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The Fush

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The thing about Lee Sin is, if you want to succeed with him, you need to be mechanically inclined and you need to perform nearly or completely perfect to actually succeed. You have to land your Q, you have to hit the right target, and you have to set up a pick yourself. If you miss your Q, you just stand there and are fodder for the enemy. Sometimes you can get out by kicking them away, but most of the time not if the enemy team is competant at following up on your mistakes. As for him being the most skill based, I may be wrong, but what would be your examples of champions that require more skill overall than the king of mechanics?

Ever heard of Syndra, perhaps?

Also, Ryan, HOLY SHIT what is that Thresh

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I don't feel that Syndra is TOO hard but then again everyone told me Anivia would be hard when I decided I wanted her back when I was still like... idk level 10-20

Admittedly the skill cap is there but maybe I'm just used to it. I do agree that Lee does need to be played well to be effective but I mean can't you say that about everyone?

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Syndra has a huge skill cap too, but at the same time the only things difficult on her is learning her stun and getting the 7 Ball Ult. Even then she has pretty big range and can use all her spells from a safe distance instead of having to go all-in. If she messes up, she can run away. If Lee messes up, he's dead most of the time.

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I would mention orianna, but I think once you learn her it's not that difficult. there might be a few tricks that that would take some effort but it all depends on what your definition of skill and difficulty are.

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and we lost so clearly she's stupid and I shouldn't have done it- it's science just look at your signature


Jinx is the only champion in the game that i've played that has surpassed my KDA with Riven...i think she might have a higher win-percentage with her in ranked now too, but I mostly play adc in ranked now because thats the role I can actually carry in mad hard where as with riven I kinda need one more person on my team to be somewhat fed.

Personally I don't think either Lee Sin nor Irelia have an overpowered kit and their numbers aren't overpowered either. They have kits focused around close quarters fighting with limited CC and sustain. Now a champion like Nidalee, for example, is overpowered both in the kit aspect and the numbers department.

Irelia's kit is inherently broken, I've had conversations with Morello about this and theres been numerous reddit/forum posts on the league site about Irelia and how her kit is so damned broken. First off Irelia's kit provides massive sustain, she has true damage, lifesteal, more lifesteal (her ult) a gap closer that resets (and if you play her right, youre getting those resets let me tell you) a slow that becomes a stun thats on a fairly low cooldown oh and her passive which gives you free tenacity the more enemies you're around. Get a nashors (which is good on irelia) or a zephyr and cdr boots with a frozen heart and you've got 40% cdr people literally cannot escape you and you'll live through every team fight if you're good. There's a reason the saying 'better nerf irelia' exists. Irelia is still broken, Morello has said that they just don't know how to fix her. Nidalee isn't broken or overpowered, she's just easy to play. A nidalee that isn't fed or farmed is garbage and deals no damage but a full tank irelia on the other hand and a full tank lee sin...they can really be a huge issue.

The thing about Lee Sin is, if you want to succeed with him, you need to be mechanically inclined and you need to perform nearly or completely perfect to actually succeed. You have to land your Q, you have to hit the right target, and you have to set up a pick yourself. If you miss your Q, you just stand there and are fodder for the enemy. Sometimes you can get out by kicking them away, but most of the time not if the enemy team is competant at following up on your mistakes. As for him being the most skill based, I may be wrong, but what would be your examples of champions that require more skill overall than the king of mechanics? As for him being overpowered, versatility in playstyles isn't overpowered. If you want every champion to be played the same way all the time, you're literally wanting the metagame to become stale and boring. Overpowered would be pick or ban all the time and that he has no room for counterplay unless he's a terrible Lee.

Zed, Oriana, Syndra, Jinx, Cassiopeia (those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head) require way more skill to play than lee sin. Zed requires extremely well timed shadows, positioning to hit your q's keeping your shadows in range just enough to be able to escape or hit your e's and well timed ults to either save yourself or kill a priority target. Zed is frail as all hell and requires insanely good shot calling and initiation as well as a fine knowledge of all the champs on the enemy team and the spells/abilities they've used. Oriana, no escapes, is not a tank must stay close enough to the fight to be relevant yet far enough to not be focused and she's frail as all hell. Syndra, like orianna is frail, requires you to land all of your skill shots for you to be relevant to a teamfight/lane while maintaining a distance to not die as you have 0 escapes. Jinx, high damage, no escapes and quite frankly if you don't get that passive buff, no movespeed. You have to maintain your position one hundred percent of the time and in the league of gap closers you have to basically kite for yourself while timing all of your skillshots. Cassiopeia, same thing as syndra and jinx basically.

Then you have Lee sin: One skill shot that if he misses is still okay because he can ward jump and cripple you with his slow and sustain himself with his heal. You talked about missing your sonic wave and thats it, Lee sin is more than his Q. King of mechanics? Not really. Am I saying you don't need any type of mechanics to be able to play him? No you still do. Just not as much as you think you do. In regards to your comment about me wanting the metagame the same and boring, that's not true. I like versatility, I like seeing champs go lanes they aren't normally seen. But what shouldn't happen and is toxic to gameplay is when a champion that can work in another role works just as strong in said secondary or third role as a champion that was MADE for that role. Lee sin support should work, but it shouldn't be stronger than something like a lulu support. That's the whole reason they nerfed Zyra dude. Her support role was too strong and overpowering champions made for the role. Theyre doing the same thing to lee sin, nerfing his versatility to not extinguish it, but to make it not as strong as the champions that were made for that role. I played lee sin for the first time ever in ranked last season and stomped and the first words out of my mouth after that game was 'this champ is dumb and he's broken and they need to fix him.'

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Jinx is the only champion in the game that i've played that has surpassed my KDA with Riven...i think she might have a higher win-percentage with her in ranked now too, but I mostly play adc in ranked now because thats the role I can actually carry in mad hard where as with riven I kinda need one more person on my team to be somewhat fed.

Irelia's kit is inherently broken, I've had conversations with Morello about this and theres been numerous reddit/forum posts on the league site about Irelia and how her kit is so damned broken. First off Irelia's kit provides massive sustain, she has true damage, lifesteal, more lifesteal (her ult) a gap closer that resets (and if you play her right, youre getting those resets let me tell you) a slow that becomes a stun thats on a fairly low cooldown oh and her passive which gives you free tenacity the more enemies you're around. Get a nashors (which is good on irelia) or a zephyr and cdr boots with a frozen heart and you've got 40% cdr people literally cannot escape you and you'll live through every team fight if you're good. There's a reason the saying 'better nerf irelia' exists. Irelia is still broken, Morello has said that they just don't know how to fix her. Nidalee isn't broken or overpowered, she's just easy to play. A nidalee that isn't fed or farmed is garbage and deals no damage but a full tank irelia on the other hand and a full tank lee sin...they can really be a huge issue.

Zed, Oriana, Syndra, Jinx, Cassiopeia (those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head) require way more skill to play than lee sin. Zed requires extremely well timed shadows, positioning to hit your q's keeping your shadows in range just enough to be able to escape or hit your e's and well timed ults to either save yourself or kill a priority target. Zed is frail as all hell and requires insanely good shot calling and initiation as well as a fine knowledge of all the champs on the enemy team and the spells/abilities they've used. Oriana, no escapes, is not a tank must stay close enough to the fight to be relevant yet far enough to not be focused and she's frail as all hell. Syndra, like orianna is frail, requires you to land all of your skill shots for you to be relevant to a teamfight/lane while maintaining a distance to not die as you have 0 escapes. Jinx, high damage, no escapes and quite frankly if you don't get that passive buff, no movespeed. You have to maintain your position one hundred percent of the time and in the league of gap closers you have to basically kite for yourself while timing all of your skillshots. Cassiopeia, same thing as syndra and jinx basically.

Then you have Lee sin: One skill shot that if he misses is still okay because he can ward jump and cripple you with his slow and sustain himself with his heal. You talked about missing your sonic wave and thats it, Lee sin is more than his Q. King of mechanics? Not really. Am I saying you don't need any type of mechanics to be able to play him? No you still do. Just not as much as you think you do. In regards to your comment about me wanting the metagame the same and boring, that's not true. I like versatility, I like seeing champs go lanes they aren't normally seen. But what shouldn't happen and is toxic to gameplay is when a champion that can work in another role works just as strong in said secondary or third role as a champion that was MADE for that role. Lee sin support should work, but it shouldn't be stronger than something like a lulu support. That's the whole reason they nerfed Zyra dude. Her support role was too strong and overpowering champions made for the role. Theyre doing the same thing to lee sin, nerfing his versatility to not extinguish it, but to make it not as strong as the champions that were made for that role. I played lee sin for the first time ever in ranked last season and stomped and the first words out of my mouth after that game was 'this champ is dumb and he's broken and they need to fix him.'

I'd reply to Wes about his most recent statement, but some of the things Wander's mentioned sums it up for me.

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So this was posted 2 hours ago. And damn, who knew this was happening? I feel we should discuss about this, like seriously. This coach is a fuck messed up shithead. He practically lied and set up matches for the team just to get rich. Real dick move. srs. And to top that off, "Promise" (Former adc) attempted to commit suicide after writing that post down. He is currently in a coma and needs surgery. Seriously, post your thoughts n stuff.

"Not only OGN, I imagine this could be a big problem in all games due to the fact most players are so young, naive, and vulnerable to being targeted by people with horrible intentions." -wAngelo

Edited by Pocky
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There isn't an actual picture of the skin yet - probs a fanmade, since this is clearly a Gundam reference we got here.






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Irelia's kit is inherently broken, I've had conversations with Morello about this and theres been numerous reddit/forum posts on the league site about Irelia and how her kit is so damned broken. First off Irelia's kit provides massive sustain, she has true damage, lifesteal, more lifesteal (her ult) a gap closer that resets (and if you play her right, youre getting those resets let me tell you) a slow that becomes a stun thats on a fairly low cooldown oh and her passive which gives you free tenacity the more enemies you're around. Get a nashors (which is good on irelia) or a zephyr and cdr boots with a frozen heart and you've got 40% cdr people literally cannot escape you and you'll live through every team fight if you're good. There's a reason the saying 'better nerf irelia' exists. Irelia is still broken, Morello has said that they just don't know how to fix her.

This is an interesting opinion, but it probably isn't correct. Having a little bit of everything doesn't make you broken. It makes you a jack of all trades. And jack of all trades are always the least desired archetype of character in RPGs because while they have a little bit of everything, they do everything worse than their specialized counterparts.

Irelia can heal, but not enough to stop someone from killing her.

Irelia can stun, but only if she's about to die.

Irelia can dash, but it makes her surrounded by enemies with no escape.

Irelia can deal true damage, but not enough to wear down a tank.

The only thing truly amazing about her is the tenacity that lets her shrug off any CC like a honey badger, but it follows Riot's design philosophy where kits give you more defense if you charge into more enemies. Rengar's Battle Cry and Wukong's Stoneskin, for example.

Nidalee isn't broken or overpowered, she's just easy to play. A nidalee that isn't fed or farmed is garbage and deals no damage but a full tank irelia on the other hand and a full tank lee sin...they can really be a huge issue.

That's a really obvious thing to say. A Lee Sin or Irelia that isn't fed or farmed is garbage too. Being "full tank" needs a LOT of gold.

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