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The Fush

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"Ahri is definitely going to get changes, and most of them based around how much damage is loaded into the "free" parts of Foxfire and her ult. The changes will largely revolve around making her burst higher if she lands a taunt first.

Ahri, Fizz, Zed and Kassadin all have problems in how fast they burst, and how little you can do about it. We'll be retaining their roles as Assassins (though I'd wager Ahri, using more poke to set up, is likely more a mage) but fitting patterns that cause a bit more risk and reaction when doing so."

>increasing ahri's burst damage


jk itll probably still amount to a nerf but honestly if theyre putting her back into the mage category which is how ive always thought of her anyway and taking the other three down a peg then im fine with it

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Damn, you can keep refreshing Pow Pow stacks by switching pretty quickly, thus rewarding quick-thinking decisionmaking too... o_o I'm sooo gonna buy this champ xD

I'm kinda curious for season 4 changes regarding support and jungle though. It's silly how spending all your money on wards is the best way to spend your gold, making you relying on your team even more ( outside of 5 members premade)....

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sivir sounds like teen titans' raven

im okay with this

im surprised

but okay with this

Fox Fire now deals less damage when every wisp hits the same target, and now counts as an area-of-effect damage source for the purposes of Spell Vamp and Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Spirit Rush's base damage and AP ratios have been reduced in addition to having its use time limit reduced.


oh well, not like anyone was building rylai's on her when they snowballed anyway.

Now increases the magic damage Ahri deals to the target by a percentage for a few seconds

See, not that I'm complaining, but I'm kind of confused as to why Riot is passively giving her the effect of her core rush item that made her so bursty in the first place? but i mean ok

I'm really surprised they actually lowered the damage on her W like that though, considering that leaves less incentive for her to go in like they wanted her to have to choose to do in her original design.

But like, this really hurts her late-game more than her laning... And her late-game wasn't exactly stellar as is.

I like the Morgana change but I kind of wish the missing health amount scaled at least slightly with AP because as it is there's hardly any reason to build it on her... This certainly helps though.

and boo, i thought they were buffing zyra, not nerfing her. -.-

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oh apparently S@20 hasn't finished reporting the changes so depending on how much they're increasing her ap ratios this might work out

because tbh she does need the help late-game (at least for AP Zyra) although if they're lowering her lane damage (which she admittedly does have some room to spare within) it might leave her a bit too weak considering her main advantage in lane is her level 2/3 burst and that seems to be what they're trying to not make happen?

idk shutting up until things are finished

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Summary: Deadly Bloom's damage has been reduced but her AP ratio has been increased. Rampant Growth's passive cooldown reduction and early damage has been reduced, but its damage at later levels and range has been increased. We've also improved Zyra's overall useability with enraging plants / transforming seeds into plants by spells.
Context: Our overall strategy here was to tone down Zyra's early level poke damage and, while we are reducing some of her overall power, we also wanted to improve her ability to fluidly combo cast with seeds. Additionally, reducing the base damage of her spells while increasing the AP ratios are aimed at reducing her power as a support without hurting her capabilities as a mage.

Deadly Bloom

- Range minorly reduced

- Damage reduced

- AP ratio increased

Rampant Growth

- Passive cooldown reduced

- Plant base damage reduced at lower levels and increased at higher levels

- Reduced the delay before seeds can be stepped on by enemies

- Range minorly increased

- Fixed a bug where seeds would very sometimes not be turned into plants by spells


- Stun no longer persists for some duration after the knockup ends.

- Now properly enrages plants created within the bramble zone after Stranglethorns has been cast

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Yeah, that's what I mean. Half that stuff isn't reflected currently in the actual changes list of the other post, so we don't know by what amount

Plus that says they're increasing W's range and the other post says it's decreasing.

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