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The Fush

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Her E is the thing to look out for now imo, the R'd E alone can do up to 600 (with a ... 1.3? ratio) damage if it procs the second time. I didn't play her except in a 1v1 against Inuki so it's hard to say how much has changed, but honestly I don't imagine it to be too different either.

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Quote S@20:

This conversation lead way to another conversation on Burst Mages vs Sustained mages, leading to Xypherous commenting on the current ideology behind burst mages.

"Probably not with their current end-game patterns. We've long since turned away from 'We burst absolutely anyone and you have no response or reaction' from being desirable gameplay in late game.

It's kind of a harsh truth - but that's just not a realistic fantasy we can deliver. It's just not good gameplay to expect to faceroll and instantly murder someone before they have a chance to react late game. Early ganks, this might be possible as there's a ton of counterplay in anticipating whether someone will jump out and murder you - but with large scale teamfights and fights being inevitable, that pattern just doesn't fly. If we make tuning in the lines of increasing burst damage - something has to give in terms of letting to enemy react and interact in the late game where fights cannot be avoided.

For example of the above pattern, DFG could have a fixed travel time of 1 second and 1000 range. Then we might actually be able to make DFG a keystone burst damage item because it now has both telegraphing and opens the way for the opponent to take some sort of defensive action before he will get blenderized by Burst.

Essentially - if you give the opponent appropriate counterplay options, you get to have more power. If the opponent has zero counterplay options, you don't get to have high power. Uncounterable quick burst is an example of the opponent having little time to react so it's going to stay weak unless we change things such that opponents can actually avoid being bursted."

tl;dr they don't like insta-killing with no possible reaction time

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I don't really think the Ziggs buff will help him THAT much. His satchel cooldown is still MASSIVE, which sucks, because it's a super fun thing to use, and Ziggs is crazy fun to play ;-;

Satchel Charge's cooldown isn't a huge issue as long as you only use it for escapes, which is really it's only purpose for me other than initiation.

words from a Ziggs mainer (yes he is crazy fun)

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Satchel Charge's cooldown isn't a huge issue as long as you only use it for escapes, which is really it's only purpose for me other than initiation.

words from a Ziggs mainer (yes he is crazy fun)

I mean in a competitive viability sense. Like, the 20 second cooldown on it means if you get ganked and burn it, the jungle will just take wraiths, come back, and repeat the process.

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Topped up my RP with unused money on my phone, grabbed Vayne, who was on sale, and grabbed Orianna with my IP. I still have a lot of RP left, lying in wait for future sales.

Did a practice intermediate bot game with TF, Orianna and Vayne, since I bought all of them recently without playing them; I can safely say that they were all at least mildly fun.

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With the above color key in mind I've made what I like to think is an accurate revision of proper locations


EDIT: in seriousness if Teemo is typically top lane I don't think it's practical to be shrooming the bot jungle, at least.

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The goal isn't to shroom everything, it's to assert map control. If you're ganking bot, help the lane out with some shrooms. Don't shroom mid during lane phase if you're top. If you're pushing, shroom all their entry points and you probably already have something to run to. Etc
I rarely have a fifth of that map done at a time cuz that'd take full cdr/hella mana and an afk enemy team

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One way to properly shroom as Teemo is to like, zig-zag them. It saves shrooms so you can use them to push and assert pressure and make sure you have time to get away incase someone does decide to challenge the almighty dark lord Teemo.

EDIT: I mean in the river like during laning phase and after the first turret is down. Otherwise just like put them around blue buff and near wolves.

Edited by JellyMan
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Personally, I like to play Teemo as a mid (except in odd circumstances where Aatrox is top and I can afford to switch). That way i can shroom the river, jungle, and every brush I can find while never straying too far from lane.

God damn Jayce free week, I just bought him. Though seeing Zed, Volibear and Olaf all here this week makes me happy.

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okay i'm seriously getting just plain bad luck in ranked, the past 10 ranked games i've been in either one person leaves because they ragequitted after losing lane, or they just troll constantly and don't even want to work together :I

I probably shouldn't even be doing ranked yet but i'm starting just to lose hope since even friends that i have with 1000+ normal wins that are in bronze are also still getting toxic players >><<

What would you guys do in my situation? :l

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