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Hmmm, that was a really nice read.

Helped us get a bit of insight into Yasuo... though that was mostly stuff we could've figured of his character already. Even still, I think it was good to see that interaction between him and another person. He can still form some sort of meaningful relationship despite being that "On the run ronin" type character. I liked the progression of the whole thing, But it's cool cause we are getting a new Shuriman champ that's not an animal person. ((not that I don't like them, just got got quite a few of them already and few more normalized people from that region, therefore making the view we've seen of Shurima through a lens of basically just Demigod like beings.))

Either way I'm definitely interested to see more and especially since she is most likely some kind of mage. ((it'd be cool if she AA'd with the sling she had in the story. We've not had a champion that uses a sling as a weapon before so that be cooooooool. I always like seeing new weapons being used by champs lol.))

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Hmmm, that was a really nice read.

Helped us get a bit of insight into Yasuo... though that was mostly stuff we could've figured of his character already. Even still, I think it was good to see that interaction between him and another person. He can still form some sort of meaningful relationship despite being that "On the run ronin" type character. I liked the progression of the whole thing, But it's cool cause we are getting a new Shuriman champ that's not an animal person. ((not that I don't like them, just got got quite a few of them already and few more normalized people from that region, therefore making the view we've seen of Shurima through a lens of basically just Demigod like beings.))

Either way I'm definitely interested to see more and especially since she is most likely some kind of mage. ((it'd be cool if she AA'd with the sling she had in the story. We've not had a champion that uses a sling as a weapon before so that be cooooooool. I always like seeing new weapons being used by champs lol.))

new marksman jungle with no mana pl0x

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I highly doubt she'll be a Marksman and I really don't want to see another like that so soon. It would over shadow Kindred or, be overshadowed by Kindred. One would trump the other especially in release next to each other. Also... keep in mind what update is coming... I know they just released a Mage in Sol, but... he's not what I'd classify as an immobile mage. In combat, yes but he's a hyper roamer and has so much out of battle mobility it's insane. He's also not a traditional mage, but a DoT mage. ((that yes doesn't apply actual DoTs, but he's still that.))

Either way, I believe that we'll be seeing another mage to go with the Mid-Year update.

Also, can I jsut say I really hope they don't release anymore resourceless champs? They've constantly been an issue and they introduce more problems than they solve. They either have to be really undertuned or they are crazy powerful. Typically they don't make a legit trade-off to get the power they are given and CDR basically refunds any downtime they should have. ((this is a problem with League just at current as even Mana based champs rarely run out of mana. There's not really any downtime to capitalize on. Because either they have so much CDR that they don't have a meaningful downtime in Spell rotation and so much mana that they can keep casting rotations. It's too easy to get both really right now... )) Resourceless champs ((other than perhaps health based ones.)) make this problem eeeeven worse since they don't even have to worry about that stat called mana. I think things like Gnar make a decent trade-off in that you have to tangle with your passive to stay in the form you want, or to get to rage mode at the right time in a fight. Similar to Rumble, you gotta play the Heat game to do optimal damage but not shut off your abilities for 6 seconds. I dunno, I just feel things like even energy champs get away with so many mechanics that give them no proper downtimes and make them nightmares to play against and balance. I jsut don' really want more of them in the game because a lot of the time they aren't compelling, and they just occupy this design space I hate. ((this is funny since one of my favourite, actually my favourite Champion, is Shyvana who's definitely a part of this big issue. She at least has the "Get my Ult" mini-game so that's something lol.))

I mean of course this is IMO, so take it with a grain of salt lol. I'm jsut a jaded pain in the bottom XD.

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Supposedly she's supposed to be a support according to someone on reddit who called the whole 'earth mage' being revealed a few hours before it happened. We'll find out next Monday/Tuesday when the new PBE cycle starts anyhow.

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Supposedly she's supposed to be a support according to someone on reddit who called the whole 'earth mage' being revealed a few hours before it happened. We'll find out next Monday/Tuesday when the new PBE cycle starts anyhow.

I'm hoping I can get in, she sounds super fun

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Apparently, according to a few red post comments, the next Champion (this one, namely) will be a "traditional caster mage" type. Looking at Sol, he isn't anywhere near a "traditional caster mage" such as Annie or Veigar for example.

"As far as mages go we're with you though that, depending on what type of mage you like, it may have been a very long time since a new mage came out that fit your playstyle too (traditional caster types, rather than hybrids like Azir). We concluded getting a true caster mage into the lineup for 2016 was important as a result, and have one under development at the moment. Not appropriate to say anything about timeframe besides 'definitely this year' yet, working actively on filling the need for such a champ though."
He continued:
"Yeah, a mage this year's no big surprise. Thing I wanted to clarify was the type of mage - a more traditional take on the class, rather than something that's a mage/something else hybrid like Azir."
When asked about a time frame for the mage class changes discussed in the past, Meddler noted:
"If you're concerned about mage changes coming out close to the Worlds patch then no, these changes will be June ish, so substantially earlier."

Taken from http://www.surrenderat20.net/2016/01/red-post-collection-2016-ranked-season.html

I mean, it's already been confirmed she is a mage, so this red post is very applicable to Taliyah.

Edited by Flynn
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Hehehehe good... I want a new mage to mess with... espically if I can take it top. I lvoe me top lane APs, but I play mid and Top mostly now I'm sorta divided on the roles. Top's my baby... but Mid's where I learned the game... such a dilemma.... ((considering I play Sol Top more than I do mid... XD. He's actually rather good up there against match ups that don't have very good gapclosers. Like he wrecks Darius so freaking hard.))

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So, TBH, all I got out of that was that she has a knockup :P

And some sort of dash with her rocks, which will be interesting to see how it works.

Though I am really disappointed that it's another mage right after we already got a new mage. I hoped it would be a fighter of some kind. At the very least I hope she's going to be a champ that's meant for the top and/or jungle like Vlad/Diana so it's not just another mid laner right after we got Sol. I want to see a mage that gets into the middle of a fight (which would fit the character since her power are rocks and rocks are meant to be sturdy.)

Although, I do like the story behind her. A mage from Shurima that's actually against Azir instead of allied with him sounds interesting. Maybe this could be the beginning of a war in Shurima, Those who are allied with Azir and those who are against him (though I would still prefer to see more happen with the Frejlordian War instead as we haven't gotten much story from that in a while and I find the Frejlord characters more interesting.)

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mage that gets in the middle of a fight... that's EXACTLY what Sol does. If you're not in the middle of a fight you're not doing it right XD. I mean as I said SOl feels better Top Lane to me so... I hardly agree that Sol is jsut a Mid Laner. He feels great in Top. Heeeell... people jungle him to great success. He's not your typical Mage, he's so different he barely fits in the class.

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Yeah, Sol is in the middle of fights but I don't want a mage, I'd like her to be a sort of hybrid between a mage and fighter. A champ that gets in your face and smack you with large boulders and stones (a play style similar to Diana, you know, without the moon magic.) Don't get me wrong, Sol is cool and all but I just generally don't like mages. Of course there are exceptions since I do love Elise and Evelynn (though she classifies as more of an assassin than anything.) But again, those are champs that get up in your face and do massive damage quickly, that's what I'm hoping the new champ is.

Sol is a special case considering he is versatile in many lanes but he is for all intents and purposes a mage. He whittles the enemy down with magic damage over time with his stars and burst squishes down with a giant cosmic blast , but he relies a lot more on positioning to be successful than to really be someone to jump in first to initiate a fight. (Unless, of course, he's flying in with a giant start that's going to 4 or even 5 man stun the enemy team but that rarely happens.)

What I'm hoping for is pretty much a champ can jump in immediately and wreck peoples faces, causing massive chaos while being able to soak in some damage herself. If it turns out to just be another mage that stays back and just uses spells to whittle you down from afar, like Anivia, than I'm gonna be pretty disappointed.

P.S. Although I know a lot of people have said that Sol jungle works, I have only seen one Sol in my games ever be successful in the jungle. So I just take that with a grain of salt as I've rarely seen it myself with my own eyes. Though his ganks are pretty funny.

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So an assassin? Cause that's exactly what you're describing. Not saying that's what you're saying but it feels that way. Mostly cause Do a LOT of damage in a short window, that's 100% an assassin. Fighters never really do that much burst and tend to get damage off in cycles or over time ((huh... sounds familiar.))

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Not necessarily, look at Riven. Riven's a great example of a fighter that can go in and do a bunch of damage in a fast period of time while soaking in some damage of her own. Although Riven is champ that's a hit or miss, if you don't get fed it's going to hard to do any damage unless the enemy team is dumb and lets you free farm. But if you do get fed, you become an unstoppable killing machine that makes the enemy want to cry.

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I wouldn't mind a frontline mage, the last one of those we got was tank Ekko Diana with her weird tanky assassin frontlining

Also, Elise and Evelynn are both played as Assassins?

You really sound like you're talking about a Mage/Assassin, not a Mage/Fighter. Of course League's definition of Fighter is P damn loose, because damage focused AD Casters like Mantheon and Riven get tossed in there

TBH, it would be nice to have a legit Mage/Fighter. Someone with a playstyle akin to a Shyvana or Illaoi (both soak damage while dealing sustained DPS) would be P interesting

But it seems likely that she'll be a more typical squishy burst Mage with maybe some Assassin elements

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The main issue is how AD Casters are a thing but they aren't really considered one... Riot has jsut too many dang subclasses like... WAY TO MANY. It makes it impossible to track.


All of their main classes have at least two subcategories

Or are tossed into "fighter" which refers to anything that does damage but also has a shield/heal/free tank stats/whatever else can be considered "defense" (and isn't a utility mage) >_>

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Also, juggernauts are actually Fighters. Champions built around a balance of damage and defense. I was mostly referring to the stuff that gets lumped into the Fighter tag because they have a tiny bit of defensive potential

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