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I made it to Silver 1. Sona, Nami, and Lulu have been carrying me. Next season I will focus solely on Ahri though, just don't have the patience to wait for mid.

It is usually a 5 to 8 minute search to get mid for me. I usually watch some YouTube or play something like reborn(Which I have not been doing as of late for some reason).

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zac is basically free games right now omg

his clear sustain is off the charts, he has solid burst at all points of the game, he can peel, he can initiate, he scales well with items, he can literally do everything most junglers can do better

>mfw zac is the new rek'sai

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i'm looking forward to his huge rework personally

they're keeping the only part of his kit i care about and i have a lot more fun with outplays than one shots

I thought I was looking forward to Kata's rework - then I remembered the terrors of every other big class update, and how they're ALWAYS op for a couple patches, and now I'm scared I'll never play Kata for a while.

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http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2307018234/202348471 absolutely disgusting team comp 1

http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2307102375/202348471?tab=overview absolutely disgusting team comp 2

I thought I was looking forward to Kata's rework - then I remembered the terrors of every other big class update, and how they're ALWAYS op for a couple patches, and now I'm scared I'll never play Kata for a while.

That's how I felt for a while about most of Riot's reworks, but with the unrework of Kog'Maw and a pretty okay rework from Yorick, I have a little more faith in Riot not to totally butcher it. They're being more careful.

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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We're getting a new tree as well as a victorious skin for the old tree.

I can safely guarantee that nobody expected this, and that is because it's fucking stupid and seems like it's a season late.

What the actual ever living hell? Why is it Maokai? Why the hell would it be Maokai, over every other choice - like Viktor or Ekko? (Note; I am aware Viktor was confirmed to not get it long before this, but I'm still confused as to why not). There are plenty of other picks that have been just as and MORE consistent AND more powerful than Maokai, including - but not limited to - Rek'Sai, Gragas, GP, the aforementioned Ekko and Viktor, Graves and hell, even Kindred would make more sense! Why is the season six Victorious skin Maokai - when Maokai would have actually been deserving of it in Season 4 or Season 5? Especially Season 5, for that matter. I'm gonna try to not complain for a free skin - and champ, in my case - but I can't help but feel disappointed that it's Maokai. He was only really relevant in the Spring split...

For those of us who are cynical involving Riot, here's an explanation from a Redditor (called La_goanna)

It's easy to see why it went to Maokai.

He's a rather unpopular champion that doesn't sell a lot of skins.

Giving it to a current meta pick or popular playerbase favorite like Ekko, Jhin, Vladimir, Gangplank, Cassiopeia, etc would not only frustrate a majority of players who cannot obtain the skin, but it would be a wasted business opportunity on Riot's part. So much potential monetary gain would go down the drain.

Because of this, you can bet your ass that the next challenger skin (that is exclusive and only obtained with RP, mind you) will go to an extremely popular and/or meta champion pick. Someone who sells skins easily or is highly requested/due for another skin. Just like how Ahri and Zed print money with their skins. I'm betting on Jhin, Gangplank, Ekko or Cassiopeia.

Edited by Anethia
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Wasn't he ridiculously strong early this season when the new masteries were introduced? Or at least after Thunderlords was Nerfed? I remember him being pick/ban for a while when Grasp was OP.

Yeah, and that's it. Compare to any other of the champs I mentioned who were strong for more than one Split or a couple patches.

EDIT: Not to imply that he wasn't strong; he was, but he wasn't prevalent. In Summer, Poppy was more relevant and stronger than he was. Then Ekko began to take over the top lane. Either of them would make more sense for a top lane pick.

Edited by Anethia
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Yeah, and that's it. Compare to any other of the champs I mentioned who were strong for more than one Split or a couple patches.

EDIT: Not to imply that he wasn't strong; he was, but he wasn't prevalent. In Summer, Poppy was more relevant and stronger than he was. Then Ekko began to take over the top lane. Either of them would make more sense for a top lane pick.

Well, that just means Poppy was strong more recently tho, no?

Not that I particularly disagree, he does seem like an odd choice. But I did think he was pretty relevant for most of the spring so shouldn't he at least match up to champs that were relevant for most of summer?

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