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Rengar had 100% pick/ban in the first week of pre-season ranked in Platinum and Diamond in NA. He was disgusting because no one knew how to fight him.

Kha was more reasonable.

Hey, new skins on PBE! Looks like we get Lunar Revel and new skins on this one. Let's get firecrackin'!

Dreadnova Gangplank (Pirate with a railgun!? Unfair!)





Warring Kingdoms Azir (Shurima with a touch of the Dynasty)





Warring Kingdoms Garen (Will his ponytail twirl when he spins?)




Warring Kingdoms Vi (Those jade gauntlets tho.)




Heartseeker Lucian (Shot through the heart, but he's to blame)




Heartseeker Quinn (giving "lovebirds" a whole new meaning)




New chromas:

Firecracker Jinx (Insanity comes in many pretty colors!)




More is coming later in the week...? That's the impression I got.

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On 12/7/2016 at 5:18 PM, Felix the Cat said:

I won't be playing ranked for a bit. Been having a lot of issues with my internet connection lately and don't want to screw myself or my teammates. I think my room is a dead zone.

Hopefully that gets fixed, hope to see you out on the rift again soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I didn't know this existed until yesterday, I figured I'd share this for other people who also were unaware of this track's existence.

Many of you are familiar with Burning Bright, the musical piece composed for the Star Guardians. Lo and behold, the Japanese theme for the Star Guardians is called "Endless Starlight" and is COMPLETELY different from the English version. Now I don't consider myself an anime junkie, but I do think this is a substantial improvement upon the other...




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  • 4 weeks later...

Warwick's Champion Update is on the PBE!

Here's what he does now:

  • Passive - Eternal Hunger: Warwick's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage based on his level on hit. If Warwick is below 50% health, he heals for the same amount. This heal triples when Warwick is below 25% health.
  • Q - Jaws of the Beast: Warwick leaps at an enemy and bites them, dealing some of Warwick's Attack Damage as well as a portion of the target's maximum Health in magic damage, applying on-hit effects. Warwick heals for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the key is held through the bite, Warwick then moves behind his target. Both dashes lock onto the target.
  • W - Blood Hunt: PASSIVE - Enemy champions below 50% health leave a global scent trail that Warwick can follow. Warwick gains extra out-of-combat movement speed when moving toward these champions, and increased attack speed against them. These bonuses are amplified if Warwick is below 25% health. ACTIVE - Warwick gains the trail to the closest enemy Champion regardless of their Health total.
  • E - Primal Howl: Warwick takes reduced damage for a short time. When this time expires, or if Primal Howl is reactivated, he will briefly terrify nearby enemies.
  • R - Infinite Duress: Warwick makes a huge dash in a direction with range equal to 2.5 seconds of his total Movement Speed, and suppresses the first enemy he runs into for 1.5 seconds. The suppressed target takes magic damage based on Warwick's Attack Damage over the duration. Infinite Duress applies on-hit effects three times.

Here's his voiceover:




Warwick is voiced by Brian Sommer.


There's new Sewn Chaos skins for Amumu and Blitzcrank this patch, as well as new chromas for Popstar Ahri and Prestigious LeBlanc, you can find 'em here: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2017/01/110-pbe-update.html#more

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3 hours ago, Shanco said:

Warwick's Champion Update is on the PBE!

Here's what he does now:

  • Passive - Eternal Hunger: Warwick's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage based on his level on hit. If Warwick is below 50% health, he heals for the same amount. This heal triples when Warwick is below 25% health.
  • Q - Jaws of the Beast: Warwick leaps at an enemy and bites them, dealing some of Warwick's Attack Damage as well as a portion of the target's maximum Health in magic damage, applying on-hit effects. Warwick heals for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the key is held through the bite, Warwick then moves behind his target. Both dashes lock onto the target.
  • W - Blood Hunt: PASSIVE - Enemy champions below 50% health leave a global scent trail that Warwick can follow. Warwick gains extra out-of-combat movement speed when moving toward these champions, and increased attack speed against them. These bonuses are amplified if Warwick is below 25% health. ACTIVE - Warwick gains the trail to the closest enemy Champion regardless of their Health total.
  • E - Primal Howl: Warwick takes reduced damage for a short time. When this time expires, or if Primal Howl is reactivated, he will briefly terrify nearby enemies.
  • R - Infinite Duress: Warwick makes a huge dash in a direction with range equal to 2.5 seconds of his total Movement Speed, and suppresses the first enemy he runs into for 1.5 seconds. The suppressed target takes magic damage based on Warwick's Attack Damage over the duration. Infinite Duress applies on-hit effects three times.

Here's his voiceover:

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Warwick is voiced by Brian Sommer.


There's new Sewn Chaos skins for Amumu and Blitzcrank this patch, as well as new chromas for Popstar Ahri and Prestigious LeBlanc, you can find 'em here: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2017/01/110-pbe-update.html#more

I think they are going to need to tweak the ult just a tiny bit... the jump could be absolutely ridiculous with enough move speed. 

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  • Support Squad

I love the look of this, aside from the idea that a fucking cyborg wolf is awesome, it looks like there's a bigger emphasis on movement speed. My biggest pet peeve about league is how immobile champs can be in simple walking speed so this is nice. I mean, global sense of low health champs and 105% movement speed towards champs below 20% seems fun. Percentage damage makes up for only have two offensive spells and fuck me that damage reduction is high on the E, if I'm looking at it right. The passive is nice early game but I feel like it'll drop off, which makes sense seeing as its also lifesteal.

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On 2017/1/11 at 0:30 AM, Avatar of Grima said:

I think they are going to need to tweak the ult just a tiny bit... the jump could be absolutely ridiculous with enough move speed. 

So this is cool. But, actually, the ult scaling isn't as crazy as it might seem. A ton of buffs and this gets 1/4th of the map. Most of the time it's nowhere near that


Although I would like to see Kled+WW

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  • 2 weeks later...



Blood Moon themed rift, and four new Blood Moon skins!




..Listen, it's a screencap from Reddit, shut up. In order from left to right; Twisted Fate, Jhin, Kalista, Diana!!!, Talon.




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Ey yo doggo.


Warwick's been on live servers for abooooout a couple days and through all the annoying dodging kids on PBE who were mad they couldn't instalock Warwick quicker than the next guy, I sifted through the worst of them and sat down and watched some Warwick games. Did I play Warwick myself? I indeed did - a couple of games, to be exact. Reading around and having experience myself, I can offer up some initial thoughts.

Warwick's Niche

Drain-tank geared to hunt down and eliminate weakened enemies.



  • Can rock a solo lane or the jungle; seems to be viable in both
  • In combat, his tankiness and unpredictability lead to him being a potent duelist
  • Massive movement speed out of combat with Blood Hunt
  • Primal Howl makes lane trades super strong
  • Ultimate has longer range and is a non-targeted, CC-immune dash
  • Extremely versatile overall
  • Still quite easy to play


  • Countered hard in the early-game by having adequate vision
  • No longer capable of buffing allies
  • Blood Hunt has the highest cooldown of all basic abilities in the game (120 seconds)
  • Struggles to overcome a defeicit
  • Beyond screwed if he misses his ult in teamfights
  • He MUST flank his opponents in order to teamfight optimally


WTF is this new E?

Primal Howl? Ah yes, that replaces the old attack speed buff. See, this thing is secretly the best ability that Warwick has now. Instant damage reduction of this scale (35% at rank 1, 55% at rank 5) is huge in duels and in lane, and can make your lane exchanges nearly uncounterable. Use Primal Howl, get in with Jaws of the Beast and an autoattack (or maybe even more) and then pop Primal Howl again after the fact to terrify your enemies out of a chance to counteract. If you choose to dash through with Jaws of the Beast and then pop the fear, you can easily set up ganks!

You can also combine it with Infinite Duress, having a backup plan in case the ult misses; since it pops immediately if Infinite Duress connects, combining it with his ult is also something you can do as a means of initiating fights. Its only flaw is that you have to make it count, since it has a high base cooldown of 15 seconds at rank 1. Even then it still only has the low cost of 40 mana. Not bad.


Blood Hunt

The change to this spell has helped define Warwick as a character after the rework. If anyone's below half health, the doggo will lose his shit and get a trail that brings him to said champion; alternatively, he can activate the ability to just sniff out the nearest enemy champion whatever their Health total. You're not going to see them like you could before the rework, but Warwick will have a massive up on movement speed in that direction, as well as an increase in attack speed when you arrive - if the hunted champ is critically low, those speed bonuses are massive.

When you first set out as Warwick, the hardest part of playing him will most likely be fighting the temptation to hunt down that low-health champ. You don't want to have to deal with an unexpected guest on your way to killing an enemy - stay vigilant! Always beware of other enemy champs' positions; that's where Blood Hunt's active comes in, so if the closest champion is in another direction, maybe there will be nothing standing in your way.



When Warwick smells blood and loses his mind, it's important that you maintain your composure as to not throw yourself head-first into danger trying to nab that kill.


Power spike

The late-game power of a guaranteed, uncounterable lockdown has been shifted into his early- and mid-game by way of being able to do much more without his ultimate. This balances out his time strength almost evenly between early to late game as long as he doesn't fall behind.


Jungle or solo lane?

This is not exactly clear, if I must be honest. While Warwick was definitely re-imagined with the jungle in mind, Jaws of the Beast is straight up too good in lane. It will be tougher to keep using it later on into laning due to its high mana cost, but with its % health damage, it'll keep scaling anyway. That same scaling is what makes Warwick so powerful in the jungle, as the cap against monsters doesn't stop it from doing massive damage, with blue buff to help out with the increase in mana cost with rank. I say he will start out as a popular jungle pick, but solo laning with Warwick is definitely not out of the question.


Example builds
Warwick doesn't have a set build at all. AD? AP? On-hit? Full flippin' tank? You can cover a different avenue with Warwick with every game thanks to his build flexibility. However, the PBE folks found the most use in these builds in particular:

Top/Mid Warwick

  • Tiamat (later becomes Titanic Hydra)
  • Boots of Swiftness
  • Spirit Visage
  • Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Blade of the Ruined King

With this full build, the name of the game is sticking power and utility, utilizing Warwick's DPS while you're pinned onto the target to take them down. If you can track down and successfully catch someone, you can use one of your three potent slows to make sure your victim dies, even following a victim's Flash with a well-timed Jaws of the Beast.

Tiamat is an item that synergizes incredibly well with Warwick, even more so than the old 'Wick. This is because of Jaws of the Beast applying on-hits, meaning extra waveclear, extra damage, and some extra regen with it. Boots of Swiftness and Spirit Visage, they're the obvious choices; some sticking power, some roaming, and everything that heals you, healing for a little extra. Sheen and its upgrades also work really well, given Jaws of the Beast has a low as hell cooldown with enough CDR, making Iceborn Gauntlet the natural choice for someone as tanky as him. From there, you're going to start ulting people a lot, and both Warwick's Q and ult apply the bonus damage of Titanic Hydra.

Everything else in this build is geared to amplify Warwick's pick potential to its fullest while keeping him tanky enough to be a large nuisance to everyone having to fight on him 1-on-1. Randuin's Omen can slow his victim as well as everyone around him, keeping them slowed long enough to get scattered by Primal Howl. Blade of the Ruined King? The obvious choice to round out the build, with Warwick having so many on-hits and so many places where he can apply life steal.



Jungle Warwick


  • Tiamat (later becomes Titanic Hydra)
  • Skirmisher's Saber w/ Bloodrazor ench.
  • Boots of Swiftness
  • Trinity Force
  • Spirit Visage
  • Randuin's Omen

The jungle doggo seemed to favor a squishier build, for faster clears and greater objective seizure. Tiamat is still a fantastic item early, and I would recommend getting that immediately after jungle item (Skirmisher's, Stalker's or Tracker's). Bloodrazor is an obvious choice for jungle enchantment, but any one of them will work, depending on whatever you're after. Why Trinity Force over Iceborn in the jungle? I don't know, but I assume it's to make further use of the Bloodrazor while not sacrificing too damage or sticking power. Titanic Hydra synergizes very well with Warwick's Q and ult, so you'll want that to try that for an item to finish after getting the other offensive items.

Warwick has three abilities that heal him; passive, Q and ult. Spirit Visage amplifies all three of these while giving him extra cooldown reduction and magic resist to make him a significantly greater threat to magic damage users. And finally, Randuin's Omen will lend you some sticking power, and they can keep enemies in range to get terrified by Primal Howl, which will allow you to isolate your targets from their team.



Now that he's out on live, I may have more to add, I may not. As a whole, I think Warwick came out of the rework shop as a champion that may need a nerf or two; his utility and versatility might be a tad too much in the current meta. I guess I'll keep an eye out for his results and see how he does, then go from there.

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