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Most of his stuff looks like it could be balanced, but what looks broken is the potential for guarenteed crit chance and wind wall.

Wind Wall can block some friggin ults, and it's just a normal skill. That shit could seriously bone most mid laners.

Grab some Brawler's Gloves and crit runes and you have a ton of crits first hand in the game. Grab an Infinity Edge and raise your crit % chance to 50%, then you'll already have 100% crit chance with crit damage bonuses to top it off. Not to mention the potential of crit damage runes- look, that just seems overwhelming.

Balance issues aside, he looks pretty damn awesome, both play-wise and lore-wise. Once I get a proper mouse/laptop to use back I'll be nabbing him, quick.

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The way you make that sound is almost offensive.

But that doesn't stop them from coming!

The 3.15 Patch is here, so we gotta take a look at what's going down. For those of you too lazy to look at the site, I'll throw up a summary here.

Champions - General

  • Ahri's base Mana and Mana Regen have been lifted.

    Ahri's very early laning experience can be unforgiving if she falls behind. These changes are to give her more breathing room before her first shopping trip or blue buff.

  • Fiddlesticks's Terrify doesn't fear for as long at later ranks anymore; however its mana cost dropped.

    Terrify is rather… terrifying at later levels, especially with the current pace of the game. That said, we didn't want to straight nerf Fiddle's power without any compensation. Cutting down his mana costs means that Fiddle can stay out in the field a little longer (especially after team fights), while the slight buff to Terrify's rank 1 duration helps his unstable early game.

  • Garen's Judgment no longer does reduced damage to monsters. Bring on the Jungle Garen!
  • Lee Sin got a nerf that was probably well deserved. His Safeguard no longer protects minions or wards - only champions.

    We like that Lee Sin could make cool plays without relying on teammates to Safeguard to, but felt we could trim some of his extraneous power without removing the real ‘fun' of it.

  • Lucian took a heavy hit to his Piercing Light - range and damage both nerfed.

    We're culling some of Lucian's lane dominance – especially when he gets early AD purchases (given Piercing Light's high AD ratios). Rather than relentlessly pursuing a reduction on Lucian's damage, we also shaved some range off Piercing Light, as Lucian was able to poke from just outside of auto-attack range before going in for a strong trade with his passive. I'm sure there's another ability pun to be had in here, but I got nothing.

  • Lulu got buffs to her faerie's damage as well as the shield strength of Help, Pix!.

    Lulu's defensive capabilities were a little low for a traditional support, so we sent her to the gym to get buff. Like most supports, we're keeping an eye on Lulu as the preseason progresses.

  • Pantheon's Aegis of Zeonia can now be cast on minions and monsters.
  • Rammus received similar changes to Fiddlesticks; his Piercing Taunt was slashed in duration but in mana cost as well.

    Similar to Fiddlesticks' Terrify, Puncturing Taunt scales to a frustratingly long duration (according to some, it went on forever, so some subjectivity is expected), especially when Rammus has a strong early game. We didn't want to just lower Taunt's durations, so we've made some mana cost reductions to help Rammus recover in games when he has a rough start.

  • Sivir got hammered so hard, she might as well go back to where she was in mid-S3. Fleet of Foot and On The Hunt took massive nerfs, and Spell Shield was lowered in duration as well.

    We like the general direction of Sivir and are now in the process of tuning her power. Currently Sivir has access to a lot of raw mobility (especially in the early game), so we're hitting that to reduce some of her early game snowball potential. We also wanted to give Sivir's opponents more windows of opportunity against her.

  • Soraka's base Armor and Movement Speed were buffed.

    We've got larger plans for Soraka in the long-term but for now, we're giving her some extra survivability and mobility in the laning phase to keep her healthy for the preseason.

  • Taric took truly outrageous nerfs (okay, not really). His Passive doesn't scale as much with Armor, and all of Shatter's numbers relating to Armor were slashed.

    We're happy with Taric's kit in the preseason, but his burst damage was just too fabulous, especially when he picks up additional armor items to scale off of. Like other supports, we'll be keeping an eye on Taric as the preseason progresses.

  • Yasuo incoming.

Champions - Ultimate Cost Reductions
The following champions got the mana costs on their ultimates reduced to 100 at all ranks:

  • Fiddlesticks
  • Janna
  • Lulu
  • Rammus

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
The following champions received miniscule changes:

  • Anivia (Texture Update)
  • Brand (Conflagration bug fix)
  • Caitlyn (running animation update)
  • Cho'Gath (Rupture tooltip fix)
  • Fiora (Blade Waltz bug fix)
  • Garen (Judgment bug fix)
  • Lissandra (Frozen Tomb bug fix)
  • Maokai (bonus damage counter for ultimate)
  • Poppy (ult can no longer amplify true damage)
  • Rammus (minor Defensive Ball Curl change)
  • Riven (running animation update)
  • Swain (Torment can no longer amp true damage)
  • Talon (Cutthroat can no longer amp true damage)
  • Vayne (Condemn bug fix)


  • Spirit of the Elder Lizard and Spirit of the Spectral Wraith now have the Conservation passive instead of the Bounty Hunter passive (Conservation is the passive that Spirit of the Ancient Golem has).

    Bounty Hunter as a passive was a risky purchase for some junglers, as it either amped up the gold gains from successful team fights or punished junglers who couldn't get assists / kills. Rather than being seen as a niche purchase, we want the "Spirit" line of jungle items to be a core build on most junglers, so Conservation as a passive is a stronger fit.

  • All "Lens" Trinkets had cooldowns reduced. However, Oracle's Lens got its true sight duration slightly nerfed.

    We're looking to enrich the interactions between the three trinkets by highlighting the core strengths of each (yellow's in a good place at the moment).

  • All "Orb" Trinkets now grant true sight of anyone they hit for a little bit.

    The changes to the blue trinket solidify its role as a scouting tool and in-combat vision trinket. Even if you reveal a champion before they go into stealth, they won't be revealed once stealth takes effect.

Maps - Summoner's Rift

  • Assists no longer scale with game time.

    Gold income in the preseason is generally high, which can lead to snowballing situations. In addition to clarifying assist gold, we also wanted to remove some of the "untrackable" gold in the mid to late game.

  • Super Minions now provide a greater buff to other nearby minions.

    We want to better reward players for pushing down inhibitors, and felt that super minions should really live up to their name. Now players will need to be extra vigilant about lanes with a downed inhibitor.

Maps - Howling Abyss

  • Poro-Snax now appears in the trinket slot for everyone at the beginning of the game.


  • Temporary Attack Speed buffs now trigger immediately instead of after the first attack. This will probably be most notable with Elise, Tristana and Xin Zhao.

Other crap

  • Loss Prevented games will now show up as Loss Prevented instead of Defeat, fixing a past bug.
  • The Matchmaking system has been tinkered with a bit.

That's it!
Yes, Mantheon changes! At least I'll want to play the Mantheon again; that is no miniscule change to that Aegis of Zeonia. Lets him block another attack or Parrrley or whatever, allows him to use it in the jungle to escape. He may be one of my go-to men in the jungle in the future. Aside from that, not a whole lot to point out other than the fact that one miniscule change would have affected me today in my game as Swain; that change would have made the difference between Riven dying once to the red buff burn or surviving with minimal HP.
Anyway, not much else to say about this patch. The Fiddle / Rammus changes may shake up some things (ex. kill Fiddle support), but we'll see.

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Thank you for the Lucian puns, Riot.

The nerf to Rammus's taunt duration, though? I'm worried. It's been slashed at max to nearly 2 thirds of it's original duration, and his taunt is basically the main reason he's paid attention to in lategame teamfights. It's not like with Fiddle, who has plenty of kit to make his presence known. The most Rammus can do when lacking the taunt is slow down an enemy with a powerball or cause a couple of Tremors, which doesn't make him much of a threat.

Praying he hasn't been fucked over by it; at least it hasn't been nerfed in early game *shudder*

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Thoughts on Yasuo so far? I've seen some people use very interesting brusier builds for him

He's going to take some getting used to.

He's a (kinda) tanky Assassin, should be built that way. I don't see any reason to stray from these:


These items give me pretty much everything I want. Nice AD and AS, spellblade, mobility, armor pen, full crit, and survivability between GA and Mercury's Treads.

Plus, that's six fucking swords. The enemy might as well surrender.

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nasus needed some nerf but idunno if hitting his whither was the best decision but omg riot why would you even nerf riven, this is like a huge nerf to her with the valor change, the q not so much since it's her AA's that are really doing all the damage in the early game

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Valor nerf isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Broken Wings is going to do a fuckton late, but again, reduced early-game damage. Less bully power, more farm.

lol what do I know i rarely ever play riven

Kassadin nerf sucks more and more with each time I look at the stats, the base damages were murdered so hard he'll reach a new level of utterly useless in the late-game if he can't get a few kills. Best Father NA's core damage comes from a blink with 150-radius AoE damage. Not cool at all. The Nether Blade changes are cool...I...uh...guess? I kinda like what I'm seeing but at the same time not really.

got excited for Lord Van Damm's Pillager...until I saw it was a carbon copy of Infinity Edge. Rito pls, gimme back old Pillager :(

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The shield reduction just means she has to time it better. I think that makes sense. The Q changes to scaling on bonus AD will hurt though.

Meanwhile hahahaha burn, Kassadin, burn. >:C

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