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So with the server issues going down on the North American server, I seized the opportunity to check out Vel'Koz on the peebs. Based on what I've seen both through experiences of my own and through watching others, here's some takes.

Here's my opinion:

Early Game: 9/10

VelKoz's spammable AoE makes him a huge lane bully. His Q can dance around minion waves to strike targets while the rest of his abilities can travel through them with no damage penalty.

Mid Game: 7/10

Crowd Control and burst make Vel'Koz not exactly the ideal mid-game mage but he's pretty good. His high base movement speed (for a mage) allows him to roam and apply his burst and CC both on other lanes and on wayward travellers, or kite pursuers

Late Game: 5/10

Pretty weak compared to what the base damages tell you. The ultimate can hit multiple targets for a lot of damage, but doesn't travel as fast as your cursor does, which means champs with high mobility can mitigate damage; the same goes with his other spells as none are targeted and give most enemies time to react.


  • INSANE burst with enough sustained damage to complement
  • Strong early game
  • Will not often have mana issues
  • Kites like a boss
  • High base movement speed for a ranged champion
  • Snowballs hard


  • No escapes
  • Short autoattack range (525)
  • Highly item-reliant
  • He falls off late-game unless he gets fed
  • His ultimate requires him to stay in place (although it can be cancelled)
  • Squishy

Who is he most like?

In my opinion, Ziggs. Kites for days, a considerable amount of CC, some good AoE burst.

What to max first?

No clue, it depends on the situation. I maxed W in the couple of bot games I played; it provides wave clear and a surprising amount of damage, not to mention that's two procs of his passive for another follow up with one of his abilities.

Core build


Liandry's synergizes beautifully with VelKoz's high-CC kit. Rabadon's Deathcap because he doesn't deal enough damage without it. Void Staff to get the most out of your AP.

Standard Build


Pretty standard, nothing we haven't seen before.

My build, a little more defense-oriented


Weird build, but my fave. Vel'Koz is a spammer so Archangel's is a natural fit. This build is more forgiving of slight mistakes while still granting a lot of power. Sorcerer's Shoes for more burst or Ionian Boots of Lucidity, like I have, for more sustained damage and better kiting.

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  On 2/14/2014 at 6:16 AM, Amethyst said:

Q is higher DPS than W and gives increasing slows to boot. No reason to not max it first.

Basically this. Q-->W-->E and ult when needed.

With his W they need to sit in the area in order to get hit by the greater damage.

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Keep in mind that this is still PBE and is likely subject to change. now I'm not bashing your guide too much because at least you'll get a right mind for his kit and abilities as well as test them out before it goes live. If anything it reminds me of a half-assed mobafire build that never get updated. then again this is just a basic summery with a few suggestions, not even considered a full guide. but you did at least do your homework and at least played him a couple times to get a mindset of how a champion works. the standard items fit an average build for any burst mage which anyone can understand, I'm assuming that was your reasoning behind that since you were comparing him to ziggs. Though it may lack and optional items or situational items (not counting you're "little more defense-oriented" items) it does fit the category as a build that someone can recommend to players new to the game. which brings me to my point that if it's still PBE then I would definitely hold off on the build until he goes live. you can talk about your experiences with him and play him some more to figure out what "Exactly" works best with him. I can tell that this is just a really simple thing you put together but I think you can work on it a little more come release.

the only really problem I find is the items for your build. now since it's what you use and works for you, that's fine. but they're are better alternatives for "little more defense-oriented" I wouldn't exactly put it into an official build and it actually makes it look less professional; if you wanna fuck around in PvP then it's not bad but if you're going to be serious (and judging by the layout of your review that's what you're trying to go for) you might want to change it up a bit. cause remember, people look at guides so that they can learn the best way to play any champion.

So play him some more in PBE, take a look at the the new patch notes, and play him some more when he goes live and then make your final thesis. thank you from putting up with my bad grammar. I hope to hear from you.

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The idea was partially for you people to keep in mind that changes are tentative. Obviously things will change between now and then, that's a given. Also not a full guide, you all should know that no one has the credentials to actually do something yet.

This is largely for fun as well, so easy, killers.

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Looking back at your build, if your goal is to be more defensive you might want to swap out the Seraph's for the Athene's or even better a RoA. They give you more bulk and aren't requiring you to have 750 added mana for a shield. You may also want to try swapping out the CDR boots for say Merc Treds for even more MR against other AP Mids, plus Tenacity is always nice.

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  On 2/17/2014 at 2:51 AM, RumbleTTT said:

The problem with League of Legends balance is that it's impossible for every champion to have a 48% winrate, which seems to be what they're trying to accomplish.

Balance =/= 48% win rate on every champion.

Keep in mind the player's skill also factors into the win rate of that champion, so if every champion was balanced it wouldn't really cause the win rate to be absolutely even.

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  On 2/18/2014 at 9:06 PM, <Iron Titan> Gigas said:


  • Noxious Trap ( R ) total AP ratio reduced to .4 from .8



  • Noxious Trap ( R ) total AP ratio reduced to .4 from .8








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Personally I think, rather than the scaling, the base damage, cooldown, mana cost, and most importantly, duration should all be cut. They currently have a ten minute duration, which is a hella long fucking time in this game. The other changes would be to compensate for significantly reducing the duration- in return for not lasting as long, he's allowed to place more. In short, this would force the Teemo player to be more active about setting up shrooms and maintaining them, rather than dropping a shroom in a distant lane/jungle and letting it be able to sit around for half of some games while he forgets about it.

The drawback to that is it lets him set up zone control of lane quicker/better, hence the reduction on base damage.

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  On 2/18/2014 at 11:53 PM, Amethyst said:

Personally I think, rather than the scaling, the base damage, cooldown, mana cost, and most importantly, duration should all be cut. They currently have a ten minute duration, which is a hella long fucking time in this game. The other changes would be to compensate for significantly reducing the duration- in return for not lasting as long, he's allowed to place more. In short, this would force the Teemo player to be more active about setting up shrooms and maintaining them, rather than dropping a shroom in a distant lane/jungle and letting it be able to sit around for half of some games while he forgets about it.

The drawback to that is it lets him set up zone control of lane quicker/better, hence the reduction on base damage.

If they lasted for about 7 or 6 minutes, it seems like that would be a good duration. Shaving off a good 3 or 4 minutes would be huge without making them nerfed to the dust.

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