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Still not all that sure what the difference is between the lanes. If I see a surge in a lane, I'll go join it to wreck minions and towers. Cuz Rammus is pretty good at that.

In and of themselves, there are very few differences. The main difference is in the metagame, and where, in PvP, people assign each character to go.

Think of it like Pokemon- You're not gonna send in your psychic type against a dark type. Most melee characters have trouble fighting range characters. So they send the range characters to fight each other, and put the melee somewhere else. This is established via the lanes. Range AD goes bot, Range AP goes mid, and then the melee bruisers go top. Now, with LoL, that ineffectiveness isn't nearly as clear as it is in Pokemon, of course, but it does result in this usual set-up.

As far as the physical differences... Mid is the quickest route across the map, so minions get there earlier, and as such the solo mid gains levels faster. Purple top is easier to gank, and blue bot is easier to gank, because the tribushes there are reversed. It's easy for the jungler to cut it and get behind a laner. So, when it comes to which is more important, ganking top or ganking bot, purple probably has the better end of that deal (because the AD carry, bot, is more important in a match than a bruiser, top).

That said, there's the issue of what Erick mentioned. Although that's not actually a substantial factor, because "angle" only applies for people who play with a locked camera. I play unlocked, and I don't mind purple at all. It's just a shift to make, kind of like switching from normal to smart-casting. It's much better in the long run. Fortunately, I learned that way to begin with, so purple has always felt equivalent to me.

Erick, if you're struggling with purple, I suggest learning unlocked.

The only other substantial physical difference is their positioning to buffs. Consideration of this is more for when you get into PvP, but:

A jungler starting blue will be getting, on the blue side, a leash from top, or on purple, a leash from bot (and mid in either case). A jungler starting red will be getting, on the blue side, a leash from bot, or on purple, a leash from top (and again, mid). Keeping this in mind, you can predict at what time your opponents will reach their lane at the start of a game. However this often does not make a substantial difference unless you plan to get early golems, or to ambush.

Secondly, bot has access to dragon. This is the reason that top goes solo instead of bot- you want two people bot to help control dragon throughout the game. If the enemy bot and mid are mia, your bot and mid can easily run up and check it. If you have a duo top instead, then your bot is 1v2 and your dragon fights will be 2v3 (and you will therefore probably lose).

Finally, baron. The second reason bot is the most important lane is because it is the farthest from baron. This is important, because when an inhibitor breaks, the defending team's safest course of action is to push the broken lane so that superminions don't overrun the base. For the aggressing team, breaking an inhibitor spells an ideal time to baron because the defending team now has to choose between controlling baron, or defending their base, which is a lose-lose choice for them. However, if the defending team pushes a broken top or midlane, they will actually still be somewhat close to baron, and can consequently steal it. If the bot lane is broken and being pushed, they will have to run all the way cross the map to get that baron- which isn't likely to happen. So simply, bot carries the greatest weight for the end-game because getting the bot inhib implies a successful baron.

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okay solo queue actually makes no sense

our jungle skarner gives up first blood, then my support nidalee and skarner (again) die to their graves, then our yorick feeds jax until he has 5 kills and ~150 cs by 20 minutes

and then they got baron

and then we aced them

and then we won


(i wasn't draven, i was draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven)

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I literally just now had a game like that- one teamfight to rule them all or something idk I can't really make that reference since I haven't read or watched any of the series

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I literally just now had a game like that- one teamfight to rule them all or something idk I can't really make that reference since I haven't read or watched any of the series

I teamfight to rule the all, one teamfight to divide them. One teamfight to fool them all, and in the darkness bind them.

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It's been a while stahp.

Finally hit level 30, so now I'm going to play a literal shit ton of bot games, and start really knowing my champs in and out. I won't be touching ranked for a looooong time.

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Runes Runes Runes Runes Runes!~ I have boughten so so many runes and for awhile thought I was done. Then looking at some of the champions I play I realise. "Fuck, I do need a lot more runes." Like Health runes and health per level and the armor pen./Magic pen. Runes and @.@

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Ame, Teemo is most definitely viable mid. Just remember that when your assassins go to proc things by auto attacking [Akali/Kat/Fizz] they just sit there not actually procing it. Of course, blind wears off and then they have other means, but that just means I attack when you try to walk away anyway. Not to mention that midlane is hard for the opposing team when Teemo plants mushrooms everywhere

Also why would they actually nerf the poison ._. It's terribly weak in it's first two levels if you go for it early without starting full flat ap. Not to mention later it's more of a utility damage than burst anyway, doing DoT.

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So I was reading over a guide for Evelynn who I'm trying to learn mid finally and the player recommends health/lvl seals because of her low HP. But I'm kinda hesitant. It's... 1 HP per level so 9 HP at level 1 and 180 at level 180. I'm like..

...does that even make much of a difference?

I mean, currently I use mana seals standard for my AP, and I really don't have mana problems with her at all so I don't mind switching that but


I would almost rather have flat health runes to help me win trades in the early game.

Or maybe even the health% runes, which would scale about 20-100

Or just AP... That would be.. about 6 AP flat

Or 1-18 AP total on AP/lvl




@Kio- I believe it's viable. I'm just saying, I love when it happens. >> om nom nom

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Ame, Teemo is most definitely viable mid. Just remember that when your assassins go to proc things by auto attacking [Akali/Kat/Fizz] they just sit there not actually procing it. Of course, blind wears off and then they have other means, but that just means I attack when you try to walk away anyway. Not to mention that midlane is hard for the opposing team when Teemo plants mushrooms everywhere

Also why would they actually nerf the poison ._. It's terribly weak in it's first two levels if you go for it early without starting full flat ap. Not to mention later it's more of a utility damage than burst anyway, doing DoT.

The thing is only Fizz needs to AA for the procs. Akali has her e and Kat has her W. Teemo isn't as viable as most ranged mids because of the short range of his AAs. I think.

So I was reading over a guide for Evelynn who I'm trying to learn mid finally and the player recommends health/lvl seals because of her low HP. But I'm kinda hesitant. It's... 1 HP per level so 9 HP at level 1 and 180 at level 180. I'm like..

...does that even make much of a difference?

I mean, currently I use mana seals standard for my AP, and I really don't have mana problems with her at all so I don't mind switching that but


I would almost rather have flat health runes to help me win trades in the early game.

Or maybe even the health% runes, which would scale about 20-100

Or just AP... That would be.. about 6 AP flat

Or 1-18 AP total on AP/lvl




@Kio- I believe it's viable. I'm just saying, I love when it happens. >> om nom nom

Armor!~ Armor Seals. MR blues. Magic pen reds. and either 2 movement speed quints and one AP or vice versa.

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The thing is only Fizz needs to AA for the procs. Akali has her e and Kat has her W. Teemo isn't as viable as most ranged mids because of the short range of his AAs. I think.

Armor!~ Armor Seals. MR blues. Magic pen reds. and either 2 movement speed quints and one AP or vice versa.

This is true; but meanwhile some players try to AA in between close range combos for even higher damage [i've tried this to varying success] so it can bide some time. Not to mention some don't fully engage combos [i see this out of a lot of Akali players] so I manage to do fine. It was only one minor point out of a lot of them P:. His 'short' range is 500, which isn't literally par for the course as far as skillshots and whatnot go, but if you can dodge some and then land some things, you're still fine. Shorter would be better than Short impo. Don't get me wrong; he's part utility and burst mages do the burst mage role arguably better; but Teemo doesn't become any less viable because of it. The only thing I dislike is that his kit is somewhat one dimensional as far as straight fighting is concerned, and being a "support" according to riot doesn't really fit the build when you look at other things like higher damage with CC supports or mids doing those roles interchangeably. The Mushrooms are difficult to use well [thank goodness I figured that one out...] and it makes it seems like today's standards leave my fave behind.

Also, agreed on the runes. I mean, if you went health, flat would be better since there's more benefit from her early getting the trades than there is later for her impo. % only works if you get higher HP, and you're not building thousands on Eve.

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Armor seals are currently what I have. In that case, I'll just stick to my original plan of swapping the mana regen out for those and save my IP for something else.

idk what though, I only have 14,000 what do i even do with it qq

ill figure it out

As for Teemo being 1 dimensional, I definitely disagree. First, he has stealth. I think that opens up a looooot of versatility in and of itself. I'd say that's true for most stealth characters, except for maybe like, Talon, because it's limited to his ult, which shows where he is afterwards. Secondly, is like every role in the game. except tank, and I've even seen teemos build tank and do well. But anyway, AD will play different AP will play different from on-hit will play different from support.

On the note of support, I think his blind makes him a better support theoretically than it does actually.

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So I was reading over a guide for Evelynn who I'm trying to learn mid finally and the player recommends health/lvl seals because of her low HP. But I'm kinda hesitant. It's... 1 HP per level so 9 HP at level 1 and 180 at level 180. I'm like..

...does that even make much of a difference?

I mean, currently I use mana seals standard for my AP, and I really don't have mana problems with her at all so I don't mind switching that but


I would almost rather have flat health runes to help me win trades in the early game.

Or maybe even the health% runes, which would scale about 20-100

Or just AP... That would be.. about 6 AP flat

Or 1-18 AP total on AP/lvl




@Kio- I believe it's viable. I'm just saying, I love when it happens. >> om nom nom

Runes aren't supposed to be significant differences, but rather slight boosts to your stats; and knowing you I'd imagine you'd be all over health runes because every time you nearly kill someone but they get away with like 5 HP, that could be you instead c:

Your only really useful alternative as an AP champion would be mana regen, which is what I used before, but I felt like an extra 3ish mana regen is probably less significant than 175 HP at level 18... Granted, I had flat mana regen mostly for my supports, but whatever. Also mana regen runes are wasted on manaless champions but I don't think you even play any of those unlike I did, soooo whatever^2.

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Armor seals are currently what I have. In that case, I'll just stick to my original plan of swapping the mana regen out for those and save my IP for something else.

idk what though, I only have 14,000 what do i even do with it qq

ill figure it out

As for Teemo being 1 dimensional, I definitely disagree. First, he has stealth. I think that opens up a looooot of versatility in and of itself. I'd say that's true for most stealth characters, except for maybe like, Talon, because it's limited to his ult, which shows where he is afterwards. Secondly, is like every role in the game. except tank, and I've even seen teemos build tank and do well. But anyway, AD will play different AP will play different from on-hit will play different from support.

On the note of support, I think his blind makes him a better support theoretically than it does actually.

As far as stealth, I was concerned with straight fighting; which I refer to as not using stealth/bush techniques because in a mid lane comp you're not going to be surprising someone at minute 9 with a magic stealth behind their tower or something. When it appears one-dimensional; actually playing an ap teemo means you burst in the form of AA-Q-AA unless you have the opportunity to get in a R [which is rare] or if you decide to DFG early on in thier health bar. Otherwise you follow it up with more AAs for prolonged fights along with some kiting if needed. As far as a character like Zyra goes where you have plants/q/e/r that can all work well together including her passive if all doesn't go well in a straight up fight, you can see that it looks slightly one-dimensional in those areas specifically. Stealth also doesn't allow movement, which is something that would be nice for positioning. >>.

That tankmo was me >>; I went support, built tank and then they focused me because I'm in that position. Didn't get far either. As far as support, Teemo's got to be aggressive and you guys really don't have CC that lowers movement speed so it's hard. Best you can do is stuff like Varus. Blind isn't that durable but it's surprisingly decent for poke. The Mushrooms are annoying though.

As far as AD/AP/OH playing differently; I did specifiy AP only was that so HA :P But arguably all forms rely on Autoattacks and movement speed because of his w/e anyway so it's still limited in how you use non-lane phase gameplay impo. Overall Teemo isn't one dimensional but certain aspects of his laning phase are.

Donate IP C:

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Ikaru needs some MR and Armor runes in his life when he plays Orianna >:C and as Kat I go tanky.. ish. 9/21 with magic pen mr and armor and movement speed quints. c: She's so deadly with like no AP. Hell, she's deadly with AD e.e

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