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because Dynasty is boring even with a new dance

I actually do like both Midnight and Foxfire so it was a really hard choice for me too- in the end it came down to deciding based on which one went on sale first. Midnight is cheaper now, by the way, and still looks pretty great so if you want that I say do it.

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Meanwhile, just a heads up for those of you who are way too curious to see what the rotation has in store before NA announces it, the Koreans post it on their site at 1:30 PM EST (a.k.a just under an hour from the time of this post).

What the rotation turned out to be:

Rumble, Gragas, Nasus, Skarner, Viktor, Zyra, Sivir, Ezreal, Sona, Janna


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Riot is so evil, teasing us like this, release him already!! =p Eventhough EUW has lag/DC issues right now, can't farm up IP. :'(

By the way, any Talon players here? Now that Zed got nerfed, and Ryze got his range nerfed, aside withTiamat being cheaper, i think he can be very very snowbally.

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First champ I ever played was Talon. (I know I said Annie before but that was against bots.) I don't know about the snowbally part since he can fall off, and in my experiences will do so a fair amount, but at the same time I've erased a Lux's health bar before she could get anything off. Typical Talon mid game though.

I don't play Talon as much anymore because I'be gotten a couple more fave AD mids (namely Jayce and Varus) but I should get back into playing as him, now that I've gotten used to smart casting.

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I play him occasionally

he has a sad case of Mid Game Fever though

Early you have to play very safe (not too hard-- taking Katarina, Akali, or Kassadin mid is the same. Just don't die obviously) and manage your mana really well while waiting for ganks

Mid game you dominate anything and everything

Lategame people are grouped so you better hope they still have squishies, no oracles/pinks/reveals, and you have a frontlien that'll allow you to slip in unnoticed past the rest of the enemy team to blow somebody up (if you can get there, have the damage to do that, and they haven't build against you) and get out.

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The difficult part of Talon in end game is to kill stuff without baiting his team or failing and dying in the process, imo. If he loses his lane he has to roam or coordinate with his jungler. If you can't kill mid, you kill someone else, hehe.

However, after watching some games as Talon, i noticed some unusual builds, involving Tiamat, Mobos Boots, and Ghostblade which seem to work wayyyy better than a standard B Cleaver or Bloodthirster rush in mid game. When you get your LW and your BC on top of that, you melt everyone and deal close to true damage to squishies even in late game, on top with massive plays potential with ghostblade active+ult. When i get enough IP i'm going to try that, then test similar builds on other champs...

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Bloodthirster benefits him more in that it provides more damage than both items. It's generally not efficient to rush Black Cleaver anyways, as the Brut gives you enough stats for it to be necessary, and you can invest the gold you would have put into a Black Cleaver into something else (E.G. Hydra, LW, GA, etc.)

Also, Youmuu's is actually a really underrated item for a lot of people. It's active is very useful, especially for somebody like Talon, specifically because it helps you chase, should your target get away low. That and you get a GP5 out of the deal, which can make your snowball even stronger.

just saiyan

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Personally for Talon, I rush Brutalizer and just leave it there for a bit (till I have 2 other major items sans boots) while I go buy other items, usually it's either (insert life steal item here), or Mercurial Scimitar if I'm facing a high-CC Mage like Malzahar. MoBoots are usually my secondary choice for boots if I'm looking for kills, otherwise I typically build Merc's Treads.

Have I ever mentioned that I <3 Mercurial Scimitar

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Hmm, interesting, thanks for your answers. :D If only there was a version of Youmuu's Ghostblade without the crit chance, i feel like the gold is wasted and/or unreliable if you can't build other crit chance items. But it'd be the next overpowered item and blablabla nerfs. :'(

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Actually as I recall they're looking at it as an item... Or someone pitched that it needs to be changed for melee carries, at least, which is something I can get behind.

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[10:10:35 PM] Inuki: riot's a fucking troll
[10:10:41 PM] Michael McGlynn: ??
[10:10:47 PM] Inuki: note the background of leona's
[10:10:58 PM] Inuki: >Lux and Taric frolicing while Ezreral's upset
[10:11:01 PM] Inuki: BUT WHO'S HE UPSET FOR
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