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The Fush

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Keep playing.

Statistically, it works in your favor.

Bronze may have trolls and leavers, but the enemy team is match-made to have just as many as yours.

Let's assume that Bronze is a perfect ELO hell and there is exactly one leaver/troll in every game.

You only have control over yourself, so as long as you yourself are not that person then there is a 4/10 chance that that person will be on your team and a 5/10 chance that it will be on the enemy's.

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Folks, if your last pick gets a lane that's taken, don't take the missing role unless you can actually do it well with what you have. Let them figure it out, and you might help carry with your performance.

I made that mistake when last pick said Jungle Eve or Feed, and I had to go Vi against Renekton. He hit level 2 first and the first W made my life flash before my eyes.

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Geez, TSM's just completely falling apart..

They're having quite a hard time. at least they have a huge fanbase to help support them through the hard times.

I'm still routing for Coast though. :)

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They're having quite a hard time. at least they have a huge fanbase to help ******support them***** through the hard times.

I'm still routing for Coast though. :)









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  • 2 weeks later...


It's patch 3.10, and it's coming out of nowhere! For those too lazy to look at the site, here's what's going down with the patch. Check the spoilers for Pwyff's comments!


Ashe got a buff to the speed of Focus stack reception.

While cleaning up Ashe's passive, we found a small bug that had been granting unwarranted Focus stacks. We ordered an orbital strike on the bug, and gave Focus a minor buff to compensate.

Elise got some attention with regards to the things that made her broken in be eyes of many; that being her Spiderlings and the Rappel ability. It's best to read for yourself all of the changes.

Elise has been a high-value pick in competitive play for some time thanks to the overall strength of her kit. We considered reducing the damage of some of her abilities, but felt like we should target her more frustrating aspects first. Specifically, we wanted to reduce the tankiness of Elise's spiderlings and lower their utility as damage sponges. With these changes we can add a little more counterplay for her opponents, meaning Elise players will need to think more carefully about her Spider Swarm passive.

The other ability we targeted was the deceptively long range of Rappel. We initially designed Elise's Rappel to allow for some extra travel space outside of her indicated range, but in retrospect this made the skill extremely frustrating to play against. These changes mean the circular visual indicator will more accurately show who Elise is able to descend upon.

Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm no longer shreds the Magic Resist of Dragon, Baron, or Vilemaw.

Karthus's Lay Waste now casts at max range if targeted beyond max range during his passive effect. In addition, Defile got a nerf in terms of AP ratio.

Lucian is in this patch but may not be available right away. (I say "may" because Lissandra was available immediately upon her patch.)

EDIT: The devs aren't satisfied with Lucian quite yet. Despite Lucian being included, he won't be out until the next patch.

Master Yi has been remade. Check leagueoflegends.com for details.

Ryze has had the range on all of his spells reduced to 600; however, the Movement Speed buff on Desperate Power has been almost doubled.

With his spell range and high late game damage, Ryze could effectively nuke back line squishies from distance while still playing the role of "tanky beast" (when built in that way). We wanted to refocus on Ryze's core identity as a mid-range mage, meaning his positioning and proximity to the enemy team is more important than before, while his increased speed should allow him to get up close to priority targets to melt their delicate little faces.

Thresh's Health and Armor have both been nerfed, but now each soul grants a consistent +0.75 Armor and Ability Power.

We wanted to make trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he had a lot of crowd control through Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, collecting souls, while a vital part of early game Thresh play, had the tendency to become negligible late game due to their diminishing returns. Giving souls a flat bonus means Thresh's passive stays relevant throughout the game.

Twisted Fate's passive has been remade. The global gold bonus is gone, but instead, upon killing a unit, he will now "roll the dice" and gain between 1 and 6 bonus gold (He'll have a higher chance to gain between 4 and 6). With regards to Pick A Card, he now has less time to pick a card, and half of that time to throw it.

Context: Loaded Dice was giving Twisted Fate and his team a lot of hidden power without feeling individually impactful. The change fits more thematically with his kit and allows his passive to feel more noticeable by giving TF more gold on average over the course of the match.

The Pick a Card changes are intended to introduce more counterplay to the ability, as many players were locking their card within a second or two of shuffling, then sitting on the locked card for the rest of the duration to intimidate opponents. While these changes mean TF players have more time to utilize Pick a Card, they'll have a smaller window to act once they lock in their card.

Vayne got up close and personal with the nerf bat. Her Condemn's range has been reduced, and Final Hour's cooldown was increased at lower ranks.

Zac was nerfed, the damage on Elastic Slingshot went down.

Champions - General

Assists will now be granted to Champions that attacked the champion's shield, assuming they died within the appropriate time frame. Such shields include invulnerability effects such as Kayle's Intervention and Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity.

Champs can no longer dash or blink when they are taunted.


Insignificant changes were made to these champions, bug fixes U.O.S.:

- Ashe

- Elise

- Fizz

- Karthus

- Malzahar (some vision and pet control tweaks)

- Nami

- Poppy

- Udyr (Spirit Guard skin has a new death animation)

- Warwick

Items - New stuff

We wanted to reposition Magic Resistance as a personal stat as opposed to an aura-focused stat (see below for our Runic Bulwark updates). With these changes we specifically wanted to create more itemization options against sustained magic damage dealers in the mid game as well as create more options for tanks versus late game poke teams.

NEW! Spectre's Cowl

(Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 205 gold = 1400 gold, builds into Spirit Visage)

+200 Health

+45 Magic Resist

UNIQUE Passive: Grants +15 Health Regen per 5 secs for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy Champion.

IMPROVED! Spirit Visage

(Spectre's Cowl + Kindlegem + 375 gold = 2625 gold)

+400 Health

+55 Magic Resist

+20 Health Regen per 5 secs

UNIQUE Passive: increases self-healing, Health Regen, Life Steal, and Spell Vamp effects by 20%.

IMPROVED! Banshee's Veil

(Spectre's Cowl + Ruby Crystal + 875 gold = 2750 gold)

More Health

No longer grants Mana

More Magic Resist

Same Spellshield

UNIQUE Passive: Grants +45 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion or when the spell shield breaks.

IMPROVED! Guardian Angel

(Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + 1310 gold = 2750 gold)

Same Armor

Increased Magic Resist

Same Passive

RETURNING! Moonflair Spellblade (Ranged Only) (3v3 and Dominion Only)

+50 Ability Power

+50 Armor

+50 Magic Resist

UNIQUE Passive -Tenacity: Reduces the duration of crowd control effects by 35%.

Items - Other stuff

Runic Bulwark has been removed from the game. Aegis now builds into Locket of the Iron Solari. Consequentially, these items have been changed a lot, but it's best to read up on all of the changes.

We wanted to reduce the burden of buying an Aegis/Bulwark every game. By combining Aegis and Locket, we can more clearly push them into their strategic niche of team fight area-effect damage reduction items.

Blade of the Ruined King's active slow duration is now down to 3 seconds from 4.

Wooglet's Witchcap's recipe now includes Seeker's Armguard, and grants more Armor, but that's about as much as I'm bothered to write about it.

Deathfire Grasp and Needlessly Large Rod have been removed from 3v3 and Dominion, with Blackfire Torch being remade to take its place. As a result, Haunting Guise and Liandry's Torment have been reenabled on these modes.

The Cold Steel's passive slow duration is now 1 second (down from 1.5 seconds). As a result, Warden's Mail and its upgrades Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen are now 100 gold less (the recipe costs of Omen and Frozen Heart are still the same).

The following items now have new icons:

- Abyssal Scepter

- Catalyst the Protector

- Deathfire Grasp

- Glacial Shroud

- Haunting Guise

- Hextech Revolver

- Thornmail

- Vampiric Scepter

Summoner's Rift

Non-buff spawn camps now spawn even later. In addition, experience yielded by these camps has been tweaked. In the buff camps, the buff monsters see a nerf in health and experience.

Our first jungle modifications in 3.8 were not quite enough to enact the changes we wanted, so we're pushing spawn timers even further to finish the job while fixing some other unintended side effects.

Junglers could completely cripple their enemy team counterparts - especially early on - without fully committing to confrontation by smiting the buff and escaping, or killing their opponent with the immediate level advantage. We like the importance of aggressive early game invades, but want to make sure there's an appropriate amount of risk involved.

Baron Nashor's Voracious Corrosion has been tweaked with; it just lowers the damage dealt to Baron now.

Soloing Baron with sustained magic damage was too easy for a select few champions. This change makes things more consistent overall. A noted side effect is that teams who start fighting Baron will be at less of a disadvantage when engaged upon by the enemy team due to the fact that Voracious Corrosion no longer alters overall attack damage and instead only reduces damage directed at Baron Nashor. We'll continue to monitor this and act if it seems to be a significant problem.

Outer Turrets have been buffed a little bit, gaining bonus Armor within the first four minutes instead of the first eight, in addition to a couple other fixes and tweaks.

Due to the high global value of map objectives and the ease of taking down turrets in the early game with certain compositions, players - particularly in competitive play - have been entirely bypassing the laning phase. Ultimately we didn't want to completely eliminate this strategy but its prevalence was invalidating many champions who have high potential during the laning phase. These changes should introduce more risk into aggressive early-game objective-focused strategies without eliminating its viability completely.

For additional context, while the numbers might initially seem high (in particular the Purple Side Inner Turrets having 10 more armor than intended), Turrets begin the game with much more armor relative to champions so these changes are not as significant as they might first seem.

Champion Tags

Each champion will now be classified as only one of the following:

- Assassin (Zed)

- Fighter (Udyr)

- Marksman (Ashe)

- Mage (Ryze)

- Tank (Sejuani)

- Support (Janna)

Players who frequently fail ready checks will be given penalties. Key word: frequently.

I think that should cover it all!

In the grand scheme of things, not much really happened compared to other patches, no genuine buffs or nerds to champions (except Vayne). I played the new Master Yi rework in the PBE on a friend's account and I like him, but not totally into him yet; I guess I didn't play as him enough. Also, looks like Riot's claiming some more money of mine, I forgot to IP grind for Lucian like I did Zac and Lissandra, but oh well.

It's good to see Moonflair Spellblade back (as useless as it was before). But now at least it gives me something to fill the void left in AP builds by the combination of Deathcap and Zhonya's, when I'm not by any means feeling creative.

Now off to dunking more nooblords!

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I'm not sure if I should still be building Banshee's on Ryze now hmmm :S

I can't wait to see how Master Yi plays out now. It'll definitely be very different with Alpha Strike going physical and true damage on Wuju Style. We might be seeing a melee AD build coming from mid now, could be fun late-game, especially with the ult split. Mercurial scimitar going to do work, can't wait to try him.

Not quite sure how the jungle camp spawn times will affect the game. I don't think I like it though. I enjoyed S2 jungle. Level 2 ganks were too fun.

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New Yi has a ton of potential for a strong counterjungle with the way his Q works now (as far as scaling), as well as his E.

Example: Start E, smiteless blue, take Q at level 2, go to their red, Q, smite, activate wuju, auto attack.

Basically, the true damage from wuju and the red you just acquired would give you more than enough damage to kill the enemy jungle, PLUS your passive gets 2 hits, getting more true damage. I see him being pretty strong, just not in this meta, because of his lack of CC. On the right team comp, he would wreck some face. In theory, anyways. I wouldn't know. Patch 3.10 fucked my game client and now I have to redownload ;-;

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To be honest, AD Yi is practically the same. His Alpha Strike scales with AD now. Yay. Wuju Style does true damage. Yay. But in all honesty, the changes are not that significant. He basically plays the exact same way, except is slightly stronger. It is annoying to see him every game though. Typical new champ/reworked champ spamming.


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