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They're considering making the stun scale with level. This'd be nice, since then it would nerf her in a duo lane, but keep her decent mid lane.

That wouldn't make a difference for her Mid lane. It doesn't really solve any problems and is nothing but an overall nerf to the champion herself. You can't change one without changing the other when it comes to her bot and mid presence.

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I'm currently maining jungle in Gold III. Lee Sin is still as good as ever, and has been my top choice jungler since his release. I do on rare ocassions play him top lane, as he is viable to fit that role; but when I do this, it is usually a hard counterpick to whatever the enemy team is running.

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For those who didn't watch it, here's a Summary of the BotA Championship match:

The League of Legends community was in shock today after Cloud 9 defeated the European powerhouse Fnatic, winning the Battle of the Atlantic for North America. Analysts are still scrambling to figure out why Fnatic received such a one-sided defeat at the hands of NA’s top team.

Some NA fans point to the fact that “EU is trash” and “should go back to having affordable health care.” Meanwhile, EU supporters counter that not being able to play on their servers for months at a time created a natural disadvantage for European professionals.

Many argue that a deciding factor in the games was when a bald eagle, heeding the cries for help of its NA brethren, swooped down and clawed out sOAZ’s eyes during the laning phase of Game 1.

Perhaps more impressive than Cloud 9’s victory was the reaction from the LoL community. Immediately after Cloud 9′s win, the audience stood up and began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance as a large American flag was lowered onto the stage by Seal Team Six, headed by General Brian Wyllie.

In response to C9’s victory, Doublelift was quoted as saying, “Everyone, besides Cloud 9, is trash.”

Tragedy struck again for Fnatic when their mid laner, Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño, was apprehended by US Citizenship and Immigration Services and subsequently was deported to Mexico. He is from Spain.

The five members of Cloud 9 are scheduled to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for their performance, which will be personally given to them by the ghost of Former President Ronald Reagan.

In response to the defeat of Fnatic, the European Union has enacted a trade embargo on the US, leaving many to question how NA organizations are going to import talented players into their teams.

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I'm currently maining jungle in Gold III. Lee Sin is still as good as ever, and has been my top choice jungler since his release. I do on rare ocassions play him top lane, as he is viable to fit that role; but when I do this, it is usually a hard counterpick to whatever the enemy team is running.

Lee Sin, huh...I really need to try him out in the jungle. I've just been playing him mid.

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i swear whenever im in my series riot gives me the people who are in bronze or people who just complain and make a surrender vote like 10 times because they just want to lower the morale of everyone on the team

Raise ya MMR then, m8y.

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hello friends sorry for the double postage but i have come here asking for some advice

i have decided that my next champ buy shall be quinn but i'm just wondering what you guys opinions are on her in the preseason meta?

Right now i feel like she's pretty underrated even though her matchups not being the best right now with lucian and sivir being A class but she seems pretty good against jinx and with vision being somewhat less then it was in season 3, her w could be very handy in lane

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.............. welllllllllll..................


EDIT: In seriousness- she's obviously my favorite carry and I feel like I win a lot of the games I play with her (granted the losses are very painful when they do happen). Personally I feel she's very... hm, "active"? Aside from her W, she can very effectively use all of her skills in comparison to, say, Caitlyn, who barely needs to do anything but auto attack in fights.


this is someone I know irl; I'd like to think he's done pretty well for himself, and as you can see he's in gold IV with Quinn as his most played champion, so I wouldn't say you can't use her if you really wanted to (as I have been). The blind and ability to very quickly proc her passive twice (and potentially crit both times!) makes her a pretty good duelist, and with her ult's attack and movement speed, I always find it very easy to surprise someone splitpushing somewhere and blow them up relatively quickly. Whenever I'm playing Quinn I never give up regardless of how the game is going because I know if worse comes to worse, I can just try to catch people alone later on when I have my core build and explode them. I also know a friend of Ame's has played her as an AD assassin mid, which is also perfectly acceptable because of her ult's roaming ability and execution damage. I've also played her top with a more bruiser-y build (including, say, trinity force and sometimes frozen mallet for maximum kite) but those games ended before late so I couldn't really tell just how effective (or ineffective) it would have been eventually.

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I'm not being rude or anything, but is there a point to blue build Quinn? Like, I don't understand the synergy between her kit and blue build.

For teh lulz obvs.

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I used to look at it that way but it seems with the build she's a skirmishing master. Catch someone away from their team and they're history. 35% CDR (20% with Mercury's Treads) means more mobility and poke with Valor (Quinn's Q applies SotEL's true damage), and Muramana assures Quinn doesn't lose too much damage being a burst-heavy utility-bruiser kind of carry. Vault + AA not only provides a gap-opener and another slow to keep them at bay, but against a squishier target, it cripples.

Should be noted that while it's not the best teamfighting build (Quinn sucks at those over 1v1 and 2v2 skirmishes) the blue build emphasizes Quinn's strengths but can still put up a decent teamfight when duty calls.

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I used to look at it that way but it seems with the build she's a skirmishing master. Catch someone away from their team and they're history. 35% CDR (20% with Mercury's Treads) means more mobility and poke with Valor (Quinn's Q applies SotEL's true damage), and Muramana assures Quinn doesn't lose too much damage being a burst-heavy utility-bruiser kind of carry.

Should be noted that while it's not the best teamfighting build (Quinn sucks at those over 1v1 and 2v2 skirmishes) the blue build emphasizes Quinn's strengths but can still put up a good teamfight when duty calls.

Good logic behind it, but that still doesn't make said logic truly valid or the build itself actually viable without a good amount of situational things and a teamcomp to work around it.

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Getting off the topic of jungle / blue build Quinn before Ikaru bans me, I found this on S@20:


This is a gigantic heap of posts on reddit by Tryndamere, Riot's president.

After going through it (I'm about halfway), I have a lot of newfound respect for this man.

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You know, if I had gotten in PL's current situation, I'd donate all the cash I got from twitch in that particular day to charity, look for another job and stop streaming pronto. I wouldn't be able to handle a witch hunt of that size, be smothered by the pressure, hate and regret, and vanish from the streaming scene. But that's how I would deal with it. Hell, I feel bad about a single person saying bad things about me behind my back, I can't imagine how I'd deal with half a million saying bad things about me EVERYWHERE.

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Meh. He's got more people supporting him than against him, now that the trolls are realizing that the Phantomlord hate is illogical, and that other people who jumped to conclusions are being called out on the forums/reddit by Summoners and Rioters alike. Might be diferrent if some other random streamer hadn't been targeted the next day but at the end of the day, DERP is still a fucked up hacking company, and Phantomlord is still an ex-pro LoL player.

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