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I didn't factor Lich Bane in for ease of math, admittedly, but the problems are mostly the same- the item cost is no different from the other things I mentioned and since that's taking her to more of a sustained damage route, she still has the issue of floating into the the enemy team without any resists besides her W. In short, it's still #notworth

To wanderer's comment, that's kind of a cool bot lane idea, though I'm more interested in Leona as a jungler. How much do you know about that? Is the main reason that that isn't more popular her slow clear time/weakness to counter jungling? I imagine now that the spirit items give sustain that it would be a bit easier for her.

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I didn't factor Lich Bane in for ease of math, admittedly, but the problems are mostly the same- the item cost is no different from the other things I mentioned and since that's taking her to more of a sustained damage route, she still has the issue of floating into the the enemy team without any resists besides her W. In short, it's still #notworth

To wanderer's comment, that's kind of a cool bot lane idea, though I'm more interested in Leona as a jungler. How much do you know about that? Is the main reason that that isn't more popular her slow clear time/weakness to counter jungling? I imagine now that the spirit items give sustain that it would be a bit easier for her.

Leona provides some of the sickest, nastiest ganks in the game. Leona is so popular right now because junglers like Vi J4( Kind of) and Mundo are really popular. She has so much CC and is great for dive comps. She has 2 stuns and a brief root (her e) imagine that coming to gank your bot lane while you have a support annie. Ideally Leona would be a great jungler. The issue is her clear time which is why Riot has been playing with the idea of letting her pop her own passive but only on monsters and not champions. If she could pop her own passive against monsters/creeps, you'd see a lot of Leona in the Jungle. She's not the fastest but neither is Nasus or Maokai.

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I remember them talking about that change a while ago, but I get the feeling it was eventually refuted. Personally I've been very interested in Leona Jungle ever since, firstly, hearing about it once in the LCS, and secondly, having someone in a ranked game pick Jungle Leona and absolutely demolish our enemy team. He showed us his match history too and all his games were like that, although sometimes with Fizz or Lissandra jungles instead. I chalked it up to him just being a strong enough player to compensate for those champions weaknesses, more than the champions themselves.

Regardless, this kind of makes me want to give that a try. Maybe I'll queue up for it on Team Builder in a couple days.

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Hmmm probably not his first account then haha, things like that work at lower levels of play but I tried doing leona jungle in ranked because I didn't feel like playing jungle on my diamond account and I got wrecked. Did it on my Gold account, and I wrecked. But yeah, things like Jungle Leona, Rumble and a few others are really good at lower elos like bronze to high gold but don't work very well past that unfortunately. Jungle Fizz is really strong if he doesn't get killed in his first clear of his jungle which he should if the enemy jungler is smart. You can hit him like twice and he'll die because of the amount of damage he's taken from the creeps. But yeah, give it a shot its a lot of fun to play.

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Bit of a LoL player myself, Diamond IV on my main and Plat V on my smurf I can tell you now that Leona as an AD works much better than AP Leona. Her skills may scale off AP but her skills aren't on a low enough cooldown to repeatedly spam them. Also take into account the meta at the moment is mostly tanks/high burst (Mundo, Shyvanna, Jinx, Ziggs) and Leona's "AP burst" isn't enough to warrent her actually building AP. However, the amount of CC she has does allow her plenty of time for auto attacks in between all her skills so building AD is much more beneficial to you should you want to play Leona as anything but a support (jungler).

You really want a cheese lane play Leona Volibear Bot, bot take the summoner spell exhaust. Voli initiates and flips, leona stuns said enemy champ voli exhausts after stun wears off you'll burn flash and barrier if you have ad reds with armor yellows and MR blues. At level two you will get a kill. Leona spears, Voli flips, Leona stuns, Voli Bites. You will win bot lane and in the current meta, you can carry with two tanks bot lane and no adc. Went on a 10 game win streak with my friend in ranked with it.

Just putting this here; the discussion of AP Leona originated because we were discussing non-meta things. I highly doubt anyone would actually run a non-support Leona in the current meta.

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But yeah, things like Jungle Leona, Rumble and a few others are really good at lower elos like bronze to high gold but don't work very well past that unfortunately.

So why is that? I would think it's something like... Either, 1) opposing junglers know how to extort those champions' slow clear speeds in order to snowball an early advantage because they can do so at that point, or 2), they're more active about challenging opponents via counter-jungling or invades. Is that about right?

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So why is that? I would think it's something like... Either, 1) opposing junglers know how to extort those champions' slow clear speeds in order to snowball an early advantage because they can do so at that point, or 2), they're more active about challenging opponents via counter-jungling or invades. Is that about right?

More or less yeah. At higher elo people show up to play seriously. When you get matched against junglers like Meteos and theoddone you can't really troll jungle without getting wrecked.

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Tbh with Riot changing the way the jungle items work so many junglers that were heavily blue dependent can now reliably jungle. Ofc I'm only talking about jungle Yorick though. His sustain is hella strong and he can duel pretty much anybody from level 2 onward. His ganks are sub-par but that's w/e. Idk really what I'm saying but I saw the topic was off-meta stuff and I thought I would recommend jungle Yorick. /ramble

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Tbh with Riot changing the way the jungle items work so many junglers that were heavily blue dependent can now reliably jungle. Ofc I'm only talking about jungle Yorick though. His sustain is hella strong and he can duel pretty much anybody from level 2 onward. His ganks are sub-par but that's w/e. Idk really what I'm saying but I saw the topic was off-meta stuff and I thought I would recommend jungle Yorick. /ramble

This, so damn much. I used to have tons of trouble jungling with Maokai and other champions that couldn't hold up as easily. Now I can easily grab up Maokai or Amumu any day and cruise through with them; props in particular to the new MOTHERFUCKING DEFENSIVE MASTERIES (50 hp to shield against the first buff? Hell the fuck yes). It's overall a whole lot more entertaining now, especially since it gives me more time to set up traps as Maokai that make the enemy walk into 3 plants at once.

EDIT: Why is that I end up winning every game I play as Lucian, ranked-included?

Well, I'm not complaining.

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What new skins are coming?
  • Dragonblade Riven – 1350 RP, on sale for 975 RP through January 31, 23:59 PST
  • Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere - 975 RP
  • Lunar Goddess Diana - 975 RP

Will these skins be available after Lunar Revel?

  • Per our discussion earlier, the Dragonblade Riven and Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere are Legacy skins, so they’ll head into the Legacy vault when the event ends at 16:00 PST on February 11, 2014. Since Lunar Goddess Diana is only her second skin after release, she’ll be in the store permanently (just as we did with Haunted Zyra and Officer Vi).
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Eh, Lunar Goddess Diana is (in my opinion) the only really good one of the three so if they were going to pull that card, I'm cool with it.

Roxie Riven and Nuh-uh Tryndamere just don't do it for me.

EDIT: Actually, the Riven skin has grown onto me, ended up being the one I got.

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I can't find enough happy gifs to show how i felt when I saw that Diana's skin was permanent

Something I do wanna see/talk about really is how clueless i am in competitive LoL talk the viability of Jungle Yasuo, or even an ADC Yasuo. I've seen both once or twice and I have mixed opinions about them.

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I can't find enough happy gifs to show how i felt when I saw that Diana's skin was permanent

Something I do wanna see/talk about really is how clueless i am in competitive LoL talk the viability of Jungle Yasuo, or even an ADC Yasuo. I've seen both once or twice and I have mixed opinions about them.

Yasuo's pretty much an ADC as he is; at bot lane, I wouldn't be surprised if he held up better than most melee champs, due to his mobility and being able to windblock pretty much any bot lane adc.

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I remember them talking about that change a while ago, but I get the feeling it was eventually refuted.

They decided that they would rather Leona not become a popular jungler because then they'd have to change her power level due to the level of ganks and clearing speed she'd bring to the table and those nerfs would negatively affect her ability to perform as a support.

As far as the Lunar Revel skins, only the Riven skin is a must buy. It's discounted at 975 RP and it's limited edition. The Diana skin will stay there forever and is really pink. I may be biased because I own every Riven skin besides Crimson Elite, but the particles on Dragonblade Riven are really nice.

Edited by RumbleTTT
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oh riot, the skin makes so much sense but if only Ashe wasn't a rare situational adc pick ):

Imma slap you.

First of all, Ashe isn't "situational", it's just that a certain scrawny waif exists.

Secondly, it already makes enough sense. Ashe hasn't received a new skin in nearly two and a half years.

And the reason Yi is getting so much love is because look at the flavors of the month, particularly Olaf / Shyvana / Mundo. What do they not have much of? Crowd control. What shits on Yi more than anything? Crowd control. But what do I know, maybe they were in need of a round with the Dunkmaster.

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I know that. But "rare" is a considerable stretch (rare situational pick would be someone like Heimer or Urgot)

On a side note this'll be the first skin in a while that coincides with its champion getting buffs (as opposed to nerfs)

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