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>Dig wins a 5v4 dragon but meteos smites the dragon before dieing

>>C9 still got the advantage by having vlad split push and proxy at Dig's inner turrent

Why can't they just lose for once


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Meteos is the only jungler that trusts his team. And he's confident enough to play carry junglers, and Balls is confident in a huge pool of champions, as is Lemonnation, Hai, and Meteos. Sneaky's the only one who's kind of limited, but he's still really good, so it doesn't matter. ggnore

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Sneaky's a god.

this has nothing to do with his dominance playing as her majesty, nope none at all

Anyway, the reason I've been playing so much jungle of late is because I've been trying to learn from Meteos. He's always in the right place at the right time, never misses a chance to farm, and you just don't kill him late.

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Okay so i've been wondering about something lately with all the balancing of certain champs in the recent and possible future patches.

What champ do you think is the hardest for Riot to balance?

From what i've seen and heard, i'd probs say Vlad because of his infinite poke/sustain with his Q and his pool that makes him impossible to gank with both your summoners up (assuming you take ghost/flash).

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There are already a number of champions who can't be balanced just by the nature that their kit will always be too strong or too weak. Hence we have these rework situations like rengar/olaf/xerath/yorick etc

The solution to that balance is not just tweaking numbers, but a full kit rework, which makes this question hard to answer.

If I interpret it as, "What champions might need such a rework,"




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Okay so i've been wondering about something lately with all the balancing of certain champs in the recent and possible future patches.

What champ do you think is the hardest for Riot to balance?

From what i've seen and heard, i'd probs say Vlad because of his infinite poke/sustain with his Q and his pool that makes him impossible to gank with both your summoners up (assuming you take ghost/flash).

Vlad's sustain is far from infinite; early game, his Q isn't enough to sustain himself in lane, and against strong duelists all you can do is W out every time.

As for constant poke, I'd say it's actually not too deadly unless the vlad is on the winning side, because of it's short range. It's a rather hit-or-miss oppurtunity when it comes to laning as Vlad, and despite his sustain he isn't very tanky until lategame.

He definetely has his awesome ups (and no I don't just like him because of his puns), but there's a lot going against him too.

As for which champion is hardest to balance, I'd say Shaco; the earlygame to lategame is still a heavy impact on his usability, to the point where your only form of heavy damage very late on in a game is planting a million jack-in-the-boxes in one bush; it really hurts him later on (though his juking ability is still magnificent).

This is particularly noticeable in ARAM where you're likely to get a kill or two from shivs and boxes in the beginning, and be reduced to utility once the tanks start getting properly beefy.

Also Kassadin is easy you just kill him pre-6 and you're done :I

ok after level 6 you're fucked forever

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Okay so i've been wondering about something lately with all the balancing of certain champs in the recent and possible future patches.

What champ do you think is the hardest for Riot to balance?

From what i've seen and heard, i'd probs say Vlad because of his infinite poke/sustain with his Q and his pool that makes him impossible to gank with both your summoners up (assuming you take ghost/flash).

I think I saw a quote from a rioter saying Irelia is the hardest t to balance, kit wise. Her kit was made too... Good I guess, sustain, a gap closer, stun/slow, and a ranged attack. They were also talking about remaking her but that fell through fast from a lot of people protesting.

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Funny how we're talking about Kass supposedly being OP while one of his quotes is "the balance of power must be preserved"

Anyway, hardest champ to balance? Before the passive change I would have said TF but now I'd guess that it's Tryndamere, mainly because of that ultimate and Bloodlust. Though preferably I'd like to hear more about this from an actual Trendyman player like Tony.

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Generally the most difficult to balance are high mobility asassins such as Kass, Katarina, etc. I'd say Katarina in general is the most difficult simply because her passive lends itself to either make her broken, or force the rest of her kit to be so weak she's just not viable. Rengar is also a big problem because there's so little you can do about him individually, as he'll either do well and slaughter people, or just end up too weak. Kassadin really just shouldn't exist.

I think Shaco barely qualifies as being balanced just because the Korean really good players can do well throughout the game despite him being underpowered generally. I don't know, I think they could make him a little stronger and have him be fine.

Tryndamere is another one of those really silly champions because individually his ablities seem balanced, but together he's just really not fun to play against and hard to deal with in soloq. If he gets nerfed though, it will probably be just to the point where he's unviable again.

Fiddlesticks deserves to be removed from the game. Even more than Teemo. Fear is just stupid. Riot pls. The worst part is even if you buy Tenacity or QSS to counter his CC, he still has a gamebreaking ult. I don't know, I personally just detest him.

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I looked up the Diamond Fiddle stats on Elophant. Over the last week, he's been the 24th most played champion at 30 games, right behind Ashe. He's also had the 26th highest win rate at a flat 60%, which is right behind Kayle. I didn't check the monthly stats, but I think with the weekly ones that it's a safe assumption that Fiddle pops up quite a bit up there.

For those curious, the most popular champ in Diamond over the past week is Lee Sin, picked over three times the number of times Fiddle's been picked (94 for Lee). The winningest champ in Diamond is Galio, with a 90.91% win rate.

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This means that the only Galio main won 10 out of 11 games (in fact 10/11 is approx 90.91% xD). So yeahhhhhh. =p

Fid's fear is so long it forces mercs threads on everyone by itself. Bring in Rammus and you can take a sower, a cup of tea and watch anime while you're CC'd forever. xD

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