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Yeah, but nothing's necessarily in stone for the "next champion" until they make an announcement. Could be Seth the sand mage for all we know.


Patch 3.10a is here, as is Lucian! For those of you too lazy to look at be site, here's what the patch has in store for all of us summoners!

WARNING: Lots of destruction from the nerf bat around here. Watch your step.

Anything in a spoiler is a quote from Pwyff. Don't shoot the messenger!


  • LeBlanc got a buff in the form of nicely boosted Health Regeneration and a slight boost to AD per level.

    With unorthodox skills, unmatched mobility and a supremely squishy face, LeBlanc's always been a difficult champion to master. While this is intended, the changes we made to her in Patch 3.9 made her even more vulnerable, especially during her laning phase. These minor buffs should improve her play experience and even her out a little.

  • Master Yi saw a bunch of changes. His attack speed per level was nerfed, but Meditate's damage reduction was increased. in addition, Wuju Style's passive AD bonus is now a flat 10%, and Highlander now reduces Cooldowns (on champion kill or assist) by a percentage as opposed to a flat amount. These changes are, said Morello, to nerf his low elo stomping while improving his lacklustre high-elo play.

    New Yi quickly emerged as a powerhouse champion, and while we soon identified the need to reduce his power, we wanted to do it in an intelligent way that created windows of opportunity for both Yi and his opponents, rather than by simply reducing his overall damage. We like Highlander's reset mechanic, but the flat second reduction on it meant that solid Yi players could effectively chain Alpha Strikes together with no window of vulnerability after scoring a kill. These changes mean Master Yi needs to land a few basic attacks after earning resets in order to Alpha Strike, which should give his opponents opportunities to fight back. Yi's Meditate buffs give him ways of bridging those cooldown gaps defensively if needed, and offer more viable options when upgrading abilities.

  • Riven got a small buff to her Broken Wings; the third shot knocks targets airborne instead of away and allows her to jump over small walls.

    Riven's Broken Wings started crossing walls on live following a few engine fixes. We looked at this and decided we want to fully support the emergent gameplay while cleaning up the abilitys environmental interactions. This change promotes Rivens high mobility playstyle and skirmish play pattern, so well balance around it rather than simply remove the change if it affects her power significantly.

  • Shen ate another nerf. Feint's shield has been decreased in strength, and Stand United can now be interrupted by a snaring effect.

    As a dominant force in the competitive scene, Shen gets just a little too tanky in the late game to the point where even primary damage dealers have a tough time eating through his shields. This small nerf should reduce some of Shen's strong dueling potential. Additionally, our Stand United change has been brought in to increase the consistency with which we handle delayed movement abilities. Specifically, Shen's Stand United channel will be interruptible by root effects, similar to Twisted Fates Gate. Well continue looking at other cases in the future.

  • Twitch's Expunge deals less damage at earlier ranks.

    Currently Twitch's laning phase trades are too strong, even when hes forced to pop Expunge before reaching full stacks of Deadly Venom. These changes should balance out the Plague Rats early game power without affecting his team fight potential.

  • Zac was nerfed...again. The "size" of his blobs has gone down; in addition, Let's Bounce! no longer grants Tenacity.

    Previously, Zac's pickup range was so large he would sometimes regain health from his blobs even if he stood still after using an ability. The blob radius change creates more potential counterplay in lane, since Zac and his opponents now have to specifically move to blobs to regain or deny health. The tenacity portion of Let's Bounce has removed to allow for more gameplay in fights, notably by giving enemies the chance to lock Zac down while protecting vulnerable targets.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

Miscellaneous minor fixes were applied to:

  • Master Yi
  • Riven
  • Zac
  • Phage and Trinity Force saw the biggest changes. They no longer have the Icy passive, but gain the Rage passive, which temporarily increases Movement Speed by a slight amount on hit or a greater amount upon killing a unit. It should also be mentioned that both items are now cheaper.

    Following the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King (as explained below), we wanted to create more tools to help bruisers stick to their targets. Ultimately we focused on in-skirmish mobility as a valuable and healthy stat for all champions.

  • Trinity Force's Spellblade passive now deals 200% base AD, up from 150%.
  • Frozen Mallet retains its Icy passive, but has a new recipe: Ruby Crystal + Giant's Belt + Pickaxe + 950 gold = 3300 gold
  • Blade of the Ruined King's active took a huge hit; the active's cast range has gone down, and its cooldown has gone up. In addition, it is now available in Dominion, replacing Kitae's Bloodrazor.
  • Bilgewater Cutlass's active's cast range was also nerfed. (This does not affect Hextech Gunblade, thankfully.)
  • Spirit Visage costs more. Not much more, though.
  • Entropy gains the Rage passive and, consequentially, is a little cheaper.
  • Lesser Wraiths now grant more experience, as the result of a bug fix.
I think you're all set!

Good thing BoRK's active got nerfed. I hated that a lot. Also...that new Trinity Force...my god, my main jungler's Jax and Master Yi is gonna hurt like hell now that Triforce-wielding champs get to superglue themselves to their targets, or just kite for days if it's an ADC. This is gonna be amusing.

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Riven flash during mid animation of Q doesn't damage and knock back up anymore. :'( Or do i have to be extremely quick and cast flash asap, idk, her other changes are quite nice though... Easier to combo, wall jumps, but no knockback plays, deal.

The new Triforce is extremely strong on Irelia and Jax, as both the spellblade and the bonus movespeed (especially on kills for irelia) are godlike.

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Honestly, TriForce was already an optimal item for Ezreal, though the buildup to it was underwhelming. I wouldn't really compare it to Gauntlet as the two are each crucial to completely different build styles. Yay ponies!

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Yo, in EU forums, and probably NA forums, there has been some discussion about "Mundo's Diary ".


Basically, in the left corner of Gamescom 2013 picture, it was written " mundo diary dot com", so people checked it out, and followed up a sort of game: helping Mundo to chase Teemo. Some clues were at Gamescom too, and people were kind enough to share what they found on the forums. Check out the posts on the English or German forums in EUW if you want and have the time for it. =p

I think we went through it almost completely, and it leads to a multiple choices quizz about the whole adventure. It'd give us Panda Teemo and Rageborn Mundo with the right answers, in ten days. Just be careful for false links, but so far everything should be fine in the EUW post i linked here.

Edit : Meh, it got shut down, people linked the quizz directly on reddit. :'(

Edited by Soysauce
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After the release of the Victorious Elise teaser, there's been some speculation about what the next Championship skin will be.

The frontrunners seem to be:

  • Ashe. With the highest win rate in NA LCS (mostly because of Sneaky), as well as great numbers internationally, a Championship skin sounds great for her. She also hasn't had a new skin in two years, either.
  • Draven. This idea's been tossed around a lot. Since Draven was played a crapload before his nerfs and has the "I'm the best" attitude, a Championship skin seems like a good fit for Draaaaaaaaven.
  • Zed. Very high in popularity even after his nerfs, Zed is a champion that gives off something of a conqueror's aura, which is probably an ideal characteristic in a champ you'd give a skin of this caliber to.
  • Teemo. You think I'm joking? A hint was dropped by WizardCrab earlier, and he neither denies nor confirms such a Teemo skin to be in the works. It seems like more and more of a possibility, though.
  • Jayce. A very common pick in tournaments and high ELO, like Elise, and found quite an amount of success in those matches. Like Draven the idea's been bounced around the community a lot.
So far, the only champ confirmed to not be in the running for the Championship skin is Diana (and of course the obvious ones like Riven and Elise).
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Draven got a new skin very recently, and if Teemo gets another skin, much less a skin of this level of importance, I am so done.

Zed maybe- still only has one skin so it's not impossible, and Jayce... Mmm, he DID get the Valentine's Day skin this year so it's hard to say.

Amethyst Ashe still master race.

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Draven got a new skin very recently, and if Teemo gets another skin, much less a skin of this level of importance, I am so done.

Zed maybe- still only has one skin so it's not impossible, and Jayce... Mmm, he DID get the Valentine's Day skin this year so it's hard to say.

Amethyst Ashe still master race.

Except that this won't be coming out until until next year, sooooooooooo

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Except that this won't be coming out until until next year, sooooooooooo

Really? Then maybe my memory of the time frame worlds take place in is wrong... Isn't it in like October/November?

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quote name="Ikaru" post="84414" timestamp="1377842331"]

Really? Then maybe my memory of the time frame worlds take place in is wrong... Isn't it in like October/November?

Exactly. Elise is this year's champ, so the next skin won't come around until Late October next year.

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