse... But he can also benefit from Belt of Cheap Dashing

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If you use it for offensively in teamfights, it's akin to a Vayne tumbling into the enemy team, any competent tank is gonna CC you immediately. The item itself won't fit many traditional mages either, and it'll probably only really see use on low-range mages, who would appreciate the CDR and slight bulk the item provides. The REALLY scary stuff is gonna be new Malz and Veigar.

Malz new passive is scary

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I mean DMG reduct period is scary. BUT IT'S 90% LIIIIKE WHY!?!?!?!

ANd that's without the 100% Immunity to CC ON TOP!

Like, the fact he's just straight up immune to assassins popping him at the start of a fight when that's supposed to be a weakness of Immobile mages is Just freaking stupid... BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH. Just this passive is stupid and I ahte that it exists.

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I play Sol... so pinging him with Stars is easy enough... I'm not to worried in that matchup since it costs me barely anything to keep it down. But, many other mages are going to have trouble I imagine. Ones that can't efficiently poke etc...

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I really do understand having that be the case with only QSS. I think a Ryze investing just 1300 gold towards it in lane against a Fiora to cancel her pressure is stupid and poorly designed. But there are very few champions outside of ADCs who will upgrade it fully into Mercurial Scimitar. And most people who use Mercurial Scimitar need it to have even a chance against champions like Zed, Fiora, and Trundle. I don't see why MS couldn't keep live functionality while QSS took the nerf hammer.

But Tacos, it's not fun for 75% of your kit to be negated because someone pressed a button.

You know what else isn't fun? A Zed running me over without even needing the ult that I just cleansed.

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wasn't the MS hit like... 10 AD? Is it that huge a nerf?

That 10 AD isn't what I'm talking about. MS also lost its ability to cleanse debuffs like Zed Ult, Fiora Ult, Trundle Ult, etc. That's what I'm upset about.

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Oh... yea. Duh... Look I'm stupid, k?

The problem is probably though that it has to retain the same functionality between both items. Try explaining that to new players. It's really incosnistent in the design. THat's probably why they did it that way. NOT SAYING it's good reason, but that's probably their reasoning.

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Oh... yea. Duh... Look I'm stupid, k?

The problem is probably though that it has to retain the same functionality between both items. Try explaining that to new players. It's really incosnistent in the design. THat's probably why they did it that way. NOT SAYING it's good reason, but that's probably their reasoning.

If that's the case, then why does Blade of the Ruined King not retain identical functionality to Bilgewater Cutlass' active?

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Just talking Targon with Huk

[23:41:53] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Is Taric still fanon gay?
[23:42:00] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Or even canon gay...
[23:42:03] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: WAIT A SECOND
[23:42:10] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: IS TARGON JUST GAY BY DEFAULT?
[23:42:19] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: WHAT IF
[23:42:50] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: MANTHEON WAS TRULY MANLY, LIKE THE SPARTANS

[23:44:34]Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Wait
[23:44:41] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: That raises the question
[23:44:57] %Hukuna: hmmm?
[23:45:01] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Is Sass Dragon Targon enough to be gay?
[23:45:09] %Hukuna: XD
[23:45:27] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Avoiding the question of anatomy of course
[23:45:41] %Hukuna: He's certainly sassy enough. But me thinks he just transcends all of that.
[23:45:51] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: Lol
[23:45:53] %Hukuna: He's probably "above it all" so to speak.
[23:45:58] %Hukuna: and ltierally i guess....
[23:46:04] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: So
[23:46:09] %Hukuna: since... he is a fucking space dragon.
[23:46:09] Mariya Shidou - Ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔⓩ: He's a top?
[23:46:17] %Hukuna: I paly him there
[23:46:22] %Hukuna: *whistles*

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