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wasn't amethyst ashe like last year

ashe counters a lot of top picks and because of her range COMBINED with her utility and access to aoe cc she's arguably stronger than another Range Queen, Caitlyn, late game (who is an early game bully and then becomes a Nothing Special subject to her own build late [who, don't get me wrong, still wrecks... she's an ADC after all])

because of her consistent CC she mroe easily synergizes with the rest of her team and you can take jungle/mid lane into accoutn as long as support for how to best maximize her kit for kill potential (Which you can do with other carries, but they have much less utility which makes it harder.)

Also let's be real, she has one of the highest tier ults in the game and it takes a really predictable ashe with questionable aim to miss a 1600 missile speed 250 hit box skill shot were she ever to be in 1 on 1 situation.

-bangs gavel-

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I think that's easily doable with enough practice, though... And, failing that, it's essentially a goal like "hey this is really good but you know if you can get close enough you're still doing okay"

The most I've seen out of myself that I can remember is 75, and in that game I had a 13-minute bloodthirster that I full-bought on my first recall (with no kills). It's worth working on if you really want to.

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I'm pretty sure even Morello (maybe someone else of similar status) said that Ashe was a situational pick and that they were fine with that

Yeah but Morello also said that he's fine with people leaving the game because he nerfs their favourite champion to the ground. Morello might not be the most... balanced person.

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Speaking of Morello, I play with him from time to time. Elo Decay destroyed him in Season 3. And actually, Morello's reasoning for 'balancing'a long with much of Riot's reasoning for balancing is that if one champ is unbalanced or OP they'd have to buff every champ to make the game balanced against when its much easier to just balance the op champ. If people are seriously that pissed off about it then I wouldn't want them playing my game either.

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>Playing with Morello

Just who are you exactly

someone thats very close to RIOT's company. I'm not saying I had a hand in the games conception or anything crazy like that, it started as one of my friends dads actually working at RIOT so I used to go to their offices a lot and I just started making connections while learning about the game I was so passionate about. I met a lot of cool people that ended up adding me because they liked how excited I was about the game. So I play with Morello, Iron Stylus, Phreak and people like that.

So yeah, free tickets to LCS and World's for me.

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said everyone I know ever

Haha, I dont get free rp or anything like that (which is what most people ask me for, that and skins) I just get a game invite from time to time and maybe a personal invitation to head over to the company building for a small inhouse tournament. Ironically the first time I went there we didn't play league at all, instead we played Super Street Fighter IV and I wrecked their entire art department. But for the most part thats just what we do whenever I'm there, I'll watch them work on character concepts or i'll listen in on a meeting. They're normal ladies and gents and I treat them as such. A lot of people, when they go to riot, think 'free shit. gimme skins' which does sometimes happen (thats how i got k-9 Nasus) but thats not what they're there for. Theyre there to work on a game.

It's really cool to go to Riot and play with people that actually make the game. Phreak is mad good at League I was so caught off guard the first time I played with him.

But if I get my hands on a couple of skin cards (probably not until summer break because college -_-) i'll probably give em out here cuz this place is great.

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oh! well best of luck to you, sorry for the rant, its just I get that question a lot :/

The summer internship is really cool and just from the fact that you've pretty much made a game really puts you in a good spot/makes your application really strong. I hope you get the internship, riot is great.

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Haha, thanks. Reborn isn't the only game listed on my resume (I been designing games since I was like 8 (not like I would include all of those though...)), but I did try and highlight its popularity/success. In all, I feel pretty confident about my application, but the sheer volume of competition naturally has me a bit nervous.

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I imagine so, a lot of people are always competing for those spots, but you do have a really strong application. When I asked about the internship, the best advice they gave me was to either

1. Design a game

2. contribute to a game (whether it be art, coding, story etc)

3. Have a decent art portfolio

I'm pretty sure you have 1 and 2 down, I don't know about 3 but if you have 3 too then hopefully you'll get one of the spots, if not, there's always next summer.

this is off topic but by the way, nice touch on the Lykke Li lyrics one of the AI's says in the main healing center in reborn. I just noticed that.

Anyways, keep at it, the success of this game will really really help you stand out from the rest of the crowd. I really hope you do get one of the spots

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Next summer I'll be out of school, so I won't qualify. I didn't actually include anything art-related in my portfolio, since the only remotely impressive thing I've done was hand-drawing that huge map for Reborn, and it's not like I'm applying for an art position. ><

Even so, that does reassure me a bit, so thanks~

And yeah, "Until We Bleed" is like, my favorite song ever. That NPC rotates songs with each section of the story though. Cuz wynaut. I'm glad someone caught that reference~

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oh that's awesome. I don't know if this is true, my friend claims it is but he says he helped design thresh and he said it was really intensive and just long to help design/regulate the powers of his abilities. The Champion Design/Rework floor is really cool, lots of stuff is always going on on that floor

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I'm sure it would be, both long/intensive and really cool. I was pretty excited for Thresh because when I first started playing the game-- probably like most people-- I kept thinking of champion concepts and one of the things I want to see was a chain-themed support character. And then like a year and a half later Thresh happened~

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Yeah, I wish I was that creative but I can only work with things that have been given to me haha.

Thresh is actually my favorite support in the game right now, I can't land boxes for shit but its hook city all day every day and the lantern saves are real. If only I was actually good at using his box :l

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