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I think Maokai getting it is fine. It doesn't inspire me to climb to gold or anything, but I mean the only thing that could have done that was Victorious Yasuo. And we all know that will probably never happen. Looking forward to whatever the Ultimate skin will be gonna have my fingers crossed that it's for Yasuo but I mean there's a higher chance of Faker feeding in worlds.

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Maokai deserved this in either S4 or S5. Now it kinda seems like a "well, we missed your window, but you definitely earned it" thing.

Quote me on this. Rox is purposely pulling punches in their games so as not to show too much before quarters/semis. They're worried about SKT and don't wanna reveal everything too quickly.

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He's just so far from deserving it in comparison to so many others. I don't think a single person could argue that the victorious and championship skins were undeserved last year. Sivir and kalista dominated both pro play and solo queue. Maokai's just kind of there. He was a god in season 4 and 5 but he was hardly as relevant as gangplank, ekko, jhin, graves, viktor, etc.

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Only thing Ekko and Jhin deserve is to be deleted /jokes. Victorious Viktor does have a nice ring to it. They probably didn't give it to Ekko since he recently got a skin(a good one too). Riot hates Graves apparently rip cigar, and Poppy is getting a Star Guardian skin which will be hitting live soon. Idk why they chose Maokai over Viktor or Gp though. Hell even Karma deserves it more. Oh well, its free at least.

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Apdo said it best when he said Asol literally hands your team midlane AND enables the jungle to do whatever the fuck they want. Not sure how much I agree with his whole part about the champ making you better than you are, but he's defs a strong pick

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Now I haven't been watching a whole lot of Worlds - in fact, I haven't watched any at all. I've been instead playing, both on live and on the PBE, with the latter having an upcoming champ enabled for testing. That's what I've been watching - Ivern play. But why would I just watch? I've got a couple of Ivern games under my belt, so here are some initial thoughts.

Ivern's Niche
Mage-jungler who transitions to a full support later into the game. Pairs very well with Melee champs like Darius.


  • Impressive AP scalings
  • Tons of utility, including an immensely powerful slow on a basic spell
  • Doesn't need a leash at level 1
  • Deceptively powerful early game
  • The perfect complement to "punish" characters like Darius and Blitzcrank
  • Controllable, tanky-ass minion draws aggro
  • Two blue buffs (Just don't let one fall into the wrong hands!)
  • The character's goofiness makes him fun to play


  • No sustain. Reliant on red buff for health returns
  • No immediate escapes
  • Poor counterjungling
  • Long base cooldowns for rank 1 spells
  • Does only magic damage with no % health bonuses
  • Very tricky/awkward character to play at first (not confusing, just...really weird)

Ivern's Damage
Outside of his own autos, everything Ivern does - including Daisy's autoattacks - is AP-scaling magic damage. That said, both Rootcaller and Triggerseed have 70% AP scaling on their damage portions, which will really leave a mark if Ivern gets ahead. It makes sense to buy AP for this whenever reasonable, as Daisy's damage, Health, Armor and Magic Resist all scale with it.

Maturing and freeing camps
This is the most confusing part of playing Ivern, but is pretty easy once you figure it out. Ordering a basic attack on a monster camp instead expends a portion of Health and Mana to place a grove on it after a short channel. This grove matures over a time (40 seconds, but it gets gradually shorter with level), and once the grove is ready, your team will be notified with a silent ping on the minimap. Simply right-clicking a "mature" camp frees the monsters, which is the equivalent to clearing it out, granting all the camp's gold and experience.

Once you learn how to harness this passive, the possibilities are endless. After Smiting down the red camp to gain level 2 (which I would only recommend doing in specific situations), you can do something like drop a grove on blue, go gank mid, then come back and kablammo, the camp's ripe for the picking. Alternatively, you can go along and grove the camps, then after a recall or something, you can pick them one by one as you go along. Ivern is extremely flexible in the early game because of this; it's going to take a lot of time to get used to, but once you figure him out, you'll come to appreciate this champion's extreme gameplay flexibility.

You have to wait until the grove has matured to free the camps, but the impatient can always Smite one to free it immediately.

Power spike

Despite all the power that Ivern possesses being (on paper) very powerful in teamfights, don't be fooled; this champion is an early-game monster. He simply is not limited in things to do pre-6, combined with ganks that are devastatingly powerful, especially in the top lane. The dearth in power that Ivern feels is through the mid-game, when it's harder to successfully use his control skills, but it's not difficult for him to enjoy success in the late stages of the game simply due to his AP scalings and all dat utility.

Ivern in other positions

I would not be surprised if Ivern entered the competitive meta as a dedicated support. Utility, base damage, mind games, Ivern's got it all. He is also a huge help in jungle ganks, applying Rootcaller for a free dash, and Triggerseed to provide some extra muscle for going deep. Paired with a champion like Corki or Graves, the two can combine their immense burst to punish a positional mistake so hard that you'll make the enemy ADC cower in fear. And if you get the lead and take out a turret, Ivern can prove crucial in seizing control of the enemy jungle, as well as providing an escape for his teammates simply by throwing a Rootcaller at a nearby monster to help your mates nope.avi straight the hell out of a bad jungle fight.

Example build 1
Ivern can take numerous item build paths, but here's one build, all of which being items you should take into consideration.

  • Tracker's Knife w/ Runic Echoes ench.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Hextech Protobelt-01
  • Liandry's Torment
  • Dead Man's Plate

Runic Echoes is almost a must on Ivern; he's not a tank, he's a mage! Runic Echoes applies to the already pretty high base damage of Rootcaller, making Ivern's Q hurt a ton in ganks. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a great buy, due to how heavily Ivern hinges on Cooldown Reduction, as well as the Flash CDR being a huge boon for a rather immobile champ (not to mention how much the Smite CDR helps his clear). This is about where Ivern's build core ends.

After those two items are built, you can change your build up quite a bit from game to game. One very notable item is Athene's Unholy Grail; Ivern loves Cooldown Reduction, and the shield works well with the passive from Athene's. Hextech Protobelt-01 is an interesting move that can give Ivern a little extra burst, an extra escape, or a tool to help him get in range to land the slow from Triggerseed. Next, given Ivern's high base damage and the amount of CC he has, Liandry's Torment is an item to consider, and finally, Dead Man's Plate gives him much-needed mobility out of combat and an autoattack buff that complements his Brushmaking ability very well.

I might add to this later, but for now, here's his Champion Spotlight, which will teach you a lot of Ivern tricks provided you can deal with the tree or four bad puns...

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[Huge wall of text]

Thanks for the insights. I'm pretty excited for him conceptually because the current meta doesn't contain any support junglers (it hasn't ever, really) and I can't wait to see what kind of effect this has on the game in its current state.

One thing I saw online while watching Youtube videos was Ivern running Rabadon's and Nashor's. I didn't watch the video, any thoughts on how good or bad this is? (I think the video header went to call this the most optimal build, but I like the one you presented here a bit more since I think it plays more to the strengths you listed).

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Glad Teemo is getting his Satanic skin, but I'm kinda disappointed about Morgana. She could really use something 1820-tier as an excuse to get out of that awfully outdated rig she has now.

One thing I saw online while watching Youtube videos was Ivern running Rabadon's and Nashor's. I didn't watch the video, any thoughts on how good or bad this is? (I think the video header went to call this the most optimal build, but I like the one you presented here a bit more since I think it plays more to the strengths you listed).

Rabadon's, totally! He has the scalings to use Rabadon's very well if he's got the cash.

Nashor's? Uh, I don't know, but I can see the wisdom in this pickup. The AP and CDR are hella nice, but it's like building said item on Twisted Fate. You can't always justify being in autoattack range, even with the generous damage boost, so oftentimes when you're playing from the back line in teamfights (as you should be) the Attack Speed and bonus damage passive from Nashor's can really go to waste.

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So I quit League for a few months to sort stuff out. I haven't been following the meta much, but Happy Tree Friends Maokai has me interested. I'm planning on coming back because you can't kick a bad addiction of this guy.

I think I stopped around high silver/low gold, but that was basically playing every other day and I'm sure whatever I was good at in this game has changed drastically going that much time without playing. I know the jungle meta (for the most part, heard Gragas isn't really viable anymore), but I have no idea what the state of all the other roles are like as of now. If anyone would like to ease this along and just give me a general clue of what's what in each role, that'd be fantastic.

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