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Dayum, the new Xerath is awesome, and decently (not completely, but I can't confirm for sure yet) balanced. His W and E are slow, he requires constant positioning and quick thinking and is squishy as fuck, but his range and damage output are ridiculously high; it's difficult, but you're rewarded intensely for sniping and aiming correctly due to the maximised damage output. I played him top against Garen and did rather well; the harass and passive mana restore give him a lot of lane bullying and sustain.

Loving him, and I'm loving the look and mechanics of the officially announced Vel'Koz now. MORE AP CASTERS PLEASE RIOT YES

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i was like holy shit when i first saw xerath's ult range and how it looks now

also velkoz looks pretty cool but i don't think hes going to see much competitive play, gragas and yasuo absolutely destroy him

Is it bad that I've never really had any problems facing Gragas?

I got wrecked by Yasuo before, but they were towerdiving me with ViYasuo synergy (which for those who don't know is a total bitch) so I can't tell for real

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also velkoz looks pretty cool but i don't think hes going to see much competitive play, gragas and yasuo absolutely destroy him

Too bad that last I checked, VelKoz's E and ult (maybe his autos as well) go through Yasuo's wind wall.

I'm also going to disagree with you on Gragas as well because one mistake and the other's probably going to die. Velkoz is also ranged, not short-ranged.

I'll do some more VelKoz shenanigans tomorrow and see how he is.

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idk it seemed like his ult would be blocked my yasuo's w since its somewhat similar to lucians and even if it dosen't yas can pretty much dodge any skillshot effortlessly by velkoz in lane and he has a gap closer which probably has a smaller cd to use on velkoz again before his knock back thingy is up and gragas is still borderline op since i didn't see those gragas ult nerfs that i think are still in pbe

and yeah with gragas he can pretty much dodge everything the same way and he also has massive sustain and ranged with a powerful all in, so it dosen't seem like a very immobile mage like velkoz could stand up against that

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idk it seemed like his ult would be blocked my yasuo's w since its somewhat similar to lucians and even if it dosen't yas can pretty much dodge any skillshot effortlessly by velkoz in lane and he has a gap closer which probably has a smaller cd to use on velkoz again before his knock back thingy is up and gragas is still borderline op since i didn't see those gragas ult nerfs that i think are still in pbe

In a world where Gragas gets Athene's at level 1, he beats Velkoz, otherwise he has to be very careful. Also Yasuo can only dodge so many times against an ability-spamming champion.

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In a world where Gragas gets Athene's at level 1, he beats Velkoz, otherwise he has to be very careful. Also Yasuo can only dodge so many times against an ability-spamming champion.

His abilities have a low enough cooldown to be spammed?

Well, thanks for convincing me further to buy him.

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Am I the only one who thinks that Darius's ult should return back to permanent reset instead of 20 second reset? Most of the time you're not really near enough low targets to utilize it in that time, so it goes on cooldown and then you're stuck with only a small pull and slow for leverage. Decimate is really dandy and all, but there's only so much it can do on it's own.

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And what every person who's played against him knows shouldn't happen.

If he has it for team fights, that's all well and good, but there are different problems when he gets the CD permanently reset. When he goes back to lane, he'll have it immediately, and thereby can pretty much effortlessly zone an opponent. Since the ult will be on CD when Darius comes back to lane now, the opponent has a window of opportunity in which they can try to gain the upper-hand on him.

Considering roaming makes the permanent reset even more problematic. Darius gets a kill top, returns, still has ult, roams mid, picks up a second kill and snowballs his mid-laner, and goes top while still having all of the damage to zone his opponent. Other fighters don't have the luxury of being able to blast their ult on their neighboring lane and then immediately threaten their own opponent with it; why should he?

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And what every person who's played against him knows shouldn't happen.

If he has it for team fights, that's all well and good, but there are different problems when he gets the CD permanently reset. When he goes back to lane, he'll have it immediately, and thereby can pretty much effortlessly zone an opponent. Since the ult will be on CD when Darius comes back to lane now, the opponent has a window of opportunity in which they can try to gain the upper-hand on him.

Considering roaming makes the permanent reset even more problematic. Darius gets a kill top, returns, still has ult, roams mid, picks up a second kill and snowballs his mid-laner, and goes top while still having all of the damage to zone his opponent. Other fighters don't have the luxury of being able to blast their ult on their neighboring lane and then immediately threaten their own opponent with it; why should he?

That's implying Darius is able to snowball in the first place; with the current meta being all about the tankiest of champions when it comes to top lanes, the only way Darius is gonna show some zoning potential without grabbing a few kills is by rushing brutalizer and potentially ruining any defense you might have back against the enemy. Brutalizer isn't always the most effective thing even so, since Giant's Belt is more of a thing than building armour is on top champs. Whether Darius can make use of zoning the fuck out of his enemy or not depends entirely on whether he can grab a few kills early game or not, more so than other top laners, because when it comes to duels in the top lane, the enemy is most likely going to be tanky enough to finish him off before he can secure a kill with his ult, meaning he'll have to use it early to get the extra burst in before he gets his ass wrecked, meaning that whether or not the reset is permanent or not doesn't even matter anymore.

Darius is gonna have to steamroll decently in order to actually have the ult to zone the opponent, in which case you're absolutely correct regarding the matter. But if Darius is just doing average or worse his ult won't really have the same power of scaring away the enemy because they'll be tanky enough to combat him and take him out before they're low enough to get ulted, in which case he'll use it for burst early if he can finish them off; in that case, there won't be an immediate zoning effect and he won't be as terrifying for a bit. Since this is the case, he'll most likely have it in use later on when he's now in top form; or so he would be if his ult had a permanent reset; but because it doesn't, it'll be pretty easy to run out of any core power when it comes to anything which isn't a quick teamfight. Darius is risky in that whether he does good or not depends entirely on how much shit he's managed to wreck, even more so than other top laners.

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I can agree with your comments about Darius getting behind, but in spite of that, changing the reset mechanic on his ult is not the solution for that problem.

Then do you have any proposed solutions on the problem? It'd be interesting to hear your opinion.


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pls ame pls. need kangaroo championno asapa pls.

he can jump around really fast and shtuff ans his q can be a jump and his w xan also be a jump and his e can be a jump and his r can also be a jump.

he jumps aeound a lot

plsmpls pls pls ritotiiolooi

Edited by JellyMan
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